
Although the exotic land is eroded by darkness, the exotic mountain and river scenery looks incomparably brilliant and prosperous.

Whether it was the concentration of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi or the perfection of the Dao Law, all of them were above the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Among the heavens and realms of the perfect world, I am afraid that only the territory of the immortal domain is above the foreign realm.

At this time, the territory of the imperial Anlan clan.

"Give you a hundred breaths of time, kill An Lan if you can, kill if you can't kill, I will strike."

Ye Hao exerted his magical powers, condensed a large universe, and instantly moved An Lan into it.

At the same time, he said to the Six Realms Reincarnation Immortal King, the Endless Immortal King and others.

Although this group mission has three days, the same perfect Great World Fallen powerhouse obsession or remnant soul, as well as heavenly materials and earth treasures are also more, he also needs to spend time to collect.

He can't let the exotic land delay too long.

"Who is it?"

An Lan's face was furious, and he sat down with a golden-backed mangniu, holding a gun in his left hand and a shield in his right hand, and he drank violently mixed with the law of endless avenues and wanted to disintegrate a large universe.

Too daring!

This is a foreign land, and someone dares to sneak up on him, it is really looking for death.

Except for that ancestral sacrifice spirit who killed seven in and seven out in a foreign land, none of the others dared to set foot in a foreign land could leave alive.

"Do it!"

The Immortal Kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, such as the Six Realms Reincarnation Immortal King, the Endless Immortal King, and the True Dragon King, did not hesitate and used 25 world-shaking divine techniques to suppress An Lan.

In the great war of the Immortal Ancient Era, An Lan was one of the main black hands.

Many fallen immortal kings in the nine heavens and ten lands, as well as ten fiercers, almost all of them were surrounded and killed by An Lan.

Now that the Great Immortals only give them a hundred breaths, they must hurry up and kill the enemies of this Immortal Ancient Era.


An Lan looked at the dozen or so figures that suddenly besieged, his face was shocked and unbelievable.

The Six Realms of Reincarnation Immortal King, the Endless Immortal King, and the True Dragon King, these immortal kings who were killed in foreign lands in the Immortal Ancient Era, were all resurrected?

And, also back to the top?

What's even more terrifying, these immortal kings actually besieged him together?

His strength is only comparable to the supreme immortal king, and among the dozen immortal kings who besieged him, there was more than one immortal king giant.

"You remnants of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, do you think that a sneak attack can kill me?"

"Don't forget, this is a foreign land."

After a brief panic, An Lan began to call the true name of an immortal king in an exotic land.

The background of the exotic land is not at all comparable to the nine heavens and ten lands, and there are dozens of immortal kings of the foreign land.

Once the Immortal Kings of the Exotic Lands knew about the movement here, they would definitely come to the rescue as soon as possible.

At that time, it was not the Immortal King of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands who besieged him, but the Immortal King of the Exotic Lands besieging the Immortal King of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

In the Immortal Ancient Era, the foreign land was able to destroy the Immortal King of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Now in this era, the strength of the foreign lands is getting stronger and stronger, and it is not a problem to destroy the nine heavens and ten lands.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

Not a single immortal king responded to An Lan, and only a dozen world-beating divine techniques hit An Lan, directly bursting An Lan.

Although the Immortal King is extremely difficult to kill, it also depends on the situation.

Even if the True Dragon King was able to compete with An Lan on an equal footing, not to mention that there were several Immortal King giants who joined the ranks of besieging An Lan.

In just ten breaths, An Lan was directly blasted five times.

The power of the Yuan God, the essence of the Immortal King, was constantly worn out by the Six Realms of Reincarnation Immortal King, the Endless Immortal King and others.

"Obtained another Immortal King's Dao Fruit."

Within Ye Hao's time limit of one hundred breaths, the Six Dao Reincarnation Immortal King, the Endless Immortal King and others had no reservations, spending dozens of breaths to kill An Lan, and Ye Hao also successfully obtained An Lan's Dao fruit.

At the same time, An Lan's two shattered Immortal King Artifacts were also put away by Ye Hao.

Even if it is broken, it will not affect the magic weapon used to improve yourself.

"Let's go to the next target."

