Qin Shi Huang: "Group mission? What group tasks? Can I still participate? "

Qin Shi Huang was very excited.

After completely combing through the newcomer manual, he used the 100,000 points advanced and chose to purchase a small creation pill to swallow.

After refining the Xiao Creation Pill, his whole person felt reborn, his body was once again full of endless vitality, and his strength was restored to its peak.

Qin Shi Huang had a feeling that after eating the Xiao Zhuo Huadan, he would be able to live for at least another thirty years.

And Xiao Zaohua Dan is just an ordinary two-pin pill.

Qin Shi Huang couldn't imagine how great the benefits would be if he took three-pint pills, four-pint pills, five-pint pills, and even higher-level pills.

The martial arts chat group may become a place for him to become an immortal.

Qin Shi Huang: "Although Xu is an emperor, his strength is not weak at all, and he has the strength of the late stage of the Heavenly and Human Realm." "

"Xiongba, as a member of the old group, is only in the middle stage of the Heaven and Human Realm, and the strength of the late stage of the Qi Refining Realm, I am afraid that Xuan's strength is not weaker than him."

If it was before reading the [Chat Group Newcomer Manual], Qin Shihuang could not determine whether his strength was weak or strong in the chat group.

However, after combing through the information in the newcomer manual, Qin Shihuang had a certain positioning for his strength in the chat group.

The Qi Refining Realm was only the first realm of cultivating immortals, and it had not completely transcended the realm of mortals.

The Immortal Cultivation Realm in the later stage of the Qi Refining Realm has a certain bonus to the strength of the hegemon.

However, his martial arts realm is higher than Xiongba, and his cultivation martial arts are probably more advanced than Xiongba.

In this case, he fought with Xiongba, and Xiongba did not use powerful immortal cultivation magic weapons or talismans, and it was really not certain who won and who lost.

In the chat group, in addition to Daxian, Xiongba is the number one master.

Great Qin Zulong: "Are you sure you have the strength of the late stage of the Heavenly Human Realm?" "

Ying Zheng was directly stunned, a little unbelievable.

This is the late stage of the Heavenly Human Realm, not the late stage of the Innate Realm.

As the emperor of another world, how could Qin Shi Huang have such great strength?

Flower Transfer Palace Master: "Qin Shi Huang, you are in your world, what level of strength does it belong to?" "

Yueyue is extremely curious.

At present, in the world where the chat masses are located, all the worlds where there are emperors, the emperor's martial arts cultivation, all are mediocre.

Ying Zheng and Zhu Yuanzhang in the chat group are the best examples.

However, now Qin Shihuang of the legendary world of the Son of Heaven has such a high martial arts realm, which is extraordinary.

"According to normal circumstances, the strength of the emperor in a martial arts world can only be regarded as a medium level."

"According to this inference, Qin Shi Huang in the late stage of the Heavenly Human Realm is only at a medium level in his world."

"Then what is the realm of Qin Shi Huang's world, top master, peerless master?"

Yueyue was a little surprised.

If her guess is successful, the world where Qin Shihuang is located is probably also a high-level world.

Graphic designer: "Qin Shi Huang, what level does the Heavenly and Human Realm in your world belong to?" "

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Qin Shihuang, what level has the strongest person in your world reached?" "

Space station navigator: "Qin Shihuang, there are demons and ghosts in your world?" Or a monster beast? "

The chatting crowd asked Qin Shi Huang one after another.

Qin Shi Huang had the strength of the late stage of the Heaven and Human Realm, which really shocked them.

If the strength of immortal cultivation is not considered, Qin Shihuang's martial arts realm is the highest in the chat group.

An emperor has such a powerful strength, then what realm will the world boundary of the legendary world of the Son of Heaven reach.

Qin Shi Huang: "The strength of Xu is definitely the top in the world. "

Qin Shi Huang was extremely confident.

Qin Shi Huang: "The martial arts practiced by Xu Xiu is the Hun Tian Baojian, and this technique was created by Nuwa. "

In order to let the other group members deeply understand their own strength, Qin Shihuang couldn't help but introduce the origin of his cultivation exercises.

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

Guo Jing: "??? "。

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "??? "。

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Nuwa? Is it the mythical and legendary Nuwa? Qin Shi Huang, are there gods in your world? "

Graphic designer: "There is Nuwa? Is there a Fuxi? Is there Fuxi still having three emperors? I suddenly felt that the water in Qin Shihuang's world was probably also very deep. "

The chatting masses were instantly stunned.

They didn't expect that Qin Shi Huang's cultivation techniques involved a mythical figure.

This is the great god of Nuwa!

The master of the Shifting Flower Palace: "Qin Shi Huang, is there a story of Nuwa making up the sky in your world?" "

Qin Shi Huang: "Could it be that your world also has the matter of Nuwa making up the sky?" "


Everyone who was chatting looked at Qin Shihuang's words, and couldn't help but gasp.

Zhaoyue is the story of Nuwa making up the sky, and since it is a story, it may be fictional.

