"Ding-dong! This exchange will communicate with one side of the world of immortal cultivation, and the two sides can have any exchange, martial arts, divine weapons, elixirs, heavenly materials and earth treasures, etc. "

"The two sides communicate and contrast, the more they crush each other, the richer the reward."

At the moment when the chat group sounded, Ye Hao also instantly gained insight into which world the communication world was.

"It turned out to be the Immortal World."

The corner of Ye Hao's mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, and he was a little speechless.

Not to mention that he personally communicated with the Immortal Cultivators of the Immortal World, even the rest of the chat group were also immortal cultivators who could defeat the Immortal World.

"However, since there are rewards, you still need to be well prepared."

Ye Hao said darkly.

Regardless of the level of the world, as long as the mission award ~ incentive is rich enough, it is enough.

The world will help the Lord: "Daxian, this time the platform exchange, - can we participate?" "

Although Daisen communicates with the outside world on behalf of the chat group, there should be no problem with other group members playing soy sauce.

Immortal cultivator: "I don't know how many days it will take for this exchange, are you sure you want to participate?" "

Immortal cultivator: "Maybe the day after entering the communication world, the world you are in can pass a month." "

Ye Hao couldn't help but remind.

After the time limit has been relaxed, the speed of time flow in the world where the chat masses are located has been completely different.

After completing the group mission of the Perfect Great World, his body experienced the fluttering dance of fairies and fairies in the Great World, or the body of jade skin, for the past three days.

The rest of the chat group is in a world that has been in the last five days, a week in the past, or even eighteen days.

Princess Changping: "Great Immortal, what I practice is the way of faith, even if I leave a doppelganger, it will not affect the collection of faith." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, I cultivate the method of qi luck, unless I can obtain resources from other worlds, otherwise, if I want to strengthen the national luck, it will take a certain amount of time to develop." "

Emperor Hongwu: "Daxian, our prince is enough to help us handle Daming's government affairs well, and we don't need to worry about the development of the national fortune." "

Space station navigator: "Great Immortal, I just encountered a bottleneck in cultivation, and this time I participated in the exchange, maybe I can gain something and gain great benefits." "

Some group members of the chat group who do not need a lot of time to cultivate for the time being, say their situation at the first time.

This is an exchange with a world of immortal cultivation, maybe there will be strong people preaching, if they can listen, they may have a huge gain.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Have you forgotten a very important thing, there is also a four-star group mission that no one has taken over." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Are you planning to let the chat group randomly assign this four-star group task to a certain four-star group member?" "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Are you all so confident and confident that you can complete a four-star group mission alone?" "

Chen Jinnan looked at everyone who planned to participate in the platform exchange, and his face turned black.

Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng worked together to complete a five-star group mission, and the difficulty of the four-star group mission was lower.

However, he felt that it was not something that a member of the four-star group could do alone.

Graphic designer: "Anyway, among the chat groups, the four-star group has the most members, you may be able to gamble." Funny JPG"

Reincarnator: "I have a suggestion, directly let the Emei faction of the Shushan Legend World watch the Shushan Legend movie, I believe they will definitely be able to deal with the Ghost Spring Blood Demon easily." "

Graphic designer: "The clown turned out to be myself?" If the people of the Shushan Transmission World knew the plot in advance, wouldn't it be very easy to suppress the Blood Demon of the Dark Spring? "

[Huashan Paiyue Head: Brother Zheng, don't send the Shushan movie to the chat group, send it to me separately, and I'll give you 10,000 spirit stones. ] 】

Zheng Zhao was about to upload the Shushan movie to the chat group when a dialog box popped up.


When Zheng Yu heard this, he couldn't help but swallow his spit.

10,000 spirit stones!

If you buy it in a chat group, you need 10,000 points.

Whether it is used to cultivate immortals or practice martial arts, all of them are excellent resources for cultivating immortals.

[Reincarnator: Good. 】

Zheng Zhao just hesitated and sent the Shushan movie to the chat group.

【Ding-dong! Huashan sent Yue to receive the four-star group mission. 】

Just when the chatting masses suddenly realized, the prompt of the group system sounded.

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Everyone set off first, and when I complete the group task, I will rush over immediately." "

After Yue Buqun watched the Shushan Legend movie, he already had an idea in his heart.

Although the strength of the Ghost Spring Blood Demon is strong, it is not the opponent of the long-eyebrowed real person.

He only needs to let the long-eyed real person see the Shushan Legend movie, and the probability of the long-eyebrow real person solving the Ghost Spring Blood Demon is at least ninety percent or more.

Even if there is really any accident, he can use the tracking charm to lock the location of the Ghost Spring Blood Demon, so that the long-eyed real person continues to chase and kill.

As long as the long-eyebrow real person kills the Ghost Spring Blood Demon, it can be regarded as completing the task of suppressing the Ghost Spring Blood Demon.

