
The chatting masses were instantly stunned!

Everyone felt like their heads were stagnant and blank.

An epoch is six quadrillion years!

What a long time, it's really scary.

And the strongest person in the Star Great World actually lived for more than a thousand generations.

How many years is that?

They couldn't figure it out for a while.

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Great Immortal, we won't be ~ discovered when we enter the mission world, right?" "

Yue Buqun was panicked, and the excited smile on his face instantly froze and became extremely stiff.

The age of the Earth is only four or five billion years -- that's all.

In front of the strongest in the Star World, even the earth is pitiful, let alone him.

Moreover, after cultivating for so long, how terrifying should the strength be?

Immortal cultivator: "As long as it is low-key, there is still no problem." "

The chat group has the ability to cover the breath of the heavenly machine, as long as the group task is carried out safely, it will naturally not be discovered.

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "Then it's good, then it's good!" "

Yue Buqun had already made up his mind in his heart that once he entered the Star World, he would definitely be inseparable from the Great Immortal.

Otherwise, he could die at any time.

As for finding treasures in such a high-level world and obtaining opportunities, Yue Buqun didn't dare to think about it.

He is a cultivator at the level of the Qi Refining Realm, maybe a passerby who randomly appears on the side of the road can kill him in seconds.

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, the strongest in the world of this mission, what realm has his strength reached?" "

Ying Zheng feels that his worldview has been completely refreshed.

Not to mention a thousand Yanji, even if he can live one Yanji, he is satisfied.

Now a person who has lived for more than a thousand years is absolutely terrifying.

Immortal cultivator: "In the world of group tasks, the realm of the strongest is the realm of Hongmeng controller, several realms higher than your Gaoshi. "

As for what means the Hongmeng controller had, Ye Hao did not introduce it again.

The gap from the chatting masses is too big.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Are we really suitable for entering this level of the world and performing group tasks?" "

Li Xunhuan was dumbfounded.

More than a dozen realms higher than them!

According to the division of the realm of immortal cultivation, he is definitely an immortal, and moreover, he is still a very terrifying immortal.

They are a martial arts chat group!

If it weren't for the appearance of the Great Immortal, I'm afraid that the strongest heroes in the chat group would not be able to break through to the Heavenly and Human Realm.

Because, relying only on points to improve strength, the points obtained by Xiongba are not enough to improve a small realm in the later stage of the Great Master.

Let them enter such a terrifying world to carry out group missions, it is simply a test of their hearts.

Emperor Hongwu: "We just entered the chat group, and the chat group posted such a terrifying group task?" "

Zhu Yuanzhang originally thought that he was very happy to step into the realm of refining qi and become an immortal cultivator.

However, compared to the real strong, he is still too weak.

It is even more than a dozen realms away from a strong person of the level of Hongmeng controller.

"Ding-dong! Huashan Pai Yue is in charge, Immortal Cultivator, you have one day to prepare, and one day later, you will enter the mission world. "

At this moment, the prompt tone of the group system sounded again.

Immortal cultivator: "Yue Buqun, you prepare well, a day later, we will set off." "

"I don't know the Immortal Cultivation Technique of the Star World, can I use points to improve?"

Ye Hao couldn't help but think.

He was now desperately short of a higher-level Immortal Cultivation Technique.

And in the Star World, there is a top-notch exercise, the future Qin Yu cultivation exercise, the Star Technique.

"Look for the technique in the fairy world first, if you don't find it before performing the mission, you can let the doppelganger try to get the star recipe."

"In addition, you also need to prepare some pills to assist Qin Yu in practicing martial arts."

The requirement of the group mission is to help Qin Yu embark on the road of martial arts training, and the higher the completion of the task, the richer the reward.

"The highest realm of Qin Yu's world martial arts practice is the congenital realm consummation, and above it is to survive the four or nine small heavenly calamities, break through to the golden pill period, and officially step into the realm of cultivating immortals."

"Qin Yu is the protagonist, and there should be no problem with the Wuxian double cultivation."

Qin Yu relied on a broken star technique to create his own cultivation system and become the controller of Hongmeng.

If you give him a part of the martial arts exercises, maybe he can also improve them.


Then, Ye Hao's Yuan God power entered the Fengyun World.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Without Emperor Shitian noticing, all the martial arts he knew were obtained by Ye Hao.

Sacred Heart Recipe!

Easy Tendon Sutra!

Cleansing Sutra!

Like the palm of God!

Snow Blood Claw!

The martial arts that Emperor Shitian spent nearly 2,000 years collecting were all recorded by Ye Hao in a jade cultivation tablet.

Emperor Shitian is just the beginning.

