"Zhang Dabiao, is Lao Tzu blinded by fighting? How did Lao Tzu see someone in the sky? "

Li Yunlong rubbed his eyes and shouted towards a burly man behind him.

Although Li Yunlong did not go to school, after years of revolutionary baptism and edification, Li Xunlong has long known that today's world is scientific.

The so-called cows, ghosts, snakes, gods, demons, demons, gods and Buddhas, all are fictional.

He joined the revolution at the age of seventeen, and now he is thirty years old, and I don't know how many times he has been killed from the mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

What demons and monsters, what immortal Buddha, he had never seen, he believed more in the Wang Ba box hanging from his waist.

"Colonel, it seems that my eyes are also spent."

"It is possible that we have been fighting with Sakata United for too long, and we are a little tired and hallucinating."

Zhang Dabiao looked shocked, and his eyes looked at the sky in horror.

If it weren't for his scruples, he would probably shout a fairy.

"Groove! Commander, quickly see that there are immortals in the sky. "

"Battalion commander, there are immortals in the sky, are they here to see us to fight?"

"Fake, it must be fake, the newspapers have said that our world is scientific, there are no fairies and demons at all, it must be the conspiracy of devils."

"I lean! Do you think others are fools? I could see clearly that there were more than a dozen immortals flying in the sky, the same as the immortals in the little talking book. "

And the soldiers of the new regiment did not have so many scruples, shouting excitedly one by one.

"Wing Commander, what's going on?"

At this time, the headquarters of the Sakata United, several commanders of the Sakata United, looked at the sky in shock, and in unison turned their eyes to the Wing Commander Sakata Nobutetsu.

Such a mysterious and shocking scene was completely beyond their comprehension.

Did they ask for tactical instruction on them at the 903 level?

This dozen or so figures that suddenly appeared in the sky will not be immortals, right?

"It won't really be an immortal, will it?"

Sakata Nobutetsu had a very bad premonition.

He not only graduated from the Fuso Army Non-commissioned Officer School, but also came from an aristocratic family and had high cultural literacy.

Sakata Shinzhe could see at a glance that more than a dozen figures in the sky were dressed, which was more similar to the ancient costumes of Kyushu Country.

It is very likely that this god has a close connection with the Kyushu Kingdom.

"These mysterious people appear on the battlefield and don't know what to do?"

Whether it was the soldiers of the new regiment or the soldiers of the Sakata Unit, they subconsciously ceased fire and looked at the sky in unison.

Until they are not sure what the purpose of this group of mysterious people who are suspected of being immortals is here, it is better for them not to act rashly.

If the bullet flew and hit the mysterious person in the sky, mistaken for an attack, the consequences may be unpredictable.

"Time is limited, let's do it!"

In the sky, Ye Hao scanned the situation of the entire Bright Sword World and ordered.

"Great Immortal, I have long been impatient!"

Ye Hao's words fell, and Ye Man took out his weapon from the storage bag.

Holding an anti-aircraft machine gun in his left hand and a Gatling in his right, he fired wildly below.

And his divine sense is ready to change the magazine at any time.

Ye Hao:"".


Master Wing Chun Yip is gone!

"Master Ye, our RPG is cooler!"

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang was also carrying a huge black bazooka on his shoulder, constantly bombarding the position of the Bantian United.

Of all the thermal weapons that Ip Man recommended him, this RPG was the most to his liking.

"Groove! Fight up! "

In the new position, Li Yunlong, Zhang Dabiao and others looked at the operation of Ye Man and Zhu Yuanzhang, and their faces were shocked and ecstatic.

This group of mysterious people is obviously here to kill devils.

The only thing that surprised them was that these two mysterious people who were suspected of being immortals, how the weapons they took out were not like the magic weapons of immortals, and they were very similar to the thermal weapons they used.

"Fight back!"

"Give me a counterattack!"

"Beat me down all these demons!"

"Strafe with heavy machine guns!"

"Bombard with cannons!"

Sakata Nobutetsu was slightly stunned, and then he was furious, and directly gave the order.

If these mysterious people don't make a move, he will still have a scruple or two, trying not to provoke these strange existences.

However, now that these mysterious people have taken the lead in attacking the Fuso soldiers, don't blame him for being cruel.

He had about 4,000 men in five infantry brigades under the command of the Sakata Unit, and was the elite of the devil's elite, and he defeated two divisions of Kyushu in the Battle of Xinkou.

Even if the mysterious person in the sky is really a god, he Sakata Nobutetsu will slaughter the gods today.

In their history of Fuso, there were too many samurai who slaughtered gods and demons.

He Sakata Nobutetsu now has an elite army of four thousand people, and there should be no problem in suppressing the existence of a dozen suspected immortals.

What's more, the weapons of these four thousand people are thermal weapons, far beyond the weapons possessed by those samurai in ancient times.

"Let's do it too!"

