"Daxian, you continue!"

Qiao Feng took a deep breath, and his voice became more and more hoarse and weak.

No matter how miserable his future fate is, he always has to face it.

Withdrawing does not solve the problem.

He wanted to know more about the dark destiny, and even if it could change a little, that would be good.

"After Ma Dayuan was killed by the conspiracy of Kang Min and Bai Shijing, he blamed Murong Fu, and you went to investigate, and when he was in Xingzilin, the Pi gang directly staged a coup d'état."

"Kang Min, Bai Shijing, the four Great Protector Elders, Elder Quan Guanqing, and retired elder Xu Chongxiao of the Gang joined forces."

"There are more witnesses invited, Tan Gong and Tan Po from the Chong Xiao Cave of Taihang Mountain, Zhao Qiansun, Taishan Wuxiong, and the monk Zhiguang."

In order to let Qiao Feng know how many people betrayed him, Ye Hao said all the important people involved.

"Law Enforcement Elder Bai Shijing is my righteous brother, and I have always respected my sister-in-law, and I have always trusted the Four Great Protector Elders."

Qiao Feng muttered, looking stunned.

With his ingenuity, it is natural to see that Kang Min, Bai Shijing, and Quan Guanqing not only want him to be discredited, but also want to execute him.

Otherwise, as long as the letter from the previous gang leader, Wang Jiantong, was shown to the elders of the gang, he would no longer be able to serve as the gang leader.

Now this group of people directly staged a coup d'état, and 763 just wanted to capture him first and then directly try him.

"Do you want to know the cause of the Kyokilin incident?"

Ye Hao's face was strange and said.

"Is it Bai Shijing who wants to seize the position of gang leader?"

Qiao Feng's tone was full of anger towards Bai Shijing.

He has always considered Bai Shijing to be an iron-faced and selfless person, and he is proud to have such a righteous brother.

I didn't expect Bai Shijing to be so vicious, even the deputy gang leader Ma Dayuan was killed.

"Red face and bad water!"

Ye Hao shook his head.

Qiao Feng: "??? "。

"In the Luoyang Hundred Flowers Society, Kang Min was captivated by your heroic spirit and fell in love with you, and you didn't look at her squarely, so you resented you."

"When I found out about your origin, I wanted to take revenge on you."

"Because Ma Dayuan refused to expose your identity, he teamed up with Bai Shijing to kill Ma Dayuan, colluding with Quan Guanqing and Xu Chongxiao to expose your background."

Ye Hao explained.

Qiao Feng: ".

"Don't underestimate Kang Min, she is in your gang, but she is a pivotal figure."

"Bai Shijing, Quan Guanqing, Xu Chongxiao and many other high-ranking gang leaders are all ministers under her skirt."

That is, Qiao Feng is a decent gentleman, otherwise, the entire high-level of the gang may be slowly eroded by Kang Min.

"Is it so messy?"

Guo Jing was stunned.

Although the gang of the Condor World cannot be said to be so righteous and awe-inspiring, at least there will not be such a chaotic relationship.

"The so-called famous and decent people are actually sanctimonious and secretly don't know what they have done."

Xiongba sneered.

In the world of Fengyun, there is no specific distinction between good and evil.

At least no sect dared to put the world into the Demon Gate.

Because the world will be to rule the world.

"Such a woman is terrible, fortunately there is no such woman in my world."

Li Xunhuan looked happy and said.

Many heroes and good men can refuse the temptation of gold and silver jewelry and positions of power, but they are completely obeyed in front of beautiful women.

"Not only does your world exist, but it's right in your home, and she's much better than Kang Min."

"Kang Min will also connect a gang, and the one in your family directly connects the entire rivers and lakes."

Ye Hao glanced at Li Xunhuan, who was rejoicing, and was a little speechless.

Lin Xian'er, the woman who originally set off a monstrous storm in the world of Xiao Li's flying knife, still became Lin Shiyin's righteous sister.

Lin Xian'er is known as the first beauty in the rivers and lakes, and the men who worship under her pomegranate skirt are innumerable.

Compared with Lin Xian'er, Kang Min is still one level worse.

Li Xunhuan:".

"If the hero is over, the old way does not dare to agree, and the old way of the Wudang faction does not have such a sinister villain."

Zhang Sanfeng retorted, saying.

"Your apprentice Sun Song Qingshu, Mandate of Heaven cannon fodder, completely lost yourself for the sake of (BGDI) women."

"According to the original fate, Song Qingshu should have killed your sixth disciple Mo Shenggu, become a traitor to Wudang, and poisoned you, and finally killed by your own hands."

Ye Hao found that these people in the chat group were so iron-headed.

Zhang Sanfeng: ".

"It's me who has no eyes!"

Qiao Feng's face was angry and he roared lowly.

He clenched his fists, then weakly unclenched them.

If it weren't for Ye Hao, he wouldn't have discovered these things at all.

It is he, the gang leader, who is incompetent and does not know people.

The only thing that made him uncomfortable was that he felt sorry for Ma Dayuan. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ma Dayuan is honest and humble, and he has won the trust of his brothers in the Gang, and when Wang Jiantong chooses the next gang leader, the only person who can compete with him for the position of gang leader is Ma Dayuan.

As a result, Ma Dayuan voluntarily abstained and was willing to elect him as a helper.

However, Ma Dayuan regarded everyone as brothers, and some brothers really did not regard themselves as outsiders, even their sister-in-law.

"Although their coup failed, your identity as a Khitan has been revealed and you can no longer serve as a gang leader."

"Therefore, after you resigned as a helper, you went to track down your identity."

"In the meantime, your master Master Xuanku was killed, your adoptive parents were killed, and the entire jianghu thought that it was you who killed it."

Ye Hao sighed secretly.

"Later, the battle of Juxian Zhuang broke out, and the divine doctor Xue Muhua and the You clan held a hero conference in Juxian Zhuang, just to kill you."

"At that time, there were more than three hundred martial arts people participating, and many of them were good friends who had a drink with you."

"In that battle, many people died at your hands, and you were also seriously injured."

Qiao Feng was silent, and his heart trembled.

Although he only listened to Ye Hao's story, Qiao Feng could also feel his mood at that time in the future.

How bleak and lonely it was.

"Daxian, why did I go to Juxian Zhuang?"

Qiao Feng was a little puzzled.

According to his personality, even if he knew that the martial arts conference held in the rivers and lakes wanted to kill him, in order to avoid killing, he should choose to avoid the battle.

"Because of a woman, the woman you love dearly."

Ye Hao replied.

"She won't be killed too, will she?"

A hint of joy flashed in Qiao Feng's eyes, and soon it dimmed again.

In the future, he really met someone he liked, then this woman must be very beautiful, smart and understanding, and he very much wants to know who this woman is.

However, when he thought of his fate, Qiao Feng's joy instantly collapsed, and some were just endless sadness.


"I was killed by you with the eighteen palms of the Dragon Descent."

Ye Hao nodded gently.

Qiao Feng: "??? "。

Chatting masses: "??? "。。

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