The world will help the Lord: "How do you know so many things, don't you usually practice?"

The bully cursed and cursed.

Although he also thought of the elixir of the martial arts world, he denied this idea when he thought that there were not so many alchemists at all.

He didn't think at all that he could scientifically refine pills and adopt industrial production.

"Gou Yingzheng, do you want to go to college in the future?"

Xiongba also read some history books and also read some introduction to science and technology.

However, most of the books on science and technology he read are related to weapons, vehicles, communication tools, etc., and he has not read scientific books in depth.

Every day, he can't wait to spend all his time cultivating and improving his strength, how can he waste too much time reading science books.

Guo Jing: "Your Majesty 666." "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the "Five Three Zero" gang: "Your Majesty 666." "

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "Your Majesty 666." "

Rainbow Cat who had just joined the group, as well as Guo Jing and Qiao Feng, the three of them were completely confused.

If these words were said by Gao, or Liu Peiqiang, they would not be surprised at all.

However, this was actually said by Qin Shi Huang.

In particular, the impact on Guo Jing and Qiao Feng was even greater.

Because, according to the timeline, Ying Zheng is an older historical figure than them.

As a result, Yingzheng is much more scientific than the two of them.

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "It is rumored that Qin Shi Huang has to approve a stone every day, and now that he is cultivating immortals, he must fight harder." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Every day, he cultivates immortals for three hours, practices martial arts for one hour, alchemy for two hours, sleeps for two hours, studies for two hours, and two hours is used to deal with imperial politics and chores." "

Ying Zheng is very calm.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Your Majesty, do you want to roll it up like this!"

Li Xunhuan collapsed.

Except for the time he spent cultivating immortals, he was able to compare with Ying Zheng, and in other aspects, he was all beaten by Huan Zheng.

He spends most of his day accompanying Lin Shiyin on sightseeing tours and being a couple of immortals.

As for sleeping, even after cultivating immortals, she is much more energetic and keeps sleeping for three hours a day.

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "Sleep two hours a day?"

The corners of Yue Buqun's mouth couldn't help but twitch repeatedly, and his face was extremely gloomy.

He originally thought that he slept five hours a day, that is, two and a half hours, and belonged to a very hard-working existence in the chat group.

As a result, he did not expect that an emperor-level existence like Lian Huanzheng would only sleep two hours a day, one hour less than him.

Princess Changping: "Other people won't roll up like this, right?"

Ah Jiu was panicked.

She still maintains her usual sleeping habit and sleeps almost three and a half hours tomorrow.

As a result, it was found that in the chat group, she was the most dish, but she probably had the most time to sleep and rest.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Are you still sleeping?"

Zhang Sanfeng was a little surprised.

Before cultivating immortals, he slept one or two hours a day, and the rest of the time he was in a state of cultivation, or a state of comprehension of martial arts.

Because when he is cultivating, it is also a kind of rest for him.

After cultivating immortals, he no longer needed to sleep.

Although it is impossible to spend all twelve hours a day on cultivation.

However, every day, three hours of cultivating immortals, two hours of martial arts practice, and three hours were used to learn the cultivation experience of the ten Foundation Building Realm cultivators that he had purchased before.

Two hours are spent studying alchemy, one hour is spent practicing the Heavenly Mechanics, and one hour is spent learning other knowledge.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Every day, it seems that the old Taoist needs to take another hour to learn new knowledge. "

Zhang Sanfeng thought secretly.

Scientific knowledge is still important.

You can take an hour from the time spent practicing martial arts, and an hour from studying the cultivation experience of the Foundation Building Realm.

Princess Changping: "???". (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Xiao Li Feidao: "???."

Chef Gao of the canteen: "???".

Rainbow Cat Young Man: "Don't you sleep every day?"

The world will help the Lord: "I, you two beware of sudden death!"

Ying Zheng's work and rest time only shocked the chat masses, and Zhang Sanfeng's work and rest time completely refreshed their cognition.

Just don't sleep?

It's terrifying!

They were a little scared.

Especially those group members who entered at the same time as Zhang Sanfeng had a numb scalp.

Their cultivation talent was originally inferior to Zhang Sanfeng, and now they were far less able to work hard than Zhang Sanfeng.

The longer time passes, the gap between them and Zhang Sanfeng will only get bigger and bigger.......

It is not only the gap in the realm of strength, but also the gap in the comprehensive aspect is even greater.

If Zhang Sanfeng worked harder than them, they could still use an excuse to say that Zhang Sanfeng was a superior person, and his cultivation state was not comparable to ordinary people.

However, the government also worked harder than them.

Ying Zheng is Qin Shi Huang, the emperor, the innate starting point is much higher than them, and he even works so hard than them.

What reason do they have not to work hard and not work hard?

Space station navigator: "Ahem, let's discuss completing the group mission." "

Liu Peiqiang is too familiar with this situation.

When the World Official Joint Organization screened the space station navigator, the astronauts who screened together clearly said that everyone would put it on a rotten together.

As a result, when he got up, his roommate's bed was already empty.

It was the same when I was in school, and I said that I was playing at home.

In fact, everyone is immersed in learning at home.

Great Qin Zulong: "My world, the world of Xiongba, the world of Qiao Feng, the world of Rainbow Cat, the world of the Lord of the Invitation Moon Palace, the world of Li Xunhuan, the world boundary of the six of us is the highest, and the medicinal resources are also the richest." "

Daqin Zulong: "I asked Li Yuan, the head of Kyushu State in this world, before, and he said that their world has invented artificial intelligence, and we can use artificial intelligence to control drones and 3.2 probe the resources of our respective worlds. "

Daqin Zulong: "Then let the artificial intelligence mark the map of the medicinal materials, and we can directly pick them, which will greatly speed up." "

The situation in other worlds is not very clear.

However, for his own world, he still has a certain understanding of the government.

There are too many no-man's lands, and there must be a lot of medicinal herbs in it.

The medicinal materials of so many worlds combined can definitely refine tens of thousands of pills.

Guo Jing: ".

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: ".

Rainbow Cat Young Man: ".

That's embarrassing!

The three of them found that they didn't understand what Ying Zheng was talking about.

What artificial intelligence!

What UAVs!.

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