Xiao Li Feidao: "People who cultivate immortals? Immortals? Shock·JPG. "

The master of the Shifting Flower Palace: "I don't believe it, how can there be an immortal cultivator entering the martial arts chat group?" Skeptic.JPG"

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Shivering, dare not speak." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Immortal cultivator? But immortals? Can it live forever? "

The world will help the master: "Everyone don't speak, don't reveal other people's information, let this immortal cultivator deduce it, and you can know it at a glance." "

It was obviously a martial arts chat group, and now an immortal cultivator suddenly appeared.

Now this immortal cultivator still has to deduce their information?

They are people from different worlds!

Are there different worlds to deduce the heavenly machine?

If the other party can really deduce, then this immortal cultivator may really be an immortal.

Immortal cultivator: "I am still an immortal cultivator, and the art of deduction may not be very accurate, I hope you will not be surprised." "

For everyone's doubts, Ye Hao was extremely calm.

He must not only establish an unfathomable image, but also put a patch in advance for a possible future rollover.

Immortal cultivator: "@小李飞刀, are you Li Xunhuan?" The family lives in Li Yuan, once ranked third in the palace test, known as Xiao Li Tanhua, your father and eldest brother are also Tanhua, and there is a reputation of a seven-jinshi, a master and three tanhua? "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Are you really an immortal?" Are you really able to deduce my identity? "

Li Xunhuan's whole person was stunned.

In the group, he only said his name, and other information was not mentioned in the group at all.

Immortal cultivator: "@移花宫主, you are the lord of the Great Palace of the Shifting Flower Palace, and you are practicing Mingyugong, and you also have a younger sister, the master of the second palace of the Shifting Flower Palace?" "

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "The art of great immortal deduction seizes the creation of heaven and earth, invades the mystery of the sun and the moon, and invites the moon to worship." "

Yueyue's red lips opened slightly, and a pair of bright eyes were shocked in addition to shock.

At this moment, not to mention Li Xunhuan and Zhaoyue, even the other bystanders, they were also extremely shocked and shocked.

Ye Hao not only deduced the real names of Li Xunhuan and Zhaoyue, but even had some interpersonal relationships, which was simply terrifying.

This is the natural opportunity of people from different worlds!

What kind of immortal cultivator is this?

This is definitely a real immortal, or a very powerful immortal, a real immortal.

The world will help the Lord: "In my world, there is a Xiangshi Mud Bodhisattva, known as the first phase in the world, compared with the great immortal, it is simply a firefly compared to Hao Ri." "

Great Qin Zulong: "The Great Immortal is too modest, this kind of deduction technique can be called the supreme immortal art, deducing the heavens, completely beyond imagination, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Yin and Yang Family and the Lunar God claim to have insight into the heavenly machine, but unfortunately, even the fate of Great Qin cannot be deduced clearly." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Lord: "Kneel!" Kneel to the Great Immortal! "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Great Immortal transcendent sainthood, meritorious creation." "

The master of the Shifting Flower Palace: "It is a blessing for me to have a great immortal join the chat group." "

At this moment, everyone no longer doubted Ye Hao's identity, and they were in awe and awe.

They are just ordinary martial arts masters, while the other party is an unfathomable immortal with boundless mana.

"The people invited by the martial arts chat group before are all martial arts masters, even if they can improve their strength by points, they will eventually be a martial arts master, unable to live forever and unable to obtain magical spells."

"Now that immortal cultivators join the chat group, will they have a chance to obtain the method of cultivating immortals?"

The hearts of everyone are also extremely hot and expectant.

"The world will help the lord of the world, and it should be the hero of the Fengyun world."

"The Great Qin Ancestral Dragon should be the winner of Qin Shi Mingyue."

Ye Haozi carefully scanned everyone's messages to further confirm the identities of the group members.

"Where is this?"

Looking at everyone's shocked words, Ye Hao's mouth couldn't help but outline a smile, and his eyes were deep.

If he wants to acquire other people's points, he must show enough means and strength to make the group members think of him the first time they want to trade points.

