"When the civilized exchanges between the two sides are over, I can tell you."

Bai Xiaofei's expression moved, and he directly threw out a fishing bait.

The chat group only relies on the martial arts civilization to suppress the cultivation civilization of the Immortal World, and when the chat group breaks out its real strength, I am afraid that the Immortal World will collapse directly.

Now that this bait is hanging, the various forces of the Immortal World can also hold out longer.


Dao Xuan Zhen was wearing a dark green Daoist robe, crane bone fairy wind, warm and bright eyes, long beard hanging down his chest, ancient appearance, flying with a sword, flying in front of Bai Xiaofei.

After Bai Xiaofei exposed his strength in the Taiqing Realm, he had to make a move.

Otherwise, the forces of the Immortal World would shift the responsibility for the miserable failure of the strength exchange in the martial arts chat group onto him.

"Seven-star sword style!"

Dao Xuan Zhenren held the seven-star sword, without any hesitation, and directly cast a supreme spell, one of the four great town mountain magic techniques of Qingyunmen.


A large star suddenly appeared, firmly fixed in the middle of the sky dome like a nail, the silver light flashed continuously, continuously lit up, and six large stars lit up one after another, firmly fixed on the firmament.

In the blink of an eye, seven big stars shone at the same time, and the brilliance was connected, it was the momentum of the Big Dipper, the momentum was great, and the silver brilliance even covered the sun's rays.

After the seven-star sword of the divine weapon is displayed with the seven-star sword style, it can borrow the power of the heavens and stars, and has the power of ghosts and gods.

"Hahaha, good to go!"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but laugh.

"Sword Twenty-Three!"

With a bang, Bai Xiaofei's Yuanshen flew out directly from his body, exuding endless golden sword qi.

The golden sword qi shrouded the square circle for tens of zhang, forming a sword domain, directly freezing the space. "183"

Although the laws of time and space in the Immortal World are much stronger than the laws of time and space in the Fengyun World, they cannot fix time and space.

However, it can still affect a certain range of space.

"You lose!"

Under the horrified gaze of Dao Xuan Zhenren, Bai Xiaofei used his finger as a sword and dotted a red dot on Dao Xuan Zhenren's forehead, and a little blood condensed.


Then, Bai Xiaofei's Yuanshen returned to his body.


When Bai Xiaofei's Yuan God returned to its place, Dao Xuanzhenren's immobile body was able to move, and he looked at Bai Xiaofei with a shocked expression.

Bai Xiaofei's move just now actually made his body freeze, is this a body-fixing technique?

"What just happened?"

The various forces of the Immortal World also looked at Bai Xiaofei with a trembling face, and there was a trace of fear in the depths of their eyes.

They could clearly see that Dao Xuanzhen seemed to have been hit by the Body-fixing Technique, unable to move, and at the mercy of others.

Dao Xuan Zhenren is the strength of the Taiqing Realm!

It can be called the number one powerhouse in the Immortal World, even Dao Xuanzhen people can't block Sword Twenty-three, and they are even more impossible.

"This is a move of the Holy Spirit's sword technique, the sword twenty-three, and when this move is made, all things will condense and remain motionless, and they will be slaughtered."

"Unless you have the power to break space, you will not have any resistance in the face of this move."

Bai Xiaofei introduced.

Since it is an exchange, it is definitely necessary to let the other party lose under what moves.


Bai Xiaofei's voice fell, and all the forces in the Immortal World were dead silent and terrified.

This sword move, called Sword Twenty-three, can actually freeze space, this move is too taboo.

Is this really a sword technique that martial arts masters can create?

"I don't know how strong your friend is in the martial arts chat group?"

Dao Xuan Zhenren looked complicated and asked.

He was defeated!

Unless he fought Bai Xiaofei in Qingyunmen and he urged the Immortal Sword Formation, he had no hope of winning.


Bai Xiaofei thought about it and said.

Dao Xuan Zhenren:"".

The forces of the Immortal World: ".

A person with a medium-level strength in the martial arts chat group can defeat the powerhouses of all parties in the Immortal World, so wouldn't the group members of the top level strength of the martial arts chat group crush them?

"Are you really martial arts masters?"

Dao Xuan Zhenren is unwilling, Dao.

They are immortal cultivators!

How could they lose at the hands of martial arts masters?

