The world will help the lord No. 2: "Great immortal, the children of the immortal will also live forever?" "

The world will help the lord No. 2: "Emperor Shitian will not have more children, right?" "

In the world of Fengyun comics, Xiongba No. 2 only felt that his scalp was numb, his face was pale, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

People who are immortal, the descendants can also live forever?

Doesn't that mean that there are two immortal families in his world?

Xiao San Xiao lived for more than three thousand years, how long did his two sons live?

More than three thousand years?

Or more than two thousand years?

Even for more than a thousand years, it is extremely terrifying!

Even the top experts in the rivers and lakes have not lived for more than a hundred years!

Hsiungba 2 although conceited.

However, he would not consider himself a rival to an old monster who had cultivated for thousands of years, or even thousands of years.

What's more, in the world of Fengyun comics, there may be a group of old monsters who have lived for more than a thousand years, which is such a madness and taboo.

"Xiao San Xiao has lived for more than 3,000 years, and only two children are probably quite few."

Xiongba No. 2's body trembled, and his heart seemed to have a mountain falling with a bang, overwhelming him almost breathlessly.

Since the immortal can have children, Di Shitian, who has lived for nearly two thousand years, may already have twenty, or even two hundred children.

If these people live for hundreds or even thousands of years, what height will the strength of these people reach?

He dominates No. 2, don't say that he dominates the rivers and lakes, maybe one day he will meet an immortal and be killed.

The world will help the lord: "Great Immortal, in the world where No. 2 is located, can it be that laughing three smiles, can also create the "Nine Seven Zero" exercise that can make people immortal?" "

Xiongba knows the reason why Xiao San Xiao can live forever.

Because, Xiao Sanxiao obtained the blood of the dragon turtle.

"Since Emperor Shitian can create a sacred heart technique that can make people live forever, live longer, and smile three times with stronger talent, there is no reason why he can't create exercises that make people live forever."

Xiongba pondered.

Immortal cultivator: "The two sons of Xiao Sanxiao can live forever because of the inheritance of the blood of the dragon turtle." "

Immortal cultivator: "Emperor Shitian does have many descendants, but they do not have immortality. "

"If the phoenix blood of Emperor Shitian can also be inherited, the world of Fengyun comics will be too terrifying."

Ye Hao said darkly.

Emperor Shitian is not smiling, his long life has met countless women who make him unforgettable, many of whom are descendants of Emperor Shitian.

According to his deduction, Emperor Shitian had a total of sixty-seven children.

The most recent of these children, that was hundreds of years ago.

If these children of Emperor Shitian really survived, there would be more than sixty more immortals who had cultivated for at least hundreds of years in the Fengyun Comic World.

If the descendants of these children of Emperor Shitian can also possess the immortal characteristics of phoenix blood, then I am afraid that there are thousands of strong people who have cultivated for hundreds of years.

The world will help Lord No. 2: "It's really good that the descendants of Emperor Shitian can't live forever, in this case, there are only four immortals in my world?" "

Xiongba No. 2 breathed a sigh of relief, and his face became much better.

It was much better than he expected.

The world will help the Lord: "Do you have a way to solve these four immortals?" "

The face of the hero is like frost.

The addition of Yingzheng completely disrupts his plans, otherwise, he can make No. 2 submit to him through the fate of spoiler No. 2.

"One lived for more than three thousand years, and one lived for nearly two thousand years."

"The two sons of Xiao Sanxiao don't matter how old or small they are, just because their father is Xiao Sanxiao, this old monster who has lived for more than three thousand years, their strength is very strong."

In the world of Fengyun comics, Xiongba No. 2's face instantly became extremely gloomy, and his eyes revealed a trace of tremor.

If you don't join the martial arts chat group now, you know that you can use points to buy immortal cultivation resources in the martial arts chat group and put yourself on the road of immortal cultivation.

Hsiung Ba No. 2 will probably not hesitate to accept Ying Zheng's suggestion and find a place to hide.

The world will help the lord No. 2: "Although the old man has no way to solve them for the time being, it is only a matter of time before the old man slowly becomes stronger with the help of immortal cultivation resources and surpasses them." "

Although Hsiungba No. 2 is extremely jealous and uneasy in his heart.

