Chat group upgraded again?

The expressions of the chattering crowd were shocked, and their faces changed drastically.

Once the chat group is upgraded, the scope of invited group members may expand again.

The words spoken by Daisen are really possible ~ become reality.

Perhaps the group members invited by the chat group may still be martial arts masters, but the world where these group members are located cannot be determined.

Just like the Star World where Qin Yu is located, there are also martial arts masters.

If you invite a martial arts master in the Star World to become a member of the group, and this martial arts expert knows a powerful immortal cultivator.

Then it is entirely possible to take this powerful immortal cultivator to participate in group missions together.

The reason why the chatting masses no longer dare to take their men and horses to participate in group missions is entirely because the group world has become stronger, and some strong people can deduce the heavenly machine.

Once they enter the mission world with their own forces, they may be discovered by the powerhouses of the group mission world, causing huge changes.

However, if you take an immortal cultivator at the Yuan Infant Realm level, or even the God Realm level, into the world of the level of the Fengyun TV series world.

Even if the mud bodhisattva, Di Shitian, Xiao Sanxiao and others can see through the heavenly machine, they are fearless.

Daqin Zulong: "Whether it is in the world of Xiongba or the world of Xiongba No. 2, we have to try to trigger more group missions." "

"Qiao Mou has decided to cultivate the Demon Dao and decided to take the path of Demon Dao refining. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "The pressure is increasing, in the chat group, don't say that if you don't advance, you will retreat, the progress is a little slower, you will be eliminated." "

Xiahou Swordsman: "Then quickly solve the two emperors Shitian, and then we can deal with the demons and monsters in my world, we will kill the demons and remove the demons, and replace the Tianxing Dao." "

The chatter crowd was very emotional.

After the chat group is upgraded, a total of five new group members are invited.

The world where these five group members are located is all more advanced than the Fengyun TV series world where Xiongba is located.

If the chat group is upgraded again, the invited group members may be in the world where real immortals exist.

At that time, if they were still the strength of the Qi Refining Realm and the Foundation Building Realm, they might not even have the qualifications to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers of the mission.

"When the cultivation strength of the chatting masses is far stronger than the strength of martial arts, then it will be the high explosive period of the mission."

Ye Hao controlled the doppelganger to improve his auxiliary cultivation system in the Immortal World while observing the movements of the chat group.

After the chat masses realize that the task card is not only a channel to obtain points, but also a channel to obtain resources, the strength of the chat masses will usher in a huge explosive period.

With the strength of the middle stage of the Zhengzheng Jiedan Realm, if he entered an ordinary martial arts world, he would probably be able to bring back millions of people back to the Daqin world.

In this case, how fast the national fortune of Daqin will grow, and the strength of the government will naturally increase rapidly.

The same goes for other chat members.

However, this is a good thing for Ye Hao.

"Although the chat masses buy task cards, the world that opens is random, and the tasks are random."

"However, it is also possible to open group missions in top worlds such as Star World or Perfect World."

"At that time, I may be able to control the doppelganger to enter it and harvest all kinds of opportunities."

Whether it was entering the Star World or entering the Perfect World, the opportunities obtained in it were all of great help to Ye Hao.

As his strength increases, the more opportunities he can get when he enters this top-level world.

"Even if the Fengyun TV series world triggers the group mission again, I am afraid it will be difficult to trigger the group mission with a huge reward again."

"Hopefully, they can trigger a rewarding group mission in the world of Fengyun Comics."

Ye Hao was also in no hurry, quietly waiting for the performance of the chatting masses.

【Ding-dong! The Great Qin Ancestral Dragon entered the mission world. 】

【Ding-dong! The canteen master enters the quest world. 】

[The space station navigator enters the mission world.] 】

Although the group mission of the Fengyun comic world opened earlier, the chat masses did not choose to enter it.

Instead, after waiting for the group task of the Fengyun TV series to open, the chat masses entered the world of the Fengyun TV series.

The world of TV dramas.

"Hahaha, I am God!"

Heavenly Gate, Emperor Shi Tian stepped into the sky, his eyes were like electricity in the void, and there was a crackling sound around him, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

Before Xiongba used the Gathering Spirit Array to swallow the heaven and earth aura of the cloud-turning world realm, Emperor Shitian could only be regarded as a half-step sixth-order martial artist. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After the Fengyun TV series absorbed the heaven and earth aura of the world realm, Emperor Shitian's strength officially stepped into a sixth-order martial artist with the improvement of the world boundary.

Although it is only a half-step improvement, the strength is like a world of difference.

The current Emperor Shitian can severely damage his previous self with one move, and may even kill his previous self.

"Since then, this god has been completely invincible in the world."

"Even if Wu Invincible is regenerated, this god can easily destroy it."

After stepping on the sixth-order martial artist, Emperor Shitian's mentality had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Before, I was a little afraid of the invincible martial arts that had defeated him.

Now there is nothing to fear.

"Fortunately, I didn't hide, otherwise, it would be really difficult to find."

At this moment, a stream of light instantly landed in front of Emperor Shitian, his eyes exuding cold killing intent.

It is the government that wins.

He now has the strength of the mid-level of the Jiedan Realm, but he will not wait for the rest of the chat group to join him.

He's going to be the first to strike.

It would be even more perfect if he could kill Emperor Shi Tian before the rest of the chat group arrived.

"What are you?"

Emperor Shitian looked at Ying Zheng, who was wearing a dragon robe and flying in the air, and his face was very ugly.

In the world, when did such a strong man emerge?

Moreover, why is this strong man still wearing a dragon robe?

Is it the new Martial Arts Supreme?

However, according to the investigation of the Heavenly Gate, the strength of the Martial Arts Supreme was weak and not worth mentioning at all.

"Emperor Qin Shi Huang wins the government."

"I came here today to kill Xu Fu of the Heavens and Worlds for the sake of Qin Shihuang of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms."

"Xu Fu, you will be the first Xu Fu to kill with your own hands."

Ying Zheng said coldly.

Emperor Shitian: "??? "。

Is Qin Shi Huang still alive?

What Qin Shi Huang of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms?

What Xu Fu of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms?

Also killed the first Xu Fu?

Could it be that besides him, there are other Xu Fujiu? .

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