This simply does not make sense!

"So far, all the means we have used are in the martial arts civilization, and we have not used forces beyond this category."

Bai Xiaofei said with a faint smile.

Otherwise, with his true strength, even if he stood in place and let Dao Xuanzhen attack him, he would not be able to break through his defenses.

By constantly devouring various genes, he has been able to be immune to attacks from many attributes such as the Five Elements attribute, the thunder attribute, and the star attribute.

"Is there anyone else who continues to exchange strength?"

Bai Xiaofei asked.

"Strength exchange, martial arts chat group Bai Xiaofei wins."

After about thirty breaths, Heavenly Dao announced the result.

"The world I am in has given birth to ancient divine beasts such as the Black Water Xuan Snake, the Water Qilin, the Yellow Bird, the Cow, and Bai Ze."

"How is your world?"

Tens of thousands of people, who had been able to resume their operations, shouted again.

Those who defeat the martial arts chat group in terms of strength have no hope.

"Roar~", "Hiss~", "Wow~"

The people on this side of the chat group had not said anything, and the divine beasts, demon beasts, and spirit beasts on this side of the Immortal World were all angry.

What kind of thing is this shit ghost king sect, who dares to represent them.

"Daxian, how to communicate this?"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but cast an inquiring gaze at Ye Hao.

The ancient beasts of the Immortal World are all here, so he can't directly introduce the aliens of his world, right?

There are indeed many ancient alien beasts in the Immortal World, but there are also many divine beasts and alien races in the corpse brother world where he is.

"You can introduce it directly, what you introduce, which race will appear."

Ye Hao said lightly.

"In my world, there are Celestial Clan, Demon Clan, Immortal Bird, Cold Sea Ice Devil, and Ten Thousand Dragons"

With Bai Xiaofei's introduction, one figure after another appeared on the huge high platform.

Especially the Celestial Race and the Demon Race, there are thousands of figures.

"Some special races in my world, such as the Celestial Clan, the Demon Clan, and the Porpoise Star Race, even established their own civilization."

Bai Xiaofei's world is a vast universe with tens of thousands of living planets.

And each race of life planet is almost different, representing a different civilization.

"You really come from other worlds!"

Wanxiang's face darkened, but he did not give up.

"The world I am in has all kinds of divine weapons, Fulong Ding, Immortal Sword, Seven-Star Sword, and Dragon Slashing Sword"

"My world has artifacts Donghuang Bell, Nine Dragon Hairpin, Ten Thousand Dragons Demon Heart Tower, and Demon Whip"

"The world I am in has all kinds of elixirs, Sanqing Dan, Da Huang Dan, Yangyuan Dan, and Gu Dan "

"In my world, there is a Great Huan Dan that increases the power of sixty years, a Pei Yuan Dan that increases the internal strength of 30 years, and a Cleansing Pill that can open all the meridians of the human body"

No matter what ten thousand people say, Bai Xiaofei can always say the corresponding things, and all of them are better than the magic elixir mentioned by ten thousand people.

"Hurry up and think about it, what other special civilizations are there in our world, we are immortal cultivators, it is impossible that all places are inferior to the world where Bai Xiaofei is, right?"

"How do I feel that Bai Xiaofei's world is more powerful than ours?"

"Shame! It's a shame! Doesn't it matter what we communicate with the martial arts chat group, we have no hope of winning? "

"There must be! I believe that there must be, and everyone working together must not be completely defeated. "

The various forces in the Immortal World were originally angry, and they even took the magic pills they had mastered to communicate with the martial arts chat group.

However, with the continuous defeat of tens of thousands of people, the various forces of the Immortal World can no longer care about finding trouble for ten thousand people.

They now just want to communicate with the martial arts chat group that civilization wins, even if it is only to win once.

"Since you don't say it, then I do."

"In my world, there are all kinds of immortal methods."

"There is the Sacred Heart Technique, which can make the owner immortal, maintain eternal youth, and can also become a body that is not bad, and the deeper the cultivation, the more powerful the more it is."

Seeing that no one in the Immortal World stood up again, Xiongba couldn't help but stand up.

How could he let Bai Xiaofei lead the way?

"There is a dragon yuan that can make people immortal."

Xiongba said as he took out the divine dragon from his spirit beast bag.

