"The ferocious beast race was born in the Flood Barren Continent, and was born by absorbing the negative energy such as anger, resentment, and fierce qi of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, and was born by nature, only knowing killing and destruction."

Ye Hao stood in a reincarnation prison in the Nine Nether Heavenly Hell, looking at the sheep-faced man in it, covered in blood-red long hair, with nine green eyes under his armpits, only the remnant soul of a slap-sized ferocious beast, and the record of the ferocious beast could not help but appear in his mind.

And the fierce beast imprisoned in front of him is the fierce beast gluttony, and he has the strength of the quasi-saint stage before his death.

The reason why the ferocious beast gluttony is imprisoned in the prison of reincarnation, not allowed to be reincarnated, or destroyed in all its forms, is because once the ferocious beast gluttony in front of him is completely extinguished, a new beast will be born in the flood wilderness.

The fierce beast gluttony belongs to the heaven-level fierce beast among the fierce beasts, and once it is born, it has the strength of the quasi-saint level.

If there are too many negative energies such as anger, resentment, and fierce qi in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, it is very likely that the ferocious beast gluttony will surpass the quasi-saint in a short period of time and bring calamity to the entire Flood Desolation Chaos Universe.

Therefore, the prefecture will generally let the ferocious beast gluttony into reincarnation when the fierce qi of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe 26 is thin.

In this way, the powerhouse of the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe would have enough time to find the ferocious beast.

Then the ferocious beast gluttony is imprisoned and becomes a tool to absorb the fierce qi, and when the ferocious beast gluttony grows to a certain extent, kill it.

And so on and so forth.

The remnants of the fierce beasts imprisoned in the Nine Nether Heavens and Hell are basically such tool fierce beasts, in order to eliminate the fierce qi between heaven and earth.

Otherwise, there will be too much fierce qi between heaven and earth, which can easily lead to the birth of heaven and earth calamity.

Now the Western Heaven Harvesting Tribulation of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe was born under this circumstance.

Once the Western Heavenly Scriptures are successful, the fierce qi between heaven and earth is reduced, and it is time for these ferocious beasts to be reincarnated.

The top powerhouses of the Flood Wilderness will find the place where these ferocious beasts were born at the first time and imprison them.

In this way, even if the strength of the ferocious beast becomes stronger, it will not be able to cause damage to the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe.

On the contrary, it can continuously absorb the fierce qi between heaven and earth and slow down the arrival of the next heaven and earth calamity.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao unleashed supreme magical powers and quietly refined the remnants of the ferocious beast's gluttonous soul.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Devouring Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Killing Technique Advanced. "

The ferocious beast had almost no sanity, only knew about killing and destruction, and after refining the remnant soul of the ferocious beast, Ye Hao did not gain any useful memories.

It's just a talent law that fuses to control the gluttony of the ferocious beast.

"Go on!"

Ye Hao quickly walked to the front of the next reincarnation prison, and also secretly refined the ferocious beast chaos that controlled it.

The strength of the ferocious beast Chaos before his death was even stronger than that of the ferocious beast gluttony, reaching the peak level of quasi-saints.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Chaos Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Darkness Technique Advanced. "

After refining the two heaven-level ferocious beasts of ferocious beast gluttony and ferocious beast chaos, Ye Hao successively refined the remnant souls of more than a dozen ferocious beasts.

It's just that these ferocious beasts are just ordinary ferocious beasts, and Ye Hao has not even heard of the name.

Fierce beasts kill blood, fierce beasts corpses, fierce beasts mirror monsters

"Remnants of other chaotic universes."

When Ye Hao saw a remnant soul that was very similar to a human and had a snake tail on his body, his eyes lit up.

Even if he refined many prefecture gods, unfortunately, their strength was too low, and they were not qualified to contact too much information from other chaotic universes.

If he refined this quasi-saint level, the remnant soul from other chaotic universes would at least give him a certain understanding of the chaotic universe of this remnant soul.

"Heber Chaos Universe, Bloodline Cultivation System, God Emperor Zeus, God Queen Hera, Hades"

When Ye Hao refined this remnant soul named Cass, from other chaotic universes, and obtained all the memories of the other party, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Because the Heber Chaos Universe is somewhat similar to the Western mythological world.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Bloodline Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Faith Technique. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Thunder Technique Advanced. "

Although it was a little complicated to shock the fairy world, Ye Hao's action of refining the remnant soul did not slow down.

Ye Hao successively refined more than a dozen remnant souls from other chaotic universes, roughly divided into three chaotic universes.

Heber Chaos Universe, Black Fool Chaos Universe, Abyss Chaos Universe.

The Heber Chaos Universe is a bloodline cultivation system.

The Black Fool Chaos Universe is a refining system. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Abyss Chaos Universe is a devouring system.

These three chaotic universes are the three chaotic universes closest to the flood chaos universe, and there are often big wars between different chaotic universes, and the top powerhouses of each chaotic universe want to occupy the other chaotic universe.

"Continue refining!"

The other Chaos Universes have little to do with Ye Hao now, and his main goal now is to break through to the quasi-saint and reach the realm of the saint in the fairy world.

In this way, 783, he would be able to secretly control the Emperor of the Imperial Capital, the Qing Emperor, the Bodhisattva of the Dizo King, and the Heavenly Venerable of Salvation and other quasi-saint-level powerhouses of the prefecture.

Ye Hao also knew that there was a more powerful existence hidden in the prefecture.

However, once he mastered the quasi-saint-level powerhouses of the prefectures such as the Great Emperor of the Flood Capital, the Green Emperor, and the Bodhisattva of the Dizo King, he could easily penetrate any force in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe and obtain the resources of many top forces.

Ten quasi-saint-level remnant souls!

Twenty quasi-saint-level remnant souls!

One hundred quasi-saint-level remnant souls!

Two hundred quasi-saint-level remnant souls!

Three hundred quasi-saint-level remnant souls!

"Finally finished refining."

After refining the 458th quasi-saint-level remnant soul, Ye Hao let out a breath of turbid qi, hid in the depths of the void of the prefecture, and began to digest this harvest.

These quasi-saint-level remnant souls not only provided him with quasi-saint-level Dao fruits, but also provided him with a variety of saint-level exercises and saint-level divine powers.

"This time the retreat is over, and that's when I get better."

Ye Hao controlled the flow rate of time and began to quickly comprehend his harvest.

Once his strength goes further, it is when the Perfect Great World doppelganger acts, and he can reap the Perfect Great World to his heart's content.

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