Ying Zheng secretly triggers three hidden group missions?

They are still complacent about killing several masters of the Fengyun comic world, while Yue Zheng has already participated in three hidden missions alone.

How many points can I earn for these three hidden missions?

I'm afraid it will have to be more than a million points!

Especially after the end of the great immortal, Ying Zheng may not only be able to drink soup this time, but also eat meat.

"So the clown is actually myself?"

The chatting masses looked ugly and had heavy hearts.

Ying Zheng was the first to determine his own cultivation path, and he was also the first to embark on the path of cultivation, and his strength can now be described as the first strong person in the chat group.

Now that he has obtained such a huge number of points alone, his strength will continue to improve at a high speed.

"When Yingzheng is promoted to the Yuan Infant Realm, can we break through to the Jiedan Realm?"

The chattering crowd felt panicked in their hearts, and the invisible pressure was like a mountain pressing on their hearts, making them breathe very heavily.

"Tell the people in the Fengyun TV series world, the situation in the real world?"

Ye Hao did not care about the mood of the chatting masses at this time, but turned his thoughts to the end of the three hidden group tasks.

"I not only want to tell the people in the Fengyun TV series world about the situation in their own world, but also tell them some of the situation in the heavens and realms."

Ye Hao lightly clicked, and an invisible ripple rippled in the minds of all the creatures in the Fengyun TV series world.


Then a sub-picture appeared, with an introduction to the world of Fengyun TV series, an introduction to the wandering earth world, and an introduction to the Qiannu Ghost World.

There is even an introduction to Star World, Perfect World.

Whether it is a person in the world of Fengyun TV series, or birds, beasts, insects and fish, their souls at this time seem to float and fall into a square world.

They look down on the situation in the world from a god-like perspective.

Their thinking and memory at this time were hundreds of times more active with the help of Ye Hao, and they could easily reach the level of never forgetting.

Write down all the pictures they 28 see, write down all the information they hear.

"The second hidden task is much simpler."

For announcing Emperor Shitian's crimes, Ye Hao's method was much simpler.

He directly operated the magical power, took all the living beings of the Fengyun TV series into the river of time, and witnessed all the evil things that Emperor Shitian had done.

Moreover, Ye Hao condensed a law monument in every city in the Fengyun TV series world, which recorded all the evil deeds that Emperor Shitian had done.

No matter who it was, as long as they passed by the Law Monument and glanced at the Law Monument, all the evil things that Emperor Shitian had done would appear in his mind.

"As for the revival of the inheritance that was severed by Emperor Shitian, it is even more single."

For Ying Zheng, the difficulty of this hidden task is not small.

Even though he could obtain Emperor Shitian's memory through the True Word Talisman, after nearly two thousand years, Emperor Shitian had long forgotten how many sects he had destroyed.

And Ye Hao can also find all the sect inheritances that have been destroyed by Emperor Shi Tian.

Shaolin Temple!

Wudang faction!

Kunlun Pie!

One by one, the sects that were once famous and disappeared in the long river of history, Ye Hao directly intercepted some of their true spirits from the long river of time and space.

Then let them be resurrected in the current era of the world of Fengyun TV series.

In an instant, there were hundreds of more sects in the world of Fengyun TV series.

These sects can be said to have gathered for more than a thousand years and were destroyed by Emperor Shitian, or because Emperor Shitian was destroyed, there are still strong people.

"Application mission completed."

It took Ye Hao less than a quarter of an hour to easily complete the three hidden tasks.

In order to let Ying Zheng have more points and let him continue to make trouble in the world of Fengyun comics, Ye Hao directly applied for the completion of the hidden task in advance.

In this way, Yingzheng will also be able to earn a large number of points in advance when performing group missions in the Fengyun Comics World.

The world will help the master: "Yingzheng, what are the three hidden group missions?" "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Your Majesty, you have also completed the three hidden tasks, don't you tell us how you completed the group mission?" How many points are needed to trade this news, you say it, we will send you a red envelope. "

Emperor Hongwu: "What does Your Majesty say?" "

Tianxia will be the general helmsman of Chen: "If you trigger three hidden group missions at once, can you also stage the same routine in the world of Xiongba No. 2?" "

At this time, the chatting masses were no longer in the mood to continue assassinating Di Shitian's subordinates, and they asked Di Shitian one after another.

