Graphic designer: "When the fight started, the spacecraft I sent out found more than a dozen terrifying figures and was chasing and killing a figure." "

Space station navigator: "I feel that we may have miscalculated, these emperor-level gods and demons are too stable to fight, and they don't plan to fight for their lives at all, they only intend to use their numerical superiority to consume the strong man who dominates the No. 2 world." "

Space station navigator: "I feel like it's possible for them to fight for decades, even centuries." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "It's too dangerous now, and those god-level gods and demons will cause tens of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers to change color with their casual attacks." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "If a random move falls to us, not only will the third-order defensive talisman be used, but even the Spirit Gathering Array will be destroyed." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "I decided to put away the Gathering Spirit Array." "

Qiannu Ghost World, Corpse Brother World, and Fengyun World are relatively large because of the relatively high world level.

Therefore, when absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the speed is more, and the absorption is more.

Therefore, the Gathering Spirit Array of Xia Houwei, Bai Xiaofei, Xiongba and others was the first to be limited by the world will of the cloud-turning world.

And in the mythical world where Gao Yao is located, the world level is too low, and the world will of the rainy world does not limit Gao Yao's Gathering Spirit Array for the time being.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I also plan to put it away, anyway, I will have the opportunity to use it in the future." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Our current actions don't seem to have much impact on the group mission. "

The actions of the chatting masses are more about changing the fate of the Terrans in their own world.

The world where the chat masses are 22, there is no longer an ordinary world at this time.

Even the lowest level world can cultivate to the innate realm level at this time.

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "In that case, we will each rely on our means to find a way to change the fate of the Upper Realm Terran race as much as possible." "

After Yue Buqun finished speaking, he also put away the Gathering Spirit Array.

"If you want to change the fate of the Terrans, you must either improve the strength of the Terrans or improve the survivability of the Terrans."

"The Sacred Heart Technique can make people immortal, if it is taught to a large tribe of a human race in the upper realm."

"Even if everyone has the opportunity to cultivate the Immortal Technique, then the fate of the Terran will definitely change to a certain extent."

The Terrans are not only weak in strength, but also have a very short lifespan compared to other races.

If the life span of the Terrans is ten times or a hundred times more, then under the accumulation of long years, the Terrans will definitely give birth to emperor-level gods and demons.

"Send this exercise into the hands of the Terran tribe."

Yue Buqun also gritted his teeth and purchased the Sacred Heart Recipe from the Points Mall.

Then let him buy the spaceship from the corpse brother world and fly in all directions to find the Terran tribe.

"The commodities in the martial arts commodity area, all the martial arts level is too low, and there are too few martial arts that can help the Upper Realm Terrans."

"You can only choose from immortal cultivation resources."

After Yue Buqun made arrangements, he went directly to the bottom of a nearby mountain.

He began to think about which kind of immortal cultivation resource could help the Upper Realm Terrans.

"Curse Technique is a spell that can threaten emperor-level gods and demons, if a seventh-order top realm powerhouse sacrifices everything he has, cursing emperor-level gods and demons will definitely be able to cause harm to him."

"The ruthlessness and ruthlessness of these emperor-level gods and demons in the upper realm, once they find that other emperor-level gods and demons are injured, they will definitely find a way to kill them and devour everything on the other side."

Yue Buqun's mind was running fast.

The only thing that embarrassed him was that the price of the three-pin spell curse technique required 200,000 points.

The investment is too great.

"Take a gamble!"

Yue Buqun's face was bruised and vicious, and he said.

The last time he entered the Star World with Daxian to perform a group mission, he obtained 550,000 points.

The group members now invited by the chat group are not only powerful, but also far more advanced in the world than the world of Xiaoaojianghu.

If he Yue Buqun didn't want to become a small character in the chat group, he had to bet and fight.

Otherwise, in the future, he may be a little transparent in the chat group.

"The dragon race, the phoenix race and other races are the emperor race of the upper realm, or they can let the human race cultivate the true dragon nine changes, or the nine phoenix nirvana technique, let them mix into these emperor races, and become spies of the human race"

"As these spies become more and more important in the imperial clan, they may be able to shelter some of the Terrans."

Liu Peiqiang, as a practitioner of the Nine Turns Golden Crow Technique, subconsciously thought of other similar exercises.

There are enough dragons and phoenixes in the upper realm to worry about not being able to capture phoenixes or dragons.

As long as the Terran cultivation is successful, the True Dragon Nine Transformations, or the Nine Phoenix Nirvana Technique, it can impersonate the Dragon Bloodline or the Phoenix Bloodline.

"The Terrans of the Upper Realm definitely have a seventh-order realm powerhouse, and maybe there are seventh-order top realm powerhouses."

"There are even many seventh-order top realm powerhouses in the upper realm, but they dare not break through."

"Once you break through, you may become the target of those emperor-level gods and demons."

Zhang Sanfeng soon found a way to change the fate of the Terrans.

"Heavenly Mechanics!"

