"Conspiracy! Definitely a conspiracy! "

"Maybe it's not that I perceive this world at all, but that something deliberately lured me into this world."

The demon in Abbot Xuanci's body was completely stunned, and his consciousness revealed panic for the first time.

He can clearly perceive the state of the Heavenly Dragon World, and at most, he will be born a master of the Grandmaster Realm level.

However, now not only a group of immortal cultivators have emerged, but there are more than a dozen powerhouses at the late level of the Great Master.

"Get out of this world!"

The demon no longer dared to stay in the Dragon World.

He felt that this world was much weirder than the Fengyun world.

Although leaving Abbot Xuanci now would cost him some of his strength, his lifespan was eternal and could be slowly recovered later.

"Moreover, the one behind the Tianji list has not yet appeared."

Thinking of this, the demon quietly broke away from Abbot Xuanci.

Neither Abbot Xuanci nor the people who were fighting with Abbot Xuanci noticed it.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

The moment the demon left Abbot Xuanci, Abbot Xuanci was hit by more than a dozen moves in an instant, and flew out directly upside down.

Although Abbot Xuanci became a chaotic demon, his strength was even improved to the half-step heavenly human realm.

However, Abbot Xuanci's background was too shallow, and the strongest martial arts he had mastered before was only a grandmaster-level martial art, Donkey Kong Palm.

The reason why he was able to directly adapt to the realm of the half-step Heavenly Human Realm, and was able to exert a strength that was stronger than ordinary Half-step Heavenly Human Realm powerhouses, was entirely because of the influence of demons in secret.

Now without the secret influence of the demon, Abbot Xuanci's strength directly exploded by a level.

Naturally, it could not stop the siege of the chatting masses and a group of powerhouses who were at least in the late stage of the Great Master.

"Wait a minute!"

Just when everyone wanted to kill Abbot Xuanci, Xiongba hurriedly spoke up to stop it.

"Qiao Feng, you're here!"

Xiongba has not forgotten Qiao Feng's revenge mission.

No matter what caused the battle of Yanmen Pass, Abbot Xuanci was the leading big brother and the direct murderer who caused the death of Qiao Feng's family breaking 087 people.


Qiao Feng controlled the flying sword and directly removed the head of Abbot Xuanci.

"Go ahead!"

Xiongba's face smiled.

Abbot Xuanci, who was slightly troublesome, had been solved, and the main target was only Murong Bo.

"Don't go in such a hurry!"

At this time, the demon who was preparing to return to the Fengyun World suddenly heard a gentle voice, which was instantly startled.

"Are you behind the scenes?"

Looking at Ye Hao, who seemed to appear in front of him out of thin air, he was extremely jealous.

"It doesn't matter if it's not important!"

"Important things, you can't go back with memories here."

Ye Hao smiled slightly, and directly threw a psychedelic technique to the demon, making him forget that he had discovered the Heavenly Dragon World and what happened when he entered the Heavenly Dragon World.

Keep the devil, maybe you can trigger group missions in the future.

"There haven't been any suitable pawns lately!"

In the Fengyun World, the demon has returned to the void where it was originally located, forgetting the previous discovery, and is sensing a human being with demonic nature in the Fengyun World, extremely disappointed.

The original First Evil Emperor was the first very good target, trained into a magic knife, and once controlled by him, he was definitely a good devil.

Unfortunately, after killing his son with his own hands, the First Evil Emperor gradually suppressed his demonic nature completely on his own.

Moreover, with the will of the First Evil Emperor, once he cannot control his demonic nature, even if he does not commit suicide, he will abolish the magic knife.

"Keep deducing!"

Ye Hao once again let the Tianji list run and began to inventory the other figures in the Tianlong World.

Whether he continues to take stock or not, after this big war, the plot of the Dragon World will completely collapse.

