"Ah~ help!"

"What to do? Who can save us? "

"Are we really inside the copper coffin?"

"Why is that? Is there any way to get out? "

In the pitch-black copper coffin, many of Ye Hei's classmates were a little collapsed, constantly broadcasting mobile phone numbers, wanting to contact the outside world.

The Nine Dragons coffin fell from the sky, and for them, it was an extremely magical and strange thing.

Now they have inadvertently fallen into the copper coffin, it is pitch black, and there is a chill of ice, which is too exciting and scary.

"Don't worry, although we can't get in touch with the outside world for the time being, such a shocking incident in Taishan will inevitably reach the outside world as soon as possible, and I believe that rescuers will arrive soon."

One of them, Zhou Yi, seemed very calm, and his words made everyone's fearful mood relax a little.

"Four two seven" "Zhou Yi is right, don't panic, we must be calm, I believe that we will be safe." "

Ye Hei's other classmate, Wang Ziwen's voice was also calm, and he spoke to stabilize the emotions of everyone present.

"Yes, don't panic, things have happened, it is useless for us to be afraid, the important thing is to find a way to get out."

One of Ye Hei's female classmates, although Lin Jia is a woman, her performance at the moment is very calm, and she does not panic.

"That's right, you don't need to panic, it's a big thing, it's useless for you to panic."

At this moment, the pitch-black bronze coffin suddenly became as bright as day, and Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but ridicule, saying.

"Who are you?"

Ye Hei and the other students were slightly stunned at first, and Ye Hei looked at Ye Hao and his group with a little vigilance.

His memory was not bad, he could clearly remember that when they visited Mount Tai, there was no Ye Hao and his group nearby.

Ye Hao and his group are dressed with modern people, ancient people, plus the temperament is extremely extraordinary, as long as they have seen it, they are absolutely impressed.

Moreover, Ye Hao and his party entered the bronze coffin, not only did not have any panic, but even many people looked around with interest, very curious and excited.

He didn't see panic or fear in anyone, which was very unusual.

"We hitchhiked and planned to go to the Big Dipper Star Domain, aren't you also going to the Big Dipper Star Domain?"

Ye Hao was interesting and said.

"What to take a ride, what to go to the Big Dipper Star Domain, we still find a way to leave the bronze coffin, this place is too weird."

"Don't worry, I'm sure rescuers will arrive soon."

"Don't talk nonsense here, it's not just a bunch of cosplay, you are pretending to be ghosts here."

Ye Hei's group of classmates were angry and said.

Originally, staying in this strange bronze coffin was very scary, but now what Ye Hao said, it became more and more frightening.


At this moment, the bronze coffin suddenly trembled violently, and everyone stood unsteadily, shaking, and many people fell directly to the ground.

"Have the rescuers arrived, are they rescuing us?"

There was Ye Hei's classmate surprise, said.

"It's not rescue, it's that the Kowloon coffin has taken off."

Ye Hao lightly clicked, a ripple rippled, and the bronze coffin seemed to become transparent, but unfortunately he could clearly see the outside world.

Nine black dragons pulling the bronze coffin had flown into the air, very fast, and flew into the starry sky in the blink of an eye.

And then it fell to Mars.

"Mars station has arrived, there will be a break for a period of time in the middle, if you want to get off the car to see Mars, you can watch it."

"If you don't want to see Mars, stay in the bronze coffin."

Ye Hao said as he walked out of the bronze coffin and quickly landed to the Great Thunder Temple.

Immortal medicine, the seed of the ancient Bodhi tree.

The Divine Resistance of the Eucharist.

As for the realm below the Ancient Star, Ye Hao did not plan to make a move for the time being.

After fusing the Dao fruits of many great emperors and ancient emperors, his strength will reach the peak of the human realm, and then he plans to suppress everything.

"Let's take a look."

The chatting crowd also quickly flew out of Mars, cautiously looking around. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"They all flew out? Are they immortals? "

"Are we really coming to Mars?"

Ye Hei, Pang Bo, Zhou Yi and the others looked at Ye Hao's group who flew away in amazement, trembling out of the bronze coffin, and then, like a wooden sculpture, they stood in place.

The earth seemed to have been invaded by blood, reddish-brown, cold and dull, desolate and empty in the eyes, and some huge rocks stood sporadically on the ground, which looked like tombstones.

The light in the sky and the earth was dim, and it was dull, like a lifeless dusk surrounded by a faint black fog.

Although I don't know if I came to Mars, one thing is certain.

They are not in Tarzan!

"Let's go along and take a look."

Ye Hei, Pang Bo and the others hesitated, and also walked in the direction where the chatting masses flew away...

"Hahaha is worthy of being a high-level world, and all the things in this Great Thunder Temple are magic weapons."

"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's too long, these magic weapons Shen Yun have been lost, and they are almost all wasted."

"Not necessarily, fix it, maybe it can still be used."

"The most pity is that the Bodhi Ancient Tree actually died, otherwise, it would definitely be a supreme spiritual root."

Ye Hei, Pang Bo, Zhou Yi and others passed by a ruin, walked to an ancient temple, and then saw the chatting crowd excitedly demolishing an ancient temple.

Great Leiyin Temple.

A supreme temple that exists in myths and legends.

"It's a pity that although the Dacheng Holy Body can call the Great Emperor, its combat power is still not as good as the real Great Emperor."

While chatting with the masses, as well as Ye Hei and the other classmates exploring the Great Leiyin Temple, Ye Hao had already completed his goal.

He not only harvested the bodhi seeds transformed by the ancient Bodhi tree, but also suppressed the divine resistance of the Eucharist.

Even the crocodile ancestor, as well as the dozen or so murderers who were suppressed by Shakyamuni that year, were all suppressed by Ye Hao.

At the same time, Ye Hao was also a divine leader who refined the Dacheng Holy Body and obtained the Dao Fruit of this Dacheng Holy Body before his death.

"Next, you will escort them to the Big Dipper Star Domain, and I will go to other places for the time being."

With a wave of his hand, Ye Hao wiped out all potential threats that could threaten Ye Hei's group, and then began to look for other gods.

The divine thought of the Sun God Emperor.

The Divine Thought of the Taiyin God Emperor.

The immortal emperor's divine thoughts.

The Life Seal of Hengyu the Great 4.8.

The Void Emperor's life mark.

Without the knowledge of the powerhouses of the Shade Heaven World, Ye Hao continued to find the divine thoughts or life marks left by ancient emperors or great emperors, and used the six reincarnation techniques to obtain their Dao fruits.

Silently, Ye Hao had already fused dozens of ancient emperors, great emperors, and Dacheng holy body Dao fruits.

At this time, although his cultivation system as a seed did not reach the Red Dust Immortal, it was also beyond the level of the Heavenly Emperor.

"Void Emperor, Hengyu Emperor, Sun God Emperor, Taiyin God Emperor, Jiuli Emperor, Taihuang, Chaotic Ancient Emperor"

"I resurrect you, and as a reward, you help me obtain the treasures of the forbidden area of life."

Ye Hao waved his hand, and more than a dozen remnant souls, gods, and life imprints appeared in front of him.

There is the Great Emperor of the Ancients, and there is the Great Eucharist.

These Emperors and the Eucharist are the best workers.

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