"Ding-dong! deduct 2 million points, the second layer of the Transformation God Realm (0/3 million points). "


The second layer of the Transformation God Realm!

"Ding-dong! deduct 3 million points, the third layer of the Transformation God Realm (0/4 million points). "


Three layers of the Transformation God Realm!

"Ding-dong! deduct 6 million points, the sixth layer of the Transformation God Realm (0/7 million points). "


Transformation God Realm Six Layers!

Ye Hao's strength once again had a huge leap, and his divine sense was enough to envelop the entire Qiannu Ghost World, and he could descend to any corner of the Qiannu Ghost World in an instant.

A 10,000-year-old demon like the Black Mountain Old Demon, he can wipe out thousands of them in an instant.

His Yuan God became boundless and tough, like a peerless sword, after leaving the flesh, it did not affect his combat power in the slightest, and he could travel the world and fight in all directions.

"Transformation God Realm Sixth Layer!"

Ye Hao sensed the state at this time, his expression was bright, and the smile on his face could not be hidden.

A quarter of an hour ago, he was only on the eighth layer of the Yuan Infant Realm!

A quarter of an hour later, he directly broke through to the sixth layer of the Transformation God Realm!

This feeling of flying on and off, no matter how many times you experience it, is extremely intoxicating and fascinating.

"Raise the formation mage to the third rank!"

"Elevate the Fu Master to the third rank!"

"Raise the alchemist to the third rank!"

"Raise the Royal Beast Master to the third rank!"

It was found that after the chat group was upgraded, it was easier to get points, and Ye Hao was also willing to use points to improve the auxiliary cultivation system.

In addition to upgrading the original second-rank formation mage, the second-rank talisman master was promoted to the third rank.

He also added two more commonly used auxiliary cultivation systems to himself, the Alchemist and the Royal Beast Master.

"Ding-dong! deduct 100,000 points, upgrade successfully, formation mage three products (0/1 million). "

"Ding-dong! deduct 100,000 points, upgrade successfully, Fushi three products (0/1 million). "

"Dingdong! deduct 100,000 points, upgrade successfully, Royal Beast Master Three Grades (0/1 million). "

"In addition, improve the six reincarnation techniques!"

After improving the auxiliary system, Ye Hao did not stop upgrading, but chose to improve the six reincarnation techniques with the greatest potential among all the spells.

Deduct 100,000 points, upgrade successfully, six reincarnation techniques (0/1 million). "

The crisp prompt of the group system sounds.

Ye Hao's mastery of the Six Realms of Reincarnation was also raised to a new level, and at this moment, he could easily control the prefecture without the help of the Six Reincarnation Seals.

"There are still many imperfections in the prefecture. "

After the upgrade of the divine power, Ye Hao even found many loopholes in the prefecture and places where the operation was not satisfactory.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao was powerful, and six mysterious huge black holes appeared around him, each of which was filled with a dark and sacred, strange and noble aura.

The black hole flows, coercing the heaven and earth, as if the entire heaven and earth may be sucked into the black hole at any time, and the cycle of reincarnation.

Any living creature only needs to look at it, and it feels like its soul is like a reincarnation for thousands of lifetimes, and the soul may collapse at any time and turn into nothingness.


Ye Hao's heart moved, and the six huge black holes were directly imprinted on the original six reincarnations of the prefecture, quickly raising it to a higher level, becoming more and more mysterious and vast, noble and simple.

Even the space in which the prefecture itself is located has become more solid and perfect, completely self-contained.

Whether it was the ten halls of the prefecture Yan Luo or the 10,000-year-old great demon, none of them noticed the earth-shattering changes in the prefecture.

"Before, the prefecture belonged to the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Dao of the Qiannu Ghost World, and now the prefecture of the Qiannu Ghost World is independent of the Heavenly Dao and is on an equal footing with the Heavenly Dao. "

When Ye Hao put away his magical powers, he was very satisfied with his strengthened prefecture.

"In the column of the divine power of the personal page, only the Instant Killing Dafa and the Six Reincarnation Techniques are left, and the rest are hidden. "

Ye Hao did not dispose of Yan Luo and Ghost Chao of Qiannu Ghost World Mansion, nor did he dispose of demons and ghosts.

After being strengthened and perfected by him, the mansion of the Qiannu Ghost World operated in full accordance with the rules.

Among them, Yan Luo and Ghost Cha, as well as what kind of punishment or reward the demons and monsters receive, the six rules of reincarnation will be judged by rules, making them suffer the punishment of hell and reincarnation.

"Five-grade alchemist, five auxiliary cultivation systems reach third-grade ~'. "

Ye Hao looked at his personal page that he had updated again, although he didn't know how many auxiliary cultivation systems other cultivators at the level of the Transformation God Realm had mastered.

However, Ye Hao was very satisfied with his skills at this time.

