"I feel like I'm going to crack, Immortal! Eternal life! These original fantasy words are all true. "

If I'm not mistaken, Zhao Gao seems to be a eunuch, no wonder the murderous aura of that immortal Gao is so heavy, a modern person who crossed into the Qin Dynasty to become a eunuch, who can bear this?"

"Zhao Gao is immortal, and Yi Xiaochuan, who crossed with him, is also alive, which means that he is also immortal, do you say that Qin Shihuang will also be immortal?"

"Don't say that now Qin Shi Huang is standing in front of me, even now the Jade Emperor, if the Buddha appears, I can accept it. "

"The water in our world is too deep, too deep!

All those who heard Gao's words felt like turning the river upside down in their hearts.

From the time they were children, the schools they attended, the books they read, all told them one thing, the world is scientific.

There is no weird power at all, everything is scientifically based.

As a result, one unscientific thing, even far beyond imagination, is like a speeding high-speed train directly crashing into them.

If only a martial arts master who could fly off the wall and pick leaves and flowers would suddenly appear, they would still be able to accept it.

However, the scene in front of him is not refreshing their world view, but directly smashing their world view.

No clear order to open fire was received from the highest chamber, and anyone who did it was subject to military law on the spot. "

Liu Zhenguo's hands on the armored car were shaking, his legs were shaking uncontrollably, and his heart was pounding.

Not to mention ordinary people, even he, the general, also felt that he had suffered a critical attack.

Originally, he also suspected that the chatter was a superpower, or a superhuman studied by other countries, and was a conspiracy against Kyushu Country.

Now Gao Yao's words tore his previous speculation to shreds.

Whether it is ordinary people or he, the general, they know too little about their own world, too superficial.

"What do the intelligence services eat? Are you pigs?"

In the highest conference room of Kyushu Country, Zhou Yuan, the person in charge of Kyushu Country, looked at the live broadcast in front of him, his face was livid, and he roared angrily.

The live broadcast is an online live broadcast from the frontline commander of the Mingyue Community, and Gao Yao's words can be clearly heard.

The intelligence department did not find information about the immortals, and Zhou Yuan was completely understandable.

Because the appearance of immortal cultivators was completely beyond their understanding.

The Immortal Yi Xiaochuan and the Immortal Gao wanted to cross the Qin Dynasty, and the intelligence department could not cross to the Qin Dynasty, and did not investigate the relevant intelligence, which is also very reasonable.

However, the Immortal Yi Xiaochuan and the Immortal Gao asked them to live from the Qin Dynasty to the modern day without any change in their appearance.

In order not to let others discover the identity of their immortals, these two people must constantly use fake identities.

However, the Immortal Yi Xiaochuan and the Immortal Gao Yao must have connections with the outside world, and maybe there is some special organization established in secret.

As a result, he never received any information from the intelligence department, which was related to the suspected discovery of the immortal.

"From the moment I obtained the Immortal Yuan, you are the high point of history, and I am the high point of changing my life against the heavens and opening a new life. "

The next moment, Zhou Yuan's voice stopped abruptly, and the other people who were talking about it also instantly quieted down, and the immortal cultivator Gao Yao spoke again.

Perhaps more secrecy will be revealed.

"Although I don't know what happened in history, let me be Zhao Gao. "

"However, I already have a certain self-preservation power in the Qin Dynasty by relying on Immortal Yuan, and I don't show up, and the rules of time and space cannot make me a part of history. "

With chat groups as a dependency, Gao wants to get pistols, food, gold jewelry, etc. from the group members, naturally it will not be as miserable as the immortal Gao Yao.

"It's all Yi Xiaochuan, he is a brother and brother with Liu Bang in order to befriend Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty. "

"Liu Bang, a sinister villain, escaped with two conscriptions in the process of escorting the conscripts, which was a crime of killing heads in the Qin Dynasty. "

"Then Liu Bang deliberately drunk me and Yi Xiaochuan and let us replace those two conscriptionaries, and I became an official slave, subjected to inhuman treatment, and bullied by others. "

The immortal Gao Yao had a hideous face, and his eyes were red as he looked at the immortal Yi Xiaochuan, and his voice was hoarse.

If it weren't for Zhang Sanfeng controlling him, he would have bitten the immortal Yi Xiaochuan alive.

"Even so, I regard Yi Xiaochuan as my good friend, and after gaining a certain status in Xianyang Palace, I invite him to enjoy prosperity and wealth together. "

"However, after he knew that I was Zhao Gao, he fought against me again and again"

"Just because I'm a bad guy in history, Zhao Gao!"

"But did I do a bad thing to him before this?"

"Just because Liu Bang is the ancestor of Han Gao in history, he can not care that Liu Bang has murdered him many times?"

The immortal is high to grit his teeth and say.

"If he really cares so much about history, why did he help Fusu and Meng Tian, two historical figures who were destined to die tragically in history?"

"Why did you kill Lu He's sister, and provoke Lu He, make Lu Hen fall in love with him, and even cheated with Qin Shi Huang's concubine?"

"Why did he know that my sister Gao Yue was Yu Ji, and he still watched Gao Yue die?


The immortal Gao has too much hatred for the immortal Yi Xiaochuan.

It is also these hatreds that have sustained him to live to this day.

Otherwise, he would have ended his life long ago.

"And, for more than two thousand years after that, no matter what I did, he turned against me. "

The immortal Gao was a little hysterical, his eyes were full of Sen Han's killing intent, and he stared at the immortal Yi Xiaochuan.

Whether it was the people below or the chatting masses, they were all stunned.

The news is also too exciting!

This immortal Yi Xiaochuan and Han Gao ancestor Liu Bang are called brothers and brothers?

