"Fortunately, it wasn't said in the chat group."

Ying Zheng's face stiffened slightly, but his heart was extremely happy

Otherwise, he would become Li Xunhuan's second.

"Do you have anything to pray for?"

At this moment, Huan Zheng saw a shadow secret guard who came quickly and wanted to stop talking, and quickly changed the topic.

"The goals in the city have all been solved, and Commander Zhang Han asked about the next move."

This shadow secret guard was very puzzled in his heart, but he still answered honestly and said.

Obviously His Majesty had previously instructed that when he was with the Great Immortal, he should not be disturbed.

"Let the shadow secret guard go and obey the orders of General Wang Yi."

Ying Zheng pondered for a moment and gave the order.


After the shadow guard took the order, the figure quickly left.

Zhang Han, the commander of the Shadow Secret Guard, received the order, and immediately brought nearly a thousand Shadow Secret Guards to join the army under Wang Chui's command.

Not only the battles inside the imperial city were one-sided, but the battles outside the capital were completely crushed.

Although the Eight Banners at this time were not completely corrupted, they were facing the Golden Fire Cavalry, the Hundred Battles Armor-piercing Army, and the Dragon and Tiger Cavalry, which were all top elite armies in the Daqin world.

Not to mention the officers, that is, many ordinary soldiers have a certain martial arts realm, and fighting with the eight flags is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

Some of the generals of the Qin army even reached the innate realm, the grandmaster realm, and they were fierce generals with many enemies.

"They are not people! They are not people! "

"They are the devil! Run away! "

"Don't kill me, I surrender!"


Whether it was the elite Eight Banners or ordinary pawns, the moment they came into contact with the Daqin army, they instantly collapsed.

In the Luding Ji world, the martial artists of the Houtian Realm are considered martial arts masters, not to mention the martial artists of the Congenital Realm.

In the eyes of the people of the Luding Ji world, the powerhouses of the Grandmaster Realm and the Great Grandmaster Realm were like immortals, so that they could not raise any intention of resistance.

What scared them the most was the masters of those shadow secret guards, some Qing army generals were discussing how to deal with the enemy, and then there was a terrifying scene, and the head fell off directly.

"Helmsman, you ... Friends are too strong! "

The members of the Tianxia Association who followed Chen Jinnan and planned to cooperate with the Qin army to besiege and kill the army in the capital were all confused and shocked.


It's terrifying!

They originally thought that they would have to go through a bloody battle, but as a result, their task was to eliminate the remnants of the defeated soldiers who had completely lost their fighting spirit and were undecided.

Where the Golden Fire Cavalry and the Hundred Battles Armor Piercing Corps passed, whether it was the elite Zhenghuangqi Cavalry or the brave Ruijian Battalion, all of them were like paper paste, being chiseled and crushed at will.

There is also a more terrifying picture, some of the remnants of the Qing Dynasty defeated still want to gather together, and then the black shadow skipped by, and suddenly dozens of people's heads suddenly fell.

The morale that was not easy to rise was also an instant rout.

As for those peerless masters who easily collapsed a building with one move, they could not be described in words.

"Bombard me with cannons!"

"A squad assaulted their left flank with machine guns!"

"The second squad assaulted their right flank with machine guns!"


Especially seeing that Ye Man, who was just an ordinary person, actually broke through the mansion of one of the four auxiliary ministers, Qibilong, with a hundred soldiers, it made them feel even more awe-inspiring.

"Chief Helmsman, this is to obtain the Immortal Yuan, it is the destiny of heaven!"

The high-level leaders of the Heaven and Earth Society, such as the Lotus Hall Incense Lord, the Aoki Hall Incense Lord, and the Xuanshui Hall Incense Lord, looked at each other, and a trace of fanaticism and excitement flashed in their eyes.

They were in Luding Mountain before, and the reason why they were able to come to the capital in such a short time was also through the chat group, and naturally they also knew Chen Jinnan's extraordinary.

Now that the Qing Dynasty's civil and military officials and eight banners are all dead, the Qing Dynasty is also dead, and Chen Jinnan, who has a fairy background, rules the world, which is completely the trend of the times.

"Seal all exits in the capital, and no one who can confirm their identity will be allowed to enter."

