Xianxia World.

Linghe Sect.

After completing the group mission, Ye Hao also left the mythical world and returned to the Linghe Sect

【Immortal Cultivator】

【Points: 213774】

[Realm: Yuan Infant Realm Three Layers (0/400,000). 】

[Exercises: Ten Thousand Swords True Technique. 】

[Divine power: Instant killing Dafa (0/100,000). 】

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10,000)~. 】

[Tianji: Yipin (0-/10,000). 】

[Formation Master: Yipin (0/10,000-). 】

[Fu Shi: Yipin (0/10,000). 】

Ye Hao glanced at his personal page, and his gaze couldn't help but cast into the depths of the Linghe Sect.

He was going to develop in the Spirit River Sect for a long time, and for the situation in the Spirit River Sect, he felt that it was time for him to investigate.

Don't wait for the thunderstorm to find out that the Linghe Sect is an extremely dangerous place.

"First explore all the places of the Linghe Sect to see how many strong people there are, or if there is anything that cannot be seen. "

Ye Hao's divine thought attached to the black sword qi transformed by the Ten Thousand Swords True Technique, and quietly flew towards the depths of the Linghe Sect.

Before joining the chat group, he was just a disciple of the outer sect of the Spirit River Sect with three layers of refining qi, and he knew very little about the Spirit River Sect.

It was only known that the head of the sect was a cultivator of the Jiedan Realm, the major elders of the sect were the cultivators of the Jiedan Realm, and the inner disciples of the sect were cultivators of the Foundation Building Realm.

"The Linghe Sect really hides its strength. "

As the black sword qi deepened, Ye Hao found a cave mansion guarded by the Four Pins Spirit Array, and among them was a cultivator at the peak of the Jiedan Realm, who was in retreat.

Ye Hao did not look carefully, no matter whether this cultivator at the peak of the Jiedan Realm broke through to the Yuan Infant Realm, it had no effect on Ye Hao.

He wanted to know more about how many cultivators in the Linghe Sect were in the middle or late Yuan Infant Realm.

Is there some very strange and mysterious place that even he can't see through.

"The third layer of the Yuan Infant Realm is actually the same as me?"

When the black sword qi flew to the deepest part of the Linghe Sect, that is, the core of the underground spiritual vein of the Linghe Sect, Ye Hao found an old man with white hair, an old face, a thin body, and kind eyebrows.


Ye Hao continued to explore carefully.

"Unless there is a spirit array of five or more ranks, or a strong person above the Yuan Infant Realm, otherwise, the Spirit River Sect is an ordinary immortal cultivation sect. "

When Ye Hao explored again, he found a cultivator of the Yuan Infant Realm in the Linghe Sect, and there was nothing strange and mysterious.

However, Ye Hao did not have the slightest carelessness, and directly dispersed the black sword qi, cutting off all contact with himself.

"Enter the peerless world of double pride. "

Ye Hao left a stand-in puppet, and the figure disappeared into his bamboo house.

A large amount of immortal cultivation resources have been purchased in MixC City, so there is no need to worry about not being able to get the treasures that the group members want to trade for the time being.

So, he can enjoy it for a while.


In the peerless Shuangjiao world, Mercy Xing, who was chatting with Yueyue, saw Ye Hao who suddenly appeared, his face turned red, and he fled in embarrassment.

Otherwise, I'm afraid she'll break again.

Chat groups.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "If I'm not mistaken, Xiongba wants to push the sword saint to the front of the stage and help him attract the attention of Emperor Shitian, and then he hides behind the scenes and reaps the benefits of the fisherman." "

Relying on the sky world, Zhang Sanfeng's face is very ugly.

The Sword Saint is a powerhouse in the Heavenly Human Realm.

In the chat group, the highest hero in the martial arts realm is only the peak of the grandmaster.

If he had the Sword Saint as a helper in those previous group missions, he would definitely be able to get more points.

If the Sword Saint and Emperor Shi Tian fought, the probability of the Sword Saint being killed was too great.

Xiao Li Feidao: "The male gang master, this is the old sixth is addicted." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Great Qin Zulong: "In the future, you have to be careful with some heroes, his thoughts are very dangerous." "

The world will help the Lord: "Slander! Zhang Sanfeng slandered me, and he slandered me!"

The world will help the lord: "The sword saint wants to go back to see the twenty-third of the sword, and if he wants to go back to challenge Nameless, he definitely needs to return to his own world, as for whether it will attract the attention of Emperor Shitian, it has nothing to do with me." "

Seeing that his reputation in the chat group plummeted, Xiongba quickly went online and began to defend.

Before solving Emperor Shitian, he did not intend to let the Sword Saint leave the Fengyun World.

Therefore, what he said to Zhang Sanfeng, no one was able to testify.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "I handed over the stars to those scientists, and when they have any research results, I will inform everyone as soon as possible." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Great Qin Zulong, the chief helmsman of the Heaven and Earth Society, Xiao Li Feidao, your materials are ready, and you can be teleported to them at any time." "

Chef Gao in the canteen: "Master Wing Chun, your mushroom bomb has already been made, it is 10 million T, and the other nine are expected to be made for you tomorrow morning, which is also 10 million T." "

Ask for flowers

This is the first time in the Kyushu country of the mythical world to trade with the members of various groups in the chat group, so the official directly put out twelve points of energy.

They not only ensure quality, but also embody their efficiency to the fullest.

After preparing the materials for trading, he immediately notified Gao Yao and asked Gao Yao to hand over the materials to Huan Zheng, Chen Jinnan and others.

Great Qin Zulong: "Send it!"

Seeing this, Ying Zheng was not in the mood to criticize the hegemon.

To say a few words about the hero and say that he can't die, it's better to make Daqin strong as soon as possible.

Anyway, there will be a chance to clean up the hero in the future.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Send mine too, I will let people prepare gold jewelry now." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Send it, I'll let the emperor prepare money for you." "

The goods Li Xunhuan purchased in the mythical world were all for Daming.

There are high-yielding grains, high-yielding vegetables, and livestock that grow faster and grow bigger.

After experiencing Long Xiaoyun's lesson, he will no longer give things to others for nothing.

Moreover, those who are given away for nothing do not know to cherish.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Everyone, who is willing to trade an emperor of the highest imperial talent." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Or trade a person with imperial talent, but it must be the kind that can immediately start ruling the world." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "I plan to overthrow the Yuan Court, but unfortunately, after the overthrow, there is no suitable person to govern the world." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "As long as you come over, you can become an emperor immediately." "

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the world where the members of the group were located, because he could quickly become rich and strong because of trading with the Kyushu country of the mythical world, and he also put forward his own trading requirements.

His previous candidate was originally Zhu Yuanzhang, and he even personally observed Zhu Yuanzhang's ability.

As a result, he found out that the other party was only twenty-two years old.

He is still a monk who travels in all directions, and he has not even joined the Ming Sect, and his name is still Zhu Chongba.

There is still 108,000 li away from the future Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

Great Qin Zulong: "???."

Xiao Li Feidao: "???."

Huashan Paiyue is in charge: "???."

The chatting masses were stunned, their eyelids couldn't help but jump one after another, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help twitching.

Now even the emperor began to trade as a commodity?.

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