"Since you don't continue to trade, give me the items you traded before?"

Ye Hao reminded.

When Luo Tianxian, Gu Di, Chuan Emperor and the others heard this, they quickly gathered the materials that could refine two Immortal Emperor Artifacts and handed them to Ye Hao.

"Your main task now is to drag down the weird race, and when that person rises, you can see hope."

Ye Hao accepted the material, his figure moved, and he disappeared directly.

This time entering the heavens, the main purpose has been achieved, refining and fusing two Immortal Emperor-level Dao fruits.

"The next step is to capture the rhyme of the heavens and understand the evolutionary systems of different civilizations."

Ye Hao's figure was hidden in the depths of the void of the heavens, and time accelerated to the extreme.

A civilization evolution system has given birth to at least one quasi-immortal emperor, although it is not as helpful as the immortal emperor Daoguo, but it can also increase Ye Hao's rich heritage.

At the same time, Ye Hao was also thoroughly digesting the heritage of the two Immortal Emperor Dao Fruits, completely transforming them into his own strength.

Although he had killed the corpse Immortal Emperor before, Ye Hao's strength was only equivalent to the intermediate level of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

Refining and fusing two Immortal Emperor Dao Fruits, especially one Immortal Emperor Dao Fruit reaching the advanced level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, Ye Hao's combat power was already stronger than that of the Chuan Emperor.

It's just that Emperor Chuan is in the advanced level of the Immortal Emperor, and his combat power can only be regarded as a medium level.

Ye Hao wanted to rely on his understanding against the heavens to push 303 to the advanced level of the Immortal Emperor level by pushing the Ten Fierce Treasure Art, the Immortal Sutra, the Willow God Method, and the Calming Chaos Technique.

Then he will also deduce to the advanced level of the Immortal Emperor through the divine power technique of Dao Yun in the heavens, then his strength will definitely stand at the peak of the advanced level of the Immortal Emperor.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Reincarnation Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Darkness Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great World Art Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Cutting Advanced. "

Ye Hao's comprehension became more and more terrifying as he accelerated thousands of times in time.

Almost every respiratory system sounded a continuous series of tones.

Every sound of a prompt indicates that Ye Hao's strength is improving.

Like other Immortal Emperors, there is only one kind of avenue, but Ye Hao is almost all major avenues, and in the same realm, no one is his opponent.

"In the Immortal Emperor realm, there should be no one who is my opponent."

When Ye Hao captured all the Dao Yun of the heavens, his expression was extremely satisfied.

"It's time to fuse and refine the Dao Fruit of the Weird Quasi-Immortal Emperor."

Ye Hao left the heavens and entered the river of souls.

After killing the Pollen Road Priestess, the Weird Clan established four outposts in the heavens in order to avoid anyone else breaking through to the Sacrificial Dao Realm, and also for better sacrifices.

Soul River, Ancient Earth Mansion, Heavenly Emperor Burial Pit and Four Pole Floating Earth.

There are many weird quasi-immortal emperors in the outpost battle, and there are often weird immortal emperors to sit in town.

Whenever quasi-immortal emperors appeared in the heavens, the strange clan would sacrifice them, resulting in the era of emperor fall again and again.

"First refine the quasi-immortal emperor of the weird clan, and then refine the immortal emperor of the weird clan."

Ye Hao said to do it.

There are three quasi-immortal emperors sitting in the soul river, and there is even a high-level quasi-immortal emperor.

However, under Ye Hao's strength comparable to the peak of the Immortal Emperor, in just an instant, all the souls of all the strange races in the soul river were planted by Ye Hao with a reincarnation seal.

Ye Hao was also the Dao Fruit that instantly refined the three weird quasi-immortal emperors.

After refining these strange quasi-immortal emperors, Ye Hao did not take them away, but let them continue to stay in the soul river.

In the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, he controlled the reincarnation of the Earth Mansion by refining the gods on the bright side of the Earth Mansion and by erecting those strong people hidden behind the scenes.

In a perfect world, he could do the same.

He can control the quasi-immortal emperor and immortal emperor of the weird family through refining, and erect the weird ancestor.

Even if you need a small sacrifice, you can choose to join the universe of the weird family.

As for the next big sacrifice of the weird family, the goal of the great sacrifice is the heavens, and before the heavens are destroyed, Ye Hao feels that he should still have a chance to enter the perfect world.

Even if he didn't enter the Perfect World again, Ara Tianti should have risen enough to deal with the ten strange ancestors who were erected.

"Go to the next stop."

When Ye Hao descended to the Heavenly Emperor burial pit, he looked overjoyed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) (dadd) In the Heavenly Emperor Burial Pit, there was a strange Immortal Emperor of the primary level of the Immortal Emperor.

With his current strength, he can completely silently suppress the weird Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Emperor junior.

"Six Reincarnation Techniques."

Ye Hao instantly established a large world, isolated the heavenly machine of the Heavenly Emperor's burial pit, and then silently descended behind the strange Immortal Emperor and directly sneaked attack.

"Another Immortal Emperor Dao Fruit."

Ye Hao was very satisfied.

Similarly, he also left all the strange powerhouses in the Heavenly Emperor's burial pit.

"It's a pity~"

When Ye Hao appeared in the Four Extremes Floating Earth, he found that there were only four strange quasi-immortal emperors inside, and he couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

"It is worthy of the reincarnation opened up by the strong on the sacrificial path."

Ye Hao appeared in a city on the wheel circuit, his eyes scanning all directions.

Inside the city, there was scarlet, countless corpses, and the ground was full of broken limbs.

There are human bodies, as well as the bones of various fierce beasts and birds of prey.

Some are golden birds, and blood is still shed.

There are crows like the black sun, still standing after the death, the black light gushes, shining out, and many of them are unheard of and unseen races.

Some individuals are too big, like asteroids.

Others are just that the creature left a bloody black claw, which is taller than the mountain, and it is really unimaginable, if it appears as a whole.

However, the most amazing thing is that in the middle of the city, there is a huge millstone.

It looks like it was made of rough stone, and it is so huge that it occupies one-third of the entire ancient city.

From time to time, the corpses in the city were carried by inexplicable forces, fell on the millstone, fell along the holes in the millstone, and then were crushed.

The fighting spirit and spiritual obsession of all living beings have all been worn out and turned into pure spiritual seeds.

Everything is ground up, from the flesh to the spirit, back to the roots.

The huge millstone is like a sophisticated instrument, which has been running since ancient times, dealing with boundless corpses.

It was very efficient, it didn't last long, and the massive corpses in the city quickly bottomed out.

Then, countless corpses in mid-air fell in the city like dumplings, and instantly piled up a third of the area, replenished.

The huge millstone began to run again.

And on the ancient road of reincarnation, there are thousands of cities like this.

"Maybe I can try refining the ancient path of reincarnation and become the master of the six reincarnations of the perfect world."

If the strong man on the sacrificial path where he was buried was still alive, it would be difficult for Ye Hao to gain control of the ancient path of reincarnation.

Now that strong man has fallen, and the ancient road of reincarnation is completely ownerless.

Ye Hao wanted to gain control of the ancient path of reincarnation, and there was no longer any obstacle.

"If I control the ancient road of reincarnation and open up the Yin Cao Di Mansion, I wonder if I can obtain the blessings of heaven and earth and obtain a lot of benefits?"

Ye Hao was looking forward to it.

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