Daqin World.

"Hero, MMP!"

"You dog thing!"

"You stinky fool!"

Huan Zheng was stunned, and directly burst into foul language.

The heart of the hero is too vicious!

Xiongba even wanted him to get the villain label.

The most hateful thing is that he was really deceived by the bullies.

If he just purchased the mission card, the task opened is from the Fengyun world.

Or Yue Buqun said Xiongba's conspiracy after the others in the chat group opened the group mission of the Fengyun World, then he must have already made a move against Xiongba.

"Calm down, no matter what happens in the future, you must be calm."

"No matter what happens to Qin Shi Huang in other worlds in the future, it has nothing to do with me, and there is no need to be angry at all."

Ying Zheng constantly reminds himself in his heart.

The lesson this time is too profound.

If he really makes a move on the hero, and the chat group also divides him into the dark and evil camp, and also gets the villain label, it is really regrettable.

The most disgusting thing, Yue Buqun's analysis is correct, if he really also obtains the villain label, not only will he not attack Xiongba again.

They will even huddle with the heroes to keep warm.

He is more concerned about long-term interests than momentary anger.

The probability of two villains triggering a group task is definitely higher than the probability of one villain triggering a group task.

Moreover, two people perform group tasks, there is cooperation, and the safety factor is higher.

"Even if he is not a great villain of Heavenly Destiny, I am afraid that he is also a big boss or something."

Yue Buqun just guessed that he was a villain, but Ying Zheng himself knew the situation.

He is really the villain of the Daqin world.

Tianming is the protagonist of the Daqin world, and he and Tianming have a father-killing feud, and Daqin has been chasing and killing Tianming before.

06Once you do it against the hero, the probability of getting the villain label is too great.


Ying Zheng couldn't wait to stab Xiongba, but at this time, he could only let go of the killing intent in his heart.

At that time, Xiongba just abandoned his teammates, regardless of the life and death of his apprentice, if he attacked Xiongba, he would directly attack the group members.

The nature may be worse than the hegemon.

Great Qin Zulong: "Xiongba, you wait!" You wait for me! "

Ying Zheng was furious.

He must find something that makes the hero more disgusting.

The world will help the master: "Yue Buqun, what a mess you said. "

The world will help the lord: "Great Qin Zulong, I'm waiting for you, I see what you can do with me?" "

"This damn Yue Buqun!"

In the world of wind and clouds, Xiongba's face was as gloomy as water, and his voice was cold.

Yue Buqun had too many mouths.

"Yue Buqun must be taught some lessons!"

Even if you know something, why say it?

As for what conspiracy he had, it was impossible for him to admit it.

He was an honest man from beginning to end.

Emperor Hongwu: "I feel that we should continue to buy mission cards, and earning points is the most practical." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Judging from the group tasks inspired by Xiongba and His Majesty, the group tasks inspired by the mission card have a lot of rewards. "

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "Then let's buy one and try it." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Then buy!" "

The chattering masses knew that it was impossible for Xiongba and Yingzheng to fight, so they focused on the task card again.

Regardless of whether Xiongba has a conspiracy or not, in order not to let himself get the villain label, he will definitely not go to the Fengyun World to attack Xiongba again.

Because, the cost of shooting is too great.

"My world is too dangerous, I don't dare to take the initiative to trigger group missions, I buy a mission card to try."

Qiannu Ghost World, Xia Houwei lives in a medium-sized city called Los Angeles.

He bought a small mansion, and then dug a deep basement in the house, about ten feet underground.

He usually lives in the basement and does not go out if he can.

"Ding-dong! You get a survival mission to survive a day under the Grim Reaper, rewarding you with 5,000 points. "

The crisp prompt of the group system sounds.

"Group mission with 5,000 bonus points?"

Xia Houwei looked stunned.

How could he be so unlucky!

This is a group task triggered by 10,000 points to purchase a mission card, and the cost is 10,000 points.

Blood loss!

Even if he completes the group mission, he loses 5,000 points.

Xiahou Swordsman: "What group tasks do you open on the mission cards you bought?" "

Xia Houwei now wondered if he was the only one who was unlucky, or if the rest of the chat group was unlucky together.

Space station navigator: "Hehe, I haven't bought it yet, what group tasks did the mission card bought by Brother Xiahou inspire?" "

Graphic designer: "I didn't buy it either, as a person who went to college, I know very well that the lottery data once or twice does not say anything at all." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "I didn't buy it either." "

"Don't worry, you can buy the mission card at any time anyway."

"Chat people buy mission cards so frequently, in case the group mission of the high-level world is triggered at the same time, and the Great Immortal has been invited to participate in other tasks, and he can't pull away, then it will be troublesome."

The reason why Gao Yao did not rush to buy a task card was after a reminder from the think tank.

If you don't invite Daxian, you will participate in the group mission of the advanced world, and there are too many uncertainties.

Shifting Flower Palace Master: "Having just experienced the events of dominance and dominance, how can someone still believe the words of other group members so easily?" "

Guo Jing: "We must have our own opinions, and we cannot follow the clouds." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "How many people buy group tasks?" Tell us about the triggered group task, and we will help you refer to it. "

Xiahou Swordsman: "??? "。

Xiahou Swordsman: "You guys won't buy mission cards without them, right?" "

Xia Houwei's face was directly distorted.

Originally, he bought a low-reward task card, but now he found that the chat group seemed to buy a mission card on him alone, which made him embarrassed?

Princess Changping: "I bought it too." "

Ah Jiu looked angry.