"Chatting with the immortal cultivation resources that the masses are trading now, I'm afraid I will be able to refine most of them myself. "

The corner of Ye Hao's mouth couldn't help but outline a smile, and his demeanor was extremely calm and confident.

The three-product auxiliary system represents the level of the Jiedan Realm.

The immortal cultivation resources currently traded by the chat masses, and the immortal cultivation resources that have reached the third-grade level, are only a few.

Chat groups.

Graphic designer: "It's terrible, it's so terrible, my neighbor turned into a corpse brother, and even broke into my room, fortunately I cut off my head." "

Graphic designer: "I wonder if you drink tap water, you will become a corpse brother?"

Graphic designer: "Is the person behind the scenes trying to turn everyone into corpse brothers by poisoning tap water?"

In the world of corpse brothers, in the rental room, Bai Xiaofei panted and looked at the corpse brother whose head was cut off by him with a fruit knife, and his expression was terrified.

He was terrified.

If it weren't for the Great Immortal reminding him that he drank tap water, would he have also become a corpse brother?

Space station navigator: "If this is the case, I am afraid that there is a problem with the water in the waterworks." "

Space station navigator: "The waterworks are connected to many communities, and the evening is the time to cook and eat, and your city is afraid that a corpse brother crisis will break out." "

Liu Peiqiang had a hunch that Bai Xiaofei's H might have turned thousands of people into corpse brothers.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Are these corpse brothers similar to zombies? If the corpse brother bites other people, others will also become corpse brothers?

Gao couldn't help but think of the zombie movies he had watched.

[The graphic designer posted an image. 】

Graphic designer: "This is the corpse brother." "

Immortal cultivator: "Corpse brother is different from zombies, being bitten by a corpse brother will become a corpse brother, but even if the corpse brother is cut off his head, he will not die." "

Graphic designer: "???".

Bai Xiaofei was excited, and quickly picked up his bench and smashed it towards the corpse brother.

Xiahou Swordsman: "Thank you for the saving grace of the Great Immortal, kneel to the Great Immortal." "

In the Qiannu Ghost World, Xia Houwei saw Ye Hao bubbling, and quickly knelt down, bowing to the void, extremely respectful.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Great Immortal Shenwei, congratulations to Daxian for getting a good potted plant." Funny JPG"

Huashan sent Yue to be in charge: "Maybe the Great Immortal suppressed the Black Mountain old demon, and the Black Mountain old demon may be able to be used as a rockery." Funny JPG"

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I wonder if that Black Mountain old demon is a 10,000-year-old demon?"

From the performance of the dryad grandmother before, Ye Man could see that the Black Mountain old demon was obviously the backer of the dryad grandmother.

Immortal cultivator: "The Black Mountain Old Demon is a black mountain cultivator in the netherworld, with tens of thousands of years of Daoism, has great power in the netherworld, is the king of demons, and is also the king of ghosts." "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "Is the Black Mountain old demon really a 10,000-year-old demon?"

Qiao Feng looked stunned.

Ten thousand years of great demon!

He is the king of demon kings and the king of ghosts, and his identity is too terrifying.

However, when he thought of the old demon of the Black Mountain seeing the picture of the Great Immortal making a move, and fleeing in embarrassment, Qiao Feng smiled bitterly.

Daxian is the true supreme taboo existence!

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The old demon of the Black Mountain has great power in the netherworld, the netherworld is the prefecture, Xia Houwei's world and the prefecture, and the demon can become a prince in the prefecture?"

Zhang Sanfeng's face changed drastically, and he was shocked.


Qiannu Ghost World even has a mansion! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is the place where the reincarnation of heaven and earth is in charge and reincarnated.

Is there a Yan King ghost in the prefecture, a bull head and a horse face?

"The water of Xiahouwei's world is not only deep, but also incomparably dark and turbid!"

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but sigh.

The prefecture is a place that controls the cycle of life and death, and the old demon of Montenegro can become a prince of one side, so what kind of chaos does the prefecture look like?

Emperor Hongwu: "Since the Black Mountain Old Demon can become a prince of the prefecture, there must be many 10,000-year-old demons similar to the Black Mountain Old Demon in the prefecture, cutting one side." "

Zhu Yuanzhang's expression was furious, his fists were clenched, and he wanted to shout, but he didn't know what to shout for a while.

Today's experience was so exciting.

Now even the prefecture has emerged.

Xiahou Swordsman: "Shivering." "

In the Qiannu Ghost World, Xia Houwei's face was pale and his expression was terrified.

Although with the Sword Saint, there is Chixia standing together.

However, at this time, he really did not feel the slightest sense of security, only felt endless darkness and coldness.

For the existence of the prefecture, Xia Houwei was actually not too shocked.

Because, in the Qiannu Ghost World, there has always been a legend of the prefecture.