Wan Daosenluo, who laughed three times, mixed the sky.

The love of the city without matches.

The magic knife of the First Evil Emperor.

After collecting all the top martial arts in the Fengyun World, Ye Hao's Yuan God entered the corpse brother world again.

Corpse King Dragon Right's Heavenly Gang Technique.

Carefree poetic fairy sword.

The Blood Lotus Sect Leader's Blood Lotus Exercises.

There are also all the martial arts collected by the Yan Kingdom.

After that, Ye Hao entered the world of Falling Rain and Clouds, collecting martial arts such as Dao Heart Seed Demon Dafa, God of War Catalog, Falling Rain Sword Method, Cihang Sword Codex and so on.

Rainbow Cat Blue Rabbit World, Daqin World, Tianlong World and other martial arts worlds, Ye Hao did not let go, and the martial arts included in the Immortal Jade Jane were tens of thousands.

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators complete hidden missions, collect 1,000 martial arts, and reward 100,000 points. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators complete hidden missions, collect 10,000 martial arts, and reward 1 million points. "

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators complete hidden missions, collect 100,000 martial arts, and reward 10 million points. "

"Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators, trigger administrator bonus points*2 permissions, and get 200,000 points."

"Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators, trigger administrator bonus points*2 permissions, and get 2 million points."

"Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators, trigger administrator reward points*2 permissions, and reward 20 million points."

At this moment, a series of prompts from the group system sounded.

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "??? "。

With the sound of a group system, the chat masses were dumbfounded.

0 for flowers 0

Can collecting martial arts also complete hidden missions?

Especially seeing the massive number of points rewarded by the chat group, the group members such as Ying Zheng, Xiongba, and Zhang Sanfeng who had the ability to complete certain martial arts collection tasks were even more devastated.

With their strength identity, it may be very difficult to collect 10,000 martial arts.

However, collecting a thousand martial arts is very simple.

As long as you collect a thousand martial arts, you can reward 100,000 points!

Why didn't they try it before?

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The old Dao has almost forgotten, we are a martial arts chat group, and things related to martial arts have a greater probability of triggering group tasks." "

Da Qin Zulong: "Although I know that we are in the martial arts chat group, since I cultivated immortals, I have rarely paid attention to martial arts matters. "

The world will help the master: "The old man was the world will help the lord before, and there are hundreds of martial arts in the collection, just a little." "

Graphic designer: "Is it still time for us to collect martial arts?" "

Bai Xiaofei was very excited.

After this period of communication with Commander Lin, he already had a certain understanding of the situation in the corpse brother world.

The Martial God Pavilion of the Yan Kingdom contains a large number of martial arts sacred texts.

Immortal Cultivator: "These martial arts are collected by me from your world, in order to complete the group mission next." "

Ye Hao was also extremely surprised and ecstatic, and he didn't expect to get so many rewards.

"That's right, the chat group is a martial arts chat group."

Ye Hao took a deep breath and reminded himself of the nature of the chat group he was in.

Since it is a martial arts chat group, it is reasonable for him to collect so many martial arts cheats and get bonus points.

Graphic designer: ".

Graphic designer: "If I collect it again, will I still be rewarded?" "

Bai Xiaofei was a little immortal.

Immortal cultivator: "You can give it a try and send another red envelope to celebrate." "

After all, martial arts are all collected from the world where the group members live.

[The immortal cultivator sent a red envelope! ] 】

[The graphic designer grabbed 80,000 points. 】

[Great Qin Zulong snatched 120,000 points. 】

[Huashan Paiyue snatched 70,000 points. 】

[Emperor Hongwu snatched 160,000 points. 】

The head of the Huashan faction: "Kneeling for the great immortal, it turned out to be a red envelope of 1 million points, I have never seen such a big red envelope." "

Graphic designer: "Daisen 666. "

Xiahou Swordsman: "Thank you Daxian, kneel to Daxian." "

Princess Changping: "Daxian is the most handsome!" "

The chatting masses also knew that the Great Immortal was a group mission for the Star World, and the martial arts he collected, and he did not have any dissatisfied thoughts.

I was just annoyed that I hadn't done it before.

Now that he snatched such a red envelope sent by Ye Hao, the faces of the chattering masses blossomed.

After all, Chen Jinnan, who had the worst luck, snatched 20,000 points.

Moreover, they can try to collect martial arts again, and maybe they can also complete the corresponding hidden tasks.

"Ding-dong! Will Immortal Cultivators upload the collected martial arts to the chat group? "

"Once the upload is successful, the points mall will open."

At this moment, the prompt tone of the group system sounded nine again.

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