"The strength of the upper and lower levels in the late stage of the Jiedan Realm."

The chatting masses instantly judged its strength from the breath of thousands of people, and many people frowned.

Even the warriors of the Heaven and Human Realm can't beat ten thousand people.

After the chatting masses were cultivating immortals, their main energy was on cultivating immortals, and very few people continued to cultivate martial arts.

If they didn't use their immortal cultivation strength, relying only on the martial arts realm, most of them would not be opponents to whom they were looking for.

"Let me come~"

Bai Xiaofei flew in the air and flew directly in front of ten thousand people.

He took the path of evolutionary immortal cultivation, and with the continuous improvement of the genetic level, the speed of improving the realm of immortal cultivation became faster and faster.

Similarly, the improvement of the martial arts realm is also very easy.

Like the Acquired Realm, the Innate Realm, and the Grandmaster Realm, these low-level realms, he did not have any bottleneck in cultivation, and it was easy to reach the peak of the Great Grandmaster.

He also stayed in the Heavenly and Human Realm for a while, and then broke through to a sixth-order martial artist.

"Yes, as a martial arts master, it is really impressive that you can master the art of flying."

Ten thousand people looked at Bai Xiaofei who flew over, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

However, this hint of surprise was quickly retracted by him.

Since the martial arts chat group dares to communicate civilized with 577 and these immortal cultivators, maybe they also have something unique.

The person who was called Gao Yi before made delicious dishes with unique characteristics.

Anyway, with his hundreds of years of experience, he has never seen such a top-notch delicacy.

"So can we get started?"

Bai Xiaofei was suddenly a little excited.

When I first joined the chat group, they were all immortal cultivators who abused martial artists.

Now he may be able to use the strength of a martial artist to finish off an immortal cultivator.

"Then let's get started."

Ten thousand people quickly entered the battle state, and the ancient cyan big ding under his feet exuded terrifying coercion, as if it could blast a mountain into powder.


At this moment, Bai Xiaofei's right foot slammed back, and the whole person was like a sharp sword, rushing to the front of Wanxiang, and then his hands were like a pair of iron tongs to hold Wanxiang fiercely, with a playful expression on his face.

"What do you want to do?"

Ten thousand people's faces changed drastically, and the whole person flashed with a terrifying black light, wanting to break free from Bai Xiaofei's shackles.

Unfortunately, Bai Xiaofei's body was also surging with cash-colored anger, suppressing the black light on the body of ten thousand people, and his hands were like iron cables, holding ten thousand people tightly.


Seeing this, tens of thousands of people quickly controlled the ancient cyan big ding under their feet, flew behind Bai Xiaofei, and smashed towards the back of Bai Xiaofei's head.

The ancient cyan Great Ding is the Zhen Patriarchal Weapon of the Ghost King Sect, and it is one of the top magic weapons in the Divine Land.

Once it hit the back of Bai Xiaofei's head, it was enough to smash his head.


Bai Xiaofei's face remained unchanged, his head jerked back, and then like an iron hammer, he crashed into Wanxiang's forehead.

Immortal cultivators do have many advantages in front of warriors.

Especially in the early stage, just the immortal cultivator can fly in the air, and he can suppress the warrior to death.

However, if it is later, the situation changes.

Although immortal cultivators still have many advantages in the face of warriors, they also have certain flaws.

In front of the warrior, the body of the immortal cultivator is weak, which is a crispy skin.


A loud sound sounded, like the sound of bones breaking.

The moment Bai Xiaofei and ten thousand people collided with their heads, blood was drenched in blood and flesh was blurred.

Looking closely, although there was blood on Bai Xiaofei's forehead, Bai Xiaofei's forehead was intact, and all it was contaminated with the blood of thousands of people.

And the forehead of Wanxiang is not only blurred with blood and flesh, but even Sensen white bones can be seen.

On top of the white bone, there are even subtle cracks faintly visible, which is very scary.

"Ah~" (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Ten thousand people screamed, their headaches cracked, and they only felt that their heads seemed to be hit by a 10,000-pound iron hammer, which almost made him pass out.

At the same time (AFCD), Fu Longding, who was controlled by thousands of people, seemed to have lost his owner and fell directly to the ground.


Bai Xiaofei didn't stop for a moment, and his forehead to forehead slammed into the head of Wanxiang again.

The two collided, and ten thousand people didn't even make a sound, their heads were pulled, and the whole person passed out, and their breath was extremely weak.

If it weren't for Bai Xiaofei's hand, I'm afraid that the brain pulp of thousands of people would have been directly knocked out.

However, even so, Wanxiang's head was hit hard, and Yuanshen was impacted.

Even if you recuperate for a period of time, I am afraid that it will leave a lot of sequelae, and you may suffer from concussion.


Bai Xiaofei let go of his hands and threw ten thousand people down.


"Sect Master!"

In the direction where the Ghost King Sect was, several figures quickly flew towards the tens of thousands of people who were covered in blood and their breath was weak, extremely worried and trembling.


It's really miserable!


Dao Xuan Zhenren, Abbot Puhong, Tian Buyi, and other top powerhouses of the Divine Land all gasped and stood upside down.


Fortunately, it wasn't them!

If they had just changed to Bai Xiaofei's opponent, it would probably be difficult for them to break free from Bai Xiaofei's shackles.

After all, as one of the sect masters of the four major sects of the Demon Sect, there was no doubt about his strength.

Some of them are stronger than 10,000 people, and some of them are not as strong as 10,000 people.

However, even those whose strength is stronger than 10,000 people have not reached the level of crushing.

In this case, even if they were able to break free from Bai Xiaofei's shackles, they could not break free in an instant.

It doesn't take long, once they are bound by Bai Xiaofei for a breath of time, at Bai Xiaofei's speed, they can definitely hit their heads ten times with their heads.

Once Bai Xiaofei hit their heads with all his strength, they would probably explode directly into their brains.

If the brain plasma explodes, even the top cultivators such as Dao Xuan Zhenren and Abbot Puhong will fall.

"Is this a martial arts master? This is also too ferocious! Too atrocious! "

"Are the bodies of everyone in the martial arts chat group so hard? It's even harder than Xuanjin, who can withstand such a collision? "

"Once you communicate with a martial artist of Bai Xiaofei's level, you must not let them get close, otherwise, I am afraid that it will directly hit the meatloaf."

"Even tens of thousands of people have been killed in seconds, and there are still people who are this Bai Xiaofei's opponents?"

"The strength of us immortal cultivators will not be inferior to that of martial arts masters, right?"

In an instant, the various forces of the Immortal World exploded, their faces were very ugly, and they discussed in a low voice.

After a while, everyone's eyes turned to top experts such as Dao Xuanzhen and Abbot Puhong.

At the same time, some people set their sights on ancient exotic beasts such as yellow birds, black water xuan snakes, and phoenixes.

Aren't warriors physically strong?

Can they still have the physical strength of the ancient beasts?

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