"If the seventh-order realm powerhouses of the Terran race cultivate the Heavenly Mechanic Technique to the third-grade level, they will be able to conceal the perception of the emperor-level gods and demons."

"You can even influence the heavenly machine to ensure that when you break through, you will not be detected by other emperor-level gods and demons."

Zhang Sanfeng did not have any hesitation and directly purchased the Heavenly Mechanic Inheritance of the peak level of the third grade.

Because, he also practiced the Heavenly Mechanic Technique at all.

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng did not have any distress.

Of course, the most important thing was that he had previously performed the Shattering Void Mission with Ye Hao and directly obtained a reward of 1 million points.

He now has enough points.

Yue Buqun, Liu Peiqiang, Zhang Sanfeng are in action, and the rest of the chat group is also in action.

In their own way, they are all trying to change the fate of the Upper Realm Terrans.

"It seems that there is little hope of triggering the group mission again."

The rain turned over the nether realm of the cloudy world, Ye Hao sighed faintly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After the chat masses entered the upper realm, all of them became Voldemort, and what actions were also made through the intelligent robots and spaceships purchased in the corpse brother world.

"The legendary world of the Son of Heaven, the world of Fengyun comics, should be able to trigger several group missions."

Ye Hao remembered very clearly that his current Immortal Cultivation Realm was the late stage of the Planet Realm, which corresponded to the Combined Body Realm of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, that is, the sixth realm of the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

Whether it is the legendary world of the Son of Heaven or the world of Fengyun comics, there are all warriors above the sixth order.

According to the sixth realm of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, it corresponds to the sixth realm of the martial arts realm.

These two worlds are still advanced worlds for Ye Hao, and they belong to high-difficulty worlds.

If you enter these two worlds to perform group missions, the reward will be at least 10 million points.

"Enter the Upper Realm and take a look!"

Ye Hao's heart moved, and he directly appeared in the clan land of the Upper Realm Phoenix Clan.

Before using the advanced crossing card to enter the Perfect World, he obtained the True Phoenix Treasure Art, one of the ten fierce treasure arts.

Although the Ten Fierce Treasure Art can still exert great power when practiced by other races, the Ten Murderers themselves can exert the true great power of the Ten Fierce Treasure Art.

"Although there are not as many dragon clans, but over the years, the number of phoenix clans has exceeded 10 million."

With so many phoenixes, Ye Hao's gaze couldn't help but look at the dark green planets in his dantian.

"I can completely seal these phoenixes on the planet, and then let them cultivate the True Phoenix Treasure Art."

"I use the Six Realms of Reincarnation Technique, and I can completely obtain all their cultivation experience and understanding."

Ye Hao intended to make all of these more than ten million phoenixes his experience in cultivating the True Phoenix Treasure Art.

He can let these phoenixes use the True Phoenix Treasure Art to fight for life and death, anyway, in his planet, he can easily save the true spirit of these phoenixes.

Then use the six reincarnation techniques to resurrect them and kill them again.

Under such a life and death killing, the speed of these tens of millions of phoenix cultivation True Phoenix Treasure 747 techniques is absolutely amazing.

"It's a pity!"

Ye Hao ran the Heavenly Mechanic Technique and instantly found the Kunpeng clan in the Upper Realm.

Only tens of thousands of people remained in the Kunpeng clan.

The ancestor of the Kunpeng clan, the Kunpeng Emperor, was also an emperor-level god and demon, but was jointly besieged by other emperor-level gods and demons and died.

The Kunpeng family, which once occupied a sea area, declined in an instant.

Now there are only tens of thousands of Kunpeng left, surviving.

"Less is better than nothing."

Ye Hao also planned to include these Kunpeng in his planet and let these Kunpeng cultivate the Kunpeng Treasure Art for him.

As for the cursive sword technique, the Liu Shenfa these treasure techniques, but they can't find a suitable race.

"When I complete the group mission, I can include all the top races in the upper realm into my planet."

With the deduction and improvement of the six reincarnation techniques, Ye Hao found that he could easily obtain all the secrets of any living being.

Even these creatures' perceptions of the rules of heaven and earth, Ye Hao can easily gain insight and transform these feelings into his own perceptions.

Therefore, Ye Hao planned to let the Phoenix clan and the Kunpeng clan cultivate the True Phoenix Treasure Art and the Kunpeng Treasure Art for him.

As for the other top races in the Upper Realm, Ye Hao also planned to use them temporarily and let them cultivate other techniques.

For example, the Demon Race can let them cultivate magic spells.

The Bloodline allows them to cultivate bloodline spells.

Buddha could have them practice Buddhist spells.

And Ye Hao only needs to run the six reincarnation techniques, and he will let all the heaven and earth avenues comprehended by these races be transformed into his own strength realm.

The chatting masses are busy completing group tasks and hoping to contribute more.

Ye Hao was strolling around the Upper Realm, wanting to see what resources could be converted into his strength.

Immortal Cultivator: "There are still three minutes left before the end of the mission, I want to finish!" "

When Ye Hao saw the task time on the chat group, he couldn't help but stop.

It's time for him to strike and end everything.

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