Fengyun Comics World.


At this time, the imperial city was already surrounded by 100,000 forbidden legions, airtight, and looked like a great enemy.

Everyone knows that a storm centered on the Imperial City will sweep the world, bringing unimaginable and terrible impacts.

The mysterious Qin Shi Huang wins the government!

Xu Fu, who has lived for nearly two thousand years!

Huan Zheng will kill Xu Fu at the top of the imperial city and judge Xu Fu for his crimes.

The reason why they couldn't confirm the truth of such an absurd thing was because the voice of the government sounded in everyone's ears without distinction.

The stronger the masters, the more they know the horror of the power of the government.

This is no longer a thousand miles of sound, but a sound piercing through the nine skies, as if a real person spoke in front of them.

However, just because of the strength of the government, it will not bring such a huge shock.

The news that really brought a huge impact to the world of Fengyun comics was that Emperor Shitian had passed nearly two thousand years.

That's nearly 2,000 years!

If he hadn't been caught by Ying Zheng, wouldn't Emperor Shi Tian still be able to continue to live?

Two thousand years!

Three thousand years!

Four thousand years!

Maybe even immortal 940!

Compared with having great strength, I am afraid that more people want to live forever.

Especially those martial arts masters who were already powerful, they were even more eager for immortality.

If they could live forever, their future would be infinite.


The emperor in the imperial city was also in a huge state of anxiety and frenzy at this time.

If Yue Zheng's words were true, then an unimaginable war might break out in the Imperial City.

In order to gain the opportunity of immortality, those top martial artists will definitely fight to the death.

As the Shenzhou Emperor of the Fengyun Comics World, he knows too well the strength of warriors.

If it weren't for some righteous people who upheld orthodoxy and repeatedly repelled ambitious and powerful heroes, I am afraid that the throne would have changed hands long ago.

However, even now, there are still many jianghu sects that threaten his rule.

Not to mention the rest, where the Heavenly Society is located, the order of the tyrant is even better than his holy will.

Moreover, after his investigation, he could see that Xiongba was definitely also a hero who peeked into the world. (BCBG) Once the hero dominates the martial arts, he may peek into the world.

Now it involves immortality, which is greater than the temptation to dominate the world.

Can some righteous people restrain their desire to dominate the world, can they resist the temptation of immortality?

What others think, the Emperor of Shenzhou is not clear.

However, in his opinion, I am afraid that no one under the sky can resist the temptation of immortality.

In order to obtain the Immortal Law of Emperor Shitian, the former righteous path master would probably also be killed.

And this killing place turned out to be in the Imperial City, maybe after the war, the Imperial City may become a ruin.

"I hope that Xu can obtain the method of immortality."

The Emperor of Shenzhou was fiery in his heart.

Once he obtains the Law of Immortality, then he can enjoy endless supreme power.

Achieve the perfect state that Qin Shi Huang has always wanted.

"I know that in the world, there are still many immortal existences."

"If he smiles, not only has he lived for more than three thousand years, but even his two sons have obtained immortal bodies."

"I don't want any other immortals to be like Emperor Shitian and plague the world."

"Otherwise, Xu will kill all the immortals who are in trouble with the world for the Tianxing Dao."

At this moment, the voice of Ying Zheng once again resounded in the world of Fengyun comics. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After the operation of the Fengyun TV series, Ying Zheng has understood the key to triggering more group missions.

Make trouble!

Make a big deal!

Therefore, he did not hesitate to reveal all the information he heard from Ye Hao and the heavenly machine of the Fengyun comic world.

He is not afraid that things are too big now, he is afraid that things are too small.

Laugh three smile powerful?

Is it powerful with his 25 million points?

He now has 25 million points, and even if there is a big movement in the world of Fengyun comics, he can guarantee his safety.

Even if he is lucky, he can invest a certain amount of points once the corresponding group mission is triggered.

Even if he is hostile to Xiao Sanxiao, even if he can't kill Xiao Sanxiao, he has absolute confidence to repel Xiao Sanxiao.

In this case, what else does he have to hesitate?


Xiao San, who was rushing to the imperial city, listened to Ying Zheng's words, and his brows furrowed.

Is there anyone in this world who knows his name?

Do you even know that he has two sons?

This Qin Shi Huang's reign became more and more mysterious.

"In addition to Emperor Shitian, there are many immortal existences in our world?"

Other powerhouses in the Fengyun comic world, including Wu Invincible, listened to Wu Invincible's words, and their expressions were all shocked.

Is immortality so easy?

Especially Xiao Sanxiao, not only can he live forever himself, but even his two sons can live forever?

"Could it be that an immortal can still create an immortal race?"

The speculations of many martial arts masters are very similar to the guesses of the chat group.

After knowing that the three fathers and sons of Xiao San Xiao were immortal, everyone subconsciously deduced that other immortal beings could also make their descendants immortal like laughing three smiles.

That's terrible.

"I wonder what kind of mood God would feel if he knew that Di Shitian and Xiao San Xiao father and son were truly immortal?"

Soushen Palace, the martial arts master who once remained, couldn't help but think of a once terrifying existence.


A peerless genius born from the Bu Clan.

Only a little, the other party has truly reached the level of immortality.

If the Immortal God lived until now, he would know the existence of three fathers and sons similar to Emperor Shitian, laughing three times.

The Immortal God would probably not hesitate to capture them and obtain their method of immortality.


At this time, the heavenly path of the Fengyun comic world also changed, and a special space sword realm actually took the initiative to open.

Chat groups have the function of obscuring the sky and breath.

However, after the voice of Ying Zheng spread throughout the world of Fengyun comics, it triggered a change in the heavenly machine.

And these special existences all appeared near the imperial city.

"Is even the Heavenly Dao involved?"

Ye Hao smiled and looked expectant.

The group quest in the world of Fengyun Comics should not disappoint him.

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