"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Erosion Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Darkness Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Curse Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Killing Technique Advanced. "

Ye Hao did not answer the confusion of the chattering masses, but used the Great Time Technique to accelerate the surrounding time flow speed and comprehend the surrounding laws of heaven and earth.

This is the place where the weird immortal emperor sneaks up on the corpse immortal emperor, which can be called the supreme doom and contains various dark avenue laws.

Enlightenment here, eroding avenues, dark avenues, cursed avenues, killing avenues, and other avenues, the speed of improvement is extremely fast.

"This is just the tip of the sky."

Ye Hao shook his head.

"At this time, the heavens and the strange clan are fighting, but because the sacrificial level powerhouses of the heavens have died in battle, the heavens are already in an absolute inferiority."

Ye Hao ran the Great Heavenly Mechanic Technique, and soon gained insight into the situation in the heavens.

The priestess of the pollen road system, in order to calm the weird plateau, went to the weird plateau.

Somewhat similar to the nameless quasi-immortal emperor of the Perfect Great World, the Pollen Road Dao-level powerhouse did not know the true strength of the weird plateau at all.

was also beaten alive and died, and was wiped out by several ancestors of the weird family in the weird Edict Plateau with the ancient coffin of the "May 13" body.

If it weren't for the fact that the ancestor of the strange family could not come out easily, I am afraid that the heavens would have already turned into ruins.


Ye Hao casually carried dozens of supreme divine power combinations, directly shot out a supreme divine light, and entered the prosperous place of the heavens.

The earth is vast, mountains and rivers are splendid, spiritual mountains are in pieces, and sacred lakes are splendid.

Many evolutionaries flew in the sky, and the highest mountain not far away radiated the brilliance of the avenue, Qionglou Yuyu was in pieces, the fairy mist was pervasive, there were countless disciples, the mountain gate was majestic, and there were many fairy birds and beasts, guarding this pure land.

This is the ancestral land of an evolutionary civilization, with a quasi-immortal emperor-level Dao ancestor sitting in the town.

In the heavens, there are too many ancestral lands of evolutionary civilizations like this.

In the Great World of the Heavens, it was difficult for the Dao Ancestor of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level to find another Quasi-Immortal Emperor in addition to the four Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperors and the Xuan Emperor.

However, in the heavens, the Dao ancestors of the quasi-immortal emperor level are not rare, and even many people have seen the strong people of the quasi-immortal emperor level make a move.

Even the number of Immortal Emperors above the heavens exceeded the number of Quasi-Immortal Emperors in the Great World of the Heavens, and there were eight of them.

It's just that these eight Immortal Emperors, two of them have fallen.

After the fall of the strong man of the Pollen Road Priestess, although the heavens did not dispatch the strange ancestor, they stepped up their offensive against the heavens.

After the weird immortal emperor dies in battle, he can continue to be resurrected in the weird plateau, so the immortal emperor of the weird family is not afraid of the big war at all.

"I wonder if I can find the obsession left by the fall of those two immortal emperors in the heavens?"

Through the Great Heavenly Technique, Ye Hao has already deduced the identities of the two fallen immortal emperors, the Chuan Emperor and the Ancient Emperor.

These two Immortal Emperors were all consumed alive by the strange family.

"It seems that the heavens are not without leaving a back hand, but unfortunately, they don't know the power of the weird plateau at all."

Through deduction, Ye Hao found that although the two immortal emperors, Chuan Emperor and Ancient Emperor, had fallen, they both left a trace of their own spirits.

It only takes the Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse to re-enact the past with great mana, from virtual to real, which can resurrect these two fallen Immortal Emperors.


Ye Hao's figure disappeared again, and there were several places in front of him where the Quasi-Immortal Emperor had fallen.

When he reappeared, he appeared in front of a tall, curvy woman in a black dress.

This is a rare beauty, green silk like a waterfall, melon seed face white, eyes like black gems, Qiong nose upturned, red lips and teeth shining.

It's just that at this time, her expression is heavy, and there is endless sadness in the depths of her eyes.

Her sister died.

"Luo Tianxian, how about we make a deal?"

Ye Hao spoke up.

Because, after his deduction, the fallen Chuan Emperor and the Ancient Emperor, the spirits of these two Immortal Emperors were in the hands of Luo Tianxian.

Luo Tianxian is also a strong person at the level of the Immortal Emperor, and he is not the most powerful among the Heavenly Immortal Emperors.

However, Luo Tianxian's sister, the Pollen Road Priestess Dao-level powerhouse, is the only sacrificial Dao-level powerhouse in the heavens, and it is also the first strong.

Obviously, in the eyes of Emperor Chuan and Emperor Gu, putting their own spirit in the hands of Luo Tianxian, their hope of surviving is greater.

"I can resurrect the two Immortal Emperors who have fallen from the heavens."

Ye Hao did not have the slightest appetite for Luo Tianxian.

He was sure that if he said slowly, Luo Tianxian would definitely make a move.

Although Luo Tianxian was not his opponent, once he fought with Luo Tianxian, it would definitely alarm the other five immortal emperors in the heavens.

If it is considered to be an immortal emperor of a strange race, it will be miserable, and I am afraid that it will be directly besieged.

"Who are you?"

Luo Tianxian frowned, looked at Ye Hao, and a thick jealousy flashed in his eyes.

Ye Hao's appearance, she didn't even notice it.

If it wasn't for the other party's initiative to speak, she probably wouldn't have noticed that someone approached her silently.

If Ye Hao sneaked up on her, she would probably suffer a heavy blow directly.

