Ye Hei: "??? "。

Graphic designer: "??? "。

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "??? "。

The world will help the Lord: "Can it still be like this? Dead ~ can cross immediately? "

Xiongba originally thought that Teng Qingshan was a truly heinous villain who was angry and resentful, and even Daxian couldn't stand it, and didn't want Teng Qingshan to continue to live.

However, he never imagined that this would be the case.

Death turned out to be a huge opportunity for Teng Qingshan.

Is death a chance?

This directly refreshes the perception of the hegemon.

He also had a condescending attitude towards Teng Qingshan before.

If it weren't for the old man in the chat group, Teng Qingshan, the lucky one who had just joined the chat group, obviously had a chance against the sky and would die immediately.

Only now did he realize that the real clown was himself.

After Teng Qingshan died, he was able to travel to a martial arts world.

Moreover, Teng Qingshan is reincarnated and reborn directly from the fetus.

In other words, Teng Qingshan can completely cultivate in the womb, plus some anti-heaven exercises and elixirs in the chat group, Teng Qingshan can cast a supreme foundation in the womb.

The most outrageous thing is that after reaching the realm of the strongest in the Kyushu Continent, it can even shatter the void.

After shattering the void, will it reach a higher level of the world?

The demon sect demon girl: "Worship the great immortal, the great immortal is invincible." "

Wanwan deeply understood Ye Hao's strength and anti-heaven.

What had not happened in other worlds, this immortal cultivator was able to easily gain insight.

What a taboo means is this?

Ye Hei: "Meet the Great Immortal, the Great Immortal is eternal and immortal, and coercs ten thousand ways." "

Ye Hei also did not hesitate to send his.

This is simply a big thick leg comparable to Optimus Prime.

Regardless of whether he can get Ye Hao's favor, he must guarantee one thing that he must never let the other party dislike him.

Otherwise, even if he was in other worlds, this supreme existence called Immortal Cultivator could easily crush himself like pinching an ant.

Killer Wolf: "After I die, I will travel to a world called Kyushu Continent?" "

Teng Qingshan's face changed again and again, and he was extremely shocked.

Although he is a killer, his era is also the age of technology.

He can still understand the word crossing.

It is simply strange that this kind of thing that only exists in fantasy should happen to him.

"Am I dead? Or not to die? "

Teng Qingshan fell into a tangle.

With the opportunity given to him by the old man of the chat group, he can easily heal his injuries, and even his strength will reach a new height.

On today's earth, his strength is already at its peak.

Not to mention the rest, just by taking the divine liquid that Bai Xiaofei gave him, he could become a superman like a god and demon.

Not to mention the B-class killer, the A killer, even the top thermal weapons can't kill him.

He will leap to become the strongest on earth, a worthy king, and nothing can threaten him.

However, he can only get resources through chat groups in the future.

If he chooses to cross, he will be able to cross to the Kyushu continent.

At the first level of the Kyushu Continent, a warrior in the Houtian Realm can have a strength of 100,000 catties, how terrifying this is.

Not to mention that there are multiple realms on it, and the highest realm supreme is still able to shatter the void.

[The immortal cultivator uploaded a video. 】

As soon as Ye Hao's heart moved, he projected the image of the Jiuding World into the chat group.

The chatting crowd clicked on the video one after another.

Then they felt that their consciousness seemed to enter the Jiuding World, like a god, and the situation of the Jiuding World clearly appeared in their minds.

The Jiuding World is divided into the Kyushu Continent, the Duanmu Continent, the Beihai and other territories, of which the population of the Kyushu Continent is nearly three billion, and the number of first-class warriors has reached tens of millions.

It is not the empire that rules the Kyushu continent, but the sects

The Kyushu continent is divided into four great realms: the Acquired Realm, the Innate Realm, the Void Realm and the Strongest Realm.

The gap in each realm is like a heavenly graben, which can easily crush the existence of the next realm.

In the world where the chat masses are located, except for a few people, most of the group members are located at the world level that is not as advanced as the Jiuding World.

Ask for flowers

What's more, if you break through to a higher realm in the Jiuding World, you can also shatter the void.

Great Qin Zulong: "If the level of the world you are in now is not high, I suggest you die, right?" Otherwise, your growth rate will never catch up with the old people in the chat group. "

The world will help the Lord: "What is there to hesitate about?" In other words, I absolutely choose to cross and can be transformed into a baby to re-cultivate, which is definitely a great opportunity. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The fetus contains innate qi, plus you have a complete memory, you can completely cultivate immortals in the fetus, if you use the right resources, it is very possible for you to break through to the foundation building realm as soon as you are born." "

Master Wing Chun Ye: "The martial arts exercises of the Jiuding World are of little value to the chat group, but the elixir spirit root, spirit beast and divine beast in it can be traded with other group members. "

Space station navigator: "If you are in today's world, there is no big nostalgia, and I also support you to cross." "

Everyone in the chat supported the crossing of Tengqing Mountain.

Tengqingshan chose to cross, for Tengqingshan, it was not a small opportunity. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For them, there are also certain benefits.

With the current background of the old people in the chat group, they can completely rely on themselves to refine elixirs, magic weapons, talismans and other items, and trade the resources of the Jiuding World with Tengqing Mountain.

Teng Qingshan: "I'm dead." "

Teng Qingshan was still hesitating, but the next moment, he felt a blur of consciousness, dizziness in his mind, and sent a message, and he completely lost his perception of the outside world.

Whether or not to cross now is no longer something he can decide on his own.

Demon Sect Demon Girl: "Great Immortal, is the world I am in also able to traverse, or is there some other special place?" "

Ye Hei: "Daxian, a few group friends said before that the chat group once performed a group task, and there was also a me in that group world, I don't know what is the difference between that world and my current world?" "

The two newcomers, Wanwan and Ye Hei, saw that Teng Qingshan had begun to cross, and they couldn't bear it.

They and Teng Qingshan are both newcomers to the chat group, Teng Qingshan has such a chance, does their world also have a certain peculiarity pill? .

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