"There is a problem with the ancient road of reincarnation?"

The strange plateau found that there was power to compete with him, first shocked, and then discovered that the source of power actually came from the ancient road of reincarnation.

The ancient road of reincarnation is the road that the lord of the third copper coffin once walked, involving the power above the sacrificial road, even the Barren Heaven Emperor and the ten strange ancestors at this level of powerhouses, they cannot see the essence of the ancient road of reincarnation.

He found that with his strength, he could not penetrate into the prefecture, as if the prefecture was an existence of the same level as him.

"Does anyone have mastery of the prefecture?"

At the end of the strange plateau, the fog is becoming more and more engulfed, the long river of time and space has completely dissipated here, the avenue has collapsed, and everything has become unknowable.

"I can't push it."

The strange plateau trembled, and his consciousness mobilized the great power contained in it to deduce the variables of the prefecture.

As a result, "Zero Zero Zero" found a layer of fog above the prefecture, and he was no longer able to probe the situation inside the prefecture.

"What now?"

The consciousness of the weird plateau is also entangled.

He naturally still has the power to change the historical weirdness again, but even if he changes the historical weirdness, he cannot affect the existence of the prefecture.

As long as the prefecture exists, Ara Tianti, Ye Hei and the others will always exist.

The ten weird ancestors simply couldn't beat Ara Tianti and the others.

"Change the historical trajectory again, tell them about the abnormalities of the prefecture, and let them not easily step out of the plateau ancestral land."

The weird plateau consciousness quickly made a decision.

He did not give up because the prefecture had the power to match him, he understood his shortcomings, although it contained infinite power, but the fighting methods and means were too lacking.


The fog at the end of the plateau swells, the historical trajectory changes again, and the timeline arrives in the Golden Age.

River of Souls.

There is a terrible battle going on here,

Ye Hei, the female emperor, and Wu Zhi led their subordinates and the quasi-immortal emperor of the four strongholds of the strange clan to kill continuously.

In the realm of quasi-immortal emperors, although Ye Hei, the female emperor, and Wu Yuan are invincible at the same level, they can even fight with one and two.

However, the quasi-immortal emperors of the strange family are not only numerous, but also incapable of killing.

After continuous battles, not only did they suffer heavy losses, but their men were also killed and injured.

The most disturbing thing for them, they also faintly sensed a more terrifying figure, it was likely to be an Immortal Emperor-level existence, and they were also paying attention to the battle of the Soul River.

"The strength of the weird clan is too strong, moreover, they can't kill it, this time, we won't plant it, right?"

Ye Hei waved his fist seal, the Heavenly Emperor fist was matchless, and as he swung his fist, the grand fist mark made the soul river roar, and the fist intent was majestic and invincible, and a strange quasi-immortal emperor was burst.

The blood mist surged, and the strange quasi-immortal emperor's body reorganized, his eyes indifferent.

Because, Ye Hei and the two strange quasi-immortal emperors killed again.

The situation of the female emperor and Wuxian is no better than Ye Hei, and there are at least two or three weird quasi-immortal emperors as opponents.

Their people were no better off than they were, almost all of them two or three opponents.

"After I come to break you, my space-time avenue is enough to send you out."

Beginningless quickly makes a decision.

The situation on the battlefield is too critical, facing a group of strange quasi-immortal emperors who cannot be killed, even if they can fight one enemy and two, they will be consumed alive.

If they don't make a trade-off, they could be wiped out.


Ye Hei and the female emperor fought in blood, and when they heard the beginningless transmission, their hearts trembled.

The three of them fought with many strange quasi-immortal emperors, and they kept fighting, and the final outcome was probably that they would be completely destroyed.

And Beginningless now chooses to stay alone, it is absolutely ten dead and lifeless.


At this moment, Ye Hei, the female emperor, Wu Zhi, and their people felt an invisible force enveloping them, making it difficult for their bodies to move.

When they came back to their senses, they found themselves in an incomparably vast universe.

In addition to them, there are many figures.

Among them, there was also a figure that surprised them, Ara Tianti.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~" (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Ye Hao flicked his fingers, and a stream of memory flew down in front of Ara Tianti, Ye Hei and the others.

"You look at the memories inside and you know what happened."

Ye Hao had a faint smile on his face, and he was in a very happy mood.

The consciousness of the weird plateau changes the trajectory of history again, and he is able to harvest the Great World of the Divine Market again...

"In the future, I will break through to the realm of the sacrificial path, the realm above the Immortal Emperor?"

"There are ten immortal emperors and ten strange ancestors of the weird family, who have been destroyed twice by us?"

"This is the second time that the consciousness of the weird plateau has been able to change the trajectory of history?"

When Ara Tianti and the others obtained the memories of the next few eras, their expressions were extremely shocked.

Especially Ye Hei, the female emperor and the three of Wuxi, the three of them are only quasi-immortal emperors now.

With the strength of the weird clan they were in contact with at this time, only the weird quasi-immortal emperor was fighting with them head-on, and the weird immortal emperor had not really made a move.

They really didn't expect that the strength of the weird clan was so terrifying, not only ten weird immortal emperors, but even ten weird ancestors.

However, what really shocked them was the weird plateau consciousness.

If it weren't for Ye Hao's existence, the weird plateau would have directly regressed their strength from the sacrificial realm to the quasi-immortal emperor realm by changing the historical trajectory.

Even memories of the future disappear.

If they start a war with the weird clan at this time, I am afraid that they will not even have the ability to resist.

"Senior, what should we do next?"

Ara Tianti looked heavy and said.

Although they killed ten strange ancestors twice, they were all changed by the weird plateau consciousness to change the historical trajectory.

If they can't kill the consciousness of the weird plateau, they can't solve the weird source.

"You guys are now 1.0 to restore your strength first, and then I will solve the weird plateau."

Ye Hao ran the Great Heavenly Mechanic Technique, and vaguely sensed the idea of strange plateau consciousness.

Before there is a solution to the prefecture, the weird plateau consciousness does not intend to let the weird ancestor out of the weird plateau.

"I will directly weaken the origin of the weird plateau next, and if nothing else, this time I will be able to completely solve the weird plateau."

After these two attempts to devour the origin of the strange plateau, coupled with his fusion refining of more than a dozen Dao Fruits of the Dao Realm level, faintly, he felt that he would soon break through.

Once he broke through to the middle of the Origin Realm, the speed of devouring the strange high origin would increase thousands of times.

At that time, the weird plateau is the fish on his chopping board, and he can slaughter it.

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