"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your understanding of the White Tiger Treasure Art! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your mastery of the Golden Crow! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your understanding of the Immortal Tribulation Sword Technique! "

The moment Ye Hao caught these Dark Immortal Kings Yuan God, these Dark Immortal Kings had completely lost the ability to resist and were completely controlled by Ye Hao.

Therefore, Ye Hao did not have any hesitation, and directly planted reincarnation seals in these dark immortal king yuan gods to obtain their immortal king Dao fruit.

At the same time, Ye Hao also obtained the techniques and memories of these dark immortal kings.

These Dark Immortal Kings have lived for more than one era and have mastered many top-notch treasures in heaven and earth.

Like a nine-headed monster~ to master the three major sword techniques.

Ye Hao had only obtained cursive sword techniques and peaceful chaos techniques before, two world-sword techniques.

"There are hundreds of dark immortal kings in the ancient hall, and there are many dark immortal kings of this level like the nine-headed monster."

"According to the memory of the nine-headed monster, he has seen more than one Emperor Light level Dark Immortal King."

Ye Hao originally planned to calm the Immortal Domain and the Life Forbidden Zone of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and then tried to comprehend the Origin Ancient Artifacts of the Exotic Lands.

However, now he found that he might be able to sneak into the ancient hall, continuously refine the Dark Immortal King, and fuse the Dao Fruits of these Dark Immortal Kings.

"In this way, I can accumulate a deeper foundation."

Every Immortal King has his own laws of understanding, and every time Ye Hao fuses and refines the Dao Fruit of an Immortal King, he can master one or even several more laws.

"Is this the strength of the emperor?"

At this time, the immortal kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands were like sculptures, and they were stunned in shock.

Several dark immortal kings who had just appeared in the ancient hall, except for the nine-headed monster, the weakest dark immortal kings among them were all supreme immortal kings.

If Ye Hao didn't make a move, and only let the Immortal King of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths fight with the Dark Immortal King, it would be difficult to determine who would win or lose.


As for the chatting masses in the live broadcast room, they were completely stupid, only feeling that their minds were blank and their mouths were dry.

They had also seen Ye Hao make a move before, killing the giant-level immortal king with one move, and the strength was simply bottomless.

However, it is still not as shocking as the picture that just shot.

Although the opponent was still the Immortal King, with just one move, he lifted the heavenly spirit cover of several Dark Immortal Kings and directly grabbed the opponent's Yuan God in his hand.

It seems that whether the opponent is an immortal king or hundreds of immortal kings, it only needs one move.

The chatting crowd never doubted Ye Hao's strength, and even knew that Ye Hao's strength was far above the Immortal King.

Just looking at the immortal kings who needed their endless admiration, who could destroy a universe and disrupt the long river of time and space, and were easily suppressed by Ye Hao, they couldn't hide the endless shock in their hearts.

"I'll pick up the ancient hall, you can do some activities first."

Ye Hao, Liu Shen and the others spoke, and the figure disappeared in place and entered another ancient hall.

The size of this Introduction Ancient Hall is similar to the size of the Introduction Ancient Hall in the Immortal Domain Life Forbidden Area, and there are two giant-level dark immortal kings and four top-level dark immortal kings inside.

Not a single ordinary immortal king has it.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

Ye Hao quietly shot out, lifted the heavenly spirit cover of these dark immortal kings, and grabbed the Yuan God of these dark immortal kings in his hands.

He found this way of shooting to be particularly concise and effective.

And the chatting masses who had been watching the live broadcast couldn't help but touch their heads, for fear that their heavenly spirit cover and the dark immortal king would suddenly be lifted.

After solving a new ancient hall, Ye Hao descended into an even larger ancient hall.

In this ancient hall, there are twelve heads, which are twelve dark immortal king Yuan God devouring and fusing monsters.

Among them, there are three Dark Immortal Kings who have reached the Dark Giant level.

In the endless years, this twelve-headed monster did not know how many dark Yuan gods to devour, and his strength reached the level of the supreme giant of the Immortal King.

However, the fate of this twelve-headed monster was the same as the previous Dark Immortal King, and the heavenly spirit cover of the twelve heads was lifted by Ye Hao together, and it was instantly planted by Ye Hao with a reincarnation seal.

"How many ancient halls are these?"

In the live broadcast room, Ninth Uncle asked blankly.

"The twenty-third is connected to the ancient hall."

Qiao Feng's voice was slightly hoarse and said.

"One hundred and fifty-seven Dark Immortal Kings died at the hands of the Great Immortals."

Yue Buqun followed closely and uttered a number that made him sweat and stand upside down.

O Immortal King!

Truly immortal, immortal in the flesh, immortal in the Yuan God.

If someone pronounces his real name, they perceive it, and there will be visions manifesting.

Can step into the river of time, shuttle through the past and future, ignore the power of time, and make small-scale modifications in the river of time.

However, they now saw that one after another Dark Immortal Kings were like chicken cubs, constantly suppressed by the Great Immortals.

"In a total of less than a hundred breaths, the Great Immortal shot faster and faster, and those dark Immortal Kings who were even more powerful than the Immortal King giants were also killed by the Great Immortal in an instant."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed lightly.

If it weren't for knowing how terrifying the strength of those Dark Immortal Kings was, watching Ye Hao's battle picture suppressing the ancient hall, it would be like two martial arts masters fighting.

The Great Immortal slapped the Dark Immortal King's Heavenly Spirit Cover, and then lifted the opponent's Heavenly Spirit Cover and grabbed the opponent's Yuan Shen.

