The Great World of the Sacred Ruins.

Highland ancestral land.

Eternal life.

The Golden Age, where it is bleak, the brilliant civilization evolution road, here it collapses, the road ends at the end of the supreme being, falls here.

It's here for eternity.

The darkness is endless.

Ominous and eternal.

Endless ominous circles the heavenly world, and the light of darkness covers the endless era.

Today, the plateau ancestral land is incomparably depressed and dull, with the terrifying haze of the great universe falling into the heart.

However, what really fell into this atmosphere was only the consciousness of the weird plateau, and the ten weird ancestors.

As for those weird immortal emperors, weird quasi-immortal emperors and other weird races, they are all pretending.

They had already been controlled by Ye Hao, and only Ye Hao really made them feel terrifying.

"No hurry, check slowly, one era can't work, then two eras, ten eras, a hundred eras."

The ten weird ancestors sat in the depths of the weird plateau and were constantly deducing the great worlds of the heavens.

At this time, they no longer dare to sleep.

Before the appearance of Desolate Heavenly Di, the main combat power of the weird clan to conquer the great world of the heavens was the ten strange immortal emperors.

Even so, it is a brilliant evolutionary civilization that has broken through the heavens and realms.

Therefore, the ten strange ancestors are basically sleeping, comprehending the primordial substance.

But now they don't dare at all.

Under the condition that the three strange ancestors have been fighting against the Ara Tianti, a mysterious powerhouse silently controls the ancient path of reincarnation and obtains a power that can rival the weird plateau consciousness.

Moreover, he also secretly cultivated six sacrificial Dao-level powerhouses.

In a six-on-ten situation, they still can't beat each other.

However, they were not too alarmed.

Since the weird plateau consciousness can change the historical trajectory many times, it shows that the lord of the prefecture is also helpless to weird plateau.

As long as they don't go out of the weird plateau, they are at least safe.

They don't believe that the prefecture has no weaknesses.

"The Earth Mansion dominates the reincarnation of heaven and earth, and we may be able to let some Dao Ancestor-level beings enter the Earth Mansion and secretly erode the Earth Mansion in the process of reincarnation."

"As long as you find the flaws in the prefecture, it is a matter of time before you defeat the prefecture."

A strange ancestor with black blood all over his body and thick red hair sneered.

Although the weird plateau is currently at a disadvantage compared to the prefecture, the weird plateau is currently at a disadvantage.

However, the ten weird ancestors were not too afraid.

Because, they know that behind the strange plateau, there is an incomparably terrifying existence, the lord of the third copper coffin.

Even if the other party has fallen, the residual power is still unfathomable and vast.

After so many of their great sacrifices, they may have been able to awaken the power of some of the lords of the third bronze coffin.

"From today onwards, we will perform the sacrifice with our own hands."

"Although the strength of Huang and Ye Hei is strong, if we attack the Great World of the Heavens, it is impossible to stop it immediately"

The other strange ancestor covered in pus and flowing with golden blood had only endless indifference in his expression.

If they fight bloody battles with these people of Ara and Ye Hei, they are not opponents of Ara and Ye Hei.

However, if they made a move against the Great World of the Heavens in the Strange Plateau, I am afraid that it would be difficult for these people to stop them immediately.

"I changed the trajectory of history twice, I may be eaten back, my strength is constantly weakening, you must be mentally prepared."

At this moment, the consciousness of the strange plateau was a little flustered.

His consciousness is not yet complete, it is a hazy consciousness, but he also knows how great the power he has is.

However, he could clearly feel that his strength was rapidly draining, and perhaps in an era, his strength might be completely lost.

He actually had an even more terrifying guess, because he found that his strength was losing faster and faster.

Be pessimistic, and it may be lost in tens of thousands of years.

It is more tragic, and it may be lost in hundreds of years. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Moreover, he found that he changed the history strangely, and could not change the passage of his own power.


The faces of the ten ancestors changed drastically, and their hearts trembled.

They did not doubt the words of the weird plateau consciousness, because the weird plateau consciousness changed the historical trajectory twice, and it spanned several eras.

It's just scary.

If there are no side effects, it's terrible.

If we let the weird plateau keep changing the trajectory of history, wouldn't it be possible to return to the source of history and appear in the oldest era of the world.

It may even go back to the time of the lord of the third bronze coffin.

Therefore, the power of the strange plateau has declined, and they can accept it.

The Immortal King has the ability to step into the river of time, and the Quasi-Immortal Emperor has the ability to travel in the river of time and space, but even if he breaks through to the sacrificial realm, he cannot change the past on a large scale.

Otherwise, they would have erased the history of Ara Tianti, Ye Hei, and Liu Shen and let them disappear directly.

Now the weird plateau consciousness directly changes the historical trajectory, and the historical trajectory of each change spans several eras.

The impact on history is too great.

If the weird plateau consciousness ignores the backlash in it, then how terrifying will the lord of the third copper coffin be?

The power of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin is so taboo, how can it fall?

"Don't panic, let's join hands to cover the heavenly machine, and don't let the lord of the prefecture detect the situation in the Plateau Ancestral Land."

"As long as we survive your period of weakness, we will not be afraid of the lord of the earthly mansion."

A strange ancestor soothed, said.

The weird plateau consciousness is now what they rely on, once the weak situation of the weird plateau is detected by the lord of the prefecture, and they take Barren Tianti, Ye Hei and others to besiege the weird plateau, they are not opponents at all.

At this time, Ye Hao didn't care about the reaction of the weird plateau consciousness and the weird ancestor, as his strength broke through to the middle of the origin realm, and absorbed more and more weird high-altitude origins, he gradually had a certain understanding of the strength of the weird plateau consciousness.

"Six Reincarnation Techniques!"

Ye Hao used the Void Divine Power to operate the supreme divine power, and began to devour the origin of the strange plateau with the help of the origin power of the prefecture.

The weird plateau listened to the speculation of the strange ancestor, and did not fight anymore, but tried to cover up the heavenly machine and prevent Ye Hao from discovering his weakness.


Twenty years!

Thirty years!

While devouring the origin of the strange plateau, Ye Hao used the great universe in the prefecture to continuously cultivate quasi-immortal emperor-level cultivators.

The quasi-immortal emperor is mostly the founder, founder, and pathfinder of a system, and Ye Hao is equivalent to obtaining a new system after obtaining these quasi-immortal emperor's Dao fruits.

Then, relying on his own understanding, he constantly deduced these systems to the sacrificial level and improved his own foundation and means.

Each cultivation system is a feeling of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, the crystallization of extraordinary civilizations.

"Finally, the strength is enough to defeat the weird plateau."

At the acceleration of hundreds of millions of times, Ye Hao still used a hundred years to be able to suppress the strange plateau on his own.

Above the sacrificial realm and the sacrificial path, it seems that it is just a gap in a large realm, but in fact, the gap is like a heavenly barrier.

If the sacrificial path realm is mortal, above the sacrificial path is the immortal dragon.

Endless time and space are derived from the sacrificial path, the line of cause and effect, and there is no need to care about disturbing the future.

Because, at this level, what you see is endless space-time, endless future, and endless parallel space-time can be created.

The strange plateau contains the power of the lord of the third copper coffin before his death, and you can imagine how vast and infinite it is.

"You can break through the weird plateau!"

Ye Hao informed Ara Tianti, Ye Hei and the others.

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