"Ding-dong! The chat group will level the group members based on the mission points earned by the group members. "

[Immortal cultivator group level: ten stars. 】

[Bai Xiaofei group level: six stars. 】

[Great Qin Ancestral Dragon Group Level: Five Stars. 】

[Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist group level: five stars. 】

[Tang Gate Great Elder Group Level: 1 star. 】

[Nine Uncle Group Level: 1 star. 】

[Reincarnation group level: 1 star.] 】

The chat crowd was still waiting to see the changes after the task layout was upgraded, and as a result, the chat group sent a series of tones.

"Ding-dong! Swarm missions will also be leveled, with one-star group missions, two-star constellation missions, three-star constellation missions, and so on. "

"Ding-dong! High-level group members only have one chance to participate in low-level group tasks once a month, and in addition, they are not allowed to participate in group tasks lower than their own level. "Seven One Zero"

"Ding-dong! Low-level group members can apply to perform higher-level group tasks. "

"Ding-dong! All group members can apply for a group task corresponding to the group level every month. "

The task page of the chat group is directly suspended on the chat group page, and when the prompt sounds, it also shows lines of golden font.

After the chat group is upgraded, not only the group task level is divided in detail, but even the level of the group members is strictly divided.

The basis for the division is exactly according to the number of points earned.

Graphic designer: "Me! How can I be a member of the Six Star Group? This is not the group level I should be at all, I feel like I am a two-star group member at most. "

Bai Xiaofei's whole body was about to cry.

Although he still doesn't know how difficult the Six Star Group mission really is.

However, only high-level group members can only participate in low-level group missions once a month, and in addition, the restriction that they are not allowed to participate in low-level group tasks makes his scalp numb.

In other words, even if he buys a mission card to start a mission, as long as this task level does not reach six stars, unless he takes advantage of the opportunity to participate in a low-level group mission once a month.

Otherwise, even if he opens the task through the mission card, he will not be able to participate.

"If I trigger a group mission in a high-level world, if the level does not reach the 10-star level, the Great Immortal will not be able to participate."

Bai Xiaofei looked sad and indignant.

The reason why they keep buying mission cards and constantly swiping tasks is to obtain group missions in high-level worlds.

Then hug Daxian's thigh and earn a point fiercely.

His six-star group level, more than ninety percent of the points, were all obtained by holding the thigh of the great immortal.

The world will help the master: "Which brother is willing to test the water, let's see the difficulty of group task grading." "

Reincarnator: "I found out that the point reward range of the one-star group mission is about 0~1000 points, the point reward range of the four-star group mission is 100,000~1 million points, and the point reward range of the five-star group mission is 1 million points ~ 10 million points. "

Reincarnation: "The reward range of points for the six-star group mission is 10 million ~ 100 million points. "

Reincarnation: "The point reward range of the Ten Star Group mission is 100 billion ~ 1 trillion. "

[The reincarnation sent a screenshot.] 】

Zheng Zhao quickly said the group task reward range corresponding to the level of the chat masses.

At the same time, he also took a screenshot of the group task level division data he found and posted it to the chat group.

Bai Xiaofei:"".

Bai Xiaofei: "I'm too difficult. "

Bai Xiaofei: "I remember that we carried out the mission of escorting Ye Hei and his group to the Big Dipper Star Domain, and the reward points were 10 million points." "

Bai Xiaofei: "It also means that the difficulty of the group tasks I will perform in the future is also at this level?" Crying JPG. "

Bai Xiaofei was not only panicked now, but even scared, and his legs were shaking.

It is very certain that the world where the six-star group mission is located, I am afraid that there is no ordinary world, it is likely to be a high-level world.

If it had been before, he would have been extremely excited.

As long as it is a group task in a high-level world, you can invite the immortals to participate together, and then crazily hug your thighs and lie directly to win.

It's different now!

High-level group members do not have permission to participate in low-level group tasks at other times, except for a special case once a month. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In other words, these group tasks from the advanced world, he needs to complete on his own.

Or invite low-level group members to join you.

Without the participation of Daixian, he invited other group members into the advanced world to participate in group missions, and I am afraid that no one would agree.

Except for the three newcomers in the chat group, everyone else participated in the group mission of escorting Ye Hei and his group to the Big Dipper Star Domain...

Escorting Ye Hei and his group from Earth to the Big Dipper Star Domain, the danger in other places is not clear.

However, the danger of the Desolate Forbidden Land was extremely clear, and there was a ruthless emperor and a great holy body inside.

Among them, I don't know how many deserted slaves there are.

And the group mission he participated in in the future, the difficulty of the group task to escort Ye Hei and his group, turned out to be the simplest.

Bai Xiaofei just thought about it, and he was dizzy, and his legs trembled.

He has only just finished the Dan Realm!

"Do I have to retreat and cultivate for hundreds of years, wait for my strength to improve, and then perform group missions?"

Bai Xiaofei only felt black in front of his eyes, and his heart was weak.

Now let him cultivate for thousands of years, and he is not the slightest sure of completing the six-star group mission.

He knew very well that ancient emperors like the Void Emperor, Hengyu Emperor, Ruthless Emperor, etc., it took thousands of years for them to reach the realm of the Great Emperor.

Even the Beginningless Emperor, who had the fastest record of preaching, took five hundred years to preach.

However, what kind of talent is the Beginningless Emperor?

One birth possesses both the cultivation of the Innate Eucharistic Dao Fetus and the Four Immortal Sages.

What about him?

Ordinary humans on ordinary Earth.

If it hadn't been for the Great Immortal giving him a chance, he might have died in H's corpse brother turmoil right now.

Daqin Zulong: "Let's start together, list the group tasks of the previous four-star level and five-star level, as well as the world situation where these group tasks are located, let's refer to it together." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Except for the three newcomers, none of us old 1.5 group members have a level lower than four stars, and the minimum group mission at this level is also 100,000 points." "

The world will help the master: "The victory of dog day, blame you for brushing tasks so crazy, otherwise how can you complete 3,000 group tasks and upgrade the task layout." "

Ninth Uncle: "Hehe, in this case, will the future constellation missions be all of us three newcomers?" "

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "Don't talk about the one-star group mission, it is the two-star group mission in the future, and the three-star group mission is all ours." "

Reincarnator: "That's right, even if the old man in the chat group triggers the two-star group task, the three-star group task, it can only wait for us to complete." "

Some tremble, others rejoice.

The mood of the three newcomers in the chat group at this time was extremely happy.

The chat group was full of old people: ""...

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