"I have a chat group to cover up the sky and breath, and the river of time should not be noticed."

"In other words, the future in the lower reaches of time should be the future without me."

Ye Hao was very interested.

"Hasn't it changed much from the original plot?"

Every step Ye Hao took was ten thousand years.

After he calmed the source of darkness, he was soon detected by some immortal kings who had reached the end of the realm sea.

As a result, these immortal kings whose strength had reached the realm of immortal king giants and immortal kings supreme giants had transmitted the news back to the heavens and realms.

The Immortal King controlled by Ye Hao Refining was just the Dark Immortal King.

In the Realm Sea, there were still a large number of immortal kings who were not dark immortal kings, and Ye Hao did not make a move against them.

A very small part of these immortal kings entered the Realm Sea to calm the source of darkness.

Most of the Immortal Kings entered the Realm Sea in order to seek Creation, in order to become stronger.

With the accumulation of countless eras, the number of immortal kings in the realm sea is very terrifying.

After discovering that the source of darkness was pacified, these immortal kings were desperately rushing to the ultimate ancient land, wanting to find the secret of becoming an emperor.

In the Ultimate Ancient Land, a terrifying battle broke out in which hundreds of Immortal Kings were killed.

These emperor light immortal kings who raise chickens, butchers, and sell medicine have all been injured many times.

The great war lasted for "060" 10,000 years, and after some immortal kings found that the Ultimate Ancient Land could not find any opportunities, some continued to stay in the Realm Sea to look for creation, and some returned to the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms.

During this period, the matter of the foreign land turning into the mortal domain was exposed, and an immortal king in the immortal domain who had a blood feud with the foreign land directly shot to erase the foreign land.

And Immortal Kings such as Liu Shen, Six Dao Reincarnation Immortal King, and Endless Immortal King also quietly returned to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths after waiting for Ye Hao to appear.

They all knew very well that once the news of their resurrection spread, it would definitely cause huge changes in the heavens and realms.

However, the Six Realms Reincarnation Immortal King, the Endless Immortal King, the True Dragon King, and others did not have chat groups to cover the heavenly machine and breath, nor did they cultivate the Star Immortal Technique, which could hide the heavenly machine.

Under the probing of some spying immortal kings of nine heavens and ten lands, the news of the resurrection of the six reincarnation immortal kings, the endless immortal king, the true dragon king and others also spread.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Lands were not only besieged by many immortal kings, but even some immortal king supreme giants.

In this case, Liu Shen broke through the Supreme Giant of the Immortal King, comprehended the magical power of concealing the heavenly machine from the Star Immortal Technique, and used the magical power to hide the location of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

It took nine days and ten places to temporarily obtain some stable environment.

Ara Tianti also broke through to the Red Dust Fairy realm in this period of blood and chaos.

"Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, this is preserved?"

After Liu Shen broke through the Supreme Giant of the Immortal King, the Six Realms of Reincarnation Immortal King gained a lot because he had seen Ye Hao perform the Six Reincarnation Technique, and soon after, he also broke through to the Supreme Giant of the Immortal King.

With the protection of the two supreme giants of the Immortal King, coupled with the location of the willow god covering the location of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands ushered in an unprecedented era of peace.

However, nine days and ten lands away, there has been a constant war.

This situation lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, and the heavens and realms gradually settled down.

The goal of the Immortal King of the Heavens and Realms changed from entering the Realm Sea to find the secret of becoming an emperor before to looking for Ye Hao's figure.

All the Immortal Kings believed that the person who pacified the Ultimate Ancient Land was definitely an emperor.

In almost every great realm, there are territories ruled by immortal kings, temples are built, sacrifices of ten thousand races are enjoyed, and a vague stone statue is enshrined.

Nominally, he thanked Ye Hao for his great achievements in pacifying the ultimate ancient land, but in fact, he wanted to find Ye Hao's traces.

"However, the cultivation environment of the Barren Heavenly Emperor has not eased in any way because of the strengthening of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands."

In the lower reaches of the long river of time and space, Ye Hao paid the most attention to Liu Shen and Desolate Heaven.

After breaking through to the Supreme Giant of the Immortal King, Liu Shen has been practicing hard and wants to break through to a higher realm.

Others don't know the realm above the Immortal King, but she knows it very well.

Not only do I know that above the Immortal King is the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor, above the quasi-immortal emperor is the immortal emperor, and even above the immortal emperor there is a realm.

Barren Tianti, on the other hand, left the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands to cultivate.

After knowing the resurrection of immortal kings such as the Six Realms Reincarnation Immortal King and the Endless Immortal King, almost all immortal kings wanted to know the secret of their resurrection.

Therefore, once the creatures of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are exposed, they will be hunted down and killed by the forces of the heavens and realms.

In this kind of chase, Ara Tianti is also a strong person in the realm of becoming an immortal king.

Even if Ara Tianti became the Immortal King, he was dying many times.

If it weren't for the cultivation of the Star Immortal Technique, he could completely hide his own heavenly machine, so that other immortal kings could not find it, and I am afraid that Desolate Heavenly Di would have to be killed several times.

It is precisely because of this cruel tempering that Ara Tiandi's strength is getting stronger and stronger.

He even became a strong person at the level of the quasi-immortal emperor.

"Without the life and death struggle with the four Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperors, the speed of breaking through to the Immortal Emperor realm is much slower."

In the long river of time, Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

After breaking through to the realm of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, Barren Tianti was completely invincible and had no opponent.

