"It's worth it."

Ye Hei, the Ruthless Emperor, and the Beginningless Emperor were extremely heavy, and their hearts were bright, and they felt that the endless darkness finally shone a ray of light.

They are not afraid that the weird family is strong, but they are afraid that they will not be able to figure out the strength of the weird family all the time.

Ten weird ancestors and ten sacrificial level powerhouses are indeed terrifying, even suffocating.

"Since Barren Tianti has been able to surpass the strange ancestor, it is very likely that he has reached the realm of the sacrificial path."

"Since Ara Tianti can reach such a realm, we must be able to do it too."

Ye Hei, the Ruthless Emperor, and the Beginningless Emperor were extremely convinced.

As long as the three of them break through to the realm of the sacrificial path, plus the Ara Tiandi, there will be four powerhouses of the sacrificial path level.

Whether it is the strong person who follows the Ara Tianti, or the strong person who pursues them, there is another one who breaks through to the sacrificial level.

Five against ten!

Who wins and who loses is not certain.

The only place that makes their hearts heavy, even if they kill the weird ancestor, the weird ancestor will be resurrected, and the advantage of the weird ancestor is too great.

If they can't find a way to kill the Strange Ancestor, the Strange Ancestor can completely consume them alive.

"Is this the world of the truly strong?"

The chatting masses looked extremely complicated.

Before the Great Emperor was a terrifying powerhouse in their eyes.

Then he saw the Immortal King powerhouse who was far above the Great Emperor.

Now it has been found that the 670 Immortal King is actually extremely weak in the perfect world.

"Ara Tianti is too strong!"

The immortal kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands ignored the milk stains at the corners of the little stone's mouth, and only felt that the whole person of the little stone was shining.

Ara Tianti has been fighting against the strange ancestor, I don't know how many times the war has been, and Ara Tianti has not fallen.

Moreover, the strength has surpassed the weird ancestor.

So powerful, it is simply bigger than the boundary sea, and it is even deeper.

"Little stone, you may worship me"

The second in the world, the Golden Daoist, the two immortal kings who did not care about their skin, even directly planned to take small stones as apprentices.

They knew that in their lives, they would not break through to the realm of the sacrificial path, and they would not even have the hope of quasi-immortal Dixi.

However, if you can teach a supreme powerhouse at the sacrificial level, it is also an extremely honorable thing.

It's just that before they finished speaking, they were stared at by the powerhouses of the Immortal King giants such as Liu Shen, Six Dao Reincarnation Immortal King, and Endless Immortal King.

With the strength of the peerless immortal king, he wanted to become the teacher of the little stone, which was really too much to measure.

"Brother Dao, are you willing to teach Little Stone?"

Just as Liu Shen spoke, all the immortal kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands swallowed all the words they wanted to say.

Before, they thought that Ye Hao was just breaking the king and becoming an emperor, and his strength belonged to the realm of quasi-immortal emperors. (cjeb)

Now hearing Ye Hao's introduction about the strength of the strange family, they knew that they underestimated Ye Hao's strength.

Ye Hao is likely to be a sacrificial Dao-level powerhouse.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to know that the Weird Clan had ten sacrificial level powerhouses.

"Senior, may even have reached the peak of the sacrificial path, and it is not far from the supreme powerhouse who buried himself."

A thought arose in everyone's hearts.

The forbidden strong who buried himself, sacrificed everything, but did not want to lose everything, he started from nothing, and from there to nothing.

A strong person of this level, unless he reaches the same realm, I am afraid that he will not know his existence.

Ye Hao clearly knew the reason for the death of this forbidden powerhouse, as well as the method of death, and even the origin of the strange race.

Some of this information is probably not clear to the ten ancestors of the strange family.

"No wonder you can ignore the reaction of the river of time and not be afraid of the reaction of the power of cause and effect."

Ye Hei and the three were a little relieved.

The quasi-immortal emperor can't do it, the immortal emperor can't do it, and even ordinary sacrificial level powerhouses can't do it.

If he reaches the realm of the supreme powerhouse who created a strange race, he may be possible.