Immortal cultivator: "I'll give it a try, can I deduce it further." "

Everyone was shocked and stunned.

Can it still be deduced?

This immortal cultivator's deduction technique is a little beyond imagination.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Great Immortal, can you still deduce more and more detailed heavenly machines?" "

Immortal cultivator" @小李飞刀, your fate is too miserable, I don't know whether to sympathize with you or say that you are mentally retarded. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "??? "。

Li Xunhuan looked confused and at a loss.

Although he did not complete his father's sustenance, he did not pass the championship, but only took the Tanhua exam.

However, his current life is also good.

He is happily married and has a doll cousin Lin Shiyin, who loves each other.

He has a precious friendship and has a righteous brother who has been friends with eight worships, Long Xiaoyun.

His martial arts skills are superb, Xiao Li flying knife, no false hair, ranked third in the weapon spectrum.

No signs of misery?

Not to mention retardation!

Xiao Li Feidao: "Daxian, you said that my fate is miserable because my father and brother and mother died early?" Or is it for some other reason? "

Li Xunhuan was very worried.

After the previous deduction, he already thought that Ye Hao was a great immortal with innate divine calculation, and the words he said were definitely not untargeted.

Although I don't know why he is mentally retarded, but to say that his fate is too miserable, it must be someone close to him, something happened to him.

This made him very worried about his fiancée Lin Shiyin or his righteous brother Long Xiaoyun.

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Great Immortal, I also want to know." "

The invitation moon raised a strong heart of gossip.

She very much wanted to know what Li Xunhuan had done to let Daxian evaluate mental retardation.

The world will help the Lord: "+1." "

Great Qin Zulong: "+1." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "+1." "

The other group members were also extremely curious.

When chatting, Li Xunhuan is quite normal.

"Li Xunhuan actually feels that his fate is not miserable, it seems that the plot has not yet begun."

Ye Hao secretly wrote down the information about Li Xunhuan.

Immortal cultivator: "@小李飞刀, for the so-called life-saving grace, you gave your childhood sweetheart's fiancée Lin Shiyin to your righteous brother Long Xiaoyun, the most outrageous thing, you even gave away the family business and wealth accumulated by hundreds of families of the Li family, and ran to eat sand outside the customs yourself." "

Immortal cultivator: "I don't know if you are self-touched, or feel touched by others?" You must feel smart, right? As a result, you become a big idiot. "

Immortal cultivator: "You don't know what kind of person your righteous brother is, you are such a 'generous' great favor, how can your righteous brother repay it?" "

Immortal cultivator: "Great grace is like great hatred, so Long Xiaoyun wants to kill you by any means and smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces." "

Immortal cultivator: "And you can only look at your beloved woman, with your righteous brother who wants to kill you, drink all day to relieve your worries, silently peeping at Lin Shiyin." Touch the dog's head ·JPG. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "...

The master of the Shifting Flower Palace: "Unbelievable, I can't imagine that Li Xunhuan is such a person." Shock·JPG. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Unbelievable, I can't imagine that Li Xunhuan you are such a person." Shock·JPG. "

Da Qin Zulong: "Unbelievable, I can't imagine that Li Xunhuan is such a person." Shock·JPG. "

The world will help the master: "I won't copy, Brother Li's operation catches people off guard." Shock·JPG. "


"Absolutely impossible!"

"My future is absolutely not going to be like this."

Li Xunhuan really had a hard time accepting this dark future fate.

"Daxian said that his deduction technique is not very accurate, and there must be something wrong with this deduction."

Li Xunhuan constantly comforted himself, his face was like frost, and there was an endless gloomy aura in his heart, like a volcano that could erupt at any time.

"Brother Yi, I like your cousin, can you promise her to me, I promise you, I will take good care of her."

At this moment, a familiar but withering voice came.

"Righteous brother, I will not marry poetry in this life."

Long Xiaoyun was pale, his steps were stumbling, and his eyes were firm, like a weak patient, looking at Li Xunhuan with a longing expression.

He has fallen in love and is getting thinner and thinner, and his righteous brother will definitely be an adult beauty.

Li Xunhuan: "...

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