"I'm a passerby."

Ye Hao introduced a sentence, and he ran the six reincarnation techniques.

Under the divine light, there are two quasi-immortal emperor-level obsessions.

"Buzz~", "Buzz~"

Under the divine light, the obsession of the two quasi-immortal emperors quickly transformed into a trace of Yuan Shen, and then the Yuan God quickly expanded, deriving blood and flesh.

At the same time, the breath also continues to improve.

Under the influence of Ye Hao's time acceleration, it only took three breaths of time for the two Quasi-Immortal Emperors who had fallen to be resurrected.

And, the force of both is to recover to the peak.

"Thank you seniors for your great grace."

The two resurrected Quasi-Immortal Emperors bowed towards Ye Hao in unison, extremely grateful.


Luo Tianxian looked at Ye Hao with a shocked expression, feeling strange.

With her realm, she could naturally see that the two quasi-immortal emperors who were resurrected by Ye Hao were truly resurrected, and they were not short-lived with some kind of magical power.

Although her sister at the sacrificial level was also able to resurrect the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, her speed was far from comparable to Ye Hao.

"What deal do you want to make?"

Luo Tianxian solemnly said.

At this moment, she no longer doubted whether Ye Hao could resurrect the Immortal Emperor.

"If this person can resurrect the Immortal Emperor, can he resurrect my sister?"

Luo Tianxian had a trace of apprehension and expectation in his heart.

The reason why she trusted Ye Hao so easily was because she could confirm that Ye Hao did not have the aura of a strange family on him. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

On the other hand, Luo Tianxian also wants his sister to be resurrected.

When she was young, her ranking among the Daozi of the heavens was only seventeenth.

Among so many Daoists, she was the only one who broke through to the Immortal Emperor realm.

In addition to her own efforts, there is also the help of her sister.

"I'll help you resurrect two Immortal Emperors, and you give me two Immortal Emperor Artifacts, or materials that are enough to refine three Immortal Emperor Artifacts... 0"

Ye Hao said his conditions.

What he really fancy is not the Immortal Emperor Weapon, but the two fallen Immortal Emperor Dao Fruits.

Whether it is the Chuan Emperor or the Ancient Emperor, they have become the Immortal Emperor for several eras, one is the Immortal Emperor intermediate level, and the other is the Immortal Emperor advanced.

If you fuse and refine the Dao Fruits of these two Immortal Emperors, it will be of great help to Ye Hao's Dao Improvement.


Luo Tianxian agreed without any hesitation.

The territory of the heavens is not at all imaginable for the creatures of the great world, and at the same time, the prosperity and brilliance of the heavens are not something that ordinary people can imagine.

Every quasi-immortal emperor's quasi-immortal emperor weapon in the heavens has top-notch materials, if they really become an immortal emperor, they directly copy the Dao rune, and do not need to add any other materials, it is enough to promote their weapons to the next level.

"I need the spirits of these two immortal emperors."

Ye Hao spoke.


Luo Tianxian hesitated and handed over the spirit of the ancient emperor to Ye Hao.

At the same time, three of the other five Immortal Emperors in the heavens were shouted by her and secretly surrounded Ye Hao.

If Ye Hao had any conspiracy and weirdness, then they would kill Ye Hao here without mercy.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao refined the spirit of the ancient emperor at the first time, fused and refined his Immortal Emperor Dao Fruit, and then began to resurrect the ancient emperor.

The Immortal Emperor is terrifying, and if a thought touches, even if he dies, he may be resurrected.

For Ye Hao, resurrecting the Immortal Emperor was even easier than resurrecting the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

If it weren't for the intervention of the strange race, the two fallen immortal emperors, the ancient emperor and the chuan emperor, would probably have been resurrected by the heavens.


With the shrouded divine light, the spirit of the ancient emperor is rapidly growing, the spirituality is becoming more and more sufficient, flashing with brilliant light, and there are endless avenues flowing, filled with brilliant divine light.

The next moment, a trace of life is born in the bright light.


Then, a burly shadow wearing a golden gown appeared, although it was extremely weak, but the runes around the body were coercive, and when the eyes turned, the river of time appeared.

"Thank you."

The ancient emperor bowed towards Ye Hao. 4.2

"Is the ancient emperor really resurrected?"

Luo Tianxian, including the three Shangcang Immortal Emperors hidden in the shadows, all could not calm down, and instantly appeared in front of the ancient emperor, looking at the state of the ancient emperor.

Although the ancient emperor was extremely weak, he could recover to the peak as long as he cultivated for a few epochs.

At the same time, their gazes towards Ye Hao were also extremely shocked and surprised.

They started a war with the weird race, and the reason why they have always been in the inferior position is because no matter how many weird immortal emperors they kill, the other party can be resurrected.

How do they fight in this case?

Now it's different, if Ye Hao joins the camp of the heavens, every time they fight with the weird family, leaving a spirit for Ye Hao.

Doesn't it mean that even if they die in battle, they can continue to be resurrected like a strange race?


The next moment, Luo Tianxian and other heavenly immortal emperors were even more wide-ranging, and after the resurrection of the ancient emperor, the divine light on his body did not dissipate.

By constantly reflecting the long river of time and space, capturing the power of the ancient emperor, the state of the ancient emperor was restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Counting breaths, it was still a number of breaths, and a fallen Immortal Emperor was actually restored to his peak state by Ye Hao.

"Who the hell are you?"

Luo Tianxian and the other Immortal Emperors all looked at Ye Hao with a shocked expression.

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