Laughing at the world.


Yue Buqun collapsed directly to the ground, his face did not have a trace of blood like white paper, the cold sweat on his forehead rolled down madly, and his eyes were not only shocked, but also frightened.

Isn't it a martial arts chat group?

How could there be such a terrifying existence?

Moreover, he even made a mockery of such a powerful existence, he was dying.

He finally understood why he mocked Ye Hao as soon as he opened his mouth, and everyone in the chat group reacted so much.

Huashan sent Yue to the head of the sect: "@修仙者, Great Immortal, I have no eyes, I am arrogant, I am wolf-hearted, and I deserve death." "

Yue Buqun knelt directly on the ground, constantly kowtowing on the ground, and every time he kowtowed, his forehead was covered in blood.

[The head of Huashan Paiyue turned on the live broadcast! ] 】

For fear that Ye Hao would not know, Yue Buqun even opened a live broadcast for himself.

"Impure mind~"

Zhang Sanfeng did not enter Yue Buqun's live broadcast, but only glanced at the picture of Yue Buqun kowtowing.

When he and Yue Buqun first joined the group, Yue Buqun threw the black pot to him.

After joining the chat group, Yue Buqun swelled and didn't put other people in his eyes at all, so he would speak so unscrupulously.

"Immortals! It's really immortal! "

Ye Man's mind was not on Yue Buqun at all, and he only had the picture of Ye Hao's just shot in his mind now, which was too earth-shattering.

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Want to win the sympathy of the Great Immortal?" Don't even think about it, you better not let me seize the opportunity, otherwise I will kill you." "

The world will help the Lord: "If you do something wrong, you can kowtow as if nothing happened, and the price of doing something wrong is too cheap." "

Great Qin Zulong: "You should be glad that Xu can't enter your world for the time being, otherwise, you will directly destroy your Huashan faction." "

The chatting masses were unmoved.

Immortal cultivator: "I didn't wronged you, in order to revitalize the Huashan Sect, you have always wanted to plot the Lin family's sword spectrum to ward off evil." "

Immortal cultivator: "For this reason, you did not hesitate to persecute your apprentices, wives and daughters, which can be called unscrupulous, and then you have cultivated the sword spectrum to ward off evil spirits and seized the position of the head of the Five Yue, and you are even more dissident, which is not in line with the name of the gentleman's sword." "

Ye Hao didn't want to rely only on strength to oppress the chattering masses and bow their heads.

Immortal cultivator: "Originally, I didn't want to say it, since the matter has come to this point, then I said that the sword spectrum to ward off evil can be called the most unique martial art in the rivers and lakes, and if you want to practice this skill, you must first come from the palace." "

When Ye Hao said this, he did not continue.


The chat group is dead silent!

Even Yue Buqun, who was kowtowing to admit his mistake, stopped abruptly and was dumbfounded.

Because, he was really planning the Lin family's peerless school to ward off the evil sword spectrum.

The world will help the Lord: "666, ruthless!" Definitely a ruthless person, I am willing to call you the strongest. "

Xiongba's eyelids couldn't help but jump one after another, he was just cruel to others, and Yue Buqun was also cruel to himself.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Is there such an evil martial arts cheat?" "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "It's an eye-opener, it's really eye-opening, the old Dao has lived for a hundred years, and it's the first time I've heard of such an evil martial arts secret." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Master Chen: "Just for the sake of even a martial art, you actually came from the palace?" "

Everyone in the chat group is a character in their own world, and with their knowledge, they have never heard of such a strange sword technique as the Evil Sword Spectrum.

As for how to evaluate Yue Buqun, they could no longer find the words in their minds.

Those who dare to cultivate a martial art from the palace, a ruthless word?

Da Qin Zulong: "@Huashan Paiyue Head @ Master Wing Chun Ye @ Wudang Centenarian Taoist, who else doubts the words of Daxian now?" "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Great Immortal God Calculation." Kneeling JPG. "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Ip Man worship~"

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Zhang Sanfeng worship service~"

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "We come from different worlds, and the chat group is really mysterious and powerful. "

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but sigh.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Old Dao Zhang Sanfeng, I have seen all the group friends, I don't know what the identity of all the group friends is?" "

The world will help the lord: "The old man will help the lord in the world." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Li Xunhuan has seen Zhang Zhenren, and in my world, there is also Zhang Sanfeng, the ancestor of the Wudang Sect. "

The master of the Shifting Flower Palace: "The lord of the Great Palace of the Shifting Flower Palace, invite the moon." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Chen Jinnan has seen Zhang Zhenren, and there is also Zhang Sanfeng of the Wudang Sect in my world. "

Great Qin Zulong: "Qin Shi Huang wins the government." "


Ye Man directly couldn't help but gasp and was stunned.

First Zhang Sanfeng, and now there is a Qin Shi Huang!

These are all famous figures in history!

Master Wing Chun Leaf: "I wonder what kind of characters will appear in the chat group in the future?" "

Ip Man was looking forward to it.

Immortal cultivator: "Any kind of character can appear, you better have a mental preparation." "

Immortal cultivator: "There are many historically similar worlds in the heavens and realms, and the heavier the traces left in history, the greater the probability of appearing in other worlds." "

Immortal cultivator: "In other words, it is very likely that you will meet the same figure from different worlds in the near future, such as Zhang Sanfeng, such as Ying Zheng." "

Immortal cultivator: "Even in the chat group, there may be three or four Zhang Sanfeng and four or five Yingzheng. "

The expectant look on Ye Man's face instantly became strange.

This kind of picture is unimaginable.

Xiao Li Feidao: "It shouldn't appear like this." "

Heaven and Earth will be the chief helmsman of Chen: "No, no, yes, it will be, the world you are in is the Ming Dynasty, the world where the lord of the Invitation Moon Palace is located is also the Ming Dynasty, and the world where Zhang Zhenren is located is the last year of the Yuan Dynasty, there should be Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, maybe there are already duplicate characters." "

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "The world I live in is also the Ming Dynasty, and during the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor was Zhu Houzhao. "

Heaven and Earth Society's chief helmsman Chen: "The era where the lord of the Invitation Moon Palace is located is the Wanli Emperor, the 13th emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the Zhengde Emperor is the 10th emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and the era where Brother Li is located is the Chenghua Emperor, the 8th emperor of the Ming Dynasty." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "The Chenghua Emperor is the grandfather of the Zhengde Emperor, and the elders of the three dynasties of the Zhengde Emperor may be able to find another person in Brother Li's world." "

As a loyal supporter of the anti-Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty, Chen Jinnan naturally knew everything about the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

The world will help the master: "@Wudang Sect hundred-year-old Taoist @ Daqin Zulong, do you first grab a number for yourself, Zhang Sanfeng No. 1, Ying Zheng No. 1, hahaha...

The hundred-year-old Taoist priest of the Wudang Sect: "??? "。

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

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