The wandering world of Earth.

Bald Eagle Country.

"Any more information?"

The head of the Bald Eagle Country, the Withered King, did not have the same enthusiasm as the previous reception of Gao Yao's face at this time, and became a little gloomy.

According to the intelligence investigated by the Bald Eagle Country, the hundreds of mysterious people who appeared this time all spoke the Kyushu language.

Even that cat star spoke the Kyushu language.

This made the wilting king very uneasy.

Will these mysterious people only help the people of Kyushu and not help them?

This is also why he received a call from Li Yuan and immediately agreed to let Liu Peiqiang be the head of the earth and the commander-in-chief of the world.

"King Weak, are we going to take tough measures?"

A bald general in a general's uniform with a big belly, sad, Dao.

The chattering masses are right, after experiencing the aging and expansion of the sun, several disasters that affect the survival of human beings, the human will of the wandering earth world has become more tenacious, and their actions have become more decisive.

"It's very likely that they're from other living planets, or parallel worlds, and if we catch a few of them, we might be able to get a way into those worlds." "

The bald general's eyes revealed a thick desire and fiery.

He used to live on Earth in a normal environment and knew what it was like.

Today's earth lacks sunlight, lacks flowers and trees, is full of too many crises, too unstable.


The Weakening King's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was not sleeping, and an indifferent voice sounded.

The lunar crisis is less than four days away.

According to the plan drawn up by the joint official organization, it is intended to blow up the moon with nuclear weapons around the world.

Then start the planetary engine and officially embark on the road to find your new home.

"If the power shown by these mysterious people in the lunar crisis is the same as it is now, then do it." "

The wilting king lay on the black sofa, and he already had a decision in his heart.

The moment the moon explodes and the planetary engine starts, it is time to decide whether to do it or not.

Fuso Country.

"Treat that mysterious man named Li Xunhuan well and give him the treatment of an emperor. "

After the person in charge of Fusang warmly received Li Xunhuan, he gathered with the helmsmen of the chaebols, and the smile on his face gradually solidified.

They originally thought that among the hundreds of mysterious people, there would be a few people who spoke the Fuso language.

As a result, there was not a single one.

"We have promised to make Liu Peiqiang the world commander-in-chief, the head of the earth, and this time the earth crisis hopes that he can give us a satisfactory explanation." "

The person in charge of Fuso said quietly.

Previously they had no choice.

Except for the Wandering Earth Project, they could not come up with a more secure way.

It's different now!

The appearance of mysterious people gives them other options.

Especially from the casual conversations of those mysterious people, they even speculated that these mysterious people came from other worlds.

Even if these mysterious people show great power, they are even very similar to the sword fairy in Kyushu mythology and legend.

As long as they are given a chance, they dare to do it.

At almost the same moment, the countries of the Stick Country, the Sunset Country, and the Hans Country were watching the plans of the joint official organization.

While paying attention to the actions of the chatting masses.

Before, because I didn't know the strength of the chat masses, no matter what happened, they actively cooperated.

It's different now.

Although the strength of the chatting masses is indeed far beyond ordinary people, it is not strong enough that they cannot resist.

If the two sides go to war, who will kill the deer is not certain.

However, as if tacit agreement, these countries are just waiting quietly, waiting for the moment when the lunar crisis really erupts.

They will decide their next move by chatting with the power that the masses showed when the lunar crisis erupted.

And at this time chat group.

The world will help the master: "Liu Peiqiang, you really know how to play.!"

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Long insight, 666." "

Princess Changping: "Is this really possible?"

Chef Gao of the canteen: "Logically, there is no problem, after all, Liu Peiqiang is capable of completing group tasks, so the group tasks in his hands now have certain value." "

Born in modern times, he quickly thinks of the existence of stocks, funds and the like in reality.

Although not completely similar, it has the same meaning.

Da Qin Zulong: "It depends on whether Da Xian will agree." "

Ying Zheng quickly understood Liu Peiqiang's thinking and knew that this trading method was indeed reasonable.

Even for him, there are no small benefits.

However, the decision of all this depends on the decision of the great immortal.

"I wonder if the Great Immortal will agree?"

Liu Peiqiang was extremely nervous and apprehensive.

Immortal cultivator: "No problem, but you need to wait a minute." "

Next to the sun, Ye Hao was plundering the sun essence to feed a few fire crows, intending to cultivate a few golden crows to play.

After he saw the message of the chat group, he agreed without any hesitation.

Because, the task of saving the earth triggered by Liu Peiqiang and Ying Zheng, if the degree of completion is high, it is at least a reward of hundreds of thousands of points, and ninety percent of the point reward is completely worth his shot.

