Douluo plane.


"Daxian said too early, otherwise, I would not only be able to suppress the Martial Soul Hall, but also suppress all the other top sects of the Douluo plane."

Huan Zheng looked at Ye Hao's words in the chat group with a helpless face.

When he was in the Big Dipper Star Domain, he made a deal with the Void Emperor, and the Void Emperor helped him refine the dragon vein of Daqin into a quasi-emperor-level magic weapon, the Great Qin Heavenly Seal.

The dragon vein became the god of the quasi-emperor-level magic weapon, and the stronger the Great Qin National Fortune, the more power he could control the Great Qin Tianxi.

Even now, he was far from being able to control the power of the Great Qin Tianxi, and it was still very easy to suppress the Martial Soul Hall.

It's just that he didn't expect that he had just suppressed the Martial Soul Hall, and the Great Immortal would tell him about his secret actions in the Douluo plane.

Now that the rest of the chat group knows that he has acted, they will definitely act immediately.

His plan to harvest the top resources of the Douluo plane also failed.

"I don't know those women I sent to Daxian, do Daxian like it?"

His actions were exposed, and Ying Zheng was not too distressed, but paid more attention to another thing.

Bibi Dong, Qian Chengxue, Hu Yuna and the others are all women with the highest appearance in the Martial Soul Hall.

Although Bibi Dong gave birth to a child, Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue are a mother-daughter relationship, and Hu Yuna is a master-apprentice relationship, this special combination is even more tempting.

If Daxian is satisfied, he can often make offerings in the future, so that his relationship with Daxian can be closer.

"Lord Supreme God, I am willing to serve you forever."

"Great Lord God, please give me a chance to serve you."

"Supreme God Lord, I am willing to give everything to you."

Ye Hao looked at the women kneeling in front of him, trembling, pale, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Even people with a firm mind like Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue were shocked at this time, their faces were bloodless, and they looked at Ye Hao in fear.

"A trace of the power of a quasi-emperor-level magic weapon is too high-end for a person in the Douluo plane~."

Ye Hao just ran the Heavenly Mechanic Technique, and he saw everything in an instant.

In order to make Bibi Dong, Qian Chengxue and others honest, Ying Zheng directly included these people in the Great Qin Tianxi, so that they could feel the power of quasi-emperor-level magic weapons.

It can be imagined what a terrifying sight it is for these people who are only the strongest Title Douluo and are still 108,000 miles away from the Quasi-Emperor of the Heavenly Covering World.

It was simply a terrifying coercion like a true dragon looking down on an ant.

In particular, Ying Zheng told them that they were about to meet a supreme being who was countless times more powerful than him, which made their hearts tremble.

At the same time, Ying Zheng also told them that once they did not get Ye Hao's appreciation.

Then there is only one fate waiting for them, seclusion until death.

Because, the women dedicated to Ye Hao, once they fail, they are absolutely not allowed to have any contact with other members of the opposite sex.

Therefore, the safest way is to be sealed in a cave until the end of life.

If they showed any dissatisfaction when they met Ye Hao, then all the people close to them in the Douluo plane would only have one end, and there would be no amnesty for killing.

In this case, even Bibi Dong, the Pope of the Martial Soul Hall, was extremely honest in front of Ye Hao and did not dare to show any negative emotions.

[Immortal Cultivator: Since you don't want to reveal your whereabouts, I will keep it secret for you in the future. 】

[Immortal cultivator: In addition, such red envelopes should not be sent in the future. 】

Ye Hao waved his hand and directly sent Bibi Dong and the others to the Eternal Continent of the Great Thousand World.

The Eternal Continent itself is a continent spanning hundreds of millions of miles, plus he has moved the seven forbidden areas of life from the Heavenly Covering World.

There are other places of creation that do need some people to take care of.

[Great Qin Zulong: Thank you Daxian! ] 】

When Ying Zheng heard this, his expression was excited.

Got it!

Since Daxian received the red envelope, it shows that Daxian still likes it.

In the future, such red envelopes will still be sent more often.

The world will help the Lord: "Damn it! Ying Zheng actually suppressed the most powerful force in the Douluo plane, the Martial Soul Hall. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "It's because we are slow to react." "

Emperor Hongwu: "Our goal is the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, if any group of friends is also the goal of this, tell us in advance, let's change one in advance, otherwise it will delay the time of both sides." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Qin Shi Huang: "If this is the case, then choose the capital of the Star Luo Empire." "

After the chatting masses discovered that Ying Zheng had such a huge gain, plus they couldn't afford the system, they also entered the Douluo plane.

Especially those group members who practiced the method of qi luck, they began to divide their territory.

The capital of the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire is definitely one of the places with the richest resources in the population Douluo plane.

As long as these countries are migrated to their world, they can definitely increase their national fortunes.

As for the nobles and rulers in the capital, they must suppress it first, and they will be released only if they are willing to submit to them.

Ninth Uncle: "~ What do we do now?" "

Watching the old people in the chat group start to act, Ninth Uncle was a little anxious.

He has successfully accepted Wang Lu and given the other party some Taoist texts, first let the other party be familiar with the Taoist texts, so that he can better cultivate Maoshan Daoism, and he himself has been free.

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "The old man retreats first." "

Mr. Tang Da said and went straight offline.

He has already obtained 1.9 million points, plus the immortal cultivation resources that can advance 100,000 points in advance from the Great Immortal, which adds up to 2 million points of resources.

He needs to turn these resources into his own strength now.

Otherwise, with his innate realm (Zhao Lihao) strength, he was not qualified to participate in the group mission at all.

Reincarnation: "I don't dare to leave the main god space at all." "

Zheng Yu found an extremely embarrassing question.

Although the chat group can cover the heavenly machine and breath, once he leaves the main god space, the main god space can still be discovered.

In this case, let alone enter the Douluo plane, even if he has the opportunity to participate in the group mission, he does not dare to participate easily.

Once the main god space found that he was able to appear out of thin air and disappear out of thin air, I don't know what to do to him.

Mr. Tang Da retreated, Zheng Zhao did not dare to leave the main god space, the ninth uncle did not have points, and the old people in the chat group all entered the Douluo plane to frantically collect resources.

So, the chat group quieted down.

"I wonder what the premium check-in section can check in?"

At this time, Ye Hao also had time to find out the special reward he received after recycling the check-in system.

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