The wandering world of Earth.

The chattering crowd looked a little stunned, and they didn't expect this kind of result at all.

If Bai Xiaofei is an ordinary person, shallow in knowledge, and does not know the situation in his own world, it is understandable.

However, Xia Houwei claimed to be one of the top powerhouses in the world.

From his previous tone, he could feel that Xia Houwei was very confident in his strength.

How can a top expert in the world not be clear about the situation in his own world?

As for Zhu Yuanzhang, he is an emperor, if he is not clear about his own world, then he is not worthy of Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang at all.

The three newcomers all felt that Xiongba's strength was terrifying, but the strength displayed by Xiongba was only the early stage of the Heavenly and Human Realm, to be precise, it was only one layer of the Heavenly and Human Realm.

The first layer of the Heavenly and Human Realm is the invincible existence of the world in the world of three newcomers, so where will the world of the three newcomers be ~ inside?

This is completely different from their previous expectations!

"Xiongba, you continue. "

Ying Zheng gestured for Xiongba to continue asking.

"Ask if there are any other cultivation systems in their world, and are there any special beings?"

Zhang Sanfeng added.

The world will help the master: "The old man is an honest man, and he also likes honest people." "

The world will help the master: "Every newcomer who joins the chat group needs to introduce himself, name and identity, strength realm, and world situation. "

The world will help the master: "If there is any concealment, or fabrication of false information, the old members of our chat group will never accept him, nor will they have any dealings or cooperation with him." "

Xiongba ignored the strange eyes of Huan Zheng, Zhang Sanfeng and others, and was calm.

Great Qin Zulong: "We also mean this." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The chat group will also post group tasks, and we can't trust lying group members." "

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "Those who lie to us may have a black hand behind us, as long as they lie, it means that we will be enemies from now on." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Please be careful." "

The rest of the chat group cooperated with the hero and psychologically oppressed the three newcomers.

Of course, they are not nonsense either.

If the three newcomers really deceive them, then this unstable factor must be severely suppressed or even eradicated.

Graphic designer: "My name is Bai Xiaofei, Yan Guo, working as a graphic designer, 23 years old today, I have a girlfriend Xiaowei, my world is a technology world, today is 2012, November, 1st, 9:15 p.m., I am now boiling hot water"

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei couldn't wait to upload all his ID cards and household registration books to the martial arts chat group.

Show yourself that you are not lying.

Moreover, he had no intention of lying.

The group members of the chat group not only come from different worlds, but also the group members are too generous, and the shot is the supreme divine skill of returning to the vitality of three points.

With such a friendly chat group, he naturally does not need to be fake.

"If lying causes these bigwigs to reject me, it's miserable. "

Bai Xiaofei is also looking forward to the big money of the others in the chat group.

The group member called the Tianxia Guild's Gang Lord, as soon as he made a move, it was a peerless divine skill of returning to the vitality of three points.

The rest of the chat group may not have the atmosphere of the world's help, at least they should give away some divine weapons.

Even if he doesn't have a magic weapon, give him some gold jewelry, which will allow him to live a rich life.

"A pure otaku ah!"

Liu Peiqiang carefully read Bai Xiaofei's self-introduction, and did not find any special information.

If you infer according to the information Bai Xiaofei's self-introduction, Bai Xiaofei should be from an ordinary scientific and technological world.

"This time the chat group is three newcomers, maybe only one or two of the three newcomers are from a multi-system world. "

Guo Jing voiced his conjecture.

Xiahou swordsman: "My name is Xiahouwei, Dayong Dynasty, Liangzhou County, Beihe County people, 43 years old this year, strength is the peak of the innate realm, seven years ago, I was the first swordsman in the world, and then I was defeated by Yan Chixia, in the past seven years, I have been challenging him, all failed"

Xia Houwei also followed closely behind, quickly introducing his identity.

He now wants to learn from Xiongba.

Since Xiongba likes honest people, then he will be an honest person and quickly say his own information.

"The swordsman at the peak of the innate realm is the number one swordsman in the world, then the world where Xia Houwei is located, the world boundary is probably the Grandmaster Realm. "

Yue Buqun voiced his analysis.

It can't be higher!

"In such a world, I am afraid that no special life can be born. "

A smile appeared on Yue Buqun's face.

It seems that Shiro was worried before.

Of the three newcomers invited by the chat group, two of them are already in a world that is very ordinary.

Emperor Hongwu: "We are Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of Daming, this year is the fifteenth year of Hongwu, we are fifty-four years old this year, when we were young, our strength and innate realm, now there are not many left, we now have twenty-one sons"

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a moment and did not hide it.

Because the cost of concealment is too great, and the gain is completely outweighed.