The process is incredibly simple, without any earth-shattering images.

However, Zhang Sanfeng was very clear that if the slap slapped by the Great Immortal fell in a large universe, it was enough to easily collapse a large universe and wipe out the endless laws.

Many people in the chat group constantly rubbed their faces and patted their heads, for fear that they would have illusions.

Watching Ye Hao constantly slaughter the Dark Immortal King, as if cutting grass, it is easy to give people the illusion that the Immortal King is not very powerful.

However, everyone in the chat knew very well that the Immortal King's attempt to kill the Great Emperor was like pinching an ant to death.

And the emperor wants to kill them like pinching an ant to death.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Time Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Space Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Devouring Technique Advanced. "

Although Ye Hao was constantly fighting, with his understanding, it did not affect his gains in the battle.

Especially as he killed more and more Dark Immortal Kings at the supreme giant level of the Immortal King, his strength was also constantly rising, and he had already exceeded the scope of the Emperor Light Immortal King.

"It's time to do something to the Emperor Light Immortal King."

According to the memories of many dark immortal kings, Ye Hao descended into an incomparably vast and huge ancient hall.

"It's also terrifying!"

The chatting crowd looked shocked and said.

In this larger ancient hall, they saw a behemoth with nineteen heads, covered with cyan scales, and it was hideous and terrifying.

The nineteen heads are different, the body is a dragon body, coiled and dancing there, its body shape is really huge, the smallest scales are comparable to the moon, and the eyes are the size of a planet.

It is terrifying, in addition to the dragon head in the middle, there are also white tiger heads, Pixiu heads, gluttonous heads...

The sight was terrifying, and the breath was terrifying.

A loud roar might be able to make this Immortal Domain tremble.

However, soon the chatting crowd was silent again.

Because, this Dark Immortal King was also suppressed by Ye Daxian.

An Emperor Light Dark Immortal King!

Two Emperor Light Dark Immortal Kings!

Three Emperor Light Dark Immortal Kings!

Ye Hao was constantly suppressing the ancient halls one after another, without feeling tired and bored in the slightest.

Because, every time he suppressed an ancient hall, it meant that he was able to refine and fuse several Immortal King Dao Fruits.

In particular, there were more and more Diguang Immortal King Dao Fruits fused and refined, and the black hole in Ye Hao's dantian was also getting bigger and bigger, even bigger than the entire Immortal Domain.

If Ye Hao let his black hole descend, I am afraid that he would be able to directly swallow the entire Immortal Domain in an instant.

Even a strong person at the Immortal King level can't turn over any waves, and he will be instantly disintegrated by the black hole.


When the Ninth Emperor Light Immortal King died in his hands, Ye Hao let out a breath of turbid breath, and a smile could not help but appear on his face.

At this time, a third brilliant aura appeared in the black hole in his dantian, exuding supreme power, which was hundreds or thousands of times more terrifying than the power emitted by the previous two auras.

Late Black Hole Realm!

Although his realm at this time was only comparable to the Emperor Light Immortal King, his combat power had already stepped into the realm of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao did not directly descend on the ancient halls one after another, but exerted supreme divine powers, locked the location of these ancient halls, and directly refined the Yuan God of the Dark Immortal King among them.

In an instant, hundreds of immortal kings in the ancient hall were refined by Ye Hao, and thousands of dark immortal kings were controlled by Ye Hao.

"Sure enough, the quasi-immortal emperor realm and the immortal king realm are not at the same level at all."

Ye Hao had only planned to collect resources from the Great Realms such as the Exotic Domain, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the Immortal Domain, and the Burial Domain.

However, with the improvement of strength, Ye Hao already had new ideas.

He wants to control all the dark creatures and let them help him collect the heavenly materials and earth treasures of the heavens and realms.

Although the great realms of the Immortal Domain, the Exotic Domain, and the Burial Domain are the top realms of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms.

However, the other great realms were basically born Immortal King-level existences.

These great realms must have many immortal spirit roots.

Ye Hao was also not worried about not being able to trade, refining so many dark immortal kings, he mastered too many supreme divine techniques.

Even if these divine arts can't move people's hearts, he can directly refine the Dark Immortal King into a puppet and trade with people.

He doesn't believe in an Immortal King-level puppet, and no one is unmoved?

"However, before that, you can try refining the Origin Ancient Artifacts of the Exotic Lands, as well as the Origin Ancient Artifacts of the Burial Domain."

"There is also the Dao Fire of the Nameless Quasi-Immortal Emperor."

"By the way, there may be another object suitable for refining."

Ye Hao suddenly thought of the strongest Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor in the Ultimate Ancient Land, the old man of the Annihilation.

The old man of the world has broken through to the peak realm of the quasi-immortal emperor, because, if he failed to break through the immortal emperor, he had no choice but to seal himself, and his limbs exploded and fell apart.

"As long as I suppress part of the body of the Old Man of Extermination and disturb the heavenly machine, I can use the Six Reincarnation Techniques to obtain the Dao Fruit of the Old Man of Extermination."

With the improvement of his strength, Ye Hao found that his vision when he was an immortal king was completely different from that when he was a quasi-immortal emperor, and he stood at a new height.

"If the plan goes well, maybe you can try refining the Yuanshen Mark sealed by the Corpse Immortal Emperor in the rotten wooden box."

Before the end of the mission of the Perfect Great World, the strength reaches the level of the Immortal Emperor, perhaps not the fantasy gate.

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