"The Immortal King is truly immortal, the physical body is immortal, the Yuan God is immortal, and cultivating the Immortal King body can make the body stronger, and it is extremely difficult to kill, unless special methods are used."

"If someone pronounces his real name, he will perceive it, and there will be a vision."

"Being able to step foot in the river of time, travel through the past and the future, ignore the power of the years, and make small-scale modifications in the river of time."

With Ye Hao's introduction, on the huge high platform, dense figures appeared, all of them were strong people in the Immortal King realm, and they were even killing continuously.

A divine grass with nine towering leaves, its leaves are like swords, its roots are spread over hundreds of millions of miles, and the divine grass that is permeated with endless sword qi fights with several terrifying immortal kings with boundless runes around them.

Sword qi cuts through time and space and cuts the universe.

The immortal king coerced the starry river, and under the divine light, the extraterrestrial stars turned into nothingness, and the scene of opening the heavens and the earth reappeared in the chaos.

There are six reincarnations, an immortal king giant and several immortal kings fight, they fight in the outside of the domain, and everywhere they pass, chaos is shattered, and time and space are chaotic.

There is a supreme immortal king giant chopping a superb immortal medicine rhizome into six parts into six elixirs, and then dividing itself into six sealed into six medicines, and then letting the six doppelgangers walk the realms in a long time, taste the red dust of the past, and stop in the world to imitate all the Dao fruits.

In the meantime, there were immortal king giants watching the secrets and seeking an elixir plant, and as a result, a fairy light broke out from the elixir and wiped out the immortal king giant, bleeding the universe, and making the heavens and worlds lose their voice.

With the strength of the creatures in the Immortal World, it was impossible to watch such a high-level battle, let alone watch so many big battles.

However, with Ye Hao's blessing, all of these battles clearly appeared in their minds.

"The quasi-immortal emperor realm, can destroy a realm with a snap of a finger, a thought is the destruction of the realm of life, words are the law, can evolve all things and ten thousand laws, itself can blind the heavenly machine, no matter the past, present or after the death, it is with a fog, making it difficult to see through."

Ye Hao did not stop at any and continued to evolve.

Although the figure of the quasi-immortal emperor is not as many as the immortal king, but with the heavens, the quasi-immortal emperor of the strange family adds up to hundreds and thousands.

There are terrifying creatures with huge wolf heads, thick crimson hair, and a pair of horns on their heads.

The most amazing place is his tail, there are nine of them, all of them are real dragons, pitch black as ink, the dragon's head is hideous, the mouth is open, and the fangs are strong.

It opened its blood basin and opened its mouth, and the stars on the sky fell into his mouth, devouring the heavens and the earth.

A pair of huge black horns glowed, and where it hit, the space collapsed, and the law was broken.


Another roar sounded, shaking the ancient and modern future.

In the endless distant time and space, an immortal king heard a loud roar, and his body was broken inch by inch, and it exploded.

Where I am located, I don't know how many big universes have turned into smoke, like a dream bubble.

In another battlefield, the figure transformed by a small stone became a quasi-immortal emperor, and his opponent was also a quasi-immortal emperor.

This is a thin man, full of gray hair, even his eyes are gray, but his pupils are golden, sharp and shooting, and the luster is enough to tear the Immortal King.

On his head, with the imperial crown, flowing with nine-colored light, shining on all living beings, but in the nine colors entangled black aura, rich and terrifying.

The confrontation between the two, the river of time is turbulent, the years are ruthlessly crushed, their doppelgängers, their legal bodies, walking on the long river of time and space, are fighting fiercely.

In addition to this battlefield, other battlefields are also the same, two quasi-immortal emperors, or several quasi-immortal emperors fight, the figure appears in the ancient and modern future.

This level of great battle, even the Immortal King will turn pale when he sees it, and he can't understand it, let alone everyone in the Immortal World.

At this time, they all seemed to be stupid, and their minds had completely stopped working, but with Ye Hao's blessing, they watched such a big battle beyond common sense.

"The Immortal Emperor Realm can refine the immortal source, seal the master of the immortal path, and open the heavens and the earth in a single thought, and even tear apart the big worlds of all parties at the moment of opening his eyes, and his every move represents the destiny of heaven~."

"The Immortal Emperor has the field of the emperor, can reverse time to limit the enemy to silent time and space, can not get rid of this point, the horror is boundless, a thought touches, even if he dies, he may be resurrected."

The number of Immortal Emperors is much smaller than the number of Quasi-Immortal Emperors.

However, the big war at this level is becoming more and more against the sky.

The Immortal Emperor's power bloomed and was unfathomable.

The heavens opened up, and the realms collapsed.

All things are born for it, perished for it, prospered for it, and decayed for it, covering the long river of time, supreme, unprecedented.

A robbed Immortal Emperor caused the Great World of Heavens to suffer dark turmoil again and again, and the endless realm was shattered, forming a sea of taboos that was indescribable and difficult to fathom.

