Daqin World.

"Command! All the killers of Luo Net immediately entered Xianyang Palace! "

Ying Zheng abruptly stood up from the front of the imperial case, his eyes were like a torch, and he walked quickly to the outside of the main hall, and the majestic voice spread in all directions.

"Command! The 50,000 golden fire cavalry, 5,000 dragon and tiger cavalry, and 100,000 armor-piercing soldiers stationed outside Xianyang City immediately entered Xianyang Palace! "

"Command! The Gongyang family took all the powerful weapons and immediately entered the Xianyang Palace. "

"Notify the masters of the Yin-Yang family, Confucianism, and Taoism to enter the Xianyang Palace immediately!"


As one order after another was issued, one shadow secret guard appeared in front of Ying Zheng, and after receiving the order, he quickly disappeared.

From the moment he joined the chat group, Ying Zheng continuously transferred the elite of Daqin to the surroundings of Xianyang City.

Although it is possible to teleport the army to other worlds through red envelopes, it must be within a certain range.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"...

After a while, under the shocked and shocked expressions of the people of Xianyang City, blurred figures flew away from all directions towards Xianyang Palace.

The thing that shocked them the most was that there were thousands of iron horses and tens of thousands of elite troops, frantically rushing towards Xianyang Palace at the speed of a surprise attack.

"Meng Yi, this is the distribution map of the Qing Dynasty's civil and military officials in the capital, and it is up to you to kill them all by the masters of Luo Net, and leave no one behind!"

"Old General Wang, your general will launch a siege and suppression of the armies around the capital, mainly encircling and suppressing the Xiao Cavalry Battalion, Ruijian Battalion, Shenji Battalion, Shanpu Battalion and other armies, and be sure to strangle all the surrounding armies."

"Zhang Handan, it is up to you to lead the shadow secret guard and attack and kill the royal family and foreign relatives."

"Gai Nie, Fu Nian, and Donghuang Taiyi, you led masters above the grandmaster level to attack and kill the governors and inspectors of all parts of the Qing Dynasty."


Win Zheng quickly makes plans.

This time, he ate a large portion of the mission reward.

"Your Majesty, what about us?"

Luna wondered and said.

The reason why these people obeyed Ying Zheng's dispatch and were on call in such a short time was because they all knew that Ying Zheng had obtained the true immortal fate.

You can make things disappear out of thin air, and you can understand the heavenly machine of Daqin, and even many things can be understood without a teacher, instantly.

Even you can disappear out of thin air and enter other worlds.

"Luna God, Shao Simei, Master Xiaomeng, Tian Yan, the four of you have another important task."

Ying Zheng's face was solemn and said.

"What task?"

Master Xiaomeng's cold voice sounded.

"Serve the Great Immortal!"


Ip Man World.

"Are you okay lately?"

Zhang Yongcheng looked worriedly at Ye Man, who was carrying a package and looked excited.

Ip Man hasn't punched in days!

When Ye Man was boxing before, she was annoyed when she looked at it.

However, now that Ye Man did not fight for a few days, sitting in a corner all day, the god mysteriously seemed to be talking to the air, and she was even more afraid.

"Yongcheng rest assured, you take good care of your son at home, I will come back tomorrow, and I will tell you what you want to know."

Ye Man hugged Zhang Yongcheng, touched his son's head again, looked firm, and quickly turned and left.

Among all the people in the chat group, only he is an ordinary person, this time entering the Luding Ji world to complete the group mission, he can be said to be the most dangerous, and may even die in the hands of a certain Qing soldier.

However, when he thought of Ye Hao's previous deduction of his future destiny, Ye Man knew that he had no choice.

This time the opportunity is too rare, maybe you can get hundreds of points.

"Master Ye, what are you mysteriously looking for me for?"

Foshan patrolman Li Zhao looked at Ye Man, who had pulled him to the corner, with a puzzled expression, and asked.

For Ye Man, who is superb in martial arts but very low-key, he still admires and respects him.

"I want to buy a gun!"

Ye Man was expressionless and said.

Li Zhao: "??? "。

"Master Ye, don't you practice martial arts anymore? Planning to practice guns? "

Li Zhao's face was strange and said.

"I'm going to buy a machine gun, buy a grenade, and get me a car."

"As long as it is done, the money is all yours, a total of 1,000 taels of gold."

Ye Man said and handed the package on his body to Li Zhao.

He and Li Zhao don't fight or know each other, but they still know Li Zhao's character.

"You want to do revolution?"

Li Zhao glanced around cautiously, his face was frightened, and he said in a low voice.

It was 1934, and the fighting in the south was fierce, even as a patrolman.

"It's not!"

"I have other uses, you help me do it, and there will be heavy thanks later."

Ip Man shook his head.

He wasn't at all interested in Masaharu.

"I have some relationship with the garrison of Foshan, and I can get you a heavy machine gun, ten Czech machine guns, twenty boxes of ammunition, ten boxes of grenades."

Li Zhao gritted his teeth and said.

"You really didn't do that?"

Li Zhao confirmed again and said.

"Don't worry, I won't harm my friends."

Ip Man assured, said.

"Then I'll get you another cannon."

After Li Zhao finished speaking, he picked up the package containing 1,000 taels of gold and rode his bicycle to his cousin's house.

He was able to become a patrolman because his cousin was a battalion commander of a division stationed in Foshan, and he told him about arms smuggling.

As long as there is money, there is nothing they dare not sell.

"At that time, borrow a few people from Your Majesty to use, it should be no problem."

He Ye Man now has guns and cannons, and the combat effectiveness he exerts should not be the weakest in the chat group.

Ying Zheng and Ip Man were preparing for the mission, and the rest of the chat group also took action, mobilizing the maximum power they could.

"I wonder how many points can be earned for this group mission?"

Ye Hao was looking forward to it.

No matter what the rest of the chat group does, at the last minute, he will strike and end everything completely.

"Mission begins!"

The chat group's beep sounded again.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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