"The Tianji list is really against the sky, just counting two characters has made the two major factions of the rivers and lakes lose face, and even hurt their vitality."

"Why did you pause for so long this time? Is today's inventory over? "

"Many elders of the Gang and Kang Min fornicated, but according to the rules of the Gang, they should be executed, Abbot Xuanci is even more excessive, he has violated several precepts, I don't know what will be done?"

"What else can I do with it? Do you still want the Shaolin Temple to execute Xuanci? "

"I wonder if the next inventory of characters will also come from the Gate Faction? The forces that can compete with the Shaolin Temple and the Pi Gang should only be the Spirit Vulture Palace, the Tianlong Temple, the Western Xia Yipintang, the Murong Family and a few other forces. "

"Maybe it's a very famous master in the rivers and lakes, if it weren't for the inventory of the Tianji list, I wouldn't know that there are so many sanctimonious people."

The people of the Heavenly Dragon World were immersed in Abbot Xuanci's heavenly machine inventory, and their hearts were greatly shocked.

At the same time, the people of the Dragon World are also looking forward to the next inventory.


At this time, Emperor Baoding of the Kingdom of Dali, Duan Zhengming looked at Duan Zhengchun, the king of Zhennan, with a livid face, and he didn't know what to say at this time.

If one of the four evil people is extremely vicious, Yunzhong Crane is the number one thief in the world.

Then his younger brother Duan Zhengchun, King of Zhennan, is the number one scumbag in the world.

If Duan Zhengchun, the king of Zhennan, really made the Heavenly Machinery List, then it would definitely cause great turmoil in the Kingdom of Dali.

"The Gang will definitely come to ask for an explanation!"

Baoding Emperor Duan Zhengming's tone was extremely heavy and said.

Duan Zhengchun is the wife of the deputy gang leader who slept!

If the gang does not come to ask for an explanation, then I am afraid that the gang will have no face to gain a foothold in the rivers and lakes.


Duan Zhengchun's face was slightly pale, and he looked at Baoding Emperor Duan Zhengming with a trembling expression, and then looked at the Heavenly Machine List, and his mind was blank.

"Second brother, I can't imagine that you still have such an identity."

In the Western Xia Yipintang, Duan Yanqing, Yue Laosan, and Yunzhong Crane looked at Ye Erniang who looked collapsed, with a strange expression.

This melon almost lasted them.

Ye Erniang, who ranked second among the four evil people, turned out to be the lover of the abbot of Shaolin Temple who was highly respected in Jianghu and abbot Xuanci of Shaolin Temple.

"It's not like this, I seduced him, it's none of his business."

Ye Erniang vigorously defended, trying her best to maintain the image of Abbot Xuanci.

"Why don't you say that you used the strong?"

Yunzhong Crane looked disdainful.

As a hungry ghost and a notorious thief, he knows too well the nature of men.

If it wasn't really moved, how could he have a child with Ye Erniang?

What's more, Abbot Xuanci is the abbot of Shaolin Temple, seduce it, and give birth to a child with a woman, just this kind of determination?

"Boss, do you say that the number one evil person in the world will be you?"

Yue Laosan stared at the Heavenly Machinery List, extremely curious, and said.

Duan Yanqing:"".


Do you want this kind of name too?

Originally, the four evil people were conspicuous enough, if he was rated as the number one evil man in the world by the Tianji List, wouldn't some people who wanted to be famous in the world want to take his head.

Even if he is strong, he may be killed in the face of endless assassinations and challenges.

"It's out!"

Although the Tianji list has not been updated for a long time, many people in the Tianlong world have been staring at the Tianji list.

Seeing the changed picture again, these people were very excited and stared at each other.

People like Duan Zhengchun, Duan Yanqing, and Yun Zhonghe, who were worried that they might be on the list, were even more apprehensive and uneasy in their hearts.

"Me! Is that Abbot Xuanci? How did he become such a ghost? And three more eyes? "

"Am I mistaken? How do I think that Abbot Xuanci eats in his hands is a person, moreover, he is still a senior monk of the Xuanzi generation of Shaolin Temple? "

"Don't you feel that Abbot Xuanci is terrifying now? Even when I looked at his appearance on the Tianji list, I felt chills in my heart. "

"Abbot Xuanci is eating people! He still eats Shaolin Temple monks. "

The people of the Tianlong World did not expect that the Tianji List would be so terrifying and so scary after a pause for a period of time and a new picture.

[The world's first demon: Xuanci. 】

[Tempted by extraterrestrial heavenly demons, incarnated as a mixed world demon, with a demon eye on his forehead, a place where the essence of the Demon Dao gathers, he likes to devour human flesh and blood, and his strength has far exceeded the limit of the world. ] 】

[At this time, one foot has stepped into the realm of heaven and man. 】

The Tianji List first gave a brief introduction to Abbot Xuanci, and then put Abbot Xuanci into the enchantment, and there was also a picture of a person suppressing the Shaolin Temple, all of which were played.

"Abbot Xuanci turned out to be a chaotic demon, it's terrible, at least half of the monks in Shaolin Temple were devoured by him."