What really scared Xia Houwei was that the old demon of the Black Mountain could actually divide one side in the prefecture.

Doesn't it mean that even if people die and enter the underground mansion, they cannot escape the control of these demons?

The reason why mortals in the world of Xiahouwei can still survive is because the most powerful demons have entered the prefecture to compete for territory. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "If you master the reincarnation of the earthly mansion, you may be able to immortalize forever." "

Chen Jinnan threw out an even darker guess.

The prefecture is the place that controls the cycle of life and death, if you control the prefecture, wouldn't it mean that you can control your own reincarnation of life and death?

The top demons in the Qiannu Ghost World may not be able to refuse the great temptation to control the prefecture.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Lord: "If this is the case, there may be many very ancient demons, even human cultivators, and even gods and Buddhas in that prefecture. "

Xiahou Swordsman: ".

Xia Houwei only felt that his legs were a little soft, and his head was buzzing.

An existence that is older than the 10,000-year Great Demon, a 100,000-year Great Demon, a million-year Great Demon?

How terrifying is his world?

He is now just a martial arts master at the peak of the innate realm, why let him know so much?

Xia Houwei was extremely happy, he was known as the number one swordsman in the world, how arrogant and arrogant, how could he not be killed?

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I don't know what is the difference between the Millennium Great Demon and the 10,000-year Great Demon?"

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, Ye Man wants to see the appearance of the 10,000-year-old Great Demon Black Mountain Old Demon." "

The world will help the lord: "Great Immortal, Ip Man wants to see the appearance of the old demon of the Black Mountain. "

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "Great Immortal, Ye Man wants to see the appearance of the 10,000-year-old demon black shirt and old waist." "

The chattering masses had already seen the appearance of the thousand-year-old dryad, and they wanted to know how amazing the Black Mountain old demon body that could be cut off from the prefecture was.

Master Wing Chun: "???".

He was just curious about what kind of strength realm the Black Mountain old demon was!

Immortal cultivator: "I didn't go to catch the Black Mountain old demon just now, I just went to the prefecture and upgraded the prefecture of Xiahouwei's world." "

The chatting masses who were expecting to watch the old demon of Montenegro instantly fell silent.

Upgrade the prefecture?

Do you want to be so high-end!

This is the hell!

Want to upgrade, can I upgrade?

Space station navigator: "Although there are a lot of things I want to say, but I don't know what to say for a while, I just want to say that the immortal is awesome now!"

Emperor Hongwu: "The great immortal has great power, and the magic power is boundless. "

Zhu Yuanzhang had already made a decision, and he would immediately have all the temples and halls enshrine the statues of the Great Immortals.

In the future, he only believed in the great immortal in front of him.

Graphic designer: "Everyone should need to digest the information just now, right?"

Graphic designer: "Daxian, how did the corpse brother break out?"

Although Bai Xiaofei was also stunned, Bai Xiaofei didn't have time to be shocked at the thought that other (De Zhao) corpse brothers might rush into his room at any time.

The rest of the chat group is now safe, and he can hang up at any time.

He had to ask for more intelligence while Daisen was still in the chat group.

Graphic designer: "Moreover, although the corpse brother will not die by cutting off his head, it is stronger than the vitality of the zombie, but it is impossible to rule the earth by the corpse brother, right?"

Bai Xiaofei stared at the corpse brother with blurred flesh and blood, preventing the corpse brother from bursting out, while asking Ye Hao the doubts in his heart.

Even he was able to kill the corpse brother alone.

With the strength of the army, relying on various modern thermal weapons with great power, even if all H's people become corpse brothers, they can be easily suppressed.

[Immortal cultivators posted a video!]

Immortal Cultivator: "This is the reason why the corpse brother crisis broke out. "

Ye Hao used the Tianji technique to deduce the past Tianji picture of the corpse brother world, and made a video with the chat group and posted it to the chat group.

The video shows two grave robbers dropping coffins they dug out of the ground into the water plant during a rough drive.

Immortal cultivator: "The corpse brother not only eats people, but also eats other creatures, once you eat other creatures, the genes immediately begin to mutate, and the more types of organisms you eat, the more powerful the evolutionary mutation." "

Immortal cultivator: "If you let the corpse brother evolve all the time, you will evolve all kinds of monsters." "

Immortal cultivator: "However, the real crisis of the corpse brother is still the coffin that fell into the water, and there is a god-level warrior who was imprisoned a thousand years ago, which is the corpse brother crisis created by him." "

Graphic designer: "???".

Chat masses: "???".

Brother Corpse is not made by technology?

Is it a corpse brother crisis created by a god-level warrior thousands of years ago?

A god-level warrior from a thousand years ago is still alive?

After the chat group is upgraded, the world where the new group members are invited, are the strong people starting with a thousand years? .

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