Let the famous Lu He, as well as Lu He's sister, fall in love with him, and even cheats with Qin Shi Huang's concubine?

However, this crosser has some waste!

It hasn't changed even a little bit of history!

Only Ying Zheng's face turned black.

Yi Xiaochuan, the immortal of this dog day, actually cheated on Qin Shihuang's concubine, which made him think of raising a child for Jing Ke!

"It was the immortals who sent you back to modern times from the Qin Dynasty?"

"What about Yi Xiaochuan in your time, and what about Yushu?"

"Why hasn't the future changed?"

The immortal Yi Xiaochuan did not care about the resentful gaze of the immortal Gao Yao at all, but asked the immortal cultivator Gao Yao.

Obviously history cannot be changed!

Why can immortals change history?

Since history has changed, it will certainly have a huge impact on the future.

But why didn't he notice any changes in the future?

"It's simple!"

"The Great Immortal directly cut off time and space, so that the historical changes of the Qin Dynasty will no longer affect the future. "

Gao Yao explained.

The immortal Yi Xiaochuan, the immortal Gao Yao: "???."

People below: "???".

Cut off time and space? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Can space-time also be cut off?

This great immortal is also too against the sky.

"This is a myogenic pill that can regenerate severed limbs. "

Gao Yao said as he took out a pill from the storage bag and handed it to the immortal Gao Yao.

This was originally prepared for himself just in case, afraid that he would really become the historical Zhao Gao, and the elixir that he traded with the Great Immortal.


The Immortal Gao Yao did not hesitate and swallowed the elixir.

"Grow out!"

"It's growing again!"

After about half a minute, the immortal Gao Yao's eyes were hazy with tears, and he murmured excitedly.

"I won't worry about the grudge between you and Yi Xiaochuan. "

"This is a storage bag, there are some elixir spirit stones and immortal cultivation exercises in it, and the Essence Cleansing Pill can make people step directly into the Qi refining layer, and the Immortal Cultivation Exercises are the true techniques of the Five Elements. "

"You deal with modern affairs as soon as possible, and I will take you back to the Qin Dynasty later. "

Gao Yao handed another cyan storage bag to the immortal Gao Yao.

Immortal Yi Xiaochuan: "???."

Is this what doesn't ask?

If the immortal wants to become an immortal cultivator, won't he hang him?


Gao Lan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the immortal Gao Yao.

Yi Xiaochuan has long disliked you, he likes Yushu, the concubine of Qin Shi Huang, and also an immortal, who has liked you for more than two thousand years. "

"Yi Xiaochuan doesn't like you at all, just after he crossed into the Qin Dynasty, he mixed with Lu Xi and the Lu Su sisters, and even ruthlessly abandoned Lu Su and killed her. "

"The reason why Lu Hen is so cruel is also related to Yi Xiaochuan. "

The Immortal Gao said coldly.

"If Yi Xiaochuan really likes you, my brother won't object. "

"However, looking at the current situation, your status in Yi Xiaochuan's mind is not as good as a hair of Yushu. "

"He and Yushu have not seen each other for more than 2,000 years, and they are also deeply in love with Yushu. "

"He didn't see you for two days, and he provoked other women. "

Although Gao Yao can't wait to kick Yi Xiaochuan to death, how can this kind of scumbag be worthy of his sister.

However, after getting along with the chattering masses, he knew that tough tactics would only backfire.

"Ogawa, is it true?"

Gao Lan was angry and said.

"Gao is right. "

In other aspects, Yi Xiaochuan dared to refute, but he didn't feel anything about Gao Lan.

He only has jade gargling in his heart now.

"Don't be sad~ Brother takes you to other worlds to have a good time, relax and relax. "

Gao Yao quickly comforted and said.

"This is Qin Shi Huang of the other world, if you want to go to the Qin Dynasty, I will send you to the Qin Dynasty. "

"This is Zhang Sanfeng Zhang Zhenren, the ancestor of the Wudang Sect, his world is a martial arts world, if you want to be a chivalrous woman, go to his world to play." "

"This is Wing Chun Ip Man, his world is in the Republic of China, you can go to his world to defend the country, (the good king's) fight the Japanese little devils. "

"This is the gang leader of the Tianxia Society, the world in which he is located is completely different from our history, it is the martial arts sect that rules the world, and there are many immortal people, as well as unicorns, phoenixes and other divine beasts, you can go if you want." "

Gao Yao said as he introduced Gao Lan to the people in the chat group.

"Sister Gao Lan is good~, you can go to Xianyang Palace to play when you have time, I will let Fusu take you to enjoy the scenery of Daqin." "

After all, it is Gao who wants to return home, and Ying Zheng is still willing to give some face.

"Old Dao Zhang Sanfeng has seen Miss Gao, my Wudang Sect is transforming into an Immortal Cultivation Sect, if you are interested in the Immortal Cultivation Sect, you can come and play. "

"Wing Chun asked to see Miss Ko, my conflict with the Japanese army has become more and more fierce recently, and I am in need of help, and I welcome Miss Ko very much. "

"Sister Gao, I'm Zhu Meiliao, since I became the emperor, no one has played with me, you can come to my world, we can play together." "

The chatting masses were very face-saving and responded one by one.


Zhou Yuan and other responsible persons:"".

In addition to their world, there are many more worlds?

Qin Shi Huang in other worlds?

Wudang Ancestor Zhang Sanfeng?

Wing Chun Ip asked?

These are familiar historical figures!

Is this TM the circle of immortal cultivators?

It's also too high-end!

Is this the world of immortal cultivators?

Even breaking up and distracting can go to different worlds to play clips?.

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