However, unlike the dark quasi-immortal emperors such as the Hong Emperor, the Cang Emperor, the Feather Emperor, and the Old Man of Annihilation, in the long years, he did not give up the seven emotions and six desires, nor did he embark on the ruthless road.

Although the strength is improving slowly, the strength has always improved.

After Liu Shen broke through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, after someone verified the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Avenue with each other, the strength of Ara Tianti increased rapidly and much faster.

"Darkness has come."

Several eras after Arantian became a quasi-immortal emperor, a strange family descended, and five weird quasi-immortal emperors came with a strange army.

At this critical moment, the Six Reincarnation Immortal Kings broke through to the realm of quasi-immortal emperors, and together with Barren Tianti and Liu Shen, they faced five strange quasi-immortal emperors.

After a bloody battle, although he defeated the strange army, Ara Tianti was seriously injured, and Liu Shen and the Six Realms Reincarnation Immortal King were dying.

It's just that before they had time to cultivate, an immortal emperor of the strange clan came again with ten weird quasi-immortal emperors.

Ara Tianti sent Liu Shen and the Six Realms Reincarnation Immortal King away at the first time, and he faced the strange Immortal Emperor.

In this battle, Ara Tianti killed the strange immortal emperor, destroyed the strange army, and successfully broke through to the realm of the immortal emperor.

It's just that Ara Tianti didn't have time to rest at all, so he took the initiative to kill the sky. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because, he found that there were more strange immortal emperors coming to the heavens and realms.

In order to avoid the heavy damage of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, Ara Tianti chose to keep the enemy out.

"The rest of the time is familiar."

At the same time, Ye Hao also noticed the changes in the times of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

In the big battle with the strange family, almost all the immortal kings and true immortals of the nine heavens and ten lands died in battle.

Although the nine heavens and ten lands were not affected by the great war because they were covered by the heavenly machine.

However, as Liu Shen was seriously injured and dying, the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands were also exposed.

After a great battle, the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands were still shattered, and they came to the Age of Shaded Heaven.

Age of mythology!

Archean times!

Wasted Times!

Yehei Era!

The further back you go, the more similar the future will be to the original plot..........

The only difference should be that Ara Tianti and Liu Shen, who cultivate the Immortal Technique of the Stars.

They have fought with strange races many times, and have been almost killed many times, and they can always rely on the magical power of the Star Immortal Technique to hide the heavenly machine, avoid the continued pursuit and killing of strange races, and allow themselves to have time to cultivate.

"It's too deep into time."

Until the Holy Ruins era, Ye Hao couldn't help but stop.

The era he is in at this time, I don't know how many billions of years in the future, his strength has not completely ignored the height of the river of time.

In a perfect world, only by reaching above the sacrificial path can we truly ignore the long river of time, and all the avenues are like the flow of water, and a thought can be evaporated.

Destiny, creation, cause and effect, heavenly path, etc., are just the weakest bubbles, and they collapse before they reach out and touch them.

"Go back!"

Ye Hao couldn't help but withdraw from the river of time and return to the present.


At this moment, the long river of time and space was turbulent, shaking violently, and it was a fog, and three shocks came from downstream.

"How come there are still three quasi-immortal emperors coming?"

Ye Hao was stunned.

With his strength realm, he could see at a glance what the three figures who killed from the future to the present were the strength realm.

The three quasi-immortal emperors broke free from the long river of time and descended, two men and one woman, turned into human forms, stayed in the sky above the ultimate ancient land, and constantly stared around.

"It was about this era that the Immortal Emperor who was introduced into the darkness by my clan was directly wiped out."

"I don't know what happened here back then, but one immortal emperor, several quasi-immortal emperors, fell silently."

The three quasi-immortal emperors kept staring.

In their time, as the strength of Ara Tianti became stronger and stronger, they felt that the threat of Ara Tianti was increasing.

However, faintly, they felt that there might be an even more terrifying powerhouse hidden behind Ara Tianti.

Otherwise, the Corpse Immortal Emperor and the four Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperors would not have fallen silently.

Therefore, they have always wanted to investigate who killed the corpse Immortal Emperor.

"No one can go against the years, any troublemaker is 3.2 in vain in the end, does not belong to this time and space, you can never change anything."

At this moment, in the lower reaches of the long river of years, someone roared, with boundless anger and killing aura, rushing at great speed.


The big bell is leisurely, and a big bell hangs over a person's head, and there is a tendency to inviolate all laws, and it is killing here.

The big bell is majestic, emitting chaotic qi, and every vibration, there is time to ripple and spread, and it drops hundreds of millions of immortal rays, wrapping a burly figure, and comes at great speed.

After that, there are two more figures in the long river of years.

A figure shone brightly, the aura of nine-colored fairy gold pervaded, and a big ding emerged, and at the same time fell the mother qi of all things.

Below the ding, there was a man, heroic and tall, his eyebrows were upturned, his eyes were as sharp as cold electricity, he swung his imperial fist and killed him.

Another figure, white clothes victorious snow, black hair flowing, her appearance is peerless, the style is peerless, the time is long, stepping on the waves.

The six quasi-immortal emperors were murderous and ready to fight for life and death at any time.

"Welcome everyone, since you are here, let's leave something behind."

Ye Hao smiled.


At the same time, the six Quasi-Immortal Emperors found that a supreme divine force shackled their figures, unable to move.

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