Chen Jinnan was dressed in a white robe, the oil on his head was shiny, and behind his hands, he showed the style of a sword fairy, and the imperial sword flew, and where he passed, the head of the Fuso soldier was instantly cut off.

"Duh!" , "Boom! "Duh! "

In an instant, more than a dozen heavy machine guns fired madly at Chen Jinnan.

"Imperial Sword Art!"

"Palm Thunder!"

"Eighteen palms of the dragon!"

The chatting masses also shot one after another and began the hunting mode.


"It's too fierce!"

Zhang Dabiao looked excited and shouted.

More than a dozen people pressed the Sakata United to fight, so that the Sakata United team had no power to fight back at all.

"Commander, shall we attack?"

Zhang Dabiao hurriedly asked.

If the new regiment launches an attack on the Sakata United now, it may be able to completely annihilate the AIFH United United.

"Are you looking for death?"

Li Yunlong was about to move, looking at the chatting masses who were killing all sides, and knew that the collapse of the Bantian United was only a matter of early time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, after seeing Ye Man, who was shooting wildly, and Zhu Yuanzhang, who was constantly bombarding, Li Yunlong could only resist the idea of resisting the attack.

The attacks of these two mysterious people are too wild, and if they are not careful, they may injure the soldiers of the new regiment, which will be a big loss.

"Let the first and second battalions outflank the two wings of the Sakata United, and when the Sakata Wing flees, attack them a second time."

"In addition, immediately send someone to inform the brigade commander and tell him what happened here."

Li Yunlong quickly gave the order.

Although there are only a dozen mysterious people, they can easily crush an elite team like Sakata United.

This combat power is too powerful.

If you can join them, they will definitely be invincible in fighting devils in the future.


The messenger glanced at the position of the Sakata Wing very reluctantly, and then rode his horse and quickly rushed towards the brigade headquarters.

"How's the battle going? How long will the new group last? "

At this time, at the headquarters of the 358th Regiment not far away, Chu Yunfei asked the staff officer on the side.

Sakata Wing appeared near the 358th Regiment, and he definitely had to keep an eye on the situation at all times.

Although the Bantian Wing is now at war with the Eighth Route Army, who knows if it will turn its guns and suddenly kill the 358th Regiment.

Once in Luye, their 358th Regiment had fought against the Sakata United, and they knew very well the terrible combat effectiveness of the Yasakata United.

The 358th Regiment and the Sakata Wing made contact for only 1 hour, and the casualties were close to 300.

If he had not given the order to retreat in time, the 358th Regiment would have lost most of the time, if not completely destroyed.

"Alas~ I hope that the new regiment can be safely evacuated."

Chu Yunfei looked solemn and let out a long sigh.

Although the new regiment may become their enemy in the future, the Kyushu Kingdom at this time needs enough troops to resist Fuso.

Every loss of an army is a huge loss for Kyushu Country.

"Tuanzai, a dozen immortals and the Sakata United team are fighting, those immortals are too fierce, and the Sakata United team is almost unable to hold on."

At this moment, a signal soldier ran over with a look of excitement and excitement.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Fang Ligong, the chief of staff on the side, looked serious and scolded.

And a dozen immortals fought with the Sakata United?

Why don't you say that the Jade Emperor, such as the Buddha manifested his spirit, destroyed the Sakata United?

"Regiment commander, chief of staff, if you look outside, you can see it."

"The position of the Sakata United is now fighting particularly fiercely, there is thunder in the sky constantly bombarding the position of the Sakata United, and there is also heavenly fire, and the fierce wind smashes on the position of the Sakata United


After the communication soldier finished speaking, he turned around and ran out.

He must finish watching how the immortals abuse and kill the little devils!

"Let's go out and see!"

Chu Yunfei's brows furrowed and said coldly.

Because, he heard the nearby soldiers all making noise.

The culture of these soldiers is still not enough.

How can there be immortals under the sky?

Perhaps it was just that something strange suddenly appeared in the position of the Sakata United, making them mistakenly think that it was a god shot.

"Fire Dance Whirlwind Sword Technique!"

As soon as Chu Yunfei walked out of the headquarters, he heard a crisp sound that resounded through the heavens and the earth.


A pillar of crimson light that rushed straight into the sky and swept through the clouds changed color and formed an incomparably violent energy storm.

Hundreds of Fuso soldiers were swallowed by the crimson pillar of light and turned into powder.

"A red-orange cat fairy?"

Chu Yunfei quickly ran to the roof, squeezed out the soldiers next to him, held a telescope to look at the crimson pillar of light, and faintly saw a white shirt, resembling a human cat in it.

This orange-red cat fairy actually looks a little handsome.


Another Yin and Yang Taiji diagram covering a radius of 100 zhang appeared above the position of the Bantian United.


A black dark cloud appeared in the sky, and thunder bombarded the position of Sakata United.

Chu Yunfei:"".

It's him who is shallow!

There really are immortals in this world!.

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