Graphic designer: "My whole person is stupid, the reward of 1 billion points, Daxian cow, Daxian 666." "

Space station navigator: "Follow the immortal, really take off in place, 1 billion points!" It's terrifying! So blissful! "

Huashan Pai Yue is in charge: "Great Immortal is eternal, Great Immortal is immortal, Great Immortal is worldly!" "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Kneel to Daisen!" "

At the moment when the crisp voice of the chat group sounded, everyone in the chat instantly felt like a cloud sky in the ninth sky, like a Kunpeng spreading its wings and hitting the North Sea.

Group missions reward a total of 1 billion points!

One percent of 1 billion points, that's 10 million points.

There are a total of eighteen people participating in the task in the chat group, excluding the great immortals and excluding the heroes who calculate the reward points separately, there are a total of sixteen people.

The 10 million points are divided equally among sixteen people, and each person can also earn at least more than 600,000 points.

"Immortal cultivators 950 million points."

When they heard the points assigned by Ye Hao, the chatter crowd was shocked at the same time, but they all laughed miserably, and many people laughed breathlessly.

When the group task rewards 1 billion points, the chat crowd knows that Daxian will be rewarded with points that subvert their cognition.

Therefore, at the moment when they heard that Ye Hao had obtained 950 million points, although everyone was envious, they did not feel any surprise.

However, what made them even more ecstatic was that Ye Hao obtained 950 million points, so the remaining 50 million points would be distributed by their remaining sixteen people.

10 million points, on average, each person can get more than 600,000 points.

Now that's 50 million points!

On average, each person is able to earn at least three million points.

More than 3 million points!

What an amazing, explosive number.

They're going to get rich!

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Thank you to the Great Immortal, kneel to the Great Immortal!" "

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the number of reward points on his chat group page, and couldn't help but jump up directly, and the imperial sword flew above the sky.

What a reward of six million points!

He never thought that he would receive such a rich reward, which made him a little dizzy.

It doesn't even feel like you're dreaming.

In the previous Shattered Void mission, he was rewarded with 1 million points.

Now another 6 million points are rewarded.

In other words, just the group mission of the rainy and cloudy world, he has obtained 7 million points! 633

With so many points, all the immortal cultivation resources he wanted to buy before could be purchased, and there was no need to get tangled again.

Even he could buy better ones.

Huashan sent Yue to the head of the gate: "Kneel to the Great Immortal, the Great Immortal is an eternal drop god!" "

Yue Buqun couldn't wait to kowtow to Ye Hao in person to express his excitement and gratitude.

Although the point reward he received was not as good as Zhang Sanfeng, it was enough to have five million points.

He bet right!

Space station navigator: "Thank you, Daisen!" Kneel to the Great Immortal! "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Thank you to the Great Immortal, kneel to the Great Immortal!" "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Thank you Daxian, kneel to Daxian!" "

The chatting masses were extremely excited and excited.

Because, even for the few people who receive the fewest points rewards, the reward points reach 1 million.

This was a huge reward that they had never dared to imagine before.

Qin Shi Huang: "So many rewards?" "

Qin Shi Huang's expression was stunned, envious and jealous, and shocked.

His strength is the strongest in the chat group, and the world he is in is also one of the top of the world level in the world where the chat masses are located.

He originally thought that after he was familiar with the operation mode of chat groups, he would be able to rise quickly in chat groups and become the most influential person in chat groups.

However, after looking at the point rewards of the chatting masses, Qin Shihuang was silent.

Even if he uploads all the martial arts treasures he can collect to the points mall, the points he will probably not get will exceed one million.

The points obtained by the chat masses for this group task are all above the million points.

"Damn it!"

Xiongba No. 2 was blinded, his eyes were red, and he was filled with endless jealousy and resentment.

Although Xiongba calculates the points reward separately, it also earns a reward of 3 million points.

Xiongba was originally stronger than him, and now he has obtained so many points, how can he surpass Xiongba?

In the future, in the chat group, won't he always be Xiongba No. 2?

"1.9 billion points."

Ye Hao's mind at this time was not on everyone's conversation at all, but stared at the reward news of the group system.

Although he knew that the reward for this mission must be extremely rich.

However, I never expected to directly get 1.9 billion (CDFE) points.

"The emperor-level god and demon is an eighth-order martial artist, corresponding to the eighth realm of the immortal cultivation realm, and I am only cultivating the sixth realm of immortal cultivation now, and the strength is still very weak."

"Completing such a difficult group task, more rewards, is also very normal, hahaha"

Ye Hao couldn't help but laugh up to the sky, his eyebrows flying.