And Qin Shi Huang said that Nuwa mending the sky is a thing, that is, it is something that has already happened.

In the legendary world of the Son of Heaven, Nuwa replenishing the sky turned out to be real.

So what is the strength of Nuwa, who can make up the sky.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Qin Shi Huang, can you introduce us to the matter of introducing Nuwa to make up the sky?" "

Li Xunhuan was extremely curious.

Qin Shi Huang: "In the ancient mythological era, the fire god Zhurong and the water god worked together to fight for the world, and the joint work was not angry and crashed into the mountain, causing the sky to collapse and countless living beings to die tragically. "

Qin Shi Huang did not hide it.

In his eyes, the chat group has become a supreme immortal land.

Making friends with group members will help him participate in more group missions and earn more points.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "666, there is still a mythical era, and it is terrifying." "

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helm Chen: "It seems that Qin Shi Huang's world is also extraordinary, in the mythological era, Nuwa, the fire god Zhurong, and the water god worked together, and there were three great gods." "

Graphic designer: "I wonder if these gods are still alive?" "

Emperor Hongwu: "If you are all alive, maybe the world level of Qin Shi Huang's world is not lower than mine." "

The information brought by Qin Shi Huang's first sentence brought a lot of impact to the chattering masses.

Not only does it involve the two great gods, but at the same time, it also shows the strong strength of the two great gods.

Without strong strength, the water god can not hit Zhou Mountain angrily, can it collapse the sky?

If the fire god Zhurong does not have strong strength, he can work with the water god to compete for the world?

Qin Shi Huang: "Nuwa, one of the three emperors, has a benevolent heart, can't bear to see all living beings suffer, and resolutely shoulders the heavy responsibility of refining stones to replenish the sky and save Cangsheng." "

This time, the chatting crowd did not disturb Qin Shi Huang's introduction.

However, everyone also has a deeper understanding of the legendary world of the Son of Heaven.

Nuwa is one of the three emperors, so in addition to Nuwa, there must be two great gods comparable to Nuwa. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Qin Shi Huang: "Nuwa spent hundreds of years and made every effort to finally make up for the green sky and calm the disaster of the earth." "

Qin Shi Huang: "Before she died, Nuwa was miserable about the changes between heaven and earth, and engraved her life's skills on ten heavenly crystals, passing them on to future generations, hoping to benefit Cangsheng." "

Qin Shi Huang: "What is recorded on these ten heavenly crystals is the Hun Heaven Treasure Book. "

Qin Shi Huang: "Although Xu only practiced the ninth form of the Hun Tian Baojian, but Xu also practiced the nine styles backwards, and the power was not inferior to the tenth form of the Hun Tian Baojian." "

Qin Shi Huang still wanted to participate in the group mission.

Da Qin Zulong: "You can't participate in the group task this time, because you joined the group task after the chat group posted the task." "

Ying Zheng's face is complicated.

The level of the Son of Heaven Legend World is much higher than that of the Daqin World.

Once Qin Shi Huang also embarked on the path of cultivation to establish the Yun Dynasty, I am afraid that his strength would surpass him in an instant.


"Xu must be the strongest Qin Shi Huang."

Ying Zheng quickly collected his mind and brought himself back from his loss.

The Son of Heaven Legend World is indeed at a higher level than the World of Daqin.

Similarly, the legendary world of the Son of Heaven is also more dangerous.

Before he completely controlled the Great Qin, if Qin Shi Huang dared to establish the Yun Dynasty, then he might even fail.

Once the top masters of Daqin discovered that the luck had passed and all converged on the national fortune of Daqin, they would definitely fight back.

Before Emperor Qin Shi (Wang Zhao Hao) did not have the strength to suppress the world, if he dared to establish the Yun Dynasty, in the process of establishing the Yun Dynasty, he would definitely be besieged by other top masters.

Once the establishment of the Fortune Dynasty fails, it will definitely suffer from the backlash of Qi Luck.

"I must quickly become stronger before Qin Shi Huang has the strength to suppress the world."

"As soon as the group mission of the Upper Realm is over, Xu will immediately establish the Yun Dynasty."

Ying Zheng quickly made a decision in his heart.

Qin Shi Huang: "You can hire Xuan, as long as 100,000 points, Xu can help you perform group tasks together." "

In Qin Shi Huang's view, Xiongba's strength is comparable to him, and Xiongba can participate in group missions.

Then he must be able to.

The world will help the lord No. 2: "The old man also happens to enter the upper realm, you can also hire the old man, the old man only needs 10,000 points." "

Hsiungba No. 2 is also extremely heartwarming.

Great Qin Zulong: "Are you sure you want to participate in this group mission?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "This time the world of group missions has emperor-level gods and demons, comparable to eighth-order martial artists, and the Heavenly and Human Realm is only close to fifth-order martial artists." "

These two people did not have a powerful Immortal Cultivation Hole Card, and they actually wanted to participate in the group mission, which was simply giving away people's heads.

Qin Shi Huang: ".

The world will help the Lord No. 2: ""...

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