"Thank you Daisen~"

Zhang Sanfeng bowed deeply towards Ye Hao and thanked him.

The Jiuyang Divine Skill, the Holy Fire Ling Divine Skill, and the Qiankun Great Transfer were of little value to the current Wudang Sect.

Zhang Sanfeng originally planned to deploy the Second Grade Gathering Spirit Array after solving the coercion of the Five Great Sects, and the Wudang Sect was completely transformed into the Immortal Cultivation Sect.

However, that spirit peach tree was different.

It not only has the role of solidifying the essence, but also can extend the life and even improve the grade.

This is too important for an Immortal Cultivation Sect.

"The fate of Cuishan and his wife has finally changed."

The reason why Zhang Sanfeng was most sincerely grateful was that Ye Hao deduced the heavenly machine for him, so that he knew the miserable fate of the future in advance, so as to change his fate against the sky.

Otherwise, today's Wudang Sect may be a different scenario.

"Daisen, please~"

Zhang "two, three, three," Sanfeng said and led the way in front and officially began the birthday banquet.

However, less than half an hour after the birthday banquet, the chattering crowd left one after another.

This time entering the world of Yitian to celebrate his birthday, everyone in the task of Skywalk Road will receive a certain point reward.

Although there was a lot of wine and food at the banquet, everyone was not in the mood to taste it.

Even Zhang Sanfeng, the owner, was a little unwilling.

The rest of the chat group is only participating in a task for Skywalk, and he also has an additional group task to ensure that the birthday banquet goes normally.

In particular, the group task to ensure the normal progress of the birthday banquet will reward 30,000 points.

When everyone was eating, their thoughts had already flown away, and they were all thinking about what immortal cultivation resources to trade with Ye Hao.

Chat groups.

Great Qin Zulong: "Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist, what resources do you plan to trade with Daxian?" "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "I plan to change the Wudang Sect to the Immortal Cultivation Sect, now that the exercises are there, the spirit stones are there, and the magic weapons are there, I plan to trade some pills to assist cultivation, and some spells." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "I plan to trade pills that assist cultivation, my current strength is enough to ensure my own safety, there is no need to buy magic weapons for the time being." "

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "Envy, I plan to trade immortal cultivation exercises, I don't have immortal cultivation exercises yet." "

Compared with the absent-mindedness at the birthday banquet, the chatting masses at this time were all enthusiastic and radiant.

And at this time, the Linghe Sect.

"Junior Brother Ye, where have you been?"

A middle-aged man with a thin figure and somewhat black eyes hurriedly came to Ye Hao's bamboo house.

Although Ye Hao's status in the Linghe Sect was a cultivator of the fourth layer of the Qi Refining Realm, he was also an alchemist apprentice of the Dan Hall, and his status was improved compared to before.

However, it is far from being eligible to be assigned to the Dongfu.

"Senior Brother Wang, is there something wrong?"

Ye Hao was puzzled and said.

The alchemist apprentices of the Dan Hall are very free, except for the alchemist of the sect who must be present for lectures, and the rest of the time is to study and research alchemy knowledge by himself.

And the status of the alchemist is so noble, it is already very good to be able to lecture once a year.

"Elixir Mountain Range Trial!"

"The Dan Hall needs a hundred alchemy apprentices to participate, and you are also on the list, and in three days, it will officially depart."

Senior Brother Wang's face was very ugly and said.

Apparently, he is also on the list.

"You hurry up and buy some talismans and elixirs."

After Senior Brother Wang finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

"I just die, and I want to be a merry ghost."

After Senior Brother Wang informed Ye Hao, he went to Miaoxianfang again.

Ye Hao:"".

"Elixir Mountain Range Trial!"

The Spirit Medicine Mountain Range was a very special place in the territory of the Zhao Kingdom, shrouded in a huge formation with all kinds of rare medicinal herbs.

There are even many ancient medicines that are not available in the territory of the Zhao Kingdom.

Thousands of years ago, the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range was the only medicine garden of the Spirit Medicine Sect of the Immortal Cultivation Sect in the Zhao Kingdom.

Later, I don't know which powerful immortal cultivator the Elixir Sect offended, and it was wiped out overnight.

The Elixir Mountain Range, on the other hand, has been preserved.

There is an open period every thirty years, and cultivators below the foundation level can enter. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

During a great battle of the Immortal Cultivation Sect, the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range was discovered.

In order to compete for the dominance of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, several Immortal Cultivation Sects in the territory of the Zhao Kingdom even went to war many times.

The elders connecting the Dan Realm have all fallen more than a dozen, and the vitality of the major sects has been greatly damaged.

Later, several Immortal Cultivation Sects in the territory of the Zhao Kingdom reached an agreement, and the entrance to the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range was jointly controlled by the Immortal Cultivation Sect in the territory of the Zhao Kingdom.

Every time it is opened, each Immortal Cultivation Sect can send 1,000 disciples of the Qi Refining Realm into it, regardless of whether they are alive or dead.

No matter what happens in the Elixir Mountain Range, after coming out, all the main sects must drop 0.

In this case, every time the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range was opened, the Qi Refining Realm cultivators inside were killed by rivers of blood, and less than fifty percent of the disciples who could come out alive.

If any disciple of the Immortal Cultivation Sect broke through to the Foundation Building Realm in it, the deaths and injuries would be even more tragic.

The time with the most casualties, even less than twenty percent of the Qi Refining Realm cultivators came out of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

Therefore, the Spirit Medicine Mountain Trial is also known as the Blood Medicine Mountain Trial.

Every medicinal herb was stained with the blood of the monks.

And the reason why a hundred alchemy apprentices entered it was to transplant the medicinal materials of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range and look for some special elixir seeds.

【Immortal Cultivator】


[Realm: Seventh layer of Jiedan Realm (0/80,000). 】

[Exercises: Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique. 】

[Spell: Ten times the Instant Kill Technique (0/10,000.] 】

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10,000.] 】

[Danfang: Condensing Qi Pill (Perfection), Essence Cleansing Pill (Perfection), Zhuling Pill (Perfection). 】

【Sky Pilot: One product (0/10,000)】

Ye Hao subconsciously glanced at his personal page, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

Seven layers of the Jiedan Realm!

Late stage of the Jiedan Realm!

The chat group has the function of covering the aura of the heavenly machine, and he can continue to disguise the cultivators of the fourth layer of the Qi Refining Realm to enter the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range and participate in the trials of the major immortal cultivation sects.

And the disciples of other sects who were able to enter the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range had the strongest strength at the peak of the Qi Refining Realm.

"4.4 low!"

"Hold steady!"

"Can't swell!"

"In case there are any peak cultivators of the Qi Refining Realm against the sky, maybe there are some terrifying means that can cross the stage and fight with the cultivators of the early stage of the Foundation Building Realm."

"Even in the late stage of the Jiedan Realm, I can't be arrogant, I have to buy myself some equipment."

"And of course don't forget to buy a bigger storage bag."

Ye Hao said as he hurried to the Vientiane Tower.

"There are also group members' points that should also be recovered as soon as possible to improve their strength."

Reclaiming the points of the chat group members may not be enough to improve the realm, but it can upgrade the instantaneous killing technique of the Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique.

【Ding-dong! New people join the group! 】

【Ding-dong! New people join the group! 】

At this moment, the two chat group tones instantly attracted everyone's attention.

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