Great Qin Zulong: "I, what did I hear?" "

Ying Zheng's whole person was stunned.

Even when he saw Zhang Sanfeng suppressing more than a thousand martial arts people alone, his mood did not fluctuate.

However, Hebiwen's words made his heart jump wildly.

I'm Chanimma!

Does this retard want the whole world to be buried?

Xiao Li Feidao: "Who is this?" How dare he say such a thing? I'm going to crush him to ashes. "

Li Xunhuan trembled, and the cold sweat on his forehead continued to roll down.

The last person who was so arrogant seemed to be called Shangguan Jinhong, right?


This person is even more arrogant than Shangguan Jinhong, and he has to die!

He actually wanted the Great Immortal to be dedicated to King Ruyang?

"This world will not be destroyed, will it?"

Li Xunhuan was so uneasy that he even stopped breathing.

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "All these people must be killed, and the Yuan Dynasty will also be destroyed." Furious JPG"

Yue Buqun only felt that the whole world seemed to fall into a strange dead silence, as if the entire world could be destroyed at any time.

This huge pressure 31 inhibition made his body instinctively tremble, and he couldn't control it at all.

"Three points to the vitality!"

"Transfer flowers and jade!"

"Xiao Li flying knife!"

"Tai Chi!"

At the same time, everyone in the chat group also moved in an instant, killing wantonly.


Xiongba was the first to enter the crowd of Yuan Court masters, and the huge energy ball condensed by the three-point return to the Yuan Qi was directly enveloped by nearly a hundred people.

Although the huge energy ball was like a water ball, the moment it met the Yuan Court master, it directly stumped his arm and flew horizontally.

Zhaoyue, Zhang Sanfeng, Li Xunhuan and the others were also like tigers into the flock, without the slightest spare hand, which was much bloodier than the previous battle between Zhang Sanfeng and the five major factions.

None of those who were hit by them lived.

In just a few breaths, the hundreds of masters of the Yuan Court were all turned into corpses, and only the pale-faced Second Elder Xuanxian was left behind.

These two people can't just kill them.


The abbot of Kong Wen clasped his hands together, forced himself to suppress his trembling hands madly, and an unprecedented fear enveloped his heart.

If these people had also joined them in the battle with the Wudang faction before, the people of the five major factions might not be lying on the ground now.

Instead, like the Yuan soldiers, they became corpses with stumped limbs and broken arms.

"How can there be so many peerless masters?"

"It's good to die rarely! Just let us attack these strong people, he wants us all to die. "

"We shouldn't be killed all, right?"

At this moment, Shi Tai, the five elders of Gang Zheng and the others were also completely enveloped in fear, and their hearts trembled.

The strength of Xiongba, Yueyue, Zhang Sanfeng and others has exceeded their cognition.

They can easily destroy hundreds of masters of the Yuan Court, and they can easily destroy them.

"Daxian, what do you do with these two people?"

Xiongba asked with a bow.

"What is his identity?"

The abbot of Kongwen, the extermination master, and the others all looked at Ye Hao with an incomparable look of awe and curiosity.

When Xiongba made a move before, they saw it, and they simply broke their cognition and broke the rocks.

One person can withstand thousands of troops!

However, in front of this person known as the Great Immortal, he was so respectful.


Could it be that immortals can't do it?

How is this possible?

"Could it be that these people have something to do with the secret of the Dragon Slaying Saber?"

The Empty Abbot, Extermination Master Tai and others thought of a possibility, and it was impossible for these peerless masters to appear out of thin air.

However, they have no greed, only greater fear.

The Wudang faction won't keep a secret and kill them all, right?


Ye Hao sighed softly, looking a little helpless. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This time, he just wanted to attend the banquet, and he didn't plan to make a move at all.

But why do some people jump out and die?

"What realm is this?"

The abbot of Kongwen, the extermination master, the five elders of Kuangzheng and others only felt dizzy and their hearts were churning.

Ye Hao's voice was flat but seemed to ring in everyone's ears, like thunder exploding in their hearts.

As for the second elder Xuanxi, who was the protagonist, he had collapsed to the ground at this time, and when he wanted to stand up, he found that his strength seemed to be drained.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

Ye Hao stood in the air, strolling idly in the air, and walked towards the Second Elder Xuanxi.

Except for the chatting masses, everyone else was stunned.

Can people walk flat in the sky?

Even the most brilliant light skill can only make people feel dozens of feet.

And the figure in front of them actually walked slowly in the sky, which was beyond their understanding.

"Great Immortal spare your life! Great Immortal spare your life! "

The second elder Xuanlu looked terrified, and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"With the strength of the Great Immortal, the imperial court will definitely be willing to crown the Great Immortal as the king, gold and silver jewelry, and beautiful women and beauties will enjoy it endlessly."

"My two brothers are willing to be the slaves of the Great Immortal and swear allegiance to the Great Immortal."

"I also asked Daxian to spare the lives of the two of us."

The Second Elder Xuanlu only felt that his liver was cracking, and his whole person was crawling on the ground.

This existence called the Great Immortal can't really be an immortal, right?

"Daxian, I have heard of a poison called leopard fetus easy tendon pill, once the poison attacks, some heights can be directly lengthened by three feet, and some heights can be directly shortened by three feet."

"Maybe you can give these two a taste."

Chen Jinnan suggested.

For this kind of ruthless and evil person, there is no need to be merciful.

"Great Immortal, there is a poison in my world called the Three Corpse Brain God Pill, if you don't take the antidote to restrain the corpse worm in time, the corpse insect will come out of the ambush. Once in the brain, the person who takes this medicine acts like a ghost, and even his parents and wives will bite 530 to eat. "

"Maybe you can give the two of them dozens of pills."

Yue Buqun looked at the Second Elder Xuanxian and said coldly.

"Daxian, there is a kind of torture in my world called an electric chair, which can electrify people into dementia and become incontinent."

"You can give them both."

Ip Man also voiced his own advice.

"Don't bother so much, just bury the two of them together with the corpses of Yuanbing."

Ye Hao shook his head, not wanting to be so troublesome.

Second Elder Xuanlu: ".

This is to bury the two of them alive, and there is no way for them to survive.

"My brothers and brothers are beautiful enough in this life, prosperous and wealthy, powerful women, all enjoyed, not a thousand people killed, but eight hundred, you have any means."

When the second elder Xuanlu found that the two of them were certain deaths, they also became angry and laughed wildly.

"Ding-dong! Trigger the group mission, for the Tianxing Dao, the two elders of Xuanxi are fighting for the tiger, doing a lot of evil, and their hands are contaminated with the lives of too many innocent people, and the crime is extremely evil. "

"The members of the group can each provide a death plan to execute the second elder Xuanxi, and the more terrifying and miserable the death method, the richer the reward."

[Tip: After the death of one plan, the chat group will also resurrect the second elder Xuanlu with all his memories until the end of the last plan.] 】

At this moment, the prompt of the chat group sounded.

Chatting masses: "??? "。

The two elders of Xuanlu thought about it!.

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