It's so cool!

"You can upgrade again!"

Ye Hao's gaze instantly fell on his personal page.

【Administrator: Immortal Cultivator】

[Points: 1.97 billion. 】

[Realm: Late Planetary Realm (0/100 million). 】

[Exercise: Star Immortal Technique.] 】

"Raise the realm!"

Ye Hao immediately communicated with the chat group.

【Ding-dong! Deducting 100 million points, the peak of the planetary realm (0/300 million). 】


Peak of the Planetary Realm!

"Keep improving!"

Ye Hao did not have any hesitation.

"Ding-dong! Deduct 300 million points, the initial stage of the original realm (0/500 million). "


The beginning of the Primordial Realm!

"Ding-dong! Deduct 500 million points, the middle period of the original realm (0/700 million). "


Primeval Realm Middle Period!

"Ding-dong! Deduct 700 million points, the late stage of the original realm (0/1 billion). "


Late Primordial Realm.

"My current strength is already able to fight with the Mahayana Realm, soon!"

"It's really not far from becoming an immortal!"

Ye Hao sensed the infinite mana in his body, as long as he pressed it lightly, it was like a powerful strength that could destroy the rainy and cloudy world, and his heart swayed.

The star cores of the planets in his dantian were about to be transformed into the true nucleus of the sun, and their bodies were filled with purple star true fire.

As long as a wisp of purple star true fire could easily burn the cultivators who crossed the Tribulation Realm.

Once the planet's star core is all transformed into the sun eucore, then he will step on the peak of the Primordial Realm, which is enough to match any cultivator below the Immortal Realm.

The stellar realm above the original realm corresponds to the real fairyland.

When he breaks through to the Stellar Realm, then he will become a true immortal. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

【Administrator: Immortal Cultivator】

[Points: 370 million.] 】

[Realm: Late Primordial Realm (0/1 billion). 】

[Exercise: Star Immortal Technique.] 】

[Divine powers: instantaneous killing Dafa (0/100 million), Six Reincarnation Techniques (0/100 million), Six Reincarnation Heavenly Gong (5.56 million/10 million), Kunpeng Treasure Art, True Phoenix Treasure Art, Cursive Sword Technique, Willow God Method]

[Alchemist: Seven Grades (Synchronized with the Realm). 】

[Tianji: Four products (110,000/10 million). 】

[Formation Master: Four Grades (54/10 million). 】

[Fu Shi: Four Grades (220,000/10 million). 】

[Alchemist: Five products (880,000/100 million). 】

[Royal Beast Master: Four Grades (134/10 million). 】

Ye Hao's gaze looked at the updated personal page again, and the smile on his face was even stronger.

"Upgrade the Six Realms of Reincarnation."

Ye Hao pondered and said.

Those emperor-level races in the Upper Realm before, including the emperor-level gods and demons, were all sealed by him on the planets within the dantian.

In the future, the only task of these emperor-level races and emperor-level gods and demons is to become nutrients for cultivation.

They continued to cultivate various techniques and various auxiliary cultivation systems, and then Ye Hao used the six reincarnation techniques to transform them all into his own perceptions.

As he sealed more and more creatures, the Six Realms of Reincarnation helped him even more.

In the future, maybe he only needs to use points to concentrate on improving the realm, and the technique and auxiliary cultivation system can be handed over to him to forbid living soul cultivation.

"Ding-dong! Deducting 100 million points, the upgrade is successful, and the Six Reincarnation Techniques (0/1 billion. )"

With the prompt of the group system, six huge black holes instantly appeared around Ye Hao's body, and the whole person was like the embodiment of the avenue, ruling all the cycles of life and death.

The universe and the galaxy collapsed, chaos opened, everything flowed, and everything changed, all in an instant.

With the blessing of the six reincarnation techniques, in a world without an earthly house, he can easily condense the reincarnation of the earthly house.

In the world with the prefecture, if the prefecture is weak, he can instantly become the master of the prefecture.

The prefecture is powerful, and he can use the power of the prefecture to suppress the enemy.

"I may be able to look for some relics in the Immortal World, look for those strong people who still have residual divine thoughts, or remnant souls, and obtain all their cultivation insights."

"Of course, if you encounter a Demon Dao monk, you may be able to replace the Heavenly Dao."

The six reincarnation techniques have unimaginable control and insight into life and death, reincarnation, soul, and reincarnation.

Condensing all kinds of spiritual roots, or condensing various immortal cultivation treasure bodies, was a very simple matter for Ye Hao at this time.

He can condense the spiritual root of any attribute for himself, condense any immortal cultivation treasure body.

