Chat groups.

Master Wing Chun enters the mission world!"

"Ding-dong, the world will help the Lord enter the mission world!"

"Ding-dong, Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest enters the mission world!"

Xiao Li Feidao: "Chef Gao in the cafeteria, open a world permission, let me see what changes will occur in the rules of time and space." "

After seeing Ip Man, Xiongba and Zhang Sanfeng enter the mythical world and begin to carry out group tasks, Li Xunhuan was extremely curious.

Huashan Paiyue is in charge: "Chef Gao in the canteen, senior brother, open a world permission, we also want to see." "

Da Qin Zulong: "Chef Gao in the canteen, open a world permission." "

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helm Chen: "Chef Gao of the canteen, if you are really unwilling to open the world permission, you can open a live broadcast, this is the power of the rules of time and space, I am really curious." "

Everyone in the chat wanted to know what amazing changes would happen to the rules of time and space after the three of Ip Man made a huge move to change history in the mythical world.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Then I will open the world permission for you now." "

Gao Yao muttered and gave everyone in the chat group access to the mythical world.

Daxian may enter the mythical world at any time, and the rest of the chat group does not dare to make a fool of himself in the mythical world.

"Let's start with Daqin!"

"The main thing is to arrest all those Chu and Han hegemony, as well as the key figures of the Han Dynasty. "

"Isn't Zhang Zhenren's world trying to overthrow the tyranny of the Yuan Dynasty? "

Ye Man said, he handed over the collected Qin Dynasty history book and Qin Dynasty map to Zhang Sanfeng and Xiongba.

"Then let's get started!"

Xiongba took the map and flew directly towards Peixian.

It was the hometown of Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty.

In addition, there are Han Dynasty generals such as Xiao He, Cao Shen, and Fan He, who teleport these people to other worlds, and he wants to see how the rules of time and space are corrected. 513

"Xiongba went to Peixian, then I'll go find Xiang Yu. "

Zhang Sanfeng said, silently running his newly learned Heavenly Mechanic Technique, and flew towards Huiji County.

"So where am I going?"

Ip Man didn't compete for the lead.

After all, no matter how many points Xiongba and Zhang Sanfeng gained, they could only get one percent.

"Then I'll go directly to Xianyang City to find Qin Shi Huang, and tell him the history of the Qin Dynasty first." "

"Without Huhai, even if the second Qin dynasty dies, Qin II will no longer be Huhai, and history will change. "

Ye Man harnessed the flying sword and quickly flew towards Xianyang City.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "The Lord of the Hung Gang went to Pei County, Zhang Zhenren went to Huiji County, and I am now rushing to Xianyang City." "

Xianyang City.

"Your Majesty, how do you feel now?"

Gao Yao, Li Xunhuan, Chen Jinnan, Huan Zheng and others all flew with their swords and stayed in the mid-air of Xianyang City, Li Xunhuan couldn't help but ridicule and said.

Because, in Xianyang City, there is also a Qin Shi Huang Zhengzheng.

This is seeing yourself in another world.

"What's the big deal. "

Ying Zheng's face was expressionless, and his tone was also calm.

Small scene!

It's a completely small scene.

"When Ye Man comes, we'll go and meet together." "

Chen Jinnan is looking forward to it.

What a government where both worlds are alive!

"Here it comes!"

Everyone's eyes brushed together and cast a stream of light into the sky.

At this time, the Zhangtai Palace was holding a pilgrimage.

Qin Shi Huang sat high, his expression majestic, quietly watching the quarrel of the ministers below.

Now that the Qin State dominates the world, subdues the four seas, and looks at the six and eight directions, Daqin no longer has any enemies. (ajej) immortality!"

At this time, Qin Shi Huang's greatest wish was to live forever and rule the Great Qin Empire forever.

However, even if he mobilized the power of the entire Great Qin, he could not find anyone who could refine the elixir of life.

"Ye Man, meet Your Majesty!"

At this moment, a loud voice resounded in the Zhangtai Palace.

"What kind of man? Immortal?"

"Can they fly?

"Greet the immortals, the immortals bless me with a long life. "

The sudden sound made the soldiers guarding the Zhangtai Palace extremely vigilant, but when they saw the owner of the voice, they were all stunned, with a look of shock and disbelief.

A group of people actually flew in the sky!


Qin Shihuang also heard the words of the soldiers outside, and quickly walked towards the outside of Zhangtai Palace.

Gongzi Fusu, as well as the right prime minister Feng Qubian, the left prime minister Li Si, the general Meng Tian and other civil and military officials, also hurriedly followed behind.

"Immortals! It's really immortals!"

"Xuan's sincerity finally touched the immortals!"

Qin Shihuang looked at Ye Man and his group in the sky, extremely excited.

"Your Majesty, we are not immortals, we are just immortal cultivators. "

Ip Man shook his head repeatedly.

"I came this time, mainly to tell His Majesty some heavenly opportunities, the death of the second emperor of Daqin. "

After Ye Man finished speaking, he didn't wait for Ying Zheng and the other civil and military officials to react, and directly took out a history book of the Qin Dynasty from his storage bag.

"In the thirty-seventh year of Qin Shi Huang, Qin Shi Huang died in the Dune Palace on the way to the fifth eastern tour?"