Daqin Zulong: "According to the method of the last transaction, 10,000 points per person, I will tell you what I have done." "

With Ye Hao's words, Ying Zheng was not in a hurry to complete the group task in the Fengyun comic world.

The world of Fengyun comics is much stronger than the world of Fengyun TV series, and if he can have a large amount of points in the account, he can do things in the world of Fengyun comics, and he can also be at ease.

"Moreover, if you don't tell the chat masses, if the chat masses have any special thoughts in the future, I'm afraid they won't tell Xuan."

Ying Zheng secretly said.

He can surreptitiously trigger three hidden group missions and complete them alone.

Even if the chatting masses are envious and jealous, they can only watch, because this is his ability.

If he conceals how he triggered the three hidden missions, the nature is different.

This is equivalent to him having new ideas and ideas, and even if the chat crowd is willing to pay a few points for the purchase, he is not willing to tell others.

In this case, I am afraid that the chatter masses will not tell him what special ideas and ideas they have in the future.

[The World Society helped the Lord send a red envelope to the Great Qin Zulong. 】

[Qin Shi Huang sent a red envelope to the Great Qin Zulong. 】

[Master Wing Chun Yip sent a red envelope to Daqin Zulong. 】

Ying Zheng's words fell, and almost at the same moment, everyone in the chat sent red envelopes to Ying Zheng.

If they know how to trigger hidden missions, they may be able to touch the bypass, and in the future, in other mission worlds, they can also try to trigger hidden missions.

Great Qin Zulong: "Xu directly spread his voice throughout the Kyushu Kingdom, announcing that he would put Emperor Shitian to death at the top of the imperial city"

Ying Zheng quickly spoke out about his approach.


"Get things better and better!"

An idea subconsciously popped up in the minds of the chatting masses.

"Ding-dong! Hidden missions completed and 50 million points rewarded. "

"Immortal cultivators get 45 million points, and Great Qin Zulong gets 5 million points."

"Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators, trigger bonus points*2 permissions, and get 90 million points."

"Ding-dong! Hidden missions completed and 100 million points rewarded. "

"Immortal cultivators get 90 million points, and Great Qin Zulong gets 10 million points."

"Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators, trigger bonus points*2 permissions, and get 180 million points."

"Ding-dong! Hidden missions completed and 100 million points rewarded. "

"Hahaha three hidden missions, a total of 25 million points."

"It's going against the sky!"

In the world of Fengyun comics, Ying Zheng looks up to the sky and roars, and his eyes bloom with a shining light.

With so many points, he could purchase a large amount of immortal cultivation resources to strengthen Daqin's national fortune.

The fortune of the Great Qin Kingdom has become stronger, and his strength may not be long before he can break through to the Yuan Infant Realm.

"450 million points."

Ye Hao was also in a very good mood at this time.

【Administrator: Immortal Cultivator】

[Points: 720 million.] 】

[Realm: Late Primordial Realm (0/1 billion). 】

[Exercise: Star Immortal Technique.] 】

Especially after seeing the points on the personal page, Ye Hao's mood became more and more happy.

Once he gathered a billion points, he would be able to upgrade to the peak of the Primordial Realm.

And the peak of the Primordial Realm also corresponds to the peak of humanity in the Immortal World, once Ye Hao breaks through to the Stellar Realm, then he will become a real immortal.

Immortal cultivator: "You guys have to come on!" The three hidden missions of Yingzheng earned a total of 25 million points. "

Immortal Cultivator: "When Ying Zheng converts all these 25 million points into his own strength, you should know what will happen." "

Ye Hao did not hesitate to tell the rest of the chat group about the reward points obtained by Ying Zheng.

"If you don't give you some pressure, don't give you some motivation, how can you do big things?"

Ye Hao's goal is already very clear.

He wants to obtain at least 280 million points in the Fengyun comic world, so that he has enough points to upgrade his strength and reach the peak of a humane cultivator.

25 million points?



Eat one's heart out!

The chattering masses were all stunned, they all felt that their brains were dizzy, as if they had completely lost the ability to think, and their thinking had stagnated.

The world will help the Lord: "How is it possible? How is it possible to earn so many bonus points? "

The mentality of the hero collapsed directly.

Ying Zheng gets so many bonus points at once, how will he fight with Ying Zheng in the future?