The world will help the master: "In that case, let me tell you the good news first, the points check-in page of the chat group, you can sign in points on it." "

The World Will Help Lord: "Points can be used to improve martial arts, as well as any skills related to martial arts." "

After Xiongba finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Huan Zheng, Zhang Sanfeng and the others, with complicated faces.

All three newcomers introduced their names, ages, and how many children they had.

However, from these presentations, they came to only one result.

Similar to the previous conclusion, the world where the three newcomers are located is completely ordinary.

"What now?"

Xiongba asked.

Chat groups have been notified and new features are officially running.

It is impossible that after the official operation, the three group members invited are still from the pure martial arts world?

And then notify a fart?

"The history of Bai Xiaofei's world is similar to ours. "

"The history of Zhu Yuanzhang's world is also similar to ours. "

"Only the dynasty where Xia Houwei is located is the Dayong Dynasty, which is completely out of the history of Kyushu Country, and is a completely strange dynasty. "

Ying Zheng pondered and analyzed.

"The world in which we people live, the world where the history is different from the history of Kyushu, only the world of Xiongba and Rainbow Cat. "

"The world you two live in is also very different from the world of the others. "

"If among the three newcomers, whose world is most likely to have other cultivation systems, it must be the world where Xia Houwei is located. "

After the analysis of Ying Zheng, he couldn't help but look at Xiongba.

"I see that Xia Houwei wants to worship you as a teacher, or else you will take him as an apprentice and enter his world to take a look?"

If the world boundary of the Qiannu Ghost World is really just the Grandmaster Realm, it can be clearly perceived with the strength of the Heavenly and Human Realm.


Xiongba refused without hesitation.

If Xia Houwei's world was a very powerful world, wouldn't it be dangerous for him to venture in.

"However, taking Xia Houwei as an apprentice can be considered. "

The hero's mind is full of thoughts, and he is very moved.

If Xia Houwei became his apprentice, wouldn't he be able to easily enter and exit Xia Houwei's world?

In this way, he encountered danger in the Fengyun World and could completely escape to the world where Xia Houwei was.

"Why didn't I think of it earlier!"

The hero is extremely remorseful.

If he had accepted a few apprentices in the chat group before, not only a few more supporters, but when he encountered danger in the Fengyun World, he could escape to the world where the apprentices were.

Graphic designer: "Thank you guy, I successfully returned three points to the yuan qi by points, I am also a martial arts master now, hahaha"

Bai Xiaofei was extremely excited.

He was originally worried about whether he had martial arts talent, or whether his world was suitable for cultivating the Three Points of Returning to Vitality.

As a result, the chat group has hanging!

100 points can raise the three-point return to the first level of the Houtian Realm.

After signing in 10 points every day, and signing in for ten days, he will be able to have a cultivator on the first floor of the Houtian Realm.

If he signs in for a year, it will be 3650 points, which is enough for him to raise his realm to the eighth layer of the Houtian realm!

Xiahou Swordsman: "Thank you senior, three points to return to the vitality is really a supreme divine skill." "

Xia Houwei was also extremely excited, and after signing in the points, he did not hesitate to use the points to improve the vitality of three points.

He could clearly perceive that the internal force condensed by the three-point Yuan Qi was much purer than the internal force condensed by the exercises he had cultivated before, and the power was also greatly increased.

"When I sign in 10 points tomorrow, I will raise the realm to the Grandmaster realm, which is enough to crush Yan Chixia. "

As soon as Xia Houwei thought that he would soon be able to defeat Yan Chixia and wash away his shame for seven years, he felt his blood boiling and he couldn't wait to sing a song.

Emperor Hongwu: "Is there any way to get points faster?"

Zhu Yuanzhang had already given up his plan to cultivate three points to return to Yuan Qi because he was too old.

Even if you cultivate three points to return to the Yuan Qi, you can't raise it to too high a realm.

He didn't expect at all that the martial arts chat group was much more against the sky than he thought.

The martial arts chat group not only invites martial arts masters from different worlds, but can even directly improve the strength realm with points.

In this way, as long as the points are enough, wouldn't he be able to improve the realm infinitely.

Even reaching the strength of the hegemon?

On his own, he was able to suppress the entire world. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"What to do?"

The chatting masses were a little embarrassed.

Once they told Zhu Yuanzhang that they could earn points for completing the group task, they found a way to trigger the group task.

If the group task is really triggered, will they participate in the group task or not?

"If you don't tell them, they can just study the chat group for a while and they will be able to find out on their own." "

Qiao Feng reminded.

"Also, chat groups have another newly added group feature running, ready to post tasks from non-group member worlds. "

It was hard to gain the trust of the three newcomers, and if they concealed the existence of the group mission now, it would definitely make the three newcomers reborn.