"CRRC Mansion ordered Zhao Gao to unite with Prime Minister Li Si to tamper with the edict, let Fusu commit suicide, give death to Meng Tian, and support Hu Hai to ascend the throne?"

"In the third year of Qin II, Great Qin died?"

Qin Shi Huang, Fusu, Li Si and others all hurriedly read the history of the Qin Dynasty, and their expressions were extremely angry.

With the strength of Daqin, how could he die in the second life?

You dog thief, you will join forces with Zhao Gao to kill me in the future. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Suddenly, with a violent roar, Meng Tian kicked Li Si, who was looking at the history books of the Qin Dynasty in fear.

"Lees, I'm going to kill you!"

Right Prime Minister Feng Quyan's face turned green, and a flying body rode on Li Si, who was kicked down by Meng Tian, and hammered madly.

In the future, he was actually beheaded by Qin II Huhai, and he was also wiped out by the three races!

If Li Si and Zhao Gao hadn't tampered with the edict and supported Hu Hai to ascend the throne, he would definitely not have been so miserable.

As for the other two culprits, the Zhongche Mansion Ling at this time was not Zhao Gao, and Feng Quyan had not heard of Zhao Gao.

And Hu Hai is the son of Qin Shi Huang, how to deal with it, it is not for him, a courtier, to blame.

However, Feng Quqian had secretly made up his mind that if Qin Shi Huang did not severely punish Hu Hai, he would definitely find a killer to kill Hu Hai.

If Hu Hai kills one of him, forget it, and all three of his clans will be gone.

"Prime Minister, if you get out of the way for me, I will also give a few punches!"

Not only Feng Qu was angry, but many civil and military officials were angry.

Because, after Hu Hai ascended the throne, at the instigation of Zhao Gao, most of the important ministers in the court were executed.

"Do the rules of space-time react?"

The chatting crowd looked up at the sky one after another.

In this case, how can the rules of space-time correct variables?

"Then I'll amplify the move!"

Ye Man couldn't help but enter the chat group and found a red envelope sent to him by Zhang Sanfeng.

[Master Wing Chun received the red envelope. 】


Under the shocked gazes of Huan Zheng, Fusu, Meng Tian and others, a figure appeared in front of Ye Man out of thin air.

"Sword Saint senior, this is a small creation pill, which can help you break through to the realm of heaven and earth. "

"Then I'll trouble you. "

Ip Man handed a white jade bottle to the expressionless Sword Saint.

This time, the main points of the group mission belonged to him, and the elixir was naturally provided by Ip Man.


Without any hesitation, the Sword Saint swallowed the pill directly.

Does he have any other options now?

He was calculated to death by that old man named Zhang Sanfeng.


The earth-shattering sword intent directly tore the white clouds in the sky to pieces instantly, and the void seemed to tremble.


At this moment, a huge void vortex appeared in the sky, exuding colorful brilliance, and the light was full of light, as if it was connecting to a mysterious wonderland.

"Shattered Void?"

Ye Man, Yue Buqun, Chen Jinnan and the others looked stunned.

Can the mythical world shatter the void and fly to a higher world?

"Is this the Immortal Realm?"

Ying Zheng, Fu Su, and a group of civil and military officials who were blowing Li Si looked at the huge whirlpool in the sky, their expressions were excited, and they were full of strong yearning.

"I feel a huge attraction, what's going on?"

The Sword Saint who had successfully broken through to the Heaven and Human Realm turned his gaze to Ye Man and asked.

It was as if a voice was telling him that flying into the Void Vortex could reap great benefits, and he could reach a higher realm.

"Hahaha it's kind of interesting!"

Ye Hao, who had been paying attention to the situation of the mythical world, his eyes suddenly lit up, his figure moved, and he directly entered the mythical world.

"This is not a passage to break the void, this is a space-time passage that connects the future, and the rules of space-time are to lure the Sword Saint into the future!"

Ye Hao explained with a smile as black sword qi flew out of his body.

"Instantaneous Killing Dafa!"

There was only a space-time passage in the sky, which was instantly expanded by Ye Hao a hundred times, and then, directly the entire space-time was completely cut by Ye Hao.

"Great Immortal, if you tear the space-time passage apart, will it affect the future?"

Gao Yao looked at the sky that seemed to be split in half, and said with trepidation.

His sister won't be fine, right?

"Don't worry!"

"Time and space were cut into two by me, and no matter what changes occur in the Qin Dynasty, it will not affect the future. "

"The current Qin Dynasty and the New Era are at the same point in time, and they now belong to parallel space. "

"You can also open spatial passages at any time to travel between the New Age and the Qin Dynasty. "

If it weren't for the rules of time and space to take the initiative to open the space-time channel, Ye Hao would not have found such a good opportunity to cut space-time in half, so that the two sides would no longer affect each other.

"I'll check to check if there are any hidden dangers in the rules of space-time, and you guys continue. "

After Ye Hao finished speaking, the figure entered the depths of the void.

Everyone: ".

Split time and space in two?

The Qin Dynasty and the New Era, two eras separated by more than 2,000 years, became parallel spaces?

Is this the world of the big guys?.

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