Emperor Hongwu: "The task of dominating the No. 2 world has been completed, are we now chasing after the victory and triggering the group mission of the Qin Shihuang world?" "

Xiahou Swordsman: "We must definitely take advantage of the victory to chase and strive for multi-millionaires in the chat group." Laughing JPG"

Space station navigator: "Hahaha now everyone has more points in their hands, no matter what kind of group mission we trigger in the Qin Shihuang world, we should be able to calmly deal with it." "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Hurry up and trigger the group mission of Qin Shihuang's world, and then we will convert points into strength." "

The mood of the chatting masses was extremely happy.

At the same time, they also set their sights on the legendary world of the Son of Heaven.

From the previous introduction of the Great Immortal, they could feel that the world level of the legendary world of the Son of Heaven was not low.

If the group mission is triggered, even if the points obtained are not as many as the points obtained by the Fengyun comic world, it should not be less.

"Ding-dong! Publish special tasks. "

Just as the chatting masses were about to try to trigger the group mission of the legendary world of the Son of Heaven, the crisp voice of the group system sounded.


The chatting masses who were thinking about how to trigger the mission of the Legend of the Son of Heaven World Group were all mentally shocked, and their eyes instantly turned to the mission page.

It turned out to be the system actively publishing tasks!

This is a feature after the group upgrade.

The special group mission released last time was to enter the Star World to help Qin Yu embark on the road of martial arts training.

So what advanced world will this special mission enter?

As long as you grab this group task, and then invite Daxian to form a team, maybe you can directly win millions of points!

"Reminder: The world in which this mission is located is extremely dangerous for group members."

"Mission introduction: Increase the code empire, Wutan City, Xiao Yan, the third young master of the Xiao family, a fallen genius, from genius to waste."

"In the past three years, although I have cultivated Douqi hard, I have not advanced and retreated, and now there are only three stages of Douqi~'."

"Mission requirements: Since you can't cultivate fighting qi, then practice martial arts!"

"Two group members can be invited to participate in this mission, and the higher the completion of the mission, the greater the reward."

With the end of the introduction of the group system, the chat crowd was all on the task page, frantically clicking to collect the task.

As long as you grab the group task, and then invite the big immortal to participate in the group task, even if you don't do anything, at least hundreds of thousands of points will be credited.

If you can also make a certain contribution to the task, you may be able to easily get millions of points.

"With my current strength, I should be invincible in the Douqi Continent, right?"

Ye Hao's eyes were deep, and his mind was full of thoughts.

Although above the Douqi Continent, there is a world of higher planes.

However, the powerhouses of the Great Thousand World could not sense what was happening in the Douqi Continent.

"Ding-dong! The graphic designer receives the task. "

At the same time, the ownership of special tasks has also come to fruition.

Graphic designer: "Immortal cultivator, Daxian, do you participate in this group task?" "

Bai Xiaofei was extremely excited and excited, but he did not forget the most important thing.

Immortal cultivator: "I participate!" "

Ye Hao agreed without any hesitation.

However, he still planned to send a doppelganger puppet into the Douqi Continent.

Although he is invincible in the Douqi Continent, there is a higher plane above the Douqi Continent.

Even if they couldn't detect what was happening in the Douqi Continent, Ye Hao felt that he should still be careful.

"What's more, I still have an Immortal Dao doppelganger puppet."

Ye Hao controlled several doppelganger puppets to find various chance inheritances in Taiyi Continent, and naturally gained a lot.

Among them, there is a true immortal level doppelganger puppet. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Graphic designer: "Thank you Daisen. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Master Chen: "Great Immortal, how is the powerhouse of the group mission world this time compared to Qin Yu's world?" "

Princess Changping: "Great Immortal, what is this fighting spirit?" "

Master Wing Chun Ye: "Wouldn't this Xiao Yan also be an existence similar to Qin Yu?" Also a child of destiny in the quest world? "

The chatting masses were naturally extremely envious and jealous of Bai Xiaofei for grabbing the group task.

At the same time, they were also extremely curious about the situation in the Douqi Continent.

Immortal cultivator: "The world level where Xiao Yan is located, such as the world level of Qin Yu's world, is lower, and the highest realm of the two is a little similar. "

Immortal cultivator: "One is to leave a name on the Hongmeng Golden List and become the controller of Hongmeng, everything in Hongmeng, no matter which universe, the fate of almost all life can be calculated, and at the same time, it can mobilize the energy of any universe." "

Immortal cultivator: "One is to leave a name on the firmament list, which can mobilize the great power of the great world." "

The chatting crowd listened to Ye Hao's introduction, and their expressions were awe and full of yearning.

What a vast force is it to mobilize the energy of one universe, or mobilize the great power of a large world, and directly suppress the enemy?

Immortal cultivator: "~ Xiao Yan is indeed also the son of Heavenly Destiny, but his identity is more mysterious. "

Ye Hao remembered very clearly, Xiao Yan was a traverser.

The world will help the master: "Xiao Yan's identity is more mysterious? Could it be that chance is even more against the sky than Qin Yu? "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "If this is the case, it is really enviable and crying." "

Space station navigator: "Bai Xiaofei, remember the live broadcast, let's see what kind of advanced world Xiao Yan's world is, and how enviable Xiao Yan's chance is." "

Graphic designer: "No problem. "

Great Qin Zulong: "Bai Xiaofei and Daxian went to perform a special mission, and we can't stop and try to trigger the mission of Qin Shihuang's world." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "With the points we have now, even if there are several eighth-order warriors in the Qin Shihuang world, we can solve them, and we can completely trigger the group mission." "

Hong (Li Qianhao) Emperor Wu: "Then let's hurry up." "

The chattering crowd quickly collected their minds and did not change their previous plans because of the release of the special mission.

With the point rewards of the Fengyun Comics World, they have the confidence to complete any group mission triggered in the Legendary World of Tianzi.

Therefore, even if Ye Hao was unable to participate in the group mission of the Legendary World of the Son of Heaven, they had no intention of postponing the group mission that triggered the Legendary World of the Son of Heaven.

"That's how it should be!"

Ye Hao looked satisfied.

If the chat masses can complete the group mission of the legendary world of the Son of Heaven, it will be completed.

Anyway, the points will end up in his hands.

If the group task is triggered, the chat crowd cannot complete it, he can also help them complete it as long as he has a trace of attention.

"This time when entering the Douqi Continent, we must empty the Douqi Continent."

Ye Hao quietly waited for the opening of the group task.

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