Ah Jiu was panicked!

Since she was born, she has never been so flustered at this moment.

First she joined a bizarre martial arts chat group, and then the people in the chat group told her that her father, Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youzhen, was the king of the kingdom of Daming.

Unfortunately, the people in the chat group were not willing to help her father at all.

They were only willing to support her as empress.

O Queen!

It was something she had never considered.

In the history of Kyushu, only Wu Zetian became the empress!

Now that she is actually made a female emperor, she is not mentally prepared at all!

"What should I do?"

Ah Jiu sat uncomfortably, looking panicked.

Is Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen really the king of the dead country?

If it's true, then what should she choose?

If she is an empress, I am afraid that she will need to stage a coup d'état, which will be a big disobedience.

His father and queen must have been very sad.

"If I don't become empress, Daming will probably die in the country, my father and mother will undoubtedly die, my brothers and sisters will also die, and everything I know in Daming will be wiped out."

"Moreover, after the death of the Ming Dynasty, it was the Qing Dynasty that ruled the world, and those foreign races were cruel and tyrannical, if they were allowed to dominate the world, the persecution of the people of Kyushu would be above the Yuan Dynasty."

A Jiu thought about it and found that the consequences of being the empress did not seem to be very serious.

Princess Changping: "Do you have clear evidence that my father is the king of the dead country?" "

Ah Jiu bit his lips, already having a decision in his heart.

Once these people in the chat group came up with clear evidence, she agreed.

Da Qin Zulong: "The chat group is much more powerful than you think, each group member is from a different world, I think you should know Xuan, Xun is the first emperor of Qin." "

Great Qin Zulong: "With the guarantee of credibility, the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen will definitely be the king of the dead country." "

Ying Zheng smiled.

He, the little girl called Princess Taiping, was completely moved by their fools.

As for the clear evidence that proved that the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen was the king of the dead country, it was too simple.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The old way is Wudang Zhang Sanfeng, can also be guaranteed, Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen is the king of the dead country'"

[Master Wing Chun has been uploaded from Kyushu for 5,000 years. 】

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I come from the Republic of China, after the Ming Dynasty was the Qing Dynasty, and after the Qing Dynasty was the Republic of China. "

Seeing that Princess Changping was completely shaken, Ip Man also joined the camp that supported Princess Changping to become an empress.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "I am from the Qing Dynasty, I will give you a live broadcast, I am now in the imperial city." "

Heaven and Earth Society's chief helmsman: "After the Qing Dynasty ruled the world, the palace where he lived was the imperial palace before the Ming Dynasty, and although it has been built many times, you should still be able to see some familiar shadows." "

[Heaven and Earth Society, Chief Helmsman Chen, started the live broadcast. ] 】

[Princess Changping entered the live broadcast. 】

Tiandi Society's chief helmsman Chen: "It was with the support of my friends that I overthrew the rule of the Qing Dynasty, and I now intend to re-establish the Ming Dynasty." "

In order to make Princess Changping more moved, Chen Jinnan even appeared to say.

The world will help the lord: "Princess Changping, you still have ten breaths now, if you don't make a decision again, you can only rely on yourself in the future." "

Xiongba had a sneer on his face, and a little girl like Princess Changping had to force her.

As long as she agrees, the following things do not need to be considered by Princess Changping.

If you don't agree, anyway, there will be Huan Zheng and Li Xunhuan who continue to fool.

"Qin Shi Huang wins the government?"

"Wudang Zhang Sanfeng?"

"The other group members are also from other worlds?"

At this moment, Ah Jiu felt his head buzzing, his bright face was full of shock, and his delicate body couldn't help but tremble.

The people in the chat group are not immortals, but they are from different worlds.

Moreover, some people's identities are very amazing.

Yingzheng was the first emperor of Kyushu to unify Kyushu.

And Zhang Sanfeng is full of legends, even if there are rumors now, Zhang Sanfeng is still alive.

What they say should be very credible.

It shouldn't lie to a little girl like her.

Princess Changping: "When you make a move, you must not hurt my father and emperor, nor can you hurt my mother." "

A Jiu's face turned red, and a pair of bright eyes stared at Xiongba's words.

This person is definitely a bad person.

He was only given ten breaths of time to consider.

Great Qin Zulong: "We definitely won't hurt your parents, are there any other requirements?" If you mention it, we will abide by it. "

In the Great Qin World, Ying Zheng quickly walked out of the hall.

"Transfer 50,000 golden fire cavalry, 10,000 dragon and tiger cavalry, and 40,000 armor-piercing soldiers."

"All masters who have reached the Great Grandmaster, Grandmaster Realm, all accompany them."

At this time, Xianyang Palace had completely become a military camp.

All the elite armies of Daqin were either stationed in Xianyang Palace or outside Xianyang Palace, and could be dispatched at any time.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~" Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Ying Zheng's words fell, and the figures of Donghuang Taiyi, Gai Nie, Fu Nian and others appeared instantly.

After obtaining the Immortal Cultivation Exercises and Spirit Stones given to them by Ying Zheng, these people completely devoted themselves to Daqin.

In addition, a few more people.

Daomen Tianzong Bei Xizi, Confucian Xunzi, Ghost Guzi, Wei Zhuang and other great grandmaster-level powerhouses.

No matter what dissatisfaction they had with Daqin before, after knowing that joining Daqin could cultivate immortals, enter other worlds, and be able to contact the wider world, these people were all moved.

Bei Hazi, who had been retreating and wanted to break through the realm above the Great Grandmaster Realm, rushed to Xianyang Palace as soon as he received Xiaomeng's summons.

The same goes for Xunzi, Ghost Guzi, Wei Zhuang and others.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "We are people from different worlds, what bad thoughts can we have?" "

Ip Man was also busy, and quickly ran to the basement to check his big truck, as well as the heavy artillery, heavy machine guns and explosives on it.

Devil is worthy of being a metropolis, as long as there is money, you can buy anything.

"The members of the group have grown! (De Zhao Zhao)"

In the fairy world, in the Wanxiang Building, Ye Hao glanced at the operation of the chatting masses and nodded with satisfaction.

Now they don't need him to come forward, these people can turn the newcomers around, and the probability of actively triggering the task is definitely greatly improved.

Princess Taiping: "Okay, I'll give you access to the world." "

Ah Jiu took a deep breath, his clear eyes were full of unease, expectation, and apprehension.

"Ding-dong! Trigger special tasks, support the building will fall, the mountains and rivers will be broken, the people will not live in poverty, the country will die, how can the people of my generation who practice martial arts not stand up? Revive Daming Qi Luck and earn points based on mission completion. "

"Everyone can participate in the task, and in the process of completing the task, the greater the contribution, the more task rewards are assigned."

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.

Princess Changping: "??? "。

Didn't you say to help her ascend the throne and become a female emperor?

What's going on with this group mission?.

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