"The realm of sacrificing the Dao, sacrificing the supreme avenue, burning the rules and order, destroying the ancient and modern future, the final realm reached by the Immortal Emperor after his extreme sublimation, in essence, still belongs to the Immortal Emperor, the final apex of all evolutionary paths so far, and those in this realm can make the Immortal Emperor die forever"

"Above the sacrificial path, in this special realm, all the avenues are like the flow of water, one thought can be evaporated, fate, creation, cause and effect, heaven's way, etc., are only the weakest bubbles, and before they reach out and touch them, they will collapse."

Ye Hao didn't demonstrate much, but just made a simple projection to let the creatures of the Immortal World know that the Immortal Emperor was still a huge gap from the real strong.

"This is another immortal cultivation system, Qi Refining Realm, Foundation Building Realm, Jiedan Realm Daluo Golden Immortal, Quasi-Saint, Saint, Heavenly Saint, Chaos Great Sage."

Ye Hao didn't give the sentient beings of the Immortal World time to digest, because no matter how much time they were given, they couldn't digest it.

Whether it was the cultivation system of the Perfect Great World or the cultivation system of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe that he introduced, it was beyond their understanding.

It's like asking a group of schoolchildren to study an alien spacecraft.

"This is the martial arts system, the Houtian Realm, the Innate Realm, the Eleventh-Order Martial Artist of the Grandmaster Realm, the Twelfth-Order Martial Artist and the Eighteenth-Order Martial Artist."

Warriors are rougher than cultivators and are too domineering.

Like Da Luo Jinxian is to master the laws of heaven and earth, and the martial artists of the corresponding level either melt the rules of heaven and earth in their own bodies, or directly tear the rules of heaven and earth by relying on their strong physical body and will.

"This is the magician system!"

"This is a vindictive system!"

"This is the wizarding system!"

"This is the spiritual power system!"

In order to speed up, Ye Hao even evolved the figures of multiple cultivation systems as well.

With continuous evolution, Ye Hao is also immersed.

This can also be regarded as a combing of his own strength.

Although he deduced the martial arts system, the magician system, the fighting qi system, and other systems to the level comparable to the powerhouse of the sacrificial Dao realm.

However, he rarely used this level of power.

"These are the auxiliary cultivation system, the alchemist system, the formation master system, the alchemist system, the heavenly machine master system, the spirit plant master system, and the imperial beast master system"

With Ye Hao's World Dao Dan refined by a large universe, he could instantly reach the peak realm of the Great Luo Golden Immortal. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

With the formation deduced by Ye Hao, the Chaos Ten Absolute Formation, which can kill the saint, and it takes the life blood of ten saints to break the Ten Absolute Formation.

There is a magic weapon refined by Ye Hao, six reincarnation bells, and as soon as the bell rings, a large world enters reincarnation, or turns into dust, or turns into mayflies.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Hao opened his eyes, and in an instant, a large universe was opened, all spirits were born, and the whole world appeared full of vitality.

"'The martial arts chat group will exchange these civilizations for the time being, and you feel that the immortal cultivation civilization you have mastered is stronger than which civilization, although bring it up.'

One by one, the chatting masses who were like wooden carvings, like clay sculptures of the beings of the Immortal World, with Ye Hao's voice sounded, their eyes returned to clarity, as if they had experienced a great dream for eternity.

One by one, they woke up like a dream, their bodies trembled and majestic, their faces were as pale as snow, and even many people collapsed to the ground in fear, as if the strength of their whole bodies was drained.

Ten minutes!

Twenty minutes!

An hour!

One day!

I don't know how long it took before someone wanted to say something, but they didn't know what to say.

"Stupid Heavenly Dao!"

After a long time, many cultivators in the Immortal World cursed in their hearts, and they couldn't wait to point to the Heavenly Dao and curse for three days and three nights.

Doesn't Heavenly Dao have brains?

To let them communicate with such a taboo super powerhouse, how braindead it would have to be to make such a (good) decision.

"The civilization exchange conference is over, and the martial arts chat group wins!"

A crisp voice sounded.

This time the voice announcing the results was a chat group.

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators are granted permission to enter the world where Qin Yu is. "

"Ding-dong! Graphic designers, Daqin Zulong, and Wudang century-old Taoists were granted access to the mortal and immortal realms of this world. "

"Ding-dong! Xiao Li Feidao, Heaven and Earth Society's Chief Helmsman Chen, Princess Changping, and Chef Gao of the Canteen were granted permission to enter the mortal realm of this world. "

The tone of the swarm system sounded again.

"Me? I haven't heard of it, have I? We get permission to enter Qin Yu's world? That's a super world where Hongmeng controllers exist! "

"Abominable! I can only enter the mortal realm. "

"Although I have the permission to enter the immortal realm, my strength cannot soar at all."

"There is nothing to see in the Immortal World, let's hurry up and enter Qin Yu's world."

The chattering crowd was first stunned, and then looked ecstatic.

They really did not expect that participating in civilizational exchanges this time would gain such huge benefits.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

Under the astonished gazes of all the forces in the Immortal World, the figures of the chatting masses disappeared without a trace.

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