It was all Xiongba and Yue Buqun who brought bad atmosphere to the chat group.

[Princess Changping sent a screenshot.] 】

Princess Changping: "The group mission I triggered is my own world, let me find the treasure of Emperor Jianwen, and reward 3,000 points." "

Graphic designer: "Good luck I didn't buy it!" Blood loss! "

Space station navigator: "Fortunately, I didn't buy it!" Blood loss! "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Fortunately, I didn't buy it!" Blood loss! "

Xiahou Swordsman: ".

Princess Changping: ".

Just the two of them bought?

Damn it!

Rainbow Cat Young Man: "Xiahou Swordsman, what group mission did you trigger?" "

Rainbow Cat looked happy.

If it weren't for his father's white cat asking him not to buy it for the time being, I'm afraid he would have been pitted. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Xiao Li Feidao: "You are a newcomer, you are not clear about the world where the group members are located, if it is the world of the group members, we can provide you with some intelligence help." "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "In the world of some group members, there are still some very powerful masters, which are enough to threaten the flight of the imperial sword. "

The chatting masses were curious to know what group mission in the world Xiahou Swordsman triggered.

[Xiahou swordsman sent a screenshot.] 】

Xiao Li Feidao: "5000 bonus points? The mission card is indeed a lottery. "

Great Qin Zulong: "Under the chase and killing of the god of death, live for a day, is this god of death the code name of a person?" "

Yue Zheng originally thought that the Shinigami might be a deity, but after seeing the reward of the group mission, he instantly dismissed this idea.

If the Grim Reaper is really a god, the mission reward should not be so small.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Although it is not the world of the group members, the world where the group mission is located should not be a powerful world. "

Ip Man and Ying Zheng's guesses are similar, if the Grim Reaper is really powerful, the mission reward will not be so small.

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "If you can kill the god counter, maybe you can trigger the hidden mission." "

Xiahou Swordsman: "Great Immortal, can this group task be deduced?" "

Xiahou Swordsman no longer believed the words of the chatting masses, and turned to Ye Hao.

The only thing that worries him is that the reward for group missions is only 5,000 points.

Even if ninety percent of the mission reward belongs to Daxian, it is 4500 points.

Immortal cultivator: "Don't worry, since it was a previous agreement, no matter how difficult the group task is, I will deduce it." "

Ye Hao was unimpressed.

Immortal Cultivator: "Your mission world this time is a very special world, and some people can foresee their own death disasters, so that these people, as well as those affected by these people, can temporarily escape death." "

Immortal cultivator: "In this world, there is a kind of death rule, everyone who escapes the disaster of death will be chased and killed by the death rule until everyone is killed." "

Immortal cultivator: "However, the killing methods of the Grim Reaper rule are all within the scientific category, and with your current strength, it is too simple to complete the group mission." "

Xia Houwei is now not only a martial arts grandmaster realm, but also a layer of the Qi Refining Realm, and there are defensive talisman seals, magic weapons, stealth talisman seals and other magic weapons on his body.

Immortal cultivator: "What's more, the chat group can also cover the heavenly machine and breath, so that the God of Death cannot find you." "

Immortal Cultivator: "If you just want to complete the group mission safely, just find a place to hide for a day, and the task will be completed easily." "

Immortal Cultivator: "If you want to earn back your money, or get more bonus points, you'll have to try to trigger other hidden missions." "

013 Immortal Cultivator: "Saving other people who are being hunted down by death may trigger hidden missions." "

Ye Hao said a little of his own speculation.

"When Xia Houwei is about to complete the group mission, I will intercept some death rules for research."

"If you can use the rules of death to kill people in a high-level world like the Immortal World, or the Star World, it will be terrifying."

The Grim Reaper comes to the world can only be used to accidentally kill people within the scope of science, and if it is in the big world of stars, you can accidentally kill people with the rules of heaven and earth.

For example, the thunder calamity that came unexpectedly, such as the aftermath of the battle of the strong, such as an angry strong person casually killing and so on.

Xiahou Swordsman: "Thank you God." "

Xia Houwei also made up for all kinds of knowledge, and he also understood Ye Hao's words.

In the world when the Grim Reaper comes, the Grim Reaper is more weird.

With his strength, there is no way to fight the Grim Reaper.

However, he still has a way to fight against the killing of death.

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "It's really a magical world, predicting death, and eventually escaping death." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "I will also fall into endless fear under the pursuit of the god of death." "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Those who can predict death, is it intentional by the rules of the God of Death, this chase and killing is actually a game of the God of Death?" "

Graphic designer: "Those who get away with it and are killed by death don't know how they will feel when they die." "

The chat group and others were stunned.

They did not expect that the Grim Reaper came, and there was still such a strange existence as the Grim Reaper in the world.

However, at this time, the chattering masses had already seen strong winds and waves, and the world was no longer enough to shock them.

"Ding-dong! The Great Qin Ancestral Dragon entered the mission world. "

"Ding-dong! Xiahou Swordsman enters the quest world. "

Soon, both Ying Zheng and Xia Houwei began to carry out their respective group tasks.

Immortal Cultivator: "I'll try what kind of group mission the advanced mission card can open." "

Just as everyone was preparing to go back and digest the impact of this upgrade of the chat group, Ye Hao was ready to use his advanced task card.

In an instant, the chatting masses all came to the spirit, waiting for what kind of group task Ye Hao would open.

"Ding-dong! Do you use advanced task cards? "


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