[The world's first conspirator: Murong Bo. 】

[In order to revive the dream of the Yan state, Murong Bo directed a blockbuster film that lasted for thirty years, involving several opposing regimes of Tubo, Dali, Dasong and Daliao

[The world's first evil man: Ye Erniang. 】

[Three thousand five hundred and eighty-seven babies died at his hands, causing eight hundred and thirty-five families to be torn apart and one thousand three hundred and sixty-two mothers dying of lovesickness

However, at this time, the figures listed on the Tianji list still brought a lot of shock to the people of the Tianlong world.

However, compared to the previous big war, it already seems insignificant.

Immortal cultivator!

Mixed World Demon!

Martial Dao Grand Master!

A shocking battle completely refreshed the people of the Dragon World to re-understand the world.

The world that was once familiar to them became extremely strange and unfathomable.

"Meet the immortals~"

"Meet Joe Gang Lord"

Outside the Shaolin Temple, Murong Bo, who was counted by the Tianji List and was preparing to flee the Shaolin Temple and find a place to hide, looked at the two figures that suddenly flew in front of him, looked shocked, and hurriedly paid homage.

"Murong Bo, more than twenty years ago, in order to restore the country, you spread false news to the Central Plains martial arts, saying that the Khitan wanted to send someone to steal the Central Plains martial arts and induce Xuanci to organize martial arts masters to stop it."

"Caused my family to be destroyed, and today I am here to take revenge."

After Qiao Feng finished speaking, he didn't wait for Murong Bo to answer, and also used a flying sword to cut off Murong Bo's head.

"It's over!"

After killing Murong Bo, Qiao Feng breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down a little.

After this revenge, he has successfully reversed his dark fate.

Although I don't know what the future will look like, at least it will never be as miserable as his previous fate.

The world will help the master: "I don't know how many points can be rewarded this time?" "

The hero is extremely excited and excited.

To ensure the smooth progress of Qiao Feng's revenge mission, he has completed it.

This mission reward is 50,000 points.

The second who is the evil mission, he also contributed part of his own strength.

The Golden Body Pill he had always wanted before was completely more than enough.

Xiao Li Feidao: "You have made a profit this time!" "

Li Xunhuan was very envious.

The group task of 50,000 points was actually grabbed by the hero and completed alone.

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "When will Yue be able to grab a group task alone!" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yue Buqun was envious, jealous and hateful.

If he can obtain 50,000 points at once, the immortal cultivation resources traded can definitely increase his strength.

and the strongest group members of the chat group, quickly close the gap.

"Ding-dong! To ensure that Qiao Feng successfully completes the revenge mission, the world will help the lord get 50,000 points reward. "

[The mission is rated as four stars.] 】

"Ding-dong! Admin Immortal Cultivators receive 40,000 points, trigger the Administrator Points Reward*2 permission, and earn 10,000 points. "

At this moment, the prompt tone of the group system sounded again.

The world will help the master: "Hahaha The old man gets 50,000 points, plus the (BJDJ) points obtained by the evil demon group mission later, the old man wants to trade a pill with the Great Immortal to improve his strength." "

Xiongba was very excited and excited.

He was already stronger than the chat masses, and if he used at least 50,000 points to buy a pill to improve his strength, the strength of him and the chat masses would quickly open.

"This dog bully!"

Everyone in the chat scolded secretly, and they felt a huge pressure in their hearts.

The small Nirvana Pill that was traded before, Xiongba still had time to refine.

Once refined, the Immortal Cultivation Realm aside, the martial arts realm will definitely be elevated to the Heavenly Human Realm.

If you take another pill worth at least 50,000 points, what height will Xiongba's strength increase?

Originally, everyone was still looking forward to who was the reward for the evil demon group task.

Now that Xiongba said this, the good mood is all gone.

Because, Abbot Xuanci became the task of the Chaotic World Demon, and the contribution made by Xiongba was probably second only to Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng.

"Ding-dong! Whoever completes the evil quest will be rewarded with 200,000 points. "

"Immortal cultivators get 50,000 points reward, Daqin Zulong gets 45,000 points, Wudang centenarian Taoist gets 15,000 points, Xiongba gets 15,000 points, Ip Man gets 15,000 points, Shifting Flower Palace Lord gets 10,000 points, and Guo Jing gets 5,000 points."