"What to do? Abbot Xuanci will definitely attack us after swallowing the Shaolin Temple, who can stop him? "

"Abbot Xuanci is no longer a human, he is a chaotic demon, and he is no longer a mortal who can resist, let's run away."

"Gods, the gods who made the Heavenly Machine List will definitely be able to suppress the Chaotic World Demon."

"Is it just that the gods will make a move?"

At this moment, don't say that the martial arts masters of the Heavenly Dragon World are panicking.

The emperors, princes and nobles of the Great Song, Western Xia, Liao State and other countries were all extremely frightened and pale.

In the picture, they clearly saw how terrifying Abbot Xuanci's current strength was.

Just walking normally leaves footprints a foot deep on the ground, a finger can easily kill people hundreds of meters away, and a wave of a hand can turn a temple into ashes.

Swords, dark weapons, poisons, etc., attacked Abbot Xuanci, and they could not cause any damage to Abbot Xuanci.

Moreover, Abbot Xuanci also said that he would devour the Heavenly Machine List, and even devour the immortals.

This is a real demon!

Perhaps the gods are no longer the opponents of Abbot Xuanci.

"Immortals! An immortal appeared! "

At this moment, everyone in the Heavenly Dragon World Realm saw from the top of the Heavenly Machinery List that more than a dozen figures descended from the sky, and the imperial sword flew, surrounding the abbot Xuanci, with a look of ecstasy.

"How can an immortal be so similar to Qiao Feng?"

"It's the Gang Lord! The help master went to the Shaolin Temple to kill Xuanci, the chaotic demon. "

"I drank with Joe Gang Lord, and I invited him to dinner."

"The Pi Gang is about to rise now, and the Pi Gang is actually an immortal."

The people of the Dragon World were all in a huge shock.

Some people who recognized Qiao Feng were extremely excited and proud.

As for the gangsters, they are caught in a state of revelry and excitement.

Qiao Feng resigned from the position of helper?

Who heard?


In the Shaolin Temple, Xiao Yuanshan, who had been frightened by Abbot Xuanci, looked at a figure in the sky with a surprised face. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

His son became an immortal?

"Qiao Feng, how can you fly this Khitan Huyu?"

Abbot Xuanci looked at the more than a dozen flying figures of imperial swords around him, and his expression fell into sluggishness, but he quickly recognized one of them and couldn't help licking his lips.

Qiao Feng's whole life has been under his monitoring, and he is still clear about Qiao Feng's strength.

Qiao Feng encountered immortal yuan at most, and it was impossible to become an immortal.

"You guys are the immortals sent by the immortals behind the Tianji List, right?"

"Just let me try how you taste first, and then devour the immortal who is hiding behind the scenes."

Abbot Xuanci had a cruel smile on his face, and his scarlet eyes looked greedily at the chattering masses.

"How can they fly?"

"Could it be the Immortal Cultivator in the Little Talking Book?"

"There are immortal cultivators in this world?"

And the demon in Abbot Xuanci's body had a very bad premonition.

Abbot Xuanci's consciousness was completely dominated by demonic nature, and he was almost losing his mind, but he didn't.

"However, let Xuanci fight these people first, and if they are too strong, I will escape."

"If their strength is insufficient, I will taste the taste of immortal cultivators."

Endless greed also arises in the heart of the devil.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Xiongba, Ye Man, the three of us are blocking Xuanci in front." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Li Xunhuan, Qin Shihuang, Zhaoyue, Chen Jinnan, the four of you are responsible for wandering." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Others attack with flying swords in the air, and as soon as they feel danger, they immediately fly into the sky." "883

At this time, the people in the chat group were also quickly arranging tactics.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "We must give full play to our advantages and adopt the tactic of flying a kite to attack him in the sky." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Don't worry, let me test the water for you first." "

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

Xiao Li Feidao: "??? "。

Is it so self-denial?

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Xuanci is now a chaotic demon, and your defense can't stop him at all." "

Zhang Sanfeng hurriedly reminded.

Master Wing Chun: "??? "。

Ip Man looked strange.

What do these people think?

Not to mention that his defense could not block Xuanci in the state of the Chaotic World Demon, even if he could, he did not dare to go it alone.

This is a demon!

In case of overturning, the little life is gone.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I just wanted to try the latest weapon I bought, the Type 10 anti-aircraft machine gun. "

Ip Man said and took out a more than two meters long, pitch black, shaped like a heavy machine gun from his storage bag, with a special barrel and a caliber of 15mm anti-aircraft machine gun.

Each bullet is more than a dozen centimeters long.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "This is the latest anti-aircraft machine gun developed by the Kyushu Kingdom of the High Desire World, with a rate of fire of 800 rounds per minute, and the armor-piercing bullets I specially equip have no living creatures to escape under its muzzle within a range of 2,000 meters, and the power is not inferior to cannons!" "

Ye Hao simply popularized the data of anti-aircraft machine guns to the chatter.

Then he stepped on the flying sword and aimed his anti-aircraft machine gun at Abbot Xuanci.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

The muzzle of the anti-aircraft machine gun seemed to be on fire, making a violent sound like a cannon, densely packed, and armor-piercing bullets frantically strafed towards Abbot Xuanci.

Chat masses: ".

Master Ye, do you remember what you do?

Wing Chun's!

What are you doing now?.

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