Ye Hao covered the heavenly machine of An Lan's fall, and brought a group of immortal kings from nine heavens and ten lands to the territory ruled by the immortal king Yu Tuo.

Yu Tuo's strength is not much different from An Lan, and it is also comparable to the existence of the supreme immortal king.

Under the siege of more than a dozen immortal kings in nine heavens and ten lands, they also fell without any resistance.

"This time the target is the Red King."

With Ye Hao covering the heavenly machine, the immortal kings of the nine heavens and ten lands were also giants who did not alarm the exotic land after killing all the exotic ordinary immortal king level and the absolute immortal king level.

And the goal of the Immortal Kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands is also to become an immortal king at the level of an exotic immortal king.

"You're all resurrected?"

The red king has a strong body, bronzed skin flowing and shiny, long fiery red hair scattered on the chest and back, and a tall body that gives people a strong sense of oppression.

At this time, his face was extremely gloomy and angry, and he had endless killing intent.

He was refining an Immortal King with the Red King Furnace, hoping to use this to transform again and break through to a higher realm.

As a result, he was suddenly moved to the strange universe in front of him, and he was even more besieged by more than a dozen immortal kings in nine heavens and ten lands.

"In the Immortal Ancient Era, we were able to destroy you, and now it is very easy to destroy you."

The Red King's long red hair was like firelight, dancing there, emitting dazzling runes, and his breath coerced the universe.

In an instant, his magic body soared, towering into the universe, and the stars surrounded him, and he showed his strongest posture.

"Since you sent you to death, I will kill you again."

Although the Red King is very fierce, he secretly uses the power of time to summon other immortal kings in foreign lands. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, with Ye Hao in his presence, the power of time of the Red King could not get out of the special universe condensed by Ye Hao at all.

"Your battle with me is destined to alarm the heavens, and at that time, it will be your time of death."

The Red King is cold and secluded.

"Do it!"

The three immortal king giants of the Six Realms of Reincarnation Immortal King, Endless Immortal King, and Liu Shen faced the Red King head-on, while the other Immortal Kings shot randomly.


The Red King also struck, and a blood-red stove flew in, flowing out dazzling light, spraying endless Dao flames, and burning the heavens.

You can see that the universe is melting, you can see the sea of boundaries, you can see the future, and the river of time is stirring.

The Red King, a giant, overlooks the world and masters the laws of time.


The Six Realms of Reincarnation Immortal King, Endless Immortal King, Liu Shen and others did not dare to be careless and devoted their means.

They only had a hundred breaths to kill the Red King, otherwise, Ye Hao would make a move.

As for the Red King's desire to alarm the powerhouses in foreign lands through a big war, they didn't care at all.

Before they killed nearly 880 and twenty immortal kings, these immortal kings thought the same before they died.

As a result, all died at their hands, without alarming anyone in the foreign lands.

"It's so strong! The intensity of the battle has increased by another level, this Red King and the Six Realms Reincarnation Immortal King, the Endless Immortal King, and the Willow God They are a level of powerhouses. "

"It's terrible, the river of time has appeared, if it weren't for the special universe condensed by the Great Immortal, I'm afraid the entire foreign land would collapse."

"Do you say that Willow God can kill the Red King within a hundred breaths?"

"Definitely not! You guys forgot that it took more than eighty breaths to kill the immortal king who was about to break through to the Immortal King giant before. "

"And the Red King is a real giant, the strength may not be as strong as the Willow God, the Six Realms Reincarnation Immortal King, and the Endless Immortal King, however, the vitality of the Immortal King giant is too strong, there is no problem in defeating the Red King in a hundred breaths, and it may be difficult to kill the Red King."

"Then wouldn't you be able to see the Great Immortal make a move?"

In the live broadcast room, the chattering crowd watched the battle intently, and their expressions were shocked and yearning.

However, after seeing the Red King using his magic weapon, the Red King Furnace, he kept avoiding the edge for the time being.

The chatting masses knew that the immortal kings of the nine heavens and ten lands could not kill an immortal king giant-level powerhouse within the time specified by Ye Hao.

"One hundred breaths have arrived!"

Whether it was chatting with the masses or the Immortal King of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, they were estimating the time, and the moment the time arrived, everyone's spirits were shocked.

Daisen is about to strike!.

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