Blue Blood Sword World.

Fengtian Temple.

"Waste! It's all waste! "

"What's the use of you?"

"Eat the Lord's Lu, the loyal king's thing, have you ~ done it?"

"You all show me, how the hell are you fighting-?"

Although the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen was only in his early thirties, his hair was already half-white and his face was already old, and at this time, he was holding a defeat report in his hand, like a male lion roaring.

It's just that this male lion doesn't have any deterrent power.

The hundreds of officials of the imperial court, led by Zhou Yanru, the head of the cabinet, all had trembling faces, and their eyebrows were lowered, but there was a sneer in their hearts.

Can they be blamed for this?

Not to mention the rest, before the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian, there were only more than 110 cabinet chiefs and assistants in Daming.

Zhou Yanru has served as the chief assistant of the cabinet for the second time, and before him, there have been more than forty chief assistants of the cabinet.

And this year is only 14 years of Chongzhen.

On average, at least three or four first assistants are replaced a year.

This is the chief assistant of the cabinet!

Under one person, above ten thousand!

As for the feudal officials who were given death by the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen, there were also twenty or thirty officials.

"The Ming Dynasty has the appearance of dying the country."

This is the idea of all the civil and military officials.

The civil officials did something that made the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen unhappy, and either dismissed the official or gave him death.

Once the generals are defeated or cannot win the battle, they will either be given death or imprisoned.

The Ming Dynasty was not without talent, either killed by the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen himself, or forced to death by him, or imprisoned.

"Because, Daming already has a king of the dead country."

For the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen, the daily work of the civil and military officials was perfunctory.

Even many civil and military officials have already found a way out.

According to the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian's method of governing the country, let alone them, even if their subordinates are Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, Li Shanchang, and these people, Daming will not escape destruction.

Does diligence work?

People like the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen who could not govern the imperial court, the more diligent they were, the more mistakes they made, and the faster Daming died.

Does frugality work?

Frugality certainly helps!

However, Daming did not need a thrifty emperor, but an emperor who could govern the country.

"What do you want to say?"

"An army of 130,000! That's an army of 130,000! Unexpectedly, he was besieged by 110,000 people of the Qing army, and there was the threat of the whole army being destroyed, what did Hong Chengzhuo eat? "

Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen roared hysterically and said.

Originally, his idea was that Hong Chengzhuo would first destroy the main force of the Qing army, and then lead the army into the customs to destroy the anti-thieves in various places, and then he would be able to develop Daming well.

However, the result was too far from what he expected.

Hong Chengzhu not only did not destroy the main force of the Qing army, but even threatened to wipe out the entire army.

The 130,000 troops under Hong Chengyu were all the elite troops outside the Ming Dynasty, and once the entire army was destroyed, the Qing army was no longer able to resist the Qing army outside the pass.

"Wait for the damned! May I crush my Majesty's bones. "

Zhou Yanru and other civil and military officials shouted in unison.

The voice is extremely neat, and even the tone is incomparably similar.

Apparently this answer is not once, but hundreds or thousands.

Who is to blame for the Songjin War being like this?

Hong Chengzhu clearly told you that you need to move quietly and find an opportunity to fight a decisive battle with the main forces of the Qing army.

As a result, you urge every day, day by day.

If you change dynasties, you can still obey the general, and the king's order will be unaffected.

However, who dared in the Chongzhen dynasty?

Whoever dares dies.

Moreover, it is still the kind where the whole family dies.

"Give a decree to Xuan, order Hong Chengzhu and Zu Dashou to find an opportunity to fight again, and must turn things around, turn defeat into victory, and defeat the Qing army."

Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen shouted loudly.

It doesn't make sense!

Daming has 130,000 elites!

The Qing army only has a mere 110,000!

The advantage is in Daming!

It must be that Hong Chengzhuo and other generals are greedy and afraid of death, and dare not fight hard.

Zhou Yanru and other civil and military officials: ".

Shouldn't they be allowed to stay on at this time?

Shouldn't reinforcements be sent now?

If Hong Chengyu can turn things around, will they still be surrounded?

"Your Majesty Shengming!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhou Yanru and other civil and military officials shouted in unison.

Those who dare to oppose have died long ago.

"What about people?"

About a cup of tea passed, Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen looked furious, roared again, and said.

He has already announced the decree, why is there no movement outside?

"Zhu Youzhen don't call, your people have been solved."

At this moment, a deep and majestic voice sounded outside the door.

"The rebels have already entered the city?"

A civil official's face changed drastically, his expression was terrified, and he guessed.

0 ask for flowers

"What? The rebels have already hit the palace? Why didn't I hear the shouts of kill? Did they all surrender? Why didn't I be notified? "

"Run! Daming this is dead! It must have been Dashun who attacked the imperial city. "

"Spare your life, I am willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender!"

"How could it be so fast? Why didn't I hear from me at all? It is clear that the conditions for surrender have not yet been negotiated. "

Inside the Fengtian Hall, it suddenly became a mess.

Some wept bitterly, some knelt and begged for mercy, some rejoiced.

Unexpectedly, someone dared to call the name of Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen, this is the great thief of the Jiu Clan, only traitors and the Qing army dare to do this.

The Qing army was still fighting the Ming army in Songjin.

Then only the thief and the Zhang thief have this time.

Zhang Xianzhong's army was far from the capital, and only Li Zicheng's army could reach the city.

"The thief army has invaded the palace?"

On the royal throne, the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen stumbled and almost fell to the ground, only feeling dizzy and dizzy in his eyes.

Is he the king of the dead country?

He has become the king of the kingdom!

"All the courtiers will be killed!"

Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen was pale and looked stunned, but he still drew the sword beside him and shouted.

Unfortunately, no one responded at all.

"Father Emperor, don't worry, it's Jiu'er, there is no anti-thief."

At this moment, a delicate and gentle voice sounded with a trace of trembling.

"No anti-thief?"

The civil and military officials who were originally in a mess quickly sorted out their clothes, as if nothing had happened just now, and stood back in their queue again.

They all knew that Princess Changping had lived outside the palace since she was a child, and she must have met some quacks.

These charlatans speak savagely and rudely, maybe it was just some charlatan who called His Majesty's name.

"Jiu'er, this is the court, what are you doing here?"

The Chongzhen Emperor Zhu You's inspector breathed a sigh of relief, his face was stern, and he glared at A Jiu fiercely, and then looked at the civil and military officials below with cold eyes.

"Father, I"

Ah Jiu had difficulty speaking for a while.

"Emperor Taishang, you are old, Her Majesty the Empress invites you to the side hall to rest."

The Decepticon glanced coldly at Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen and said lightly.

If the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen was not A Jiu's father, he would have killed him directly.

Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen: "?? Evening? "。

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