Chen Jinnan looked at the rapidly collapsing Qing Dynasty, forced himself to endure the excitement in his heart, and ordered.

The Qing Dynasty is dying!

"This is the Pingxi Royal Mansion!"

"This is the Zhennan Royal Mansion!"

"This is General Shengjing's Mansion!"


The Qing Dynasty was also not calm, and Li Xunhuan sent top experts to all corners of the Qing Dynasty.

"After destroying the Qing Dynasty, have you ever thought about the aftermath?"

Ye Hao retracted his divine sense and no longer observed the situation in the capital.

The die is cast.

At this time, the garrison strategy of the Qing Dynasty was to dominate the light, and half of the elite of the Eight Banners were stationed in the capital.

These elite of the Eight Flags will surely be wiped out.

In addition, the eight banners scattered throughout the Qing Dynasty were also key targets.

And the civil and military officials in the capital, princes and nobles, except for Qibilong, one of the four auxiliary ministers, was killed by machine gun fire by Ip Man, and everyone else was directly assassinated.

Officials such as governors, governors, generals, etc. outside the capital could not escape assassination.

Even if he did not make a move in the end, after the mission, the foundation of the Qing Dynasty's rule had completely collapsed.

"I plan to support Chen Jinnan to ascend the throne as emperor, let Wang Bian, Marquis of Tongwu, lead 10,000 golden fire cavalry and 50,000 armor-piercing soldiers, and let Shangqing Mengyi lead a team of Luowang assassins and shadow secret guards to help Chen Jinnan sweep the world."

Ying Zheng said his plan.

As long as he succeeds, Chen Jinnan will definitely note his kindness.

In the future, Chen Jinnan grabbed the group task in the chat group, did he mean not to invite him?

If other group missions are triggered in Luding Ji, Chen Jinnan will definitely invite him.

As long as he participates in a group mission, he can earn back all the money he invests.

Ying Zheng intends to change his previous strategy, and he wants to sincerely support the rise of some people in the chat group.

As long as these people can invite him to participate in one or two group missions, he will earn blood.

Ye Hao naturally guessed the purpose of Ying Zheng, and just nodded slightly.

With the help of Ying Zheng, Chen Jinnan was able to dominate the world in a very short time.

"The big picture is over, there is nothing to see in the battle, let's take a tour of this world."

Ye Hao's heart moved, and golden clouds condensed under the feet of Yue Zheng, as well as the four people of Lunar God, Tian Yan, Shao Siming, and Xiaomeng.

The golden clouds were all transformed by his sword.


Ye Hao directly took them to the East China Sea, riding the wind and waves, soaring between the blue sky and white clouds, and swimming in the submarine volcano.

In the fairy world, Ye Hao could not be so happy and comfortable.

"Daxian is still a quarter of an hour away from the end of the mission."

An unknown island, Ying Zheng came from afar, looking at the moon god and Tian Yan who were serving Ye Hao eating tuna and king crabs, his expression was very satisfied, and then he walked to Ye Hao to remind and said.

Great Qin Zulong: "@所有人, there is still a quarter of an hour before the end of the mission time. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Thank you, got it." "

The world will help the Lord: "Damn it! If only I could fly! Can't make it to your next destination. "

Master Wing Chun: "I'll drive back now." "

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helm Chen: "@所有人, don't worry, although the group mission is over, I will continue to retain everyone's permission to enter and exit the world, and you can retreat with peace of mind." "

Chen Jinnan knew that many people had brought loot.

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "@修仙者, don't you make a move, Great Immortal?" I'm all ready to record. Poor Baba JPG"

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helm Chen: "@修仙者, the time of one day is too short, this time the group task will definitely not be successfully completed, there should be a lot of fish that have slipped through the net, pleading with the Great Immortal to make a move!" "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "@修仙者, these Qing soldiers are simply beasts, and they must not be let go." "

Ye Man saw a lot of the brutality of the Qing soldiers.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "When the Qing soldiers entered the Central Plains, the soldiers who slaughtered the people were still alive. Rage JPG"

Immortal cultivator: "If that's the case, I'll finish it!" "

Ye Hao returned to the capital in an instant with Ying Zheng and the others, and the golden sword qi in the sky enveloped the entire Qing Dynasty in an instant.

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