Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "@Great Qin Zulong @ Tianxia Society Gang Lord @ Shifting Flower Palace Lord @ Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord @ Xiao Li Feidao, I don't know what immortal cultivation resources you have traded before?" "

Zhang Sanfeng originally thought that he had faded out of the rivers and lakes for decades, cultivated his mind, and his mind was calm enough.

However, after handing over the points to Ye Hao, Zhang Sanfeng sat uncomfortably, constantly staring at the chat group, anxiously waiting for Ye Hao's reply.

What immortal cultivation resources will the Great Immortal give him?

How many immortal cultivation resources will the Great Immortal give him?

Will the Great Immortal give him immortal cultivation exercises?

Da Qin Zulong: "Don't ask me, I don't want to say anything." "

Did he want to tell Zhang Sanfeng that he had never made a deal with Daxian?

The world will help the Lord: "@大秦祖龙, did you find out?" In the chat group, the two of us have the highest status, and the two of us have not made a deal with Daxian. "

Xiongba felt pierced.

Whether it was Chen Jinnan, or Zhaoyue and Li Xunhuan, they had all made a deal with Daxian at least once.

He and Ying Zheng seemed to be chatting majestically, but upon closer inspection, they were both eating old books.

Da Qin Zulong: "If you can't speak, just say less, don't need you to say, I also know." Rage JPG"

Ying Zheng felt that his fists were hardened!

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helmsman Chen: "I traded 1,000 points with Daxian, and Daxian told me that the treasure of a dynasty should be worth a million taels of gold." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "I have brought the elites of the Heaven and Earth Society to Luding Mountain, and I have found some clues of the treasure, and I have found the treasure in this day or two, and I will send red envelopes to everyone at that time." "

Chen Jinnan, who was looking for Qing Dynasty treasures on Luding Mountain, was very atmospheric.

Once the treasure is obtained, the Heaven and Earth Society can immediately recruit troops, buy foreigners' firearms, and officially embark on the bright road to overthrow the Qing Dynasty.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "@武当百岁老道士, if you want to know the information about the resources of immortal cultivation, or ask Li Xunhuan, he traded a full eight immortal cultivation treasures with the Great Immortal. "


Zhang Sanfeng, Yue Buqun, and Ye Man were stunned and shocked.

They originally thought that these old people in the chat group would trade two or three immortal cultivation treasures from Ye Hao at most, but they didn't expect that there were so many.

Xiao Li Feidao: "The storage bag is a very magical magic weapon, about the same size as the purse, ordinary people can be refined by dripping blood, and there is a space three feet long and wide and three feet high, which can place all kinds of things." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Cleansing pill, cultivation elixir, after eating, a hundred veins are connected, a hundred diseases are not born, ordinary people can directly become the innate realm, if there is a spiritual root, they can directly step into the refining realm." "


Xiao Li Feidao: "1,000 spirit stones, each spirit stone contains majestic pure spiritual energy, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy cultivation is ten times or even dozens of times that of usual cultivation, a spirit stone I used for three days, and I have not absorbed half of it." "


Zhang Sanfeng, Yue Buqun, and Ye Man all couldn't help but gasp and swallow their spit.

Every immortal cultivation item introduced by Li Xunhuan was extremely new to them and full of great temptation.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "@小李飞刀, how many points did you trade with?" "

Ye Man and Yue Buqun stared directly at the chat group page, waiting for Li Xunhuan's answer.

If the points are not very many, they may also have the opportunity to trade with the Great Immortal in the future and obtain these Immortal Cultivation Treasures.

Xiao Li Feidao: "More than five thousand points, but 1000 spirit stones is the money given by Daxian to participate in my wedding, and, Daxian said, no matter who marries someone in love in the chat group in the future, Daxian will wrap a red envelope of 1000 spirit stones." "

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "Only more than five thousand points? "

Yue Buqun's eyes widened, his face was in disbelief, and then his expression was extremely annoyed and excited.

If he hadn't offended the Great Immortal, he would have been able to trade with the Great Immortal.

If you sign in 10 points every day, you can sign in more than 3,000 points in a year, and it is not difficult to get more than 5,000 points.

"No matter what method is used, I must obtain the forgiveness of the Great Immortal."

Yue Buqun was extremely firm.

Master Wing Chun: "Miss 100 million!" "

Ye Man looked stunned and extremely lost.

He was already married and could not receive the huge red envelope of these 1,000 spirit stones.

Da Qin Zulong: "@武当百岁老道士, you should have sent all the points to the Great Immortal, right?" Now you're going to be developed. "

The envy and jealousy of the government are incomparable.

The points that Zhang Sanfeng traded with Daxian were more than ten times that of Li Xunhuan, and with Daxian's big hand, the immortal cultivation resources given to Zhang Sanfeng were definitely far beyond their expectations.

The world will help the Lord: "If you don't give it all, it's stupid." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "All to the great immortals." "

Zhang Sanfeng was confused and eager to see through.

He traded 69,000 points with Daxian, and the immortal cultivation resources given to him by Daxian should not be less than Li Xunhuan, should he give him immortal cultivation treasures similar to Li Xunhuan, or give him other immortal cultivation treasures?

Zhang Sanfeng never felt that time passed slowly, as if seconds were like years.

The world will help the lord: "Maybe the Great Immortal will give you the cultivation exercises of the Qi Refining Realm." "

Xiongba gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with fire and jealousy.

Immortal cultivation exercises!

The cultivators in the early stage of the Qi Refining Realm were able to control the magic weapon to fly, and he, the Great Grandmaster, could not do it.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "If I can obtain the cultivation exercises of the mid-level level of the Qi Refining Realm, I will be satisfied." "

Zhang Sanfeng did not dare to ask for too much.

The old man in the chat group had already introduced that cultivators in the early stage of the Qi Refining Realm were able to kill martial arts masters in the late stage of the Innate Realm.

He is now a congenital peak, and if he uses 69,000 points to improve his strength, he can only be promoted to the Grandmaster Triple Heaven.

Not to mention whether it can fight the early stage of the Qi Refining Realm, it will definitely not be able to beat the middle stage of the Qi Refining Realm.

"I should give it, right?"

Zhang Sanfeng was very apprehensive.

"The requirements are too low."

Ye Hao glanced at the content of the chat group and shook his head slightly.

"What immortal cultivation resources to give Zhang Sanfeng?"

Ye Hao walked out directly from the alchemy room of Lingdan Fang, his eyes scanned the goods of Lingdan Fang, and found that there were no goods that matched his heart, Ye Hao went to the Vientiane Building again.

"The exercises that can cultivate to the peak of the Foundation Building Realm, the Five Elements True Technique."

"Fifty thousand spirit stones."

"The cultivation experience of ten Foundation Building Realm cultivators."

"Second Grade Gathering Spirit Array."

"The four basic elements of cultivation have all come together."

Ye Hao quickly purchased the goods.

Immortal cultivator: "@武当百岁老道士, a five-element true technique that can cultivate to the peak of the Foundation Building Realm, 50,000 spirit stones, and the cultivation experience of ten Foundation Building Realm cultivators. "

Immortal cultivator: "There is also a second-grade Gathering Spirit Array that can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in a radius of a hundred miles, the essence of the sun and the moon, you can use spirit stones to increase the concentration of spiritual energy, I wonder if these cultivation resources are in line with your heart?" "


The moment Ye Hao's message appeared in the chat group, the chat group that was still active seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and everyone felt that their heads were buzzing.

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