With the continuous improvement of strength, the Shenlong of the Fengyun TV series world has long been no longer his opponent.

"What methods do you have in your world to live forever?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Xiongba asked.

"If my world cultivates to the Shattered Void Realm, I can soar to the Upper Realm? Can your world soar? "

"My world has gods such as Nuwa, Water God Gonggong, Fire God Zhurong, and the martial arts exercises they created, what about your world?"

"My world has the Sword Realm, the Nine Voids and Boundless, these special alien spaces, your world is free?"

With Xiongba speaking, the other group members of the chat group who had already been impatient also walked to the center of the high platform one after another, and asked the various forces in the Immortal World one after another.


All the forces in the Immortal World were stunned!

Because they don't know how to answer the inquiries of the chattering crowd.

After constant communication, it is as if their world is a very low-level world, and the world where the chatting masses are located is the high-level world.

"Aren't you from the same world?"

Dao Xuan Zhenren suddenly reacted and trembled.

There are quite a few differences in the world introduced by the chatter.

This shows that the chat masses are not from the same world.

"Not the same world?"

When the others in the Immortal World heard this, they also reacted violently, and they only felt their heads buzzing.

There are more than twenty people in the martial arts chat group, could it be from more than twenty different worlds?

If this speculation is true, then the force of the martial arts chat group is too terrifying.

"No wonder we can't compare to the martial arts chat group, they are a force composed of many worlds, and we can't compare with each other very normally."

Soon, some people who had been hit hard in the Immortal World quickly found a way to comfort themselves.

They are not communicating with a certain world civilization, but with more than twenty people from different worlds, forming forces, and it is normal for them to lose.

Moreover, they only lost a lot, and the gap between the two sides is not large.

If you just communicate with the world where a person in the martial arts chat group is located, their world can definitely win in some aspects.

"We do come from different worlds."

Bai Xiaofei replied.


At this moment, everyone in the Immortal World secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that they had found the reason for their fiasco.

"We've said so much, is there anything else you want to talk about?"

Bai Xiaofei asked.

Everyone in the Immortal World: ".

Everything they could think of failed miserably at the hands of the other party, let alone where they didn't think of it.

"Houtian Realm martial artist!"

"Innate Realm martial artist!"

"Grandmaster Realm Martial Master!"

After chatting with the masses and the forces of the Immortal World could not think of any communication, Ye Hao slowly stood up, and the voice of Gujing Wubo resounded on the huge high platform.

As their bodies struck, one after another voices appeared, exuding the martial arts realm Ye Hao said.

"Great Grandmaster Realm martial artist!"

"Heavenly Human Realm martial artist!"

"Sixth-order martial artist!"

"Seventh-order martial artist!"

"Tenth-order martial artist!"

At this time, on the huge high platform, everyone in the Immortal World was already pale, trembling, and trembling.

The qi and blood of a tenth-order martial artist are like a surging sea, and their will is like Mount Tai pressing on the top, and the mere breath makes the heaven and earth of the Immortal World change color and distort the void.

Everyone in the Immortal World just felt the breath of a tenth-order martial artist, and they felt that they could be crushed by the breath at any time.

If it weren't for the huge high platform to protect them, I am afraid that they would have become oblivion.

"Let's get here first."

Ye Hao groaned, and the figures on the huge high platform all dissipated.

With his anti-heavenly understanding, he had already deduced the martial arts realm that was comparable to the powerhouse of the Sacrificial Dao Realm.

However, at this time, if the people of the Immortal World felt too powerful a martial artist, when they introduced other cultivation systems next, the effect would be greatly reduced.

"Served! We served! "

"Terrible! It's terrible! Who is this person, has he become a god in martial arts? "

"I throw in the towel, I don't communicate anymore."

"Can the strength of a warrior be so strong?"

Not to mention the ordinary cultivators of the Immortal World, it is the Dao Xuanzhen people, and the top cultivators such as Wanxiang and Poison God have all lost their hearts after feeling the strength of the tenth-order martial artists.

They have completely accepted the defeat of the martial arts chat group in the Immortal World.

"Keep talking!"

"Just now, the martial arts chat group used martial arts civilization to communicate with you, and now it starts to communicate with you with other civilizations."

Ye Hao announced, saying.

Everyone in the Immortal World: "??? "。。

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