Solving the lunar crisis is just a hands-on thing.

Space station navigator: "Thank you Daxian!

Receiving Ye Hao's affirmative answer, Liu Peiqiang looked extremely excited.

"The person in charge, you can notify the joint official organization and let them suspend the plan, and then Daxian will solve everything. "

Liu Peiqiang quickly told Li Yuan the good news.

"I wonder who this immortal is?"

Li Yuan couldn't help but ask.

He can't just give up the plan to blow up the moon because of Liu Peiqiang's words.

If this so-called immortal did not solve the moon, wouldn't human civilization be destroyed?

"Daisen is a true immortal"

Liu Peiqiang wanted to say something, but found that he knew too little about Ye Hao.

"We have entered many worlds before and carried out group missions, and a trace of the breath of the Great Immortal burst out, almost destroying one world. "

"The Great Immortal also once entered the river of time, randomly scooped up the dead and directly resurrected them. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"One billionth of the power of the Great Immortal can easily wipe out all the lifespan on a living planet"

Ying Zheng was in a very happy mood, so he took the initiative to popularize the scene that Ye Hao had made a move to Liu Peiqiang, as well as Li Yuan and other responsible persons of the Kyushu Kingdom.

"That is, your points are not enough, otherwise, the Great Immortal will be able to restore your world to normal in an instant." "

In the eyes of Ying Zheng, Ye Hao is almost omnipotent.

Solving the apocalyptic crisis of a low-level world like the wandering earth world is completely effortless.

"Chat groups are powerful, and you should know a thing or two. "

"And Daxian is the only immortal cultivator in our chat group. "

Victory is meaningful, Tao.

"The first realm of cultivating immortals is the Qi Refining Realm, and then there are Foundation Building Realm, Jiedan Realm, Yuan Infant Realm, etc., until the ninth realm is considered an immortal path. "

"And we are all refining qi realms. "

"The gap between each great realm is like a dragon and an ant, and the higher you go, the greater the gap between the realms. "

"You said that he is already a great immortal who is a taboo powerhouse in the Immortal Dao, and his strength is terrifying?"

In order to let Liu Peiqiang, Li Yuan and other leaders of the Kyushu Kingdom have a clear understanding, Ying Zheng even introduced the realm of cultivating immortals.


Liu Peiqiang's face was shocked, and he subconsciously swallowed a few mouthfuls of spit, and his heart trembled.

As for Li Yuan and the other responsible persons of the Kyushu Kingdom, their expressions were also sluggish.

In their eyes, the chatting masses who were already called sword immortals turned out to be only the first realm of the realm of cultivating immortals.

And the gap between these people and that great immortal is probably more than ten great realms.

If the chatting masses are the light of fire, then the Great Immortal is the Great Sun Hanging in the Sky.

"The plan does not need to be postponed!"

Li Yuan shook his head.

"Not only can it not be postponed, but it must also be intensified. "

Li Yuan was firm and said.


Liu Peiqiang was puzzled.

"Of course, it is to train you an army that looks like death. "

Li Yuan explained.

Since Ying Zheng can lead his subordinates into the wandering earth world to perform group missions, Liu Peiqiang can also lead his subordinates into other worlds to perform group missions.

Liu Peiqiang is now just an ordinary person, and his single-person strength is not at all the opponent of the rest of the chat group.

If this is the case, let Liu Peiqiang have a powerful scientific and technological army.

"If you accept this army, you will become the real person in charge of the earth and ensure the safety of the earth." "

Liu Yuan reminded.

If that Great Immortal were really as powerful as Ying Zheng said, there would be no discordant voice on earth.

In addition, Liu Peiqiang can really solve the solar crisis and return mankind to the bright era, which will definitely be supported by the world.

"I do!"

Liu Peiqiang said without hesitation.

He needs enough strength.

In less than three days, the chat group will usher in a big change, and the stronger the power he can master, the better.

"What's that? How did a giant palm appear in the universe?"

At this moment, the sudden exclamation instantly attracted the attention of Huan Zheng, Liu Peiqiang, Li Yuan and others, and they all turned their attention to the Sky Committee.

A slender hand like white jade stretched out from the black void, covering the sky and holding the moon in the palm of his hand, like an ordinary person holding a ping-pong ball in his hand.


At this moment, another big white jade-like hand stretched out from the void and grabbed the earth.

Placing the Moon and Earth in their original orbits is like playing a jigsaw puzzle.

After that, the two big hands disappeared instantly.

And the whole earth fell into an incomparable dead silence, everyone was dumbfounded, stunned, and looked at the starry sky of the universe in a trance.

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