What's more, if you want to hide it, you can't hide it for long.

"I feel better to tell them now. "

Qiao Feng expressed his opinion.

"Then tell them. "

Ying Zheng also agreed with Qiao Feng's view.

The world will help the master: "Completing group tasks can earn points." "

[Xiongba posted a file "Chat Group Task List". 】

The world will help the master: "In addition to passively waiting for the chat group to publish tasks, you can also actively trigger group tasks." "

The world will help the master: "The file contains the group task records that the chat group has published, as well as the group task records that we actively triggered. "

Since he didn't plan to hide it, Xiongba also told Zhu Yuanzhang and the three of them all the information about the group mission at once.

Graphic designer: "Thanks guy!"

Xiahou Swordsman: "Thank you senior!"

Emperor Hongwu: "Thank you, Your Excellency!"

Seeing this, the three newcomers clicked on the document one after another.

Points can directly improve the strength realm, and you can earn points by completing group tasks.

How to trigger group tasks and get more points is too tempting for them.

Xiahou Swordsman: "Challenge yourself as the number one in the world and be able to trigger group missions?"

Qiannu Ghost World, Xia Houwei's face was red, and he was extremely excited.

Heaven is helping him!

Yan Chixia is definitely the number one in the world!

When he defeated Yan Chixia, he would not only be able to shame and become the number one swordsman in the world again.

Moreover, he is also able to earn a large number of points.

At that time, his strength in the Qiannu Ghost World will probably be upgraded to the terrifying strength of an unprecedented person and no one after.

Xiahou Swordsman: "I'll challenge Yan Chixia tomorrow." "

The world will help the lord: "Since you plan to challenge Yan Chixia tomorrow, what don't you understand about the three-point return to the vitality, or your previous cultivation, if you have any questions, you can ask me." "

Xiongba could no longer bear it and planned to take Xia Houwei as an apprentice.

He didn't dare to trigger the group mission in the Fengyun World, and wait for Xia Houwei to really trigger the group mission and become the number one in the world of Qiannu Ghost World.

He can enter with confidence.

You can also try to trigger the group members of the Qiannu Ghost World.

Xiahou Swordsman: "Thank you senior!"

Xiahou swordsman: "The senior's great grace, the evening generation is toothless, please accept me as an apprentice." Kowtow JPG. "

Finding that Xiongba was willing to personally guide him, Xia Houwei was extremely excited and looking forward to it.

Since he and Xiongba already have a master and apprentice, they should not refuse him to worship a teacher, right?

The world will help the Lord: "If this is the case, the old man will take you as an apprentice." "

Xiongba did not make a pretentious gesture and directly accepted Xia Houwei.

He believed that with his strength and means, he would definitely be able to control Xia Houwei.

Xiahou Swordsman: "Meet Master." Kowtow JPG"


Xia Houwei could no longer hold back the excitement in his heart and raised his head to the sky.

He worships a powerful person like Xiongba, and he can easily become the strongest person in the Qiannu Ghost World, and no one can defeat him again.

Trigger special missions and preach!"

"The world will help the lord to accept the Xiahou swordsman, and the stronger the Xiahou swordsman, the more points the world will help the lord can get. "

"This task is long-term. "

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.

"Is that okay?"

The rest of the chat group had not cared about Xiongba taking Xia Houwei as an apprentice, but when they heard the prompt tone of the group system, everyone's faces changed greatly.

Group quests!

Still a long-term task!

As long as Xia Houwei's strength continues to grow, Xiongba will be able to get points rewards all the time!

If they take apprentices, will they also be able to trigger group missions?

The world will help the master: "Hahaha apprentice, the master will definitely guide you well, so that you can become an invincible powerhouse in your own world." "

Xiongba was first stunned, then ecstatic.

Long-term group tasks triggered separately!

Xia Houwei is now only the peak of the Innate Realm, and with his guidance alone, Xia Houwei is very easy to ascend to the Great Master.

If you add immortal cultivation resources, it is not a problem to break through to the realm of heaven and man.

How many points do you have to reward for this?

He's going to be a bully!

Xiahou Swordsman: "Thank you Master." "

Trigger a special mission to save your apprentice. "

"The world will help the lord, your apprentice Xiahou Swordsman's understanding of the world is only superficial, he is about to usher in a death calamity, as his master, you should help him through this calamity. "

"In this task, you can invite other group members to participate, and there is no limit to the number of people. "

"This task is rewarded with points based on completion, and points are distributed based on contribution. "

At this moment, the prompt tone of the group system sounded again.

The world will help the Lord: "???."

Xiahou Swordsman: "???".

Is the perception of the world superficial?

Death soon?

Can I invite group members to participate in group missions with an unlimited number of people?

This rhythm is not right, ah long!.

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