"Ding-dong! Admin Immortal Cultivators receive 50,000 points, triggering the Admin Points Reward*2 permission, and earning 100,000 points. "

Soon, the tone of the group system sounded again.

The world will help the master: "Hahaha, a total of 65,000 points." "

Who can stop him from pretending this time?

[The World Society will help the master send an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivator. 】

The world will help the lord: "Great Immortal, I want to use these points to trade for a pill that improves my strength." "

Last time, Ip Man only used 28,000 points to trade a second-grade top-notch pill Golden Body Pill, allowing himself to have a defense that could not be broken by combat power below the foundation building realm level.

The points he traded this time were more than twice as many as the points he had in the last Ip Man transaction!

Looking at Xiongba's transaction, the chatter crowd was all silent.

This is going to take off.

[The immortal cultivator received the red envelope. 】

"You get 65,000 points."

Immortal cultivator: "The third-grade primary Transformation God Pill, this is a pill that can increase your divine sense, which should be able to grow your divine sense to a cultivator comparable to the Foundation Building Realm, but with your current Immortal Cultivation Realm, it may take a while to be able to fully digest it." "

Immortal cultivator: "If you use the martial arts realm to refine, although the speed is faster and can also strengthen your soul, there are some conflicts with the divine consciousness of the immortal cultivation realm, and the two are difficult to compare." "

Ye Hao said a martial arts chat mass people must face.

When the martial arts realm was low, there was not much conflict between the immortal cultivation realm and the martial arts realm.

However, with the improvement of the realm of martial arts, Xiu Xian and Wuxia are already two completely different cultivation systems, and the conflict is becoming more and more huge.

Especially when it comes to the cultivation of the soul and divine consciousness, it is even more impossible to make a mistake.

Perhaps someone can achieve the dual cultivation of martial immortals, but the understanding of the hero has definitely not reached this height.

The world will help the Lord: "Agree! I agree! "

Xiongba looked excited and nodded repeatedly.

Unless he was a fool, he would use such a precious elixir to enhance the realm of martial arts.

Three pindans!

This is the elixir corresponding to the cultivators of the Jiedan Realm level!

If it weren't for the fact that his current cultivation realm was too low, he would have given up his cultivation in the martial arts realm long ago.

"With the three-pin pill Metamorphosis Pill, my divine sense can grow rapidly, and the combat power of the same rank in the Immortal Cultivation Realm far exceeds that of others."

Xiongba was well aware of the advantages of immortal cultivators.

The reason why Xiu Immortal is stronger than martial arts is, on the one hand, because the energy level of mana is much higher than that of internal force.

On the other hand, it is that immortal cultivators can cultivate divine consciousness.

The stronger the divine sense, the more flexible the control of the flying sword, and the stronger the power can be, which is also the key reason why immortal cultivators can fly in the Qi Refining Realm.

[The immortal cultivator sent an exclusive red envelope to the Tianxia Guild. 】

[The World Society helped the Lord receive the red envelope. 】

"Sanpin Dan Medicine Metamorphosis Pill!"

The rest of the chat group is also watching with fiery eyes.


Under the surprised gazes of the others in the chat group, Qiao Feng couldn't wait to fly towards the Shaolin Temple with his flying sword.

"Sweeping monk senior, in Xia Qiao Feng, although the senior is low-key, but before the senior knows the senior, he is the number one master in the world, so he wants to have a discussion with the senior."

Qiao Feng found the sweeping monk who was still in a state of loss of consciousness and directly challenged him.

After these several transactions, especially this transaction of Xiongba, Qiao Feng deeply understood the importance of points.

Therefore, he must also take the initiative to trigger group tasks and get point rewards.

Sweeping monk: "??? "。

Lao Gu is the first in the world?

Didn't you see the battle just now?

You didn't participate?

There are more than a dozen immortal cultivators, more than a dozen great masters, and a mixed world demon, how did you rank me first in the world?

Did you hit me?

You say it directly!.

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