However, in the face of the hegemon of another world, Hsiung Ba No. 2 showed great confidence in words.

The world will help the Lord: "Hehe, do you know what our future outcome is?" We will die at the hands of Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng. "

The World Society will help the master: "And before we fought a decisive battle with these two apprentices, Emperor Shitian had already sneaked into the World Society and secretly drugged us. "

The world will help the master: "Whether it is us, or Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng, we have become the toys of Di Shitian." "

The World Society will help the Lord: "The timeline of your world is even more twilight than mine, maybe Emperor Shitian has lurked into the World Society and is secretly watching you." "

The hero is extremely sorry.

If he could, he really wanted to stand in front of No. 2 and say this information to No. 2 in person.

He can be very sure that No. 2's face must be very good now.


In the world of Fengyun comics, Xiongba No. 2 looked at Xiongba's words, and only felt that he had fallen into the 10,000-year ice cave and was covered in sweat and upside down.

An unimaginable horror quickly enveloped him and made him creepy.

The world will help the master: "After you joined the chat group, there was nothing too abnormal performance, right?" "

The world will help the master: "If you have any too abnormal performance, or say something abnormal, you may have attracted the attention of Emperor Shitian." "

The world will help the Lord: "Maybe Emperor Shitian is already hiding by your side, in some dark corner, or even right behind you." "

Xiongba did not hesitate to insert a few more stabs into No. 2's chest.

In the chat group, only those who have a hero are eligible to be called a hero.

Other heroes can only be Xiongba No. 2 and Xiongba No. 3.

"It won't!"

Xiongba No. 2 looked at Xiongba's words, his pupils shrank sharply, and he only felt that his breathing seemed to stop, and his blood became like a cold current, making his bone marrow tremble.

After joining the chat group, how could he behave unusually?

A mysterious voice suddenly appeared in his head, and then he saw a chat group page in front of him.

Coupled with the fact that there was no one else around him, only he was on the first floor of the world, even if his heart was deep, it was impossible not to change his face.

Moreover, after joining the chat group, not only can you see thousands of immortal cultivation resources in the points mall.

I also meet myself in another world in the chat group.

Also, through chat groups, I get some information about my future destiny.

Knowing that there are old monsters in his world that have lived for thousands of years, how can he not have any abnormal performance?

In less than a quarter of an hour after joining the chat group, his facial expression changed more quickly and drastically than his face changed.

The world will help Lord No. 2: "Great Immortal, can you help me deduce the fate of the heavenly machine?" "

Hsiung Ba No. 2 was completely panicked and afraid.

If at this time, he had already been targeted by Emperor Shitian, or even discovered by Emperor Shitian, it would be an unimaginable horror.

He could be caught by Emperor Shitian at any time, or even killed by Emperor Shitian. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He hasn't lived enough yet!

Especially after joining the chat group, being able to cultivate immortals, and even immortality, he didn't want to die even more.

Immortal cultivator: "Three days later, in order to avenge the destruction of Wushuang City, Dugu Jian went to the world to fight with you, and although the twenty-three heaven-destroying Jedi sword he used changed color and almost killed you, the sword saint flesh was knocked down by Stephen Yun and escaped by chance. "

Immortal Cultivator: "After that, you fought with Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng many times, and were defeated by the Maha Wumei issued by the combination of wind and clouds.

Immortal cultivator: "The twelve evils of the Tianchi took the opportunity to rebel, you fled to the China Pavilion to be saved by Nameless, in order to save your life, you chose to abolish your martial arts and live in seclusion." "

Immortal cultivator: "In the end, he was found by Bu Jiaoyun, because Jian Chen was jealous of Bu Jiaoyun, and pushed Bu Jiaoyun with the heroic sword scabbard, causing the heavenly blade in Bu Jiaoyun's hand to stab Yuruo to death. "

Immortal cultivator: "After you die, you are all ashes, and then you commit suicide." "

Ye Hao quickly introduced the fate of Xiongba No. 2.

The world will help the Lord: "Waste! What a waste, he actually committed suicide and died, just because you are also qualified to be called a hero? "

Before Hsiung Ba 2 could speak, Xiongba was angry.

It was perfectly normal to be defeated by Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng.

