Condor World.

"In the chat group, except for me and Qiao Feng, the two newcomers, everyone else is an immortal cultivator. "

Without waiting for Huang Rong to ask, Guo Jing took the initiative to explain.

"Those old people in the chat group all fly with swords, and I can't touch them. "

"And their flying swords were extremely fast, and before I could even react, my head was cut off. "

Guo Jing looked helpless.

The battle of the same rank in the chat group was completely different from what he envisioned.

"Isn't it a martial arts chat group?"

Huang Rong was shocked and stunned again.

"It is indeed a martial arts chat group, but there is a real immortal in the chat group, and everyone in the chat group can use points to trade immortal cultivation resources from that great immortal. "

"If you can cultivate immortals, who will choose to become a martial arts master?"

Guo Jing shook his head, and his expression became excited.

Because, he also wants to cultivate immortals!

"A real immortal?"

Huang Rong was stunned.

The martial arts chat group has almost nothing to do with wuxia.

"This time I got a reward of 10,000 points, and I can trade some immortal cultivation resources from the Great Immortal. 13"

"I'll ask how to trade now. "

Guo Jing was a little impatient and said.

If he became an immortal cultivator, the possibility of blocking the Yuan soldiers in Xiangyang City would be greatly improved.

Huang Rong is also looking forward to it.

There were a total of twelve battles in the battle mission of the same rank, Guo Jing admitted defeat in ten games, was killed once in an instant, and only won once, which is completely inconsistent with the combat power of one side in the world. "

Let the martial arts of Guo Jing's world realize where the limits of the innate realm are, and defeat the martial arts masters of his world with Guo Jing's realm of the same rank, and sweep the forces of his world. "

"The more martial arts masters you defeat, the richer the rewards, and the more sweeping forces, the richer the rewards. "

At this moment, the prompt tone of the group system sounded in everyone's ears.

Guo Jing: "???."

Blame me?

Let me fight with a group of immortal cultivators?


Chat groups.

[Chef Gao of the cafeteria sent an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivator. 】

[Huashan sent the head of Yue to send an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivator. 】

[Xiao Li Feidao sent an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivator. 】

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "What kind of immortal cultivation resources are you all planning to trade?"

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "I want to trade the Golden Body Pill, but unfortunately, the points are not enough." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "The points are not enough, you can save in Daxian first, I plan to save more, see what good resources you trade, and then I will trade." "

The immortal cultivation resources that Li Xunhuan possessed were completely satisfied with his current cultivation.

Unless you buy a more advanced elixir, you won't be able to use it at all for the time being.

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "What kind of immortal cultivation resources can these 10,000 points be exchanged for?"

Qiao Feng was very curious.

Although the group task was not completed this time, everyone in the chat group embarked on the road of cultivating immortals, which shows that it is not difficult to get points in the chat group.

So, he wanted to know the value of points in advance.

Great Qin Zulong: "Don't rush to discuss what immortal cultivation resources to trade first, let's continue!"

Ying Zheng looked excited, full of expectations for Guo Jing.

They didn't do anything, and Guo Jing triggered a group task himself. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Maybe they can trigger another group mission on Guo Jing.

The world will help the Lord: "Yes, we should continue! Guo Daxia, you and your wife were martyred in the end, it was simply the destruction of the country, how can such a miserable fate not change?

The world will help the Lord: "Heroes cannot shed blood and tears, we should help Guo Daxia." "

Xiongba was thinking about what to trade for immortal cultivation resources, and he also reacted after Ying Zheng's reminder.

Trading what immortal cultivation resources and triggering group missions is king.

"Ding-dong! There are a total of twelve battles in the battle mission of the same rank, Guo Jing admitted defeat in ten games, was killed once in an instant, and only won once, which is completely inconsistent with the combat power of one side in the world"

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.

Da Qin Zulong: "Guo Daxia took off! and took the initiative to trigger a group mission! 666! I am willing to call you the strongest mission king." "

The world will help the master: "Guo Daxia is too fierce, continue to maintain ah!"

Xiongba was directly stunned.

As soon as they were ready to operate, this group of tasks popped up again.

"If everyone in the chat group is like Guo Jing, why should I worry about points!"

Xiongba is full of endless contempt for the other group members of the chat group, and he is angry.

Xiao Li Feidao: "I never expected that the battle mission of the same rank would also be able to trigger a chain of tasks!"

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Hahaha, can we earn points again?"

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Guo Jing, Guo Daxia, are you all right?"

Zhang Sanfeng was very worried about Guo Jing's state of mind at this time.

He really didn't expect that this would also trigger the group mission.

If you don't consider anything else, just look at the results, Guo Jing, the number one in the world in the Condor World, is indeed too good in the chat group. 993

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "Guo Jing, Guo Daxia, who is also the result." "

Qiao Feng didn't know if the others understood Guo Jing's mood at this time, anyway, he understood it very well.

I obviously thought that everyone was a martial arts master, but suddenly, I found that the clown turned out to be myself.

Everyone else is an immortal cultivator!

Do you really think that the martial arts chat groups are all martial arts masters?

Too naïve!

Now chat groups are even more excessive!

A martial arts master can't beat an immortal cultivator, but a martial arts master is weak?

Is there any reason for this?

Guo Jing: "Thank you, Guo is fine." "

Guo Jingqiang smiled bitterly.

The chat group thinks that he can't beat Xiu Immortal, that is, he is weak?

What can he do?

He was also desperate!

"Ding-dong, this mission is a sequential task!"

"Immortal cultivators have easily won all of them in two battles of the same rank! It is the peak combat power of the Innate Realm of the chat group, and it has the first permission to receive this task. "

"If the Immortal Cultivator is not willing to claim the task, the chat group will post the task in turn according to the group member's performance sequence. "

The system's beep sounds again.

Chat masses: "???".

Guo Jing: "???".

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