"Little Stone has its own way, and besides, I will leave this world soon."

Ye Hao didn't have any hesitation, he didn't have any idea of accepting apprentices.

If he wanted to take an apprentice, he would accept Qin Yu as an apprentice when he was in the Star World.


Ye Hao waved his hand, and ten light clusters appeared in front of everyone.

In one light group is a true dragon, in one light group is a phoenix, in one light group is the Thunder Emperor, and in one light group is Kunpeng

It corresponds to the ten murderers.

"Although I don't teach him, I can teach him some Immortal Emperor-level techniques."

Ye Hao said, and each of the ten light clusters flew into the little stone's mind.

He had already deduced the Ten Fierce Treasure Art to the Immortal Emperor level.


Not to mention that the immortal kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are ruthless emperors, and the three of Beginningless Emperor and Ye Hei are also extremely envious.

Immortal Emperor-level treasure art!

Or ten.

Like the True Dragon King, the Kunpeng King, and the second in the world, these ten fierce people are even more salivating, and saliva is coming out quickly.

If they were able to cultivate the Ten Fierce Treasure Art corresponding to their own race, the Immortal Emperor level True Dragon Treasure Art, and the Kunpeng Treasure Art, they even had hope of breaking through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor realm.

"The Ten Fierce Treasure Art of the Immortal Emperor level inherits the characteristics of the previous Ten Fierce Treasure Art, and the peak of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor can match the Immortal Emperor."

"You can choose too."

"Choose one, and I will return an Immortal Emperor weapon in the future, and there is no limit to the quantity."

Ye Hao said with a slight smile.

"I choose the Divine Treasure Art."

The Beginningless Emperor pondered and made a choice.

Because, the Divine Treasure Art corresponds to the Great Avenue of Time and Space, which is very suitable for him.

"Senior, I choose the Ten Fierce Treasure Art."

Ye Hei did not have any hesitation and chose everything.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Ten types of Gestasy.

If you miss it, I am afraid that there will not be such a huge opportunity in the future.

As for the price of each Ten Fierce Treasure Art, the need to repay an Immortal Emperor Weapon in the future, Ye Hei did not pay attention to it at all.

If he breaks through to the Immortal Emperor realm in the future, it will not be difficult to obtain ten Immortal Emperor weapons.

"I also choose the Ten Fierce Treasure Art." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The ruthless emperor also made a choice.

Beginningless Emperor: ".

"Senior, can I choose again?"

The Beginningless Emperor felt that he was too honest.

Even if he can't collect ten Immortal Emperor weapons in the future, he can refine them himself.

When he became an Immortal Emperor and refined ten ordinary Immortal Emperor weapons, there was still no problem.

It's really not possible, it is also okay to directly imitate the beginningless bell and refine ten low-end versions of the beginningless bell.

However, if you miss this trading opportunity, I am afraid that you will never encounter such a huge opportunity in the future.

"Great Immortal, what if we can't break through to the Immortal Emperor realm in the future?"

"Or what if we fall halfway?"

The True Dragon King hesitated and said.

The Beginningless Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor, and Ye Hei were sure to break through to the Immortal Emperor realm, but their certainty about breaking through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor was actually not great.

They're afraid they can't afford it.

"Anyway, the Immortal King is immortal, even if you can't break through to the Immortal Emperor realm, you can come together to refine a magic weapon of the Immortal Emperor weapon in the future."

"If you fall halfway, I will also resurrect you."

"However, you can only farm for me in the future, and I will send you to the past billions of years, and then you will plant all kinds of immortal medicines for me in it."

"In this way, when you rely on endless years, survive to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and refine an Immortal Emperor weapon, you can gain freedom."

Ye Hao said with a smile.

He can completely cast a great time technique, send the True Dragon King and the others to a billion years ago, or ten billion years ago, and use the Immortal Emperor level array to create a cave heaven, without interfering in the development of the heavens and realms.

At the same time, it also shields the perception of the outside world.

In this way, he can continue to harvest many immortal elixirs.

Immortal kings such as the True Dragon King and the Kunpeng King: ".

If you can't become an immortal emperor, won't you have to farm all your life?

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