After all, Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng are the children of heaven's destiny, protected by heaven and earth's luck, and in case of death, any enemy will eventually be defeated by them.

In order to save his life, Xiongba No. 2 abolished his martial arts, and Xiongba can also be understood.

Because, at this time, Xiongba No. 2 had been seriously injured, and it was impossible to be the opponent of the Tianchi Twelve.

Only Nameless can save the life of Hsiung Ba 2.

In this case, in order to save his life, Xiongba No. 2 agreed to nameless conditions and abolished martial arts, which he can also completely accept.

If it were him, he would make the same choice as the Hero 2.

It's just that after Xiongba No. 2 abolished martial arts, he really chose to live in seclusion.

"How naïve!"

Xiongba sneered, with endless contempt in his expression.

The rivers and lakes have always been driven to extinction.

Xiongba No. 2, as the former world will help the master, Megatron, even if he scraps martial arts, there will still be many people who are not at ease.

If it were him, it must be a pretend seclusion and find a way to regain his strength.

"Even if Yuruo is killed by Jian Chen, he should not commit suicide, but should choose to save his life, find another opportunity to make a comeback, and make everyone pay."

The heroes in the world of Fengyun TV series look down on No. 2 very much, and even want to pinch each other to death.

If it had been him, he would never have committed suicide.

He will pretend to commit suicide and give Jiaoyun a chance to save him.

When he killed Yuruo by mistake, he must have blamed himself very much.

After this period of research and observation, Xiongba also has an in-depth understanding of Bu Jiaoyun's personality.

This is a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Once he pretended to commit suicide, coupled with the guilt of wrongful killing, he only needed to show a demeanor of being discouraged, and there was a chance that he would be released by more than eighty percent.

As long as he is alive, he will definitely make a comeback.

The world will help the master: "Don't say Xiongba No. 2, you don't even have the qualifications for Xiongba No. 10." "

The world will help the Lord: "You are at most my shadow, a vague projection of me in other worlds, an inferior product." "

Xiongba feels that the future life of No. 2 is too humiliating for him, and he is not qualified to be a hero with him.

The world will help Lord No. 2: "Great Immortal, didn't Emperor Shitian make a move against me?" "

Xiongba No. 2 directly ignored Xiongba's words and expressed his worries.

The other hero did not mean that Emperor Shitian had already set his sights on him.

Even when he fought a decisive battle with Fengyun, he secretly poisoned him.

However, in the future heavenly machine mentioned by Ye Hao, there was no information about Emperor Shitian.

Immortal cultivator: "Your two worlds are different, and more than ten years after you were killed by Fengyun, the Heavenly Gate established by Emperor Shitian reappeared. "

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "Thank you Daxian!" Thank you Daisen! "

Hsiungba 2 is extremely excited.

In other words, 3.8 means that Emperor Shitian did not spy on him in secret.

His biggest crisis now is to face the revenge of the Sword Saint three days later.

"Since Stephen Yun knocked down the body of the Sword Saint, let the Sword Saint die."

"I can completely arrange manpower to sneak up on his body when the Sword Saint casts his sword twenty-three."

A method flashed in the mind of Xiongba No. 2.

"Perhaps, I can order the disciples of the World Society to besiege the Sword Saint, at this time, he is already old and weak, and he will definitely not be able to fight for a long time."

"For example, let the Tianchi Twelve Evils besiege the Sword Saint."

"And I went into hiding."

Xiongba 2 did not have the slightest idea of going head-to-head with the Sword Saint.

The sword technique of sword twenty-three is too taboo, and once there is a slight difference, it is certain death.

"Or the old man can buy special poison in the points mall and directly poison the sword saint."

It was determined that Di Shitian was not secretly peeping at himself, and Xiongba No. 2 only felt relaxed physically and mentally.

Even for the Sword Saint who might arrive after three days, he became much calmer.

The world will help the lord: "Daxian, this No. 2 is also too lucky, right?" "

Xiongba is very envious and jealous.

Emperor Shitian actually appeared more than ten years after No. 2 was killed.

In other words, No. 2 did not have to worry about the threat of Emperor Shitian in a short period of time.

Immortal Cultivator: "The newcomer Xiongba may become the most miserable group member." "

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "??? "。

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "??? "。

The most miserable group member?.

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