Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Great Immortal, you also participate in battle missions?" "

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned.

From beginning to end, in the group mission of the same rank battle, he did not consider Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was in his eyes, but he was mysterious, and the immortal whose strength destroyed the world was also the biggest outlier in the chat group.

Immortal cultivators who appear in chat groups in violation of the rules of martial arts chat groups.

Even if the so-called battle of the same rank, I am afraid that it will not be able to suppress the strength of the other party, right?

Even if it is suppressed to the same level, the gap in strength between the martial arts realm and the immortal realm is not in the same dimension.

Huashan sent Yue to be in charge: "The Great Immortal is invincible in the world, and he suppresses the enemy with a wave of his hand." Kowtow ·JPG. "

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "Hahaha..." It's great to be able to see the handsome hand of the great immortal again. Love JPG"

Zhaoyue was the most happy, and even turned on the recording function of the chat group again, intending to keep the recording of Ye Hao's shot, and secretly enjoyed it every day.

The world will help the lord: "Zhang Sanfeng made you arrogant, and now the great immortal makes a move, so that you can also taste the taste of being hanged." "

Xiongba thought of the picture of being tortured and killed by Zhang Sanfeng, and he gritted his teeth a little.

Now seeing Ye Hao planning to make a move, he naturally looked forward to it.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "You guys said that in the battle of the same rank, how big is the gap between immortal and martial arts?" A little distressed Zhang Zhenren. "

The rest of the chat group also became extremely active and excited for a moment.

They all wanted to see if Zhang Sanfeng, who suppressed them, could he stick to a move in the hands of the Great Immortal under the same rank?

Immortal cultivator: "As a member of the chat group, I will naturally participate in the group mission, don't have any scruples, what strength despite the outbreak, if you win me, I will reward you with 1 million spirit stones." "

Immortal cultivator: "I will suppress my strength to the same level as you." "

His realm is the peak of the Foundation Building Realm, which corresponds to the peak of the Innate Realm.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "...

Da Qin Huanzheng: "A melon-eating crowd passed by, he almost believed the big cake of the great immortal, and turned his head to glance at Zhang Zhenren, who was trembling. "

The world will help the lord," a melon-eating crowd passed by, he almost believed the big immortal's cake, and turned his head to look at Zhang Zhenren, who was trembling. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Zhang Zhenren, you are the strongest innate realm peak in the chat group, with the glory of our martial arts, I support you spiritually, for 1 million spirit stones, go~"

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Zhang Zhenren don't be afraid, maybe you can win and believe in yourself." Dog Head Saves Life ·JPG"

"I've seen Daisen~"

Zhang Sanfeng gritted his teeth, and the condensed figure of the chat group appeared in the ring again, bowing slightly towards Ye Hao, his heart was nervous, apprehensive, and a little excited.

Fight with real immortal cultivators!

Moreover, it was really exciting and exciting to fight with an immortal cultivator of the same rank.

Maybe he can really stick to a move?

"Immortal cultivators vs. Zhang Sanfeng!"

The prompt of the group system sounds.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng's spirit reached an unprecedented height, and he had lost his perception of the outside world, and at this time he only had his opponent in his eyes.


A golden sword qi surrounded Ye Hao's body.

"Great! Self! At! Blink! Kill! It! Technique! "

Ye Hao spat out the seven-character mantra.

The golden sword qi suddenly emitted a strong shock, accelerated, and in the midst of the shock, disappeared out of thin air, as if teleporting.

Then a strange scene appeared, the heaven and earth suddenly shook, the entire Jade Emperor Top was trembling, as if it was in an earthquake, huge stones suddenly floated, big trees rose up, and the ground shook.

At the same time, the sky formed a series of terrifying tornadoes, which were as high as the sky, swallowing all the white clouds as far as the eye could see.

The huge stones on the top of the Jade Emperor were like fallen leaves, easily rolled up, flying all over the sky, and turning into smoke.

This is the golden sword qi is extremely sharp, the speed is too fast, and the sound waves resonate with heaven and earth.

"Daxian, am I dead?"

Zhang Sanfeng wanted to move his body, but found that he couldn't perceive anything, and suddenly spoke, thoughtful.


Ye Hao nodded slightly, and golden sword qi appeared at his feet, as if nothing had happened.


Zhang Sanfeng turned into powder and disappeared between heaven and earth.


The tornado in the sky seemed to have reacted, and the tall jade emperor top was like a pile of building blocks, turning into stones and being directly carried to the sky.

More than a thousand meters high, majestic and majestic peaks, directly disappeared in place.

"Immortal cultivators fight Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Sanfeng dies, and immortal cultivators win, and 10,000 points are rewarded."



Everyone is stupid!

It's over?

The battle of the same rank of martial arts and immortals is over?

In addition to seeing the terrifying vision of heaven and earth, they also had the disappearance of the Jade Emperor Peak, and then they didn't see the attack of the Great Immortal hitting Zhang Sanfeng at all.

And then Zhang Sanfeng turned into ashes?

The most terrifying thing, Zhang Sanfeng has been cut to ashes, and the nerves in his body did not react at the first time, and this speed is too scary.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Are immortal cultivators of the same rank so terrifying?" "

At this moment, Ye Man didn't want to learn martial arts anymore, and he also wanted to cultivate immortals.

Huashan sent Yue to the head of the sect: "This is also a question, the gap between other immortal cultivators and immortals of the same rank is 108,000 li. Kowtow ·JPG. "

Yue Buqun swallowed his spit again and again, looking at Ye Hao with a frightened and yearning expression.

Daxian doesn't know how many realms he has suppressed, and he is of the same level as the martial arts realm, and he still turns Zhang Sanfeng into ashes in seconds, which is really terrifying and too scary.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "I can't think that I didn't see anything, so I was killed in a second, and the gap between martial arts and immortal cultivation is really too big." "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Zhang Zhenren, you now know how it feels to be killed in seconds, right?" Furious JPG"

Great Qin Zulong: "This move of the Great Immortal is too fast, fast as lightning, and it is like thunder." "

The world will help the master: "This move of the Great Immortal is too terrifying!" "

Everyone was amazed.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "I don't know when my strength will be able to see the move that the Great Immortal just made." "

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head slightly, all the while, he didn't sense when he was hit.

Immortal cultivator: "It's not one move, I just made more than three thousand moves." "

Ye Hao did not have the slightest reservation, he shot with all his strength, and in an instant, the sword qi pierced Zhang Sanfeng more than three thousand times.

The entire Jade Emperor Top was only affected by the sword qi, so it would be cut into pieces.

Chat masses: "...

Not a trick?

Is it more than three thousand moves?

In the case of the same rank, the Great Immortal shot more than three thousand times, and none of them saw one of the moves?

By the way, also chopped a mountain more than a thousand meters high?

Do you want to exaggerate so much?

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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