As for sending the movie to a real person with long eyebrows, it is too simple.

He can send an intelligent robot to Emei Pai and project the movie in front of the long-eyed real person.

He didn't even need to show up to complete the upfront plan.

If the plan goes well, the group task may be completed easily.

Even if there is an accident, or the plot has not yet arrived, he can use the Heavenly Mechanism Talisman Experience to deduce the location of the Ghost Spring Blood Demon, and then use the tracking talisman to lock the location of the Ghost Spring Blood Demon.

Then the task of chasing down and killing the Ghost Spring Blood Demon was completely handed over to the Emei faction.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Head Yue, your reaction is really fast!" "

The world will help the master: "MD! "

Xiongba couldn't help but burst into foul language.

How could he react so slowly.

After Yue Buqun received the four-star group mission, the rest of the chat group might still have a chance to participate, but he didn't have any chance.

Because, after the chat group is upgraded, he is still a villain, and he still needs to be unable to team up with other people in the chat group to participate in group missions. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "Boss Yue is going to make a big profit this time!" "

Hongwu the Great: "Do you want to team up together?" In case Zheng Zhao's guess is inaccurate, or there is some accident in the middle, the two people can at least discuss it in a team, and it is easier to solve the problem. "

Qin Shi Huang: "It is not completely determined that the world where the group mission is located is the Shushan Transmission World, in case the information is wrong, you perform the group mission alone, I am afraid that you need the Great Immortal to rescue you, why don't we team up together?" "

After discovering that it may not take much time to complete the group mission of the Shushan Transmission World, the members of the four-star group of the chat group naturally want to receive the group task.

It's just that their reaction is slower than Yue Buqun, and they miss the opportunity to take the group task alone.

0 for flowers 0

Therefore, they all planned to team up with Yue Buqun.

"I hope that the cultivators of the Immortal World will not doubt life."

Ye Hao's attention was in the communication world at this time.

The World of Immortals.

Middle State.

A huge white jade-colored stone platform 1,200 zhang long and 1,200 zhang wide appeared out of thin air at an altitude of 1,000 meters.

The stone platform is extremely magical, even if it is hundreds of millions of miles apart, you can see the situation on the stone platform clearly.

On the stone platform, there is an observation deck that looks like an inverted bowl, with tens of thousands of seats.

In the center of the stone platform is a chaotic high platform that is 100 zhang long and 100 zhang wide.

"What kind of relic was this born?"

At the same moment, the top immortal cultivation sects in the Qingyun Gate, Burning Incense Valley, Tianyin Temple, Ghost King Sect, and other top immortal cultivators in the Immortal World, the eyes of many cultivators looked at the huge high platform in unison, and their expressions were shocked.

In the records of their sect, there has never been such a mysterious ruin.

"Summoning the Peaks and Peaks"

The head of the Qingyun Gate, Dao Xuanzhenren, just wanted to arrange a team of Qingyunmen disciples to explore the huge high platform, when a wave of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

Heavenly Mantra.

An alien force, the martial arts chat group will have a civilized exchange with their world.

If in the process of communication, you can defeat the martial arts chat group in some aspects, you will get a heavenly reward.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

Soon, a rainbow light descended on the main peak of Qingyunmen.

All of them are the lords of the peaks of Qingyunmen.

They also received the Heavenly Dao Mantra.

"Chief, we Qingyunmen is the first sect in the world, this time is our Qingyunmen's opportunity, once we defeat this force called martial arts chat group in this exchange, we will definitely gain the favor of the Heavenly Dao, and Qingyunmen can prosper forever."

"Hahaha, as long as we suppress the Tianyin Temple, the Burning Incense Valley, and the Demon Gate, the final big winner will definitely be our Qingyunmen."


"Why are you so stupid? The Heavenly Dao Mantra tells us that this foreign force is a martial arts chat group, although I don't know what the chat group means, but what does martial arts mean, you should understand, right? "

"We are a group of immortal cultivators and martial arts masters communicating, no matter in which aspect, we can completely crush them."

"Then don't say anything, all the Qingyunmen disciples, up to the head, down to ordinary disciples, all participate in this exchange."

The high-level of Qingyunmen instantly reached a consensus.

Although I don't know where this so-called foreign force came from.

However, one thing can be confirmed.

The Heavenly Dao of their world wanted them to win.

Therefore, even if they all moved, they did not have to worry about other sects sneaking up on Qingyunmen.

Once a sneak attack, it is an enemy of the Heavenly Dao, and no force dares to go against the sky so brazenly.

What's more, this time the exchange conference, they won Qingyunmen steadily.

There is no problem with cultivating immortals crushing martial arts.

And in the Immortal World, Qingyunmen has no problem suppressing forces such as Tianyin Temple, Burning Incense Valley, and Demon Sect.

This time the communication with the martial arts chat group is completely the stage five of their Qingyunmen.

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