At the same time, it can also make any attribute spirit root, or cultivation immortal treasure body to others.

The higher-level use of the six reincarnation techniques is to experience the other party's life in an instant, gain insight into all the secrets of the other party, and comprehend all the knowledge and perception of the other party.

And with the blessing of the six reincarnation techniques, it will not bring any negative effects.

Immortal cultivator: "Digest the harvest this time." "

After Ye Hao finished speaking, he directly left the Falling Rain Cloud World, and entered the cave mansion of the Blue Blood Sword World.

And the three seven-rank doppelganger puppets that Ye Hao purchased last time entered the fairy world at the same time.

Although at this time, the seventh-grade doppelganger puppet was no longer able to exert Ye Hao's peak strength.

However, it was enough for Ye Hao to complete his goal in the fairy world.

Moreover, the six reincarnation techniques were improved again, so that Ye Hao did not have to worry about the divine soul in his doppelganger being destroyed.

Even if he is destroyed, he can recover quickly with the Six Reincarnation Techniques.

"From now on, the action in the fairy world can be bigger."

Ye Hao intends to increase his actions in the fairy world.

"In Taiyi Continent, Taiyi Gate is a well-deserved overlord, but there are still some demonic Dao forces in Taiyi Continent."

"Although they can't compete head-on with the Taiyi Gate, the Taiyi Gate can't eliminate them."

Ye Hao's three puppet doppelgangers are the targets, one puppet doppelganger is the relics in the Taiyi Continent, and the other puppet doppelganger is the demon gate in the Taiyi Continent.

As for the third puppet doppelganger, Ye Hao directly targeted the Taiyi Gate.

"With my current strength, I can easily control the cultivators who cross the Tribulation Realm by using the Six Realms of Reincarnation."

Ye Hao's doppelganger puppet who had been staying in Taiyi Immortal City had already inquired about the news.

The cultivator of the Jiedan Realm is an outer disciple of the Taiyi Gate, the Yuan Infant Realm is an inner disciple, and the Transformation God Realm is a true disciple.

The Avatar Realm is the Outer Gate Elder, the Combined Body Realm is the Inner Gate Elder, and the Mahayana Realm is the Great Elder in charge of the Great Hall of Punishment, the Dan Hall, the Instrument Hall, and so on.

And because the cultivators of the Tribulation Realm may cross the Tribulation Realm at any time, they do not hold any positions in the Taiyi Gate.

The cultivators of the Tribulation Realm have only one goal, to prepare for the Tribulation and do everything possible to successfully cross the Tribulation.

Once the tribulation is successful, he will set foot in the Mahayana realm, only one step away from becoming an immortal.

Once the crossing fails, there is only death.

"Zhao Shenyang."

And Ye Hao's target was a Tribulation Realm cultivator from the Taiyi Gate.

Unlike the other Tribulation Realm cultivators in the Taiyi Gate, this Zhao Shenyang did not honestly retreat in the Taiyi Gate to prepare for the Tribulation.

He occupied an empire in Taiyizhou, directly became an emperor, experienced everything that the world could experience, became a mortal god, and enjoyed the worship of billions of living beings.

There are 30,000 beautiful women in the harem, and all the women with excellent looks in the empire, whether they are mortals or cultivators, must all be enshrined to him.

Sending troops to attack the surrounding countries does not destroy them, but puts them in fear.

"This time, I don't plan to start as an outer disciple."

Ye Hao's method was very simple, that is, he used the six reincarnation techniques to directly refine Zhao Shenyang, making Zhao Shenyang a doppelganger puppet that he could control.

Then let Zhao Shenyang cross the calamity and become a cultivator of the Mahayana realm.

In this way, Zhao Shenyang would be able to become a powerful Great Elder of the Taiyi Gate.

Ye Hao was also not worried about being seen through his identity and thought that Zhao Shenyang was taken away.

Because, the Six Realms of Reincarnation is in charge of the cycle of life and death, and there is no trace of refinement at all.


The next moment, Ye Hao's doppelganger appeared in the capital of the Divine Spirit Empire and found Zhao Shenyang who was in the wine pond meat forest.

"Six Reincarnation Techniques."

Ye Hao recited the six-character mantra, running the divine power, and instantly the divine soul in the puppet doppelganger flew into Zhao Shenyang's divine soul.

Zhao Shenyang did not feel anything abnormal, and Ye Hao's divine soul was already able to control Zhao Shenyang to do anything.

Zhao Shenyang, on the other hand, does not feel any abnormalities, only feels that it is his normal thoughts.


"Go back to Taiyimon and become a great elder!"

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