"This should be Phoenix and Xuanwu, right?"

Gao Yao's whole person was dumbfounded, stunned in place, staring at Phoenix and Xuanwu.

This is a mythical beast in the history of Kyushu Country!

Just now I seem to hear Daxian let make a dish, overlord farewell concubine.

If he remembers correctly, the main ingredients of Farewell My Concubine are turtles and chicken.

Now use Xuanwu and Phoenix as overlord farewell concubines?

Gao Yao no longer knew what words to use to describe it.


It's too high-end!

"It's a lot of money."

Gao wanted to swallow his saliva secretly.

Phoenix and Xuanwu made the overlord Farewell Concubine, not to mention in the martial arts world, even in the immortal cultivation world, I am afraid that only very powerful cultivators can taste such as ~ this superb delicacy.

"It won't be two of the four great beasts in my world, right? -"

Xiongba secretly guessed.

However, his eyes were fixed on Xuanwu and Phoenix, and he was reluctant to take his gaze away.

He's worth dominating this life!

Xuanwu with the phoenix's overlord Farewell Concubine, he will have the opportunity to taste it immediately.

"It's too profitable to support Daxian as an administrator."

Ying Zheng was also stunned to look at the two behemoths, colorful one after another.

Especially after knowing that Xuanwu and Phoenix would become their food next, Ying Zheng looked at Xuanwu and Phoenix more and more pleasantly.

"Yu Ding does it well, and you can't waste it at all."

Ying Zheng's face was majestic, and he said.

Yu Ding: ".

He hasn't even come back to his senses yet.

He was cooking vegetables for Confucian disciples at an inn in Songhai City.

As a result, he saw Xunzi Royal Sword flying, falling from the sky, saying nothing, and directly taking him to Xianyang Palace.

After that, he carefully listened to the conversations of the people around him before he knew what party to go to the other world.

At that moment, Yu Ding's brain had stopped and completely lost the ability to think.

After that, an even more shocking scene happened, just stepping into a void door, they came to the moon.

Then a very young and handsome figure, called Daxian, just waved his hand, and the originally barren and dead moon instantly became as beautiful as a dream, like a fairyland.

"Now let me cook with Xuanwu and Phoenix again?"

Yu Ding felt that his little heart really couldn't withstand so much shock.

"Can you do it? If it doesn't work, I'll come! "

Gao Yao looked at the stupid Yu Ding, rolled his sleeves, and was eager to try.

Although he was only the canteen chef of the archaeological team before, he was able to open the hanging.

He has used points to improve his cooking skills before, and his cooking level is the top existence in the mythical world.

"You're a cook too?"

Gao Yao's words instantly brought Yu Ding back to his senses.

In other respects, it can be said that he is not good, and in terms of cooking, he is definitely not good.

"Do you know what Overlord Farewell Concubine did?"

Yu Ding asked.

He had not heard of the dish of Farewell My Concubine.

"Forget it, you don't need to say it!"

Before Gao could answer, Yu Ding stopped him.

Completely pointless!

Gao Yao must not have used Xuanwu and Phoenix to cook.

"Immortal, I'll study first!"

After Yu Ding finished speaking, he ran to Xuanwu and Phoenix, took a part of Xuanwu meat and Phoenix meat, and began to cook simply, trying the taste of two Rui beasts.

"Nima! It's nice to be a cook! "

At this moment, not to mention the chatting masses, even their family members also looked at Yu Ding with envy and jealousy at this time.

Basalt meat and phoenix meat!

This dead fat man actually ate before them.

Fortunately, Xuanwu and Phoenix are big enough, otherwise, they are all worried about whether this fat man will eat up all the Phoenix and Xuanwu.


Ye Hao saw that Yu Ding was studying how to make Xuanwu and Phoenix, and with a wave of his hand, a mountain was flattened by him to make a table, and he took out all the other spirit wine and spirit dishes he had prepared.

The beast nature in Xuanwu and Phoenix's bodies has all been refined and become the meat of real Rui Beast.

Seeing this, other people in the chat group also took out the wine and food they had prepared.

After a while, thousands of dishes were already on the table, and thousands of drinks were available.

However, everyone's eyes were almost on the wine and food that Ye Hao took out.

Everyone knows very well that these are all spiritual objects, not only delicious but also able to improve strength.

"Do you have any performances?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ye Hao set his sights on Ying Zheng, Xiongba and others.

Since it's a party, it's impossible to just have a meal.

Not to mention any novelty performances, at least some cabaret.

Chat masses: ".

They really haven't thought about it so much.

"Since you have no arrangement, then follow mine."

Ye Hao said with a smile.

The meeting place is above the moon.

Wine and food not only come from all sides of the martial arts world, but also some dishes from the fairy world.

There is even a grand finale dish, Xuanwu with a phoenix made of overlord Farewell Concubine.

For people in the martial arts world, it is already an unimaginable meeting place and good food and wine.

Now it's a party show.

"The show prepared by Daisen?"

The chattering masses all had a bad premonition.

"It's a party, a place to relax, it's a place to communicate, and there shouldn't be anything special about it."

"Moreover, this is a show prepared by Daisen, and it has nothing to do with us."

The chatting masses constantly comforted themselves in their hearts.

"If everyone has no opinion, I start announcing the list of performances of the show."

"People who are named, be mentally prepared and ready to go on stage at any time to cooperate with the performance."

Ye Hao's voice fell, and he used his mana to detain a hill and flatten it to create a high platform about ten feet long and wide, and about two meters high.

"We need to cooperate with the performance?"

The eyelids of the chatting masses couldn't help but jump one after another, and the bad premonition could no longer be suppressed this time.

"I don't know what will be performed?"

The families of the chatting masses were extremely expectant, temporarily giving up letting the spirit pet recognize themselves, and they all set their sights on the high platform.

"In the first show, Xiongba and a female ghost of the Qi Refining Realm, perform that mortals are sucked into the yang qi by female ghosts."

In order to meet the transaction with the chatting masses, Ye Hao's storage bag is a huge treasure bag, which can be called all-encompassing, and can fully provide the female ghost needed by a show.

Xiongba: "??? "。

Daisen, I didn't offend you, did I?

I'm your dogleg!

How can you do this to me?

Chatting masses: "??? "。

We're not going to be a similar show, are we?

Families: "??? "。

Although it feels a little weird, a little scared.

But, good expectations.

"Xiongba, don't worry, you are not only the third layer of refining qi, but also the peak of the Great Grandmaster, and the female ghost inhaling a few breaths of Yang Qi will have no effect on you."

Ye Hao soothed.

"In the second show, Chen Jinnan and a fox spirit in the Qi Refining Realm, the performance scholar was tempted by the fox spirit."

Ye Hao continued to announce the second program content.

Chen Jinnan:".

Daxian, I'm still a boy!

What if I don't resist?


The rest of the chat group no longer had any luck, looked nervous, and couldn't help but swallow and spit.

"In the third show, Ip Man and a Red Blood Bear Demon, a demon beast at the peak of the Qi Refining Realm, perform a battle between a Terran cultivator and a demon race."

Ip asked: ".

Although I have attacks that can defend against the combat power of the Foundation Building Realm level, my own strength is only the third layer of refining qi!

Was the show hammered?

"In the twelfth show, Qiao Feng and a puppet of the third layer of the Qi Refining Realm performed martial arts masters vs. immortal cultivators."

When Ye Hao finished announcing the list of twelve programs and performers, he didn't seem to see the unloveable expression of the chattering masses, and directly announced.

"The performance starts to lose!".

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