Chef Gao of the canteen: "25 million points!" This has already been able to purchase six-grade cultivation immortal resources, and His Majesty has completely thrown us off this time!" "

Guo Jing: "It's really an enviable and desperate number. "

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "I haven't broken through to the Foundation Building Realm, is Your Majesty about to break through to the Yuan Infant Realm?" "

Although the chat people guessed that Ying Zheng participated in three hidden tasks alone, and if he wanted to end the immortal, Ying Zheng would definitely get a large number of points reward.

However, in any case, they did not expect that Ying Zheng would obtain such a huge number of points.

25 million points smashed down, Ying Zheng broke through to the Yuan Infant Realm, they will not have any accidents.

However, once Ying Zheng breaks through to the Yuan Infant Realm, what will they do?

Daisen will give group members a chance to perform, and will Yingzheng give them a chance to perform?

Simply impossible!

That is to say, in the future, they will participate in group missions with Yingzheng, not to mention holding their thighs, maybe they will not even be able to get a reward of one point.

In this case, the strength of the government will only grow faster and faster, and the gap between them and their strength will reach an unimaginable point.


"Something has to happen!"

"You must trigger your own hidden mission!"

The mentality of the chatting masses completely changed at this time.

In the past, they entered the world of Fengyun comics, and they only wanted to assassinate a few emperors and get some point rewards. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's different now!

Not only do they have to be rewarded with points, but they also have to get a large number of points prizes 137 incentives.

"Isn't it that the strength is at most the seventh-order realm, and it may not even be a seventh-order Emperor Shitian?"

"We have entered the upper realm of Zhu Yuanzhang's world and performed group missions."

"That powerful world where there are more than a dozen eighth-order warriors."

Hunting and killing a few of Di Shitian's subordinates was completely unable to meet the needs of the chattering masses.

They also want to hunt Emperor Shitian.

They are not hopeless.

Before performing group missions in the rainy cloud-turning world, except for the two newcomers Qin Shihuang and Xiongba No. 2, they obtained at least one million points.

They can completely purchase the three-pin attack talisman seal, the third-grade heavenly thunder talisman seal, and the three-pin illusion talisman seal to attack Emperor Shitian.

If the attack talisman seal was closely coordinated, maybe they also had a chance of killing Emperor Shitian.

Moreover, for the chatting masses, just hunting Di Shitian now could not meet their needs.

They are also rewarded with tens of millions of points, or even more.

Great Qin Zulong: "Since everyone has not made a move against Emperor Shitian now, then Xu is not polite." "

Before Ying Zheng, he was a little jealous of Emperor Shitian of the Fengyun comic world.

Now that 25 million points have been credited, he is no longer afraid of Emperor Shitian.

With his current points, he could easily purchase a fourth-grade attack talisman seal, which was comparable to the attack of a Yuan Infant Realm cultivator.

How did Di Shitian fight him?

His goal now is to repeat the routines of the world of Fengyun TV series and continue to stage a legend.

"Do it!"

The faces of the chatting masses changed in unison.

Emperor Shitian and his forces in the Fengyun TV drama world were almost destroyed by Ying Zheng alone.

If you let the emperor Shitian and his forces in the world of TV series and comics be destroyed, they will also be destroyed by the government.

So how many points does Yingzheng get in these two worlds add up?


Almost instantly, under the iceberg below the Heavenly Gate, the ten super nuclear weapons quietly placed by Bai Xiaofei instantly exploded.

"One hundred thousand soul flags, town!"

A Heavenly Gate expert who was secretly controlled by Ye Man with a magic weapon couldn't help but approach Emperor Shitian.

Then a black soul banner that was permeated with endless gloomy demonic qi and emerged with endless cold aura flew out of his body, and attacked towards Emperor Shitian.

"Ten thousand blood beads burst for me!"

At almost the same moment, a master who was controlled by Yue Buqun with the Demon Dao Forbidden Weapon also pounced on Emperor Shitian.

Then it exploded, and along with him, there was also the Demon Dao Forbidden Weapon placed by Yue Buqun in his body, the Ten Thousand Blood Beads.

This is the Demon Dao Forbidden Weapon that Yue Buqun harvested hundreds of thousands of devils and condensed with their blood, specifically